Blasphemia Ch. 01


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The campus sprawled out before them like a partner waiting to be taken and ravaged. They gazed out over the main quad where the students lounged, walked, and went about their day. The rectangular space was ringed by the college's dorms and classroom buildings. Beyond them, past the trees, Nico could see the nearby town that the college was sequestered from.

"It's quite a lovely place," Filia said.

"Indeed," Nico said, forgetting himself momentarily. He'd never seen so much green in person before, only in the images conjured by greater demons as they recounted tales of their exploits in the human world.

He began to study the human passing by in more detail. They were predominantly Caucasian, with a smattering of other ethnicities among them. Most of them were enticingly attractive, made all the moreso by the fact that, he realized, many of them didn't know it.

"Such an interesting uniform," Filia said. All of the male students were wearing collared shirts and slacks, while the girls wore blouses and knee-length skirts.

"Do they even realize how much of a double standard it is?" Nico said. "Males have to cover their entire bodies, yet girls wear garments that can be easily lifted so you can catch a glimpse of what's there? It's gotta be maddening for everyone involved."

"We'll show them the way," Filia said. "Come on, let's get out there!"

They walked down a staircase to the first floor, then strode out the doors and into the human world proper. No more observing it through portals and windows - Nico felt the air on his skin, smelled the fresh scents of trees and human beings, and found it intoxicating. He huffed out a breath through his nostrils. "Hells, where do we begin?" he asked, his body thrumming with energy.

"Excuse me!"

Nico and Filia spun around. Standing in the doorway of the building they had just left was a human woman. She was dressed in a slightly different version of the uniform that the students wore - same white blouse, but her plaid skirt went down even lower, almost to her ankles. She was older, maybe late thirties, her brown hair pulled back into a bun, her blue eyes hidden behind thick glasses. Her hands were on her hips.

"Yes?" Filia asked, slipping easily into the faux-innocent human girl tone.

"What in God's name are you two doing out of dress code?" the woman said.

Filia looked at Nico, blinking her big eyes at him. "We just wanted a change of pace," she said. "Right, Nick?"

It took Nico a moment to catch on to what she was doing. "That's right... Francine," he said. Inwardly, he laughed at the way that Filia's face tightened ever so slightly in annoyance. "It was just getting too hot for the uniforms."

"That's no excuse," the woman said. "You're in flagrant violation of campus dress codes and student codes of conduct. Especially you, young miss."

Filia reached up and ran a finger along the piercing through her lip. "What, this old thing? Lighten up, lady."

The woman's face pinched. "Both of you are coming with me. We're going to see the dean about you flouting of our campus' rules. Perhaps a little discipline will straighten the two of you out."

Nico felt emboldened. "What's he going to do, spank us?"

"I might be into that," Filia added, grinning minx-like.

The woman made a flustered noise. "Both of you, now!" She walked up to them and grabbed both infernals by the ears, half-dragging them away from the building. Despite the fact that both Nico and Filia could have obliterated the woman though various infernal means, consigning her soul to the fires of hell for the rest of eternity, they went with it, grinning at each other like loons as they allowed this small human woman to drag them across the quad, drawing stares from the students as they did. The two of them wanted Saint Bethany's to know they had arrived, and they locked eyes with many of the people they passed, mentally making note of prospective conquests for later.

They were led to a rather opulent building across the quad, and the woman almost shoved Nico and Filia inside. The A/C was on full blast inside, and they were led through a series of winding hallways lined with portraits of the university's leadership since its founding.

"Lots of dour old white guys," Filia said.

"Really says a lot," Nico said.

"Quiet." The women ushered them up a staircase and into an antechamber at the end of the hallway. The door in the antechamber was closed. The words DEAN'S OFFICE were written on it in big block letters.

"Both of you sit here," the woman said, gesturing to two chairs against the wall. She walked over to the door and knocked politely. "Dean McGarvey?"

"Jennifer? Come in."

The woman - Jennifer - opened the door and leaned in to speak to the dean. Filia tapped Nico's arm and pointed. THe motion of Jennifer's body had made her skirt pull taut against the swell of her ass, and Nico saw the outline of her panties through the sheer fabric. He let out a low growl.

"You take her," Filia murmured. "The dean should be easy."

Nico saw the flash of a wedding ring on Jennifer's finger as she pulled back from the gap in the door. Even better.

"You," Jennifer said, pointing to Filia. "You're the more egregious offender. You first."

Filia huffed dramatically and dragged her feet, pretending to sulk as she walked into the dean's office. Nico saw her put a sway in her hips as she walked past Jennifer into the office. The dean didn't stand a chance.

Jennifer walked over and sat down on the chair that Filia had vacated. "I'm glad I came along when I did," she said, her voice haughty. "You two might have given the other students ideas. Can't have sin taking root around here."

Nico snorted. "What do you know of sin?"

"I know it's forms," Jennifer said. "It's temptations. Like you, I thought when I was young that I knew everything. That the Devil couldn't touch me. I drank and fornicated with the rest of the girls in my public university sorority." She said the phrase 'public university' like it was a curse. "Then my life fell apart, and I realized that I was missing God from my life. I know some students like you - they come here because they think it'll be easier going than normal university. But only the truly devout graduate from Saint Bethany's."

Nico sprawled in the chair, folding his arms. He'd never actually gone through the process of tempting someone, as was a demon's prerogative. He knew how of course, but he'd never had a chance to try it, having lived his entire existence in Hell. The other demons said it was easy, because all humans had their hidden vices, their temptations. All you had to was find them and give it a little prodding.

"Sounds like you had a wild life back then," Nico said. "What made you need God?"

"I wasn't happy," Jennifer said. Her fingers laced in her lap. "I started going to church more, met my husband there. He and I healed each other. He was much the same as I - a playboy, one who used women like they meant nothing. Men were nothing but... vile organs for me to use for my pleasure." A faint blush crept onto her cheeks, and Nico knew he was onto something. "We found a way to give each other meaning without such indecent acts."

"If you can't find enjoyment in a life of debauchery then you're doing it wrong," Nico said. He laced his voice with the faintest hint of his natural rasp, the tone that delved into human ear canals and tickled some part of their brain that made them more pliable, more malleable.

Jennifer's blush grew more pronounced, and Nico knew that what he was doing was working. "Some can. I could not."

"You didn't try hard enough, then."

She turned to him, her eyes hard. "How dare you! I have been a faithful wife for over ten years and have never been happier!"

"You sure about that?" Nico said, leaning back in the chair. His eyes swept up and down her body, drinking in the swell of her maternal breasts against the blouse, the buttons looking like they were straining to keep her tits contained. She had a bit of padding around her hips and waist, but that only served to heighten his desire, as did the mystery of what her femininity looked like under the folds of her skirt.


Nico caught it, the slightest hesitation in her voice. "How often do you and your husband fuck, Jennifer?"

She flinched at the curse word, and for a moment, looked like she was about to tell him off for using such language. But something stirred in her eyes. "We... we make love often enough..."

"How often is that?" Nico prodded, turning his body towards her so his knee came into contact with hers.

She flinched at the contact, but didn't tell him to pull away. "Once every... year or so..."

Nico felt legitimate shock. "That's not right," he said. "You should be with each other more. You're husband and wife for fuck's sake!"

"It's not right!" she protested. "Any more than that and we risk temptation, descending into decadence!"

"How is basic biological needs descending into decadence?" Nico prodded. His hand settled on her thigh, and he almost groaned at the feeling of her warm, soft skin beneath his own.

"Science is the enemy," Jennifer said. "It's a trap for the unwary, sin disguised as knowledge."

The eye-rolling irritation that Nico felt was smothered under his wave of demonic desire for her. She wouldn't be thinking that way for long. "It's not wrong to want to be fucked, Jennifer," he said, laying his true voice on a little more thick. "Not wrong to want to spread your legs for someone so they can satiate themselves with you."

"But it's sin," she murmured. "To want to go back to that time where I let anyone and everyone have me... to be a harlot..."

"Nothing wrong with that," Nico pressed, his fingers curling into the fabric of Jennifer's skirt and tugging it up slightly. "Think of all the cock you've missed out on... all the handsome men with cