Blackmailed Bride Ch. 17


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I took a deep breath, and said, "I'm being blackmailed."

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, pausing her slicing as she stared at me. I started at the beginning, the bachelorette party and Jeremy's cock. I told her about how my blackmailer used that to get me to suck his cock at my wedding, and pretty much everything which had happened since as a result of that, nuts and bolts.

"So you weren't at the benefit today of your own free will?" Maria said.

I lowered my head and started crying. "No," I said, sobbing.

She handed me a cracker with cheese and meat on it. "Eat this, please. You need to eat something."

I took it from her and started nibbling.

"I take it from your answer and the tears, you're not a closet lesbian or bisexual and had no desire to be licking girl pussy today?"

"No," I admitted. "I'm still pretty much a confirmed heterosexual. Oliver likes to put me in situations which debase me and make me more ashamed of myself, usually in front of as many people as possible."

Maria stroked my cheek. "I'm so sorry, Brooke. I didn't know. I thought you were there willingly when I plunked down my fifty dollars. I would never have done so if I knew you were being forced."

"Nobody knows," I admitted, still teary. "I told him I wouldn't fuck any of mine or Tanner's friends. It's bad enough I'm betraying him without our friends knowing it and snickering behind his back. You're the first, and it was an accident according to Oliver. Your name wasn't on the guest list. You were someone's plus one."

"Why didn't you say anything to anyone?" Maria asked. "We might have been able to help."

I looked at her for a few moments. "Someone had to take the original picture of Jeremy's cock going into my mouth. It was taken from inside Tiffany's apartment."

Her eyes widened in surprise, the implications slowly dawning on her. "You thought it was one of us who took the picture?"

I nodded.

"Tiffany took everyone's phone or camera," Maria protested. "She collected them all."

"Not all." I explained what I'd learned about nanny cams and how all the first few pictures; including the one in the church's practice room of me sucking Oliver's cock at my wedding, had been taken with them, without my knowledge. I said everything since agreeing to be Oliver's fuck toy, was filmed openly as I had little choice in the matter. "It's why I've been more distant with all of you since my marriage. Not really knowing who to trust."

"Oh, baby," Maria said, hugging me. "I'm so sorry for what's happened to you." I started crying again, finally able to talk to one of my dearest friends about what had happened to me. Maria kept patting my back and cooing to me until I'd cried myself out.

"What are you going to do now?" Maria asked when the tears stopped again.

"Whatever Oliver wants me to do," I admitted. "I've got less than five months left. It can't get much worse. At least I hope it can't. He never ceases to amaze me. Fucking me right in front of Tanner without him being the wiser was a stroke of evil genius."

"And you're still keeping all the pictures and movies he's made? Why?" Maria asked. "Why not trash them?"

"To remind myself what's floating around out there of me, so I don't do something stupid which puts it all out in public, to my everlasting shame. Oliver has said if I don't keep our agreement, they will all be posted on the internet and my public humiliation will last forever. My bare ass with butt plugs in it is already on public websites. The only thing protecting me is my face wasn't visible. Imagine if it were."

"Fuck, Brooke. How do you stand it?"

"I don't know, Maria. I've come so close to killing myself or Oliver or both of us a half dozen times. I almost did it on my honeymoon. I would have if not for the questions raised about Tanner which might have potentially ruined him. I told Oliver today if you said anything to anyone, I'd be over to kill him and then myself."

"You don't have to worry about me," she said. "I'll never tell anyone you don't want me to, but I think you need to tell someone. You can't keep bearing all of this shit yourself. No one should have to stand alone when faced with something like this."

"You know now. I've got you."

"I'm glad you feel that way, but I've never been one of your closest friends. I was thinking it should be one of your parents, Tiffany, Taylor, Yvonne or Donna. You've always been closer to them because you've known them longest. Maybe not the details with your parents, but enough they can back you emotionally."

"It is getting worse," I admitted. "Tanner wants to have children and he's pressuring me to go off the pill. I keep thinking of all the other people I'm fucking and what might happen if one of them is the father of my child. Sometimes Oliver won't let me see who some of them are to protect their identity. I couldn't even swear the child would be fully Caucasian. I don't know for sure all the people I'm fucking. Some of them might be famous, athletes or politicians, TV personalities."

"Holy Mary, Mother of God! Could it get any worse?"

I hugged her. "If you hadn't agreed to keep my secret."

"Do you really think Tiffany could have done this to you?"

"I don't like to think so. It was at her house. It would have been easiest for her to accomplish it, but anyone might have done it. Apparently, it's relatively easy with a nanny cam. They're even wireless."

"Think about telling someone else. I'll go with you if you it might help. If you think you can trust someone, try to trust them. In the long run, you'll need their support. Perhaps even psychiatric counseling."

We were silent awhile. Finally, curiosity got the best of me and I asked, "You didn't cum for a long time today. Am I that bad at licking girls?"

Maria laughed. "Actually, you're better than expected. I wanted to make it last. I'm sorry."

I laughed too. "It's nice to know all of my practice isn't a total waste. Thank you for your help, Maria. I really needed your support."

I gave her a brief kiss. I tried not to put any passion into it, knowing I'd licked her cunt earlier, and she might have sexual feelings for me, but I was eternally grateful. After we kissed, I laid my head in her lap and we talked about other things as she slowly stroked my hair; any other things, until I was ready to go. She squeezed me briefly as I left.

"Good luck, Brooke, and God Bless," Maria said. I nodded and left.


I thought a great deal about what Maria said. Having finally been able to tell someone had been a great relief and I missed being able to confide in my friends. I called Maria.

"I've decided to approach Tiffany about my problems. Would you go with me when I tell her? I could use your support. Perhaps you might notice something in her behavior I might miss."

"Of course," Maria said. "When do you want to do it?"

"Usually, I'm posing for Suki on weekdays, but on the days Oliver has me do something, I take the rest of the day off. I usually need to recover physically and emotionally after he uses me. He wants to see me on Tuesday morning. Would it be possible for you to take time off from work on Tuesday and go see her with me."

"What time do you want to meet?"

"I'm not sure how long Oliver will use me. I'm to meet him at his house at 9:00 AM. He could be done with me anytime from ten to one PM depending on what he has planned."

"You make arrangements with Tiffany and I'll be there at noon, no matter what time you get there."

"Thank you, Maria. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know."

After hanging up with Maria, I called Tiffany at work.

"Hi, Brooke. What's up?"

"I have something very important to speak with you about. Maybe the most important thing I've ever needed. Would it possible for you to take time off on Tuesday and meet with me at your house?"

"Are you having problems with your marriage, Brooke? Is Tanner treating you all right? Do you need a place to stay?"

"Tanner is treating me fine. I'm very happy with him. It's something different. Please, Tiffany."

"Let me check my schedule. Hold on a minute."

She put me on hold and I waited for about four minutes before she picked up. "I had something, but nothing that couldn't be moved. My secretary is taking care of moving it. I can meet with you on Tuesday. What time?"

"I'm not sure and the reason I'm not sure is the reason I need to talk to you. It could be anywhere from noon until later. Maria will be there at noon to wait for me with you."

"Is it a problem with Maria?"

"Nothing like it, Tiffany. She learned about my issue by accident and she's encouraged me to reach out to you. She's there for moral support."

"This is all very mysterious, Brooke," Tiffany said.

"I know and I apologize. You'll know why when I speak with you."

"Does this have anything to do with why you've been more distant lately?"


"I'll be there."

"Thank you, Tiffany. I don't know how to thank you."

"I haven't done anything yet. Why don't you save your thanks for when I've actually done something."

"Just listening to my story will be huge. Believe me."

"I'll see you Tuesday." Tiffany disconnected the call.


On Tuesday morning, Oliver had another triple penetration planned. I couldn't see the other participants, so assumed they were more famous people or men who couldn't afford for me to know who they were anymore than I wanted them to know who I was. Oliver was not one of the three and I could hear him snapping photos as the other three used me over and over. Each of them wanted to fuck me in every one of my holes and with the recovery time they needed between fuckings, it took every bit of three hours before they were done. I was sore and covered in cum when they stopped. It didn't stop Oliver from using me after they left. He fucked my cunt, coating his cock with the sperm of the other three before shoving his cum crusted cock down my throat to finish him.

He sent me away without allowing me to shower as he had someone else coming over. I wondered if it was another poor unfortunate soul like me, or like one of the three who'd just used me. I used the towels I'd taken to keeping in my car to wipe myself off as best I could before going to Tiffany's, but I was still a cum covered mess when I knocked on her door. My mascara had run, my lipstick was smeared from their cocks and I was oozing cum from my cunt and ass, in addition to the cum in my hair from when one of them had given my a facial.

Tiffany opened the door and stared at my disarray.

"Fuck, Brooke. What happened to you?"

"I'll tell you in a few minutes. I have to use your shower before I do anything else."

"You know where it is." She let me pass, practically holding her nose I reeked so bad of sex.

Maria saw me as I passed through the living room and actually broke out in tears seeing me, knowing what I'd just gone through. I didn't cry yet. I needed to get my story out before I started blubbering again. I took a thorough shower, washing myself thoroughly. My clothes were filthy, so I asked Tiffany if I could borrow something of hers so I wouldn't have to put mine on again, at least until I left. She gave me something. All of her things were a little short on me, but some where long enough to do in a pinch. When I was dressed, I joined them in the living room after getting some ice water for myself. I sat down beside Maria, facing Tiffany and started my story.

I finished and Tiffany said, "What the fuck!"

Maria asked, "Was today bad?"

"Worse than some days, better than others. I only had to satisfy three men in all of my holes. At least I wasn't performing for anyone else except Oliver today. Knowing others are watching me fuck is always the worst. When Oliver and his friend fucked me across the street from Tanner's office was the worst one ever. Knowing Tanner and everyone of his other co-workers I'd ever met were watching made it bad. I'm only glad they didn't know who I was."

"How did he pull that off?" Tiffany asked.

"Do you know what a merken is?"

"Fake pubic hair, isn't it?" Maria said. "Actresses use them."

"Yes, though I didn't know what it was before wearing one. I was wearing one in addition to a mask covering most of my face. Tanner knows I'm bare and have been since before the wedding. He knew it was someone who looked similar to me, but didn't realize it was me because of the fake fur."

"Jesus, Brooke!" She looked at Maria. "How did you find out?"

"Oliver had her performing at the LGBT benefit at My Sister's Room. She licked my vagina before she knew it was me."

Tiffany stared at her for a minute, then at me. "Is this true?"

"Unfortunately. At the time, Maria didn't know I was being forced. I was doing crazy shit and she took the opportunity to partake of my performance. She thought it was something I was willingly doing. I don't blame her. I'm sure Suki and Erin would have done the same with as little knowledge of what was happening. I suspect they all have a little sexual fondness for me."

"Why didn't you say something earlier?"

Maria answered for me. "The picture which started everything was taken here at the bachelorette party, when Jeremy's cock went into Brooke's mouth."

Tiffany's eyes went wide. "Oh, shit. One of us had to take it!"


"And you thought of us took the picture used to blackmail you?"

"It's why I asked if you had a video surveillance system," I said. "The picture was taken inside the room."

"And you collected all the phones and cameras before the party," Maria said. "Theoretically, no one should have had something to take pictures with, but a picture existed regardless."

"Fuck, Brooke. You think I took the picture, don't you? It's why you wanted to talk to me."

"If I did, Tiffany, I wouldn't be talking to you. The first few pictures were taken surreptitiously by something called a nanny cam. The metadata Oliver left on the pictures showed it was from these tiny spy cameras. Anyone could have taken the picture. At one time, I didn't know who I could trust, but Maria convinced me I had to trust someone and I can't believe you would ever do anything to harm me. It can't be you. I know that now."

Tiffany started crying and I started crying and we hung onto each other and started sobbing our hearts out. Maria started crying again on the couch. It took about fifteen minutes before we collected ourselves and could start to talk to each other.

"I'm ashamed it even happened at my party, Brooke," Tiffany said, sniffling.

"I know you are, because that's the kind of friend you are."

"No wonder you didn't want anything to do with us after the wedding."

"Just trying to get my feet under me and figure things out. I'm sorry I didn't figure it out earlier."

I received a text. I looked at it and it was from Oliver. Another movie of me from this morning. I showed it to them and they stared aghast at what happened to me, starting to cry again.

"You orgasm while they fuck you," Maria said.

"I know," I said simply. "It makes it a thousand times worse knowing I'm receiving pleasure from the act of my rape. Oliver knows how much I hate it and makes sure to rub it in my face. Every movie he sends me shows every time I cum. My private eye, Jolene Baxter, who helped me find out it was Oliver blackmailing me, said Oliver ensures I cum to make sure I lose all my self-respect. She was raped herself once when she was younger and the fact she orgasmed allowed her rapist escape justice. She assures me that with the proper sexual stimulation, everyone will orgasm, no matter if it's coerced or not. I am having such a hard time believing I'm not some slut or whore because I cum all the time, but Jolene said as long as I don't want the act to repeat itself, I'm not a whore. I want this to end so much. It's all I can hang onto."

"Maybe we can help you figure out who took the picture," Tiffany said. "Do you still have the picture?"

"No. When I blew Oliver in the church, I thought I was done with it. I destroyed the picture and the phone it was on before I left the church. I still have the one he sent me from my wedding and every other one since."

"Do you remember it?" Maria asked.

"Until my dying day," I replied. "It was my right profile, unless they reversed the picture, slightly below my face, depending on how far away it was. Picture quality wasn't great although you could see clearly it was me."

"Where were you sitting?" Maria asked.

I walked to the spot I believed it to be, picturing the other people in the room and where they were sitting. Tiffany brought a chair and placed it on the spot. She sat down on the chair facing in the direction I'd been sitting.

"Move to the side there and see where you think the picture was taken from."

Tiffany sat facing out to the room as I maneuvered around. "Well, you're a little shorter than I am, but I'm thinking it was from this general vicinity."

Tiffany turned her head to look. "I can't remember anything being over there. Maria, can you think of anything in that general area?"

Maria shook her head, no. "Sorry. I can't think of anything. Maybe we need to approach it from a different way."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Well, I wouldn't know how to do any of the things we're talking about. Set up nanny cams on wireless signals and send it to a computer. Set up phones which can text you from unknown numbers. Who's the most technologically competent person who was here?"

Tiffany and I looked at each other and both said "Taylor" at the same time.

"Come on," Maria said. "She's one of your oldest friends. The only people you've been friends with longer is are Donna, Yvonne and of course, Tiffany. What reason would she have to do this?"

"What reason does anyone have to do this to me?" I said. "You're all my friends. I don't think I've ever done anything to make any of you my enemies, but if you ask me who's the most gizmo savvy, it's got to be Taylor."

"Well, maybe it's not as difficult as I think. Just because I can't do it, doesn't mean some other non-nerd can't. Maybe you can watch a couple movies on YouTube and figure it out. What about Sydney?"

"Tanner's sister, Sydney? She's a little nerdier than most of the rest of you, but I can't figure out why she'd do it," I responded. "If Tanner found out what I was doing, he'd be devastated. Why would she do it to him? They seem to care a great deal for each other, better than most siblings I know."

"Jealousy?" Maria asked. "She's not really doing anything to Tanner unless he finds out. She'd be doing it to you. Maybe she doesn't like you because Tanner loves you."

"I don't know. That sounds awfully close to incest," Tiffany said. "They seem close, but not that close."

"I can't see it," I said, "but anything's possible I guess. The only person I know the motivation of is Oliver. He's been honest about it. He admits he wanted to turn me from a virginal young woman into a slut. Says it's good for his sex magic. Everything he's done has followed with his stated intents. He's taken my oral virginity, my anal virginity, made me lick my first cunt, arranged for double and triple penetrations, worked me at a glory hole and fucked me or had me fucked in front of strangers and in front of my husband. Everything he's done has followed his path to my total debauchery. If I had a brother or sister, he'd probably be having me fuck them as well. There's nothing so perverted it's beyond the pale."

"Wait a minute," Tiffany said. "Sex magic. This is the first you've said anything about any magic."

"Oliver believes himself to be the son of a man named Aleister Crowley, spelling A-l-e-i-s-t-e-r. You can look him up in Wikipedia. Aleister died in the forties and Oliver was born in the eighties, but he still believes Aleister was his father because his sperm was preserved by sex magic, though Aleister spelled it m-a-g-i-c-k to differentiate it from mere sleight of hand. The first time I was triple penetrated, Oliver said it was sex magic to get Tanner a promotion. A couple weeks later, Tanner got a promotion. I don't know if it was the result of Oliver's sex magic or a fucking coincidence. I know how hard Tanner works. He probably earned the promotion."