Blackmailed Bride Ch. 10


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Stan dealt, calling seven card draw. Everyone stuck through the draw; why wouldn't they. But after the draw, Kathy folded and Stan and Tanner were left. Both of them looked more intense, studying their cards and I wondered why. Then I realized they wouldn't pay the penalty if they lost, their wife would pay it for them, so either Kathy or I would be kissing the naked husband of the other. Kathy and Stan probably didn't care, but Tanner would. If Tanner won, he'd be kissing Kathy, an outcome I'm sure he'd find preferable to me once again kissing Stan.

Stan put his cards down. "Four tens."

"Fuck!" Tanner exclaimed, throwing his cards down. A full house; not enough. He took off his underwear, the waistband leaving an imprint on his rigid cock. I stood up. Time to pay the penalty for my husband. Did he regret not paying his own at this moment? Probably not, but I was also certain he wished I wasn't paying for him. This time, Stan put both of his hands on my bottom, nearly lifting me off the floor as we kissed, grinding our bodies against each other. My thoughts when the kissing first started that they wouldn't stay innocent for long, proven true much earlier in the game. I wasn't doing anything Tanner hadn't done himself with Kathy, though she was never naked as I was now, rubbing against Stanley's rampant prick. Tanner called time and I sat down. I wouldn't be masturbating for Tanner. I guess that meant I'd be masturbating for everyone as I couldn't foresee not letting him know what I was doing with another person.

Kathy called five card stud and dealt the cards. This would end the game quickly if no one folded. Five cards, winner take all.

"A pair of jacks," Kathy announced.

"Beats my fives," Stan answered. He drank his absinthe and removed his boxers. They were insignificant anyway, since his prick poked through the hole in front. It did help me to see his balls though. They looked slightly bigger than Tanner's, a full sack, though his cock lacked Tanner's length and girth. He went to Kathy to surrender his kiss and her hands caressed his shaft and sack as they kissed. Before Tanner called time, he ejaculated, his sperm shooting halfway up Kathy's body.

"Oops," she said. "My fault. I should have known how close you were. I feel ready to climax too." She grabbed a towel and wiped herself off, then Stan, squeezing out the last of his release into the towel.

I was on edge too, so I knew I'd be joining Stan quickly, almost as soon as I started to masturbate.

"Another shot before we start the penalty phase?" Stan asked.

Everyone agreed except me. I remained silent, feeling numb, but I drank it when they handed it to me.

"Would you like some privacy?" Stan asked, "or should we all remain here?"

I looked at Tanner. This time his eyes told me nothing. He wouldn't even look at me. I didn't know what he wanted. Did he want me to masturbate for everyone, or only Kathy? I knew he'd want it to be everyone if Stan had won, but I wasn't sure about Kathy. If I did it for everyone, Stan would still be watching me masturbate. Since I didn't know what he wanted, I made my own choice.

"Please, remain here."

"Why don't you get comfortable on the bed," Kathy said. "Lean back on the pillows, spread your legs and show us all your pretty pussy."

"Okay," I said softly.

I plumped a couple pillows up against the headboard and lay back with my head on the pillows and spread my legs for them. Kathy sat cross legged between mine, the position of honor. Tanner and Stan sat on the edges of the bed slightly behind her. I put one hand on my breast to play with my nipple, while my right hand went between my legs, lightly touching my cleft.

"Very good, Brooke," Kathy said. "You're a very lovely young woman. I'm going to enjoy watching you cum. Why don't you start?"

I extended my ring and middle finger on either side of my clit, slowly rubbing. I knew I was wet with excitement, my folds unfurling as they filled with blood. All three of them could probably look up my kitty and see the liquid beginning to pool as my body prepared for sex. The alcohol, the constant kissing, the hard cocks and naked bodies had combined to arouse me as it had Stan, Tanner and Kathy. Tanner's cock was a flagpole, which he held loosely in his hand. Was he going to stroke himself? Kathy's position showed me her wetness. The transparent panties glasslike where her pussy juices had soaked them. I did not believe it would be long before I orgasmed for them. Even the act of them watching was exciting to me. I'd never masturbated for anyone before Tanner, and now I was doing it for not only him, but two of our friends, and the idea they were watching me cum flipped some exhibitionist switch in my brain.

