Blackmailing a Christian Wife


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"Motherfucker!! I told you I want a million dollar or else this video is out!!" He shouted raising his voice.

"Ok...ok... look....wait wait....I'm sure we can work this out....what if we go on instalment plan?" Gab asked.

"I-I....just don't have the money....I mean even if I borrow the money, t-t-there is no way I'm gonna get that kind of money" Pleaded Gab.

"It's not my fucking problem faggot! I got your address shithead, if I don't get my money by tomorrow, this video will be in every single mailbox in Brentwood!!" The blackmailer replied. With that he hung up.

Gab ran to the restroom and threw up again. He cannot stomach the fact if his neighbours and friends from church saw the video of him with the young prostitutes. He wept for a good half an hour. He knew this is it, he has to tell Xenia now or never. The blackmailer isn't going to take the offer so he knew he has to start preparing Xenia and the kids of what's to come. Obviously he will not elaborate in details to Tim and Kelly. But they have to know what's coming.

He cancelled all his meetings for that day and just sat in his office staring at the abyss. Before he knows it everyone at the office is leaving for home. He saw the time and it was showing 5:12pm. Time to go home. Time to confess his biggest cardinal sin. His biggest betrayal to his faith, his church and his family.

When he reached home, he just remembered that Xenia was out with her friends from church. He used this time alone to pray hard. He prayed that somehow a miracle would occur, that Xenia would find forgiveness in his honesty.

Gab cooked lasagnes for the kids and made sure their homework are all done before preparing them to bed. His phone dings. There was a text message from Xenia.

"Hey I hope everything is ok with the kids. Did they finish their homework? Did they finish their dinner? I'm nearly done, on my way home. See you soon. Love you. xoxo." She texted.

"Hey, all ok. Love you too, see you soon" Gab texted back.

He then prepared the kids to bed, got them to brush their teeth and slipped into their pjs. The time was showing 9:38pm. Tim insisted him to stayed until he falls asleep. Tim has always been a clingy boy. He wanted mommy to put him to bed but he was told that mommy

"Good night kids" Gab said.

"Good night daddy" Kelly replied.

"Night dad" Tim said.

Gab made his way out of the room, turned around and saw his kids for maybe the last time he thought. Who knew how bad this is going to be he thinks to himself. He switched the lights off and closed the door.

As he walked into his bedroom, he heard the shower already running. He knew Xenia is already home. He sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her to finish showering. Fifteen minutes later the water stop running. He heard her humming and the hair dryer turned on. His head is down still sitting on the edge of his bed.

Few minutes later, Xenia walked out of the bathroom and smiled at Gab.

"Hey babe... how was it? Everything ok with the kids?" She asked.

"Oh..h-hey...honey....yeah...the kids were was your night?" Gab replied back.

"Ohhh babe, it was good.....we had so much fun...the music was great, the crowd was good, ahhhh.... thanks babe, really needed that!" She said appreciating Gab looking after the kids.

" sweat...s-s-s sweetheart we hum...need to talk, t-t-t-there is something I-I-I need to tell you" Gab started stuttering.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" Xenia looked worried. She walked towards him and hold his head towards her breast.

Gab went on his knees on the floor and broke out crying "I'm sorry....I'm sorry......I'm sorry.....I'm so so sorry!!"

Xenia was confused and just gave him the time to settle down. She rubbed his hair and patted his back. He was crying his heart out.

"Tell me's ok....what is it?" Xenia asked looking at his face.

"I-I-I made a huge mistake, I am so stupid!" Gab said while still sobbing and trying to find composure to tell her.

"I-I-I cheated on you.....please forgive me baby.........I don't deserve you!!" Gab sobbed again. He held Xenia tightly afraid of her leaving him.

Xenia's heart stopped. She couldn't believe what she just heard. Her mind raced a million miles an hour. She never cheated on Gab even once. She knew men still see her as attractive. Sure, over the years there was a few innocent flirting but that was about it. She could have been with anyone. But no, she settled with him She chose him. She felt betrayed, she could feel the anger inside her about to explode.

