Blackmailed Bride Ch. 07


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My therapist started the same way she had when I was on my stomach; working my hands and arms and up to my shoulders. She spent a little time on my face, almost like a facial, before going down my stomach. She didn't really massage my boobs, which didn't have muscle tissue in them, but she brushed them frequently while working my sides and abs. My nipples were soon standing up like little golf tees. Tanner noticed and grinned at me. Tanner wasn't hard, but his package was on fairly prominent display under his towel. His masseur didn't seem to be paying it any attention which made me think he was more the heterosexual type who appreciated my stuff more than Tanner's.

Reaching the top of my mound, the therapist switched sides again, going back to my feet. She rubbed and massaged the bottom of my feet which felt great. She also stretched my legs, lifting each of them up toward my chest, keeping them straight. I know my kitty was on prime display for both my massager and Tanner's as he was doing his legs too. I tried not to think about it, but knowing no part of me was going unseen gave me a guilty little kick. I'd been so modest most of my life and Tanner and I had made love in the tub out on the deck, sixty-nine'd in the hammock, though thankfully, in the dark, and now I was giving two massage therapists an eyeful. When she laid my legs back down, she massaged my thighs right up to the point she was brushing my vajayjay, though never being impolite or unprofessional in her attitude, just thorough. By the time she was finished, I felt totally relaxed, almost limp.

They finished and we thanked them for their help and they disappeared.

"Another round of sex?" Tanner asked. "We may not have the chance until we get back from the cruise tonight."

"What's your preference, sir?"

"A little oral sex until I'm ready and we'll see where it goes from there," he replied. "Want to use the hammock again?"

"No way, Tanner. I'm willing to play your games to a certain extent, but not in broad daylight."

"Did you like it when the masseur could see under your towel as your legs were being stretched."

"I felt a little tingle, but they both acted professionally, so I tried to treat it like a doctor's visit."

"Let's see if we can't turn your little tingle into a big one," Tanner said.

"In the bungalow please."

We adjourned to the bed and I put forth all my efforts to giving him an erection while his tongue laved my sex. Tanner was skilled enough to give me two orgasms before he was prepared to perform his husbandly duties. I was happy when he decided to use the missionary position. I wanted to look at him and be able to kiss as we made love and not be taken from behind. I had no problems climaxing being taken that way, but enjoyed the visual and tactile stimulus of facing him. Our coupling was languid and sensuous, not rushed at all. I enjoyed every moment of his thrusting. Not being pounded hard allowed me to orgasm twice more without becoming more sore in the process. His last few thrusts were accompanied by grunts of pleasure as he spilled his seed in me. We took a few moments to lay cuddled together before he made me get up and get dressed.

Since we were going out in public, I was still uncomfortable wearing Taylor's swimsuit gifts. I picked out one of the more modest bikini's I had. Tanner said we needed to wear sandals for dinner, no bare feet, and swim suits had to be covered up, so I also took a dress like cover up to go over my bikini. I made sure I brought lots of sunscreen as we'd be tanning during the heat of the afternoon. Tanner brought a shirt and shorts to go over his trunks, and we could wear the same things on the sunset cruise.

The pool we went to had to be over an acre of water. There were islands, peninsulas, grottos, and bays in it. It was well landscaped all over. Tanner went to get some towels. Before he left, I told him I saw a good spot, pointing it out to him and asked him to bring the towels there. He looked at where I was pointing and nodded, saying he'd be right back with towels and drinks. He also said he'd order some sandwiches as we'd managed to miss breakfast by sleeping in and having sex before the massage therapists arrived.

I was walking to the indicated spot when I heard a male voice say, "Hello, stranger." My heart leapt into my throat, thinking it was my blackmailer. The timbre of the voice was so close. I turned slowly to the voice when a female added. "Of course, we haven't met you with your clothes on." I looked and realized it was two of the people from the boat who'd seen us having sex in the tub. The man who'd first shouted at us and the topless blonde. She was still topless.

The man said, "My name's Stanley Wright and this is my wife, Katherine." He pointed to the blonde. "Kath or Kathy for short. You can call me Stan."

Katherine said, "You really flinched when Stan spoke to you. What has you so jumpy?"

"He sounded like someone I didn't expect to see here," I replied. "Sorry, my name is Brooke." I put out my hand and shook both of theirs.

"Where's that dreamy husband of yours?" Kathy asked.

"Getting towels and drinks, ordering sandwiches. We didn't eat breakfast this morning"

"Too busy to eat," Stan teased. "Mmm. I wonder why that is?"

I blushed and both of them laughed. "Newlyweds," Stan said, "It's so easy to tell who they are and so easy to make fun of."

"Why don't you join us?" Kathy said. "You're one of the few people here where both halves of a couple are under thirty."

"Tanner won't be able to find me. He's expecting me to be over there." I pointed to the spot I picked out.

Stan and Kathy looked to where I pointed and Stan said, "Good location. Why don't we join you?"

I was a little hesitant, but realized we'd come to the pool to meet people and Stan and Kathy seemed nice enough. "Sure, why not."

They grabbed their towels and drinks and followed me over to the location I'd picked. It had some trees to provide some shade if you wanted it, a small grotto where a half dozen people could mingle, eight lounges, and no other people at the moment. I set my bag down and we all sat down.

"Just married, huh?" Kathy asked. "Does that mean you're on your honeymoon?"

"Yes," I admitted. "Saturday we tied the knot."

"No wonder you didn't pull the privacy curtains around your tranquility tub. Too eager," Kathy said.

"It has curtains?" I said, surprised.

"And eyes only for each other," Stan added, laughing. "No wonder you were giving us a show. You didn't even see the curtains."

I blushed again, embarrassed I hadn't known about the curtains and the show. "We didn't intend to give everyone a show," I said, "we were going to soak after the flight. The sides of the tub were high enough we didn't feel visible. Things got out of hand."

"Don't worry about it," Kathy teased. "This place is conducive to romantic encounters. You aren't the only ones we've seen making love, but you're certainly the most attractive couple doing it."

I got a text on my phone and looked at it, thinking it was Tanner. It was another message from my blackmailer.

I have a task for you.

"Excuse me a minute. I've got to get this. Tanner's asking me what kind of sandwich I want."

I quickly tapped back, I'm with my husband. Your fucking blackmail scheme won't work if my husband finds out. My life will be over and I'll make it my goal to see your ass behind bars.

You don't look like you're with your husband.

Shit! How could he know that? Was he here? I looked frantically around for a minute.

He's on his way back, I typed. I'm with friends. Leave me alone. I'm on my honeymoon.

Did you tell him his cock wasn't the first one you sucked? Did you show him the movie of you eagerly sucking my cock until you swallowed my cum?

If I did, we wouldn't be talking. I would no longer be on my honeymoon and I'd be going to the police.

Text me when you're alone and I'll give you your task. If you don't respond within three days, I send the movie to your husband, and the parents of the happy couple. Look forward to hearing from you. Ha ha.

Shit, shit, shit! Why couldn't he leave me alone long enough to enjoy my honeymoon? Give me one fucking moment of happiness before he ruined everything.

I'll let you know when I'm alone.

I turned off my phone and threw it in my bag.

"Is everything all right?" Kathy asked. "You're white as a sheet."

Tears started rolling down my cheek. Kathy put her arms around me and as soon as she did, I started sobbing loudly.

"No, nothing is all right," I admitted, crying. "Not a damn thing is all right!"

"I take it the text was from someone other than your husband and it had nothing to do with a sandwich," Stan said.

I looked at them. I didn't know these people from Adam, but I had to talk to someone and right now, I didn't seem to have anyone else to talk to. They were disinterested parties. At least I could unload my burdens on them. Even if they couldn't tell me what to do, having someone who could listen would be helpful.

"No, it wasn't Tanner. I'm being blackmailed. It was my blackmailer."

"What do they want? Money?" Kathy asked, her arm still around me.

"Worse, a million times worse. They want me. They want my body, my heart and soul and if I don't give it to him, they're going to ruin my marriage. More, it will ruin my life."

Stan and Kathy looked at one another. "What could you have possibly done to give them that much control over you? We're not hanging around with a murderer are we?" Stan asked, half joking. He was wondering.

"No murders, no crimes, just something really stupid. I can't explain now. Tanner will be here soon. He can't ever know. Maybe I could talk to you later. Tanner's going golfing tomorrow. Maybe we could talk then."

"I could go golfing with him," Stan offered, "keep him occupied while you and Kathy have a heart to heart."

"You'd be willing to do that for me?" I asked.

"No problem," Stan said. "We'll be happy to help out in any way we can."

I hugged Kathy, then Stan. "I can't thank you enough. I don't have anyone to talk to about this. It's been driving me crazy. I think one of my friends is in on this blackmail scheme, but I don't know which one it is so I don't know who to trust. I've felt all alone. Thank you."

I saw Tanner approaching with our drinks and towels. "Tanner is coming. Mums the word." I mimed zipping my lips closed and quickly wiped my eyes, drying my tears. "Talk about absolutely anything other than my issues, please."

Kathy gave me a friendly squeeze. "Whatever you want."

Tanner arrived and I said, "You may recognize these folks from the boat yesterday, Tanner. This is Katherine and Stanley Wright. I happened to walk by them on the way here and they recognized me. This is my husband of two days, Tanner Mason."

Tanner set the towels down, handed me my drink and shook hands with both of them. I could see he appreciated Kathy's pair of boobs. I could see why. They looked very nice; slightly larger than mine and on her smaller frame, they really stood out. She didn't seem nervous about flaunting them either, unlike me. I removed my cover-up and asked Tanner to spread some sun tan lotion on me before he did anything more. He spread some on my back and handed the lotion to me to spread on my front. Afterward, we all sat down and talked. We learned Stan and Kathy were from Charleston, South Carolina, he'd graduated from South Carolina five years ago with a medical degree and joined a successful family practice. Kathy had met him in college and she had her own Marketing business. He was thirty-three, she was eight months younger. They'd been married for four years, waiting until he'd joined the practice before tying the knot. We shared our particulars as well.

Stan said, "Brooke was telling me you plan on golfing tomorrow. Mind if I join you?"

"You golf?" Tanner asked.

"You can hardly be a doctor without golfing," Stan said, "though I'm not all that good yet. We have some great golf courses around Charleston. You two should try to get away sometime and join us."

"Sounds great. Maybe I can give you some pointers. I'm not too bad. A four handicap. My parents lived in Druid Hills and I've been golfing since I was in Junior High.

"You look like you're athletic," Kathy asked me. "Do you golf too, or some other sport?"

"I swam with the varsity swim team and played college volleyball," I responded. "No golf."

"Volleyball. With your height, I thought perhaps basketball, but volleyball makes sense too."

Stan and Tanner started talking SEC football and were in animated discussion about the merits of Georgia, Tanner's alma mater, and Alabama.

"Why don't we get into the pool and cool off," Katherine suggested. "Stan can talk football until he keels over from exhaustion."

I smiled to her and nodded. We climbed down into our little grotto and sank into the water up to our shoulders. There were a couple seats that allowed us to sit where we could keep and eye on our husbands and chat.

"So, what was the dumb thing which happened to put you in this predicament?" Kathy asked softly.

"My girlfriends and I had a bachelorette party the week before the wedding. I felt pretty safe there with my friends and all. My best friend collected all our cell phones and cameras. Tanner's sister got this male stripper for the party. They put me in a chair in the center of the floor and he started dancing, paying particular attention to me..."

"Don't tell me you fucked the stripper!" Kathy whispered.

"God, no!" I exclaimed. "I didn't really do anything with him. I didn't even want him there, really. By the time he got there, I was ready to go to bed. I'd had too much drink and it was late."

"What happened then?" Kathy asked. "So far this is the most boring bachelorette story I've ever heard."

"One of my friends had given me a vibrator, this little thing that goes in my vagina and hits both my g-spot and clit at the same time. I had it on me. I was dressed and everything. She told me I could wear it anywhere and it was kind of being demonstrated. I was getting close to an orgasm and signaled her to turn the thing off. She had the remote. But everyone was watching the stripper and his huge penis which was bare by now. He came dancing up to me just as I climaxed and my mouth was open, and he just put his penis in my mouth. I pushed him away, fell down on the floor and bumped my head. He was kicked out right away. Didn't even have a chance to put his clothes on."

"That doesn't sound so bad. Why not tell Tanner? You had friends to back up the story."

"He approached me right before the wedding ceremony with pictures and told me I had to suck his penis right then or he was going to send the pictures to Tanner, the entire wedding party and our parents. He figured someone would have a phone with them and would show the picture to Tanner and stop the wedding. I might have been able to convince everyone what happened, but probably not right before the wedding. Tanner or his parents might have postponed it until they got the straight of the story. People were there from all over the country."

"You sucked his cock on your wedding day?" Kathy guessed, "and he's still got the pictures."

"I don't care about the pictures he had," I said. "I agreed to his conditions if he gave me his phone with the pictures on it, and he agreed. I only needed to delay it until after the wedding. I could explain those pictures to Tanner after the ceremony. I figured I'd tell him after the honeymoon, and it would be over with. Apparently, he had help a second time and the entire incident was recorded again and there is no good explanation for it other than I wanted to get on with my wedding. He sent me a movie and told me he would be in touch."

"He's got a movie of you sucking his cock before the wedding?"

"Yes, and it's clear when it was. I'm in my wedding gown in the church practice room. The only time I could have done it is right before the ceremony. I thought I'd be done with it when I got his phone. This is a million times worse. I have no reasonable excuse this time. I know he's going to ask me to do other horrible things. I believed I would at least get through the honeymoon, without having to do whatever he has planned for me, but the text I just received was him telling me he's got a task for me. And I think he's here on St. Lucia."

"He followed you on your honeymoon?"

"I think so. I told him I couldn't do anything if my husband was around. If Tanner found out, my life was ruined and he no longer had control of me, and Tanner was with me. He said neither of the two people with me were my husband. He saw you and Stan with me."

"Fuck, that's creepy. You think he's around now, watching you?"

"I think so. I have to contact him when I'm alone. I guess that means I let him know when Tanner goes golfing tomorrow. If he's watching, he'll probably knows when Tanner leaves."

"Oh, Brooke. This is horrible. I'm so sorry. Are you sure you can't tell Tanner and have him forgive you?"

"I hoped so. On the plane, I asked him if he could forgive me if I ever did a dumb thing. He said he could probably forgive anything except me ever being with another man. I think if he were to know I fellated someone right before our wedding, it would devastate him and he'd leave me."

"But if you continue to be controlled by this asshole, you'll end up being with another man again; the very thing you're trying to avoid. If you come clean now, it's one time you messed up. If you keep going, it will end up being a lot more than once."

"I know. That's what's killing me. I was a virgin when I got married. I didn't want to ever be with anyone other than my husband," I told her.

"You were a virgin? How old are you?"


"And the first time you ever...?"

"Was on my wedding day, two days ago."

"What do you hope to gain by letting this bastard control you?"

"More time with Tanner. That's all I hope for now. To get as much time as I can have him. I love him so much and to lose him would be the worst thing I can imagine. I expect it will come out sometime in the future, but if I can put it off for a few months, it's all I hope for now."

Kathy put her hand around my shoulder. "Brooke, your reasoning is faulty. If you don't think Tanner will forgive you for one stinking blow job now, how can you expect him to forgive whatever else this bastard puts you up to?"

"He probably can't. I know it's crazy, but at least I have Tanner for however long it takes him to find out."

"He could use you for a month or two, get tired of you, tell Tanner, and go on to his next victim."

"Or maybe he does get tired of me, but doesn't tell Tanner before he leaves. Maybe Tanner never finds out," I said.

"Knowing what you know of him now, does that sound even the slightest bit likely?" Kathy asked.

"No," I admitted, "he'll probably take great glee in telling Tanner everything."

"Then why give him more ammunition? More things to tell Tanner? Even if Tanner leaves you now if you tell him, the blackmailer wouldn't totally ruin your reputation. If you succumb to him more times, he can fuck you over a thousand times worse."

"I know. Honestly, I do. It's why I'm talking to you now. I have no one else to talk to about this stuff. Right now, I don't know if I can trust any of my girlfriends. I can't tell my parents what happened."

"What are you and Tanner doing later tonight? Do you think he'll force you to do something if we're always around. Would we be a reason for you to refuse a task?"

"I honestly don't know," I said. "I can let him know the next time he texts me and see what he says. Tanner and I are going to dinner at Barefoot at the Beach, and on the sunset cruise afterward."