I stroked my clit for a few moments until I was practically purring in delight. Not content to show them myself only petting my exterior, I inserted my two middle fingers in my pussy and started finger fucking myself, coating them in my cream and moaning like the damned. My eyes closed. I felt a hand on my leg, assuming it was either Tanner or Kathy. Stan would be touching the other leg if he were touching me. I was squeezing my tit, and pinching the nipple, stretching it out before letting it snap back to my breast. I started switching back and forth, caressing my clit, or fucking my sheath. I felt liquid leaking from my pussy and running down to my ass.

"I'm close," I moaned, "so close. I'm going to cum for you. Cum for all of you."

All of a sudden, my back arched, my pussy clamped onto my fingers in rhythmic contractions. Waves of spasms rolled through my abdomen and groin and a fresh spate of cum covered my hand.

"Oh, fuck," I cried. "I'm cumming. Can you see me cum for you?"

Suddenly, my hand was pulled from my pussy and a thick cock replaced it, increasing my pleasure. I opened my eyes and Tanner was there, staring at me as he drove into me over and over. He was fucking me in front of my friends and I didn't care. I only wanted to be filled by him; to cum for him. I was floating and there was only his cock fucking my cunt; nothing else. I wrapped my legs around him and clutched him to me, pulling him deeper, his cock a fulcrum on which I teetered, ready to fall into the abyss.

I heard screams beside me and turned to see Kathy bent over the bed, her head close to mine, Stan driving into her from behind, pure lust on her face as he fucked into her. I stretched up and kissed her, parting her lips as my tongue dove into her. Her lips were so soft as they kissed mine. I cried out into her mouth as I climaxed again, and then again, one following on the tail of another. I don't know how long it went on, only that at some point, I was asleep and there was nothing in my pussy, no cock filling it, and I felt empty and alone, before drifting back into darkness.


The next morning, my head was pounding when I woke up, the aftereffects of too much 'green fairy', no aspirin and not enough water. The bed was trashed. I dragged myself into the kitchen, got two bottles of water out of the refrigerator, drinking half of the first straightaway, finding some aspirin and taking two with the rest of the bottle. With the worst of my problems taken care of, I looked for Tanner, finding him out on the deck in one of the chaise lounges, a towel over his head. I pulled the towel off and he groaned, squinting his eyes.

"Put it back," he complained. "It's too bright."

I wanted to scream at him, but I knew if I raised my voice, my own head would explode. I whispered, "Serves you right, for fucking me in front of our friends."

He had the grace to look guilty. I handed him the bottle of water. "Drink this. I think it will help. I'll get more."

I handed him the towel and went back for more water and aspirin. At least he was suffering too. I got two more water, more aspirin and a beach hat which I put on my head immediately. He was right about that anyway; it was too bright. Returning to the deck, I handed him another water, the aspirin, then looked down at myself. I had dried cum all over my body. Lots of cum. Like maybe more than one persons cum. I was naked, my pussy ached, and I had cum all over myself. Please, God, please; let it be just mine and Tanner's. There were lots of watercraft out in the water and I couldn't even work up the energy to care if anyone saw me.

I ran some water into the 'Tranquility Tub' and sat down in it, needing to clean myself off. I drank more from my bottle, and sank down into warm water with the hat over my eyes and went back to sleep. When I woke again, the water was cold, so I let some out, added more hot, drank the rest of my bottle and took stock.

Most of my headache was gone. Time, the aspirin and water having helped significantly. There was still some dried cum sticking to me. Apparently soaking alone wasn't going to do the trick; scrubbing was required. My memory was foggy. I remembered the strip poker, the passionate kissing, the naked bodies, losing, Kathy winning, Stan spraying his seed on her as they kissed, masturbating myself to orgasm, Tanner plunging into me. Beyond that was a blur of hard pounding pricks, wails of pleasure, soft lips. I remembered Tanner's face, and Kathy's, looming over mine, but thankfully, not Stan's, so hopefully I hadn't parted my legs for him as well. What had we done?

"Can I join you?"

I looked up and saw Tanner standing over me. "If you bring towels and a washcloth, otherwise I have no use for you."

He looked for a moment like he wanted to argue about it, but finally, he nodded and left. He returned a few minutes later with a couple towels and a washcloth, which he handed to me as he set the towels down on the deck. He got into the tub facing me. I looked at him.

"Did anyone fuck me but you?" I asked, determined to know how deeply my shame should go.

"What? No! Why would you ask that? Don't you remember?"

"Much of my night is a blur past me masturbating and you starting to fuck me. All I know is I was covered with cum and my pussy was sore when I woke up. There wasn't supposed to be sex beyond what was agreed to. I was ashamed enough to have to masturbate in front of everyone, and then you fuck me in front of our friends."

"You didn't try and stop me. You could have said no."

He was right, of course. I could have said no. I could have tried to stop him, but I didn't. I'd welcomed him into my pussy, practically begging to be fucked, even though I hadn't said it. Or had I. There was a dim memory of begging to be filled; to be fucked and fucked hard. Apparently, I couldn't drink absinthe anymore if I had no recollection of what I'd done last night.

"I shouldn't have had to, Tanner. It should never have happened." It was a weak argument on my part. Not that I was wrong, it shouldn't have happened, but I was as responsible as Tanner was. "Why did you do it?"

"I was so aroused, Brooke. We were all excited. The whole atmosphere was erotically charged. We were all drunk. You were so beautiful, so incredible when you orgasmed; I couldn't help myself, no more than you could stop me once I started."

"Why did I have so much cum on me?"

"Do you remember Stan fucking Kathy?

"I think so," I admitted. "He was fucking her from behind as she was bent over the bed."

"Yeah. When he climaxed, he pulled out and sprayed his cum all over. I've never seen so much sperm, especially when he'd already cum. Plus even after they left, we continued fucking for an hour. You saw our bed. There was cum everywhere. I'm sorry, Brooke. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I understand why you're angry."

I suppose I was angry, but more, I was disgusted. As disgusted at myself as I was at Tanner. I'd agreed to play strip poker and play by the rules we all agreed on. I knew we'd be naked and kissing one another. Why be surprised things ended up getting out of hand? I sighed. Wetting the washcloth, I started scrubbing myself off.

"Can I do that for you?"

Why was I so intent on blaming Tanner for what happened? Was he any more responsible than I was? I handed him the wash cloth. Tanner started wiping my face. He brushed a strand of hair off my face.

"You've got a little in your hair. I should wash it for you."

"When you've done the rest of me."

He slowly and gently washed the rest of me. As gentle as he was, I still twitched slightly when he touched my genitals. They were tender as though I'd been pounded for hours. I knew Tanner was capable of fucking me that hard, he'd done it before. He kissed me when I flinched, knowing he'd been responsible and apologizing. Eventually, my body was clean; my soul felt filthy. The water was getting cool again, so we let some out and added more hot. Tanner asked me to turn so he could wash my hair. I turned to face the same way. He got my hair wet and put some shampoo in. Still going slow, he massaged my head and worked the shampoo into my hair. It felt good. My headache already fading, his gentle hands stroking my head made the last touch of it disappear.

Done, he had me slide down so he could rinse the suds from my hair, then he helped me up and I leaned back against him.

"Are you feeling better?" Tanner whispered.

"Much better, thank you."

"We're meeting the Wrights for supper at six tonight," he said.

"Tanner, I can't. I don't think I can face them again. I'm so ashamed of what happened."

"It's our last night, our last chance to say goodbye. After all they've done for us, it wouldn't be right not to thank them."

He was even more right than he knew. Kathy had held my hand and got me through the worst of my blackmailer's demands. They'd arranged for Tanner to be kept busy so I could comply with his 'tasks'. I owed them a huge debt, but how could I meet with them again after what happened last night.

"I understand how you feel," Tanner said. "I'm bummed about what we did too. It certainly didn't make a great impression, but I think we'd be remiss if we didn't say goodbye. If you don't want to go, you should call and cancel."

No matter what I decided to do, it was a call I wasn't eager to make. I stayed in the tub with Tanner until the water began to cool again. Finally, unable to put it off any longer, I stood up and stepped over the edge of the tub. Taking a towel, I wrapped it around myself and went into the bungalow to dress. I dried myself off and put on clothes. This was a call I dreaded. I didn't even want to speak to Kathy. She'd seen me do worse, but I was coerced into doing those things, this was something I'd done on my own. I dithered away another half hour trying to decide what I would say. It was getting late. It was already four-thirty. Where had the day gone?

Sighing, I picked up the phone and called.

"Hey, Brooke. How you feeling?" Kathy asked. "I had the worst headache when I got up."

"Me, too. It was only an hour ago I started to feel normal."

"What can I do you for?"

"I wanted to call and say we had to cancel tonight's dinner plans."

"Why ever for? Are you still feeling sick?"

"No, not that. I'm not sure I can face you both after what happened last night?"

"What do you think happened?"

"Well, my masturbating in front of all of you, then Tanner fucking me while you were still here. I'm so ashamed of myself. I know you've done things, seen things." Here, I was referring as much to what she'd seen me do as much as things she'd done herself. "It wouldn't be so bad if it was just you," because you've seen me do worse, "but facing Stan is beyond my capabilities right now. What could I say to him? How will he look at me now he's seen me like that? Plus, I remember kissing you as Tanner fucked me."

"We'd been kissing all evening anyway. What makes kissing me later any worse? You do realize Stan's seen and done much worse himself, right? That this is the mildest form of what we've been about ourselves? That in the grand scheme of things, being fucked by our husbands while someone else was present is pretty mild?"

"I know you're used to it, but I wouldn't know what to say to him; how he'll look at me. How can you have a normal conversation after that?"

"You don't talk about it. You never talk about it afterwards. You don't refer to it. Think for a minute, Brooke. What the hell would you say? You've just fucked someone else's wife while he's fucked yours. Can you imagine a conversation afterward?" She adopted this broad, British accent. "'I say, old chap, your Birdie has the most tantalizingly tight twat I've ever rogered. Simply superb.' 'Wish I could say the same for your Ruthie. Feels like she fucked your stable full of horses, she was so loose.' 'Well Birdie really should take out her dentures when she sucks cock. It would be ever so much nicer.' 'You're right of course, Edward. I shall mention in to her.' 'See you at the orgy next week, Wembley. Say goodbye to Birdie for me.'"

I laughed. Her caricature was amazingly funny, considering how miserable I felt.

"Plus, he's a doctor," Kathy continued. "He has to have a certain amount of tact and savoir-faire when dealing with people who have light bulbs in their asses."

I laughed again. "I suppose you're right."

"Look, I understand. You're relatively innocent when it comes to this sort of thing. If I know Stan, the only way you'll know he even remembers what happened last night is you'll see a twinkle in his eye when he greets you. Other than that, it's business as usual. No one will ever discuss it. It's not done in polite company. We'll have a good meal, exchange pleasantries, wish each other well and say goodbye until the next time we meet. Finito."

"I suppose so. I guess it wouldn't be as bad as I imagine it to be."

"Almost nothing ever is." Almost nothing, meaning some things were, and she and I knew what those things were.

"We'll see you at six then," I said.

"I'm looking forward to it."

I hung up and told Tanner we'd be going to dinner as planned.

"I'm glad," he said. "I've enjoyed their company and should like to say goodbye."

"Where are we eating tonight?" I asked.

"Kimono's, the Japanese hibachi style restaurant."

"What's the dress code there?"

"Casual, but why don't you wear that black number I saw you pack, the thing with the slanted hemline. It's our last night. We should go out in style."

I knew the one he referred to. The one I'd worn to the nightclub for my last 'task'. I'd give anything not to have to wear the thing again, but could see no good reason to tell Tanner why I didn't want to wear it. I would throw it away once I got home.

"All right."

I took another shower, even the bath not making me feel clean enough after what I'd done. It also gave me the chance to use conditioner in my hair. I blew dry my hair and curled the ends before applying make up, not much; some powder, lipstick, mascara and eyebrow pencil. I put on the dress, having to forgo a bra again, but added lacy black panties. We started walking about a quarter to, the restaurant being fairly close. Stan and Kathy arrived the same time we did.

Stan whistled when he saw me walk up. "You look lovely, Mrs. Mason. How good to see you again." He smiled and as Kathy suggested, had a gleam in his eye when he spoke. He kissed my cheeks. "That's a lovely dress."

"Thank you," I said.

Tanner also kissed Kathy's cheeks. And that was the end of it. Nothing more was said or hinted at. All very civil and polite, just as Kathy suggested, but for one thing. As we sat down, Stan said, "In honor of our last night together and the wonderful time we've had with you two, I'd like to buy some champagne for our meal tonight." He said it with the same twinkle he'd greeted us with.

"I'm not sure I should have more alcohol after the morning I had," I said.

"I understand perfectly, but I promise, doctor's honor, this won't affect you nearly as much. If you want, I'll cut you off after two glasses."