She tried letting Gab go not wanting to be in his arms. Gab tried holding her back but couldn't. She took a few steps back and crossed her arms.

Raising her tone, she asked "Who with?!".

Gab stayed silent.

"Who with!?!" Xenia raised her voice.

Not wanting to wake up the kids, he finally confessed.

"I-I-I did it with.....*exhales.....a call girl" He said while covering his face. Xenia's face turned red trying to hold her rage.

"How long has this been going on?!?" She pushed on.

"It''s just once babe.....I made a huge mistake....I am so sorry, it was last month after a few drinks with the staff, must be the alcohol" Gab answered.

He lied. He hoped by telling her it was only once, could reduce the damage.

"Please forgive me darling....I will not do this again, I promise" Gab begged.

"I could have married anyone I want....but I chose you. You let a quick lust ruin our marriage of fifteen years" Xenia told him.

"Babe....remember what Pastor Sarah said in her...." Gab said but was cut off by Xenia.

"Hey! How dare you! Don't you even dare go there! I'm not sure I could ever forgive you for betraying me like this!" She said firmly.

"Please babe....I will make it up for it for the rest of my life" Gab tried to win her back again.

"Just don't....don't even talk to me. I need time to process this." She said.

With that, she walked away and went to bed. She turned her lights off and faced away from Gab's side.

Gab did not know what to say or do. He remained kneeling on the floor. He prayed hard to God so his punishment isn't going to painful. He still hasn't told her the real bad news. That everything was recorded on video. He lost track of time and spent the night curling up on the floor.

The next morning he was awaken by Xenia walking over him. She completely ignored him like he wasn't even there. He tried making small conversation but it fell on dead ears. One thing that he was relieved was Xenia kept it as normal as possible with the kids. She was her old self with them. He respected Xenia for that.

Kelly was chatty that morning as usual. She was engaged in a long conversation with Xenia. Xenia noticed Timmy was a little quiet, even for his standard. Little Timmy knew something was up between daddy and mommy.

"You ok sweetie?" She asked.

"Yeah mommy, I'm fine." He gave her smile and a cheeky kiss.

He really is mommy's golden boy.

" you sweetie" Xenia said to him.

Breakfast went as normal as it could be with Gab staying out from most of the conversation.

Xenia left with the kids to drop them off at school without saying bye to Gab.

"Bye daddy" Said Kelly and Timmy.

"Bye guys...have fun at school, stay out of trouble!" Gab replied.

With that, he also went to work. The entire day he could not think straight. Today is the day where he needed to come up with the money. In desperation, he called his best friend, Fred, to borrow some money. He just told him he had issues with customers payments and just a temporary thing until he can sort out his cashflow.

Fred was Gab's best friend since high school. Fred did not hesitate to help him. Fred was not a wealthy man but he has done pretty well working as a civil engineer in a top construction firm in Bridgeville, a couple of town over from Brentwood.

Fred lend him $50,000 and told him to just return the money when he is comfortable. He doesn't mind if Gab wants to pay in instalments. Gab was very grateful and thank him. Gab told him to come over for dinner at some point to just catch up again as a family.

He then went to the bank and applied for an overdraft against his business for another $50,000. So he now has $100,000 in cash. He puts the money in a suitcase and drove back to his office. He was waiting for his blackmailer to call him for further instruction as to where to hand him the money.

The time went very slow that day, he could hear the clock ticking. Tick tock tick tock. Sure enough his phone rang and when he saw he knew it was him.

"So you got the money fuck face?" He asked.

"I-I-I do" He lied. He thought he's gonna try to negotiate when he saw him.

"I'm impressed....didn't think you gonna come up with the money. I am a man of my word...I will give you the master file when I got my money." He said to him.

"O-o-okay thank you....where do you want us to meet?" Gab asked.

"8 Clover St......I will come to you, wait for me there." He then hung up.

"W-w-wait....what? Hello? Mr. J?" Gab realised that address was in fact his home. That is where he lives. He couldn't risk having this guy so close to his family. But he had no choice. He knew where he lives.

He wanted to call him back to say if he could pick another location. But he was scared it might rattle him. He seemed to be quite calm on the phone he thought.

6pm Gab got home and saw Xenia cooking in the kitchen. He approached her trying to hug her. She did not respond.

"Darling....I am so sorry......please forgive me. I was wrong, I was stupid and I just wanted to come clean" Gab pleaded.

Xenia did think about the kids, what happens to them if they had split up. She did not want to do that to them. It is not fair. But she could not forgive him for what he has done. She thought to herself, if she can't do it for him, she would do it for the kids.

"I need time, just give me my space." She said.

Gab knew not to piss her off.

"Ok honey but I am here if you want to talk. By the way, I am expecting someone tonight. Just this guy wanting to get a cleaning job, I couldn't meet him today so told him if happens to be in the neighbourhood he could come by." Gab said trying to build a motive to the story.

Xenia kept on cutting her veggies and ignored him.

He went upstairs to take a shower but made a quick detour to the kids room for a quick hi. After that he hit the shower, he prayed that God will give the blackmailer some grace for him.

The bell rang.

*Ding Dong

*Ding Dong

Xenia heard the shower was running. So she knew she had to open the door. She turned her stove to simmer and put the cutting knife down. She undo her apron and walked to the front door.

When she opened the door, she saw this skinny black kid with cornrow breaded hair long enough just to touch his shoulder. He was wearing a black jumper, black cargo pants and black sneakers.

When the door opened, Jamal stood there surprised how beautiful Xenia was. He has never been with an Asian woman before. He eyed her up and down. Her 32C breasts pushing out in her tight dress, showing some cleavage. Her hips are curvy and he loves her big round MILF butts. She was probably the hottest Asian MILF he ever saw. He smiled to her showing off his gold tooth.

"Yes? Are you here for my husband?" Xenia asked.

" hot, momma!" Jamal complimented her.

"My name is Mr. J, but you can call me Jamal" He extended his hands, smiling at her.

"Xenia" She hesitantly shook her hand.

Xenia knew he was trouble. She was confused as to why her husband would ask potential employee to come to her house. She didn't appreciate being eyed either by this black kid.

"He is in the shower, you can wait inside" Xenia replied to be polite.

"A'ight... thanks beautiful" He replied walking in with Xenia.

Xenia found his demeanour to be offensive and she didn't want to spend anymore time in front of him. She didn't want him to ogle her body.

Jamal sat in the living room but after five minutes couldn't help himself not trying to tease the hot wife. He walked to the kitchen and brush his hands on her arms and said:

"Hey beautiful, can I get some cold drinks while I'm waiting?" He asked.

Xenia was startled.

"O-okay...can you please wait in the living room?" Xenia said feeling uncomfortable being alone with a black kid inside her kitchen.

"Sure thing momma" He said.

He went back to the living room and roam the family photos on the wall. He was paying special attention to Xenia. How lucky her husband was to have someone as hot as her for a wife. If he was her husband, he would not fuck a prostitute. He would fuck her day and night. He would not let her out of his bed. He learned that Xenia and Gab are a devout Christian family from the photos. He also learned that they have two kids. He saw Gab's photo and thought to himself, how stupid could he be to have someone as hot as Xenia as a wife, but still pay a prostitute to get sex.

Xenia went out of the kitchen and placed the cold lemonade on the coffee table.

"Thanks babe" Jamal said to her.

She didn't respond back. Jamal imagined how does it feel to fuck a hot wife like that. He had never been with an Asian woman before. He heard that Asian women have extremely tight pussies generally. And Asian men have tiny pencil dicks. He started imagining how he could have made her pussy feels. To be fucked by a real man, a big black cock.

Xenia went upstairs to tell Gab that his guest has arrived. She thought the sooner he talks to him the sooner that black kid will leave her house. She opened the bathroom door and shout:

"Your guest is downstairs!" She shouted.

Gab jumped out of his shower and dried himself up. He put his clothes on and ran downstairs. What he saw was a sunny black kid, slightly older than his oldest, Kelly. He looked like a thug he thought to himself.

" must be Mr. J?" He extended his hand. He found it ridiculous to call him Mr. J as he is only half his age. But he knew he has no choice to play the game by his rule.

Jamal saw Gab walking towards him and eyed him up and down feeling sick how this loser could score a hot wife like Xenia.

"You got a fine wife there fuck face. Don't know why she settled with you? She's a hot momma!" He chuckled.

"She made me this nice lemonade while waiting for your sorry ass. So you got money?" He asked.

"Oh thank you....yes I do, can we do this outside?" Gab just realised how stupid he sounded saying thank you to this black kid for telling him how hot his wife was.

"Lets" He said finishing up his lemonade.

"Wait for me outside, I will get the money" Gab said.

Gab went to his study room and grabbed the suitcase full of $100,000 cash. He went out and handed him the suitcase.

"Mr. J....I-I-I am very sorry...this is $100,000 this is all I have....I had to borrowed money and had to credit my business to get this. I...please....I am begging you to please accept this" He pleaded.

"What the fuck?! I said $1 million shit head! You want to play games with me huh?" Jamal replied feeling annoyed.

" please God no....please understand, I really don't have anything left, please....I am begging you." He begged and sounded like he was about to cry.

Suddenly he had a light bulb moment. He had an idea. He smiled. He knew how to play this game. An opportunity has just presented itself to him on a silver platter.

"A'ight, I give you some more time. Each month, I will come and collect the $100,000 until I get my $1 million. But, I shall give you option B. You could take option B, if this is what you choose." He said smirking.

"T-t-thank you so much....for considering an alternative....what would that be if I may know?" Gab asked wondering what option B might be.

"Option B is for me to have sex with your wife for the duration of outstanding repayment. So if you do not come up with another $100,000 next month, she will have to have sex with me for the until you could come up with the instalment." He explained.

"I will continue to have sex with your wife until you pay my dues each month. So the only way for you to stop me having sex with your wife is to pay up...and on time!" He firmly explained.

"Oh...and as insurance, if you ever bring this to the police, I have to warn you, all the girls at Lola's are my friends, they would throw you under the bus if I ask them to. So I could bring this to the police and have you arrested even before you finish your breakfast in the morning." He threatened.

"Nooooo....please leave my wife out of this....I'm begging you...can we work something out?" Gab tried pleading.

"$100,000 next month or I fuck your wife or we could always settle this by me making this video available online and go to the police." He asked.

Gab remained silent, he knew the last option was not an option.

With that Jamal walked out with the money.

Jamal was now hoping Gab doesn't have the money next month. He told himself, he will do everything in his power to break Xenia's arrogance. Jamal saw a hot MILF behind that proper Christian wife and mother begging to be fucked good. Then and there he made a vow to himself, that if it ever get to that, he will make her begs for his black cock between her legs. He wanted to turn her into his whore. Its not gonna be easy but he will break her in one way or another.

Gab felt his life is ruined now, but the worst is yet to come.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this!

HotdiggitydogHotdiggitydog9 months ago

Your atrocious use of the English language doesn't deserve my time. 1 star

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You had an excellent opportunity to make this into Xenia's Universe. You still can make this, and I would like to see it happen to make it more interesting.

1Lightningstrike1Lightningstrike9 months ago

Great start of a story. Hope there is a 2nd chapter released soon.

BogieraBogiera9 months ago

It should have been titled as a 'Chapter 1' if you weren't going to give us the whole story.....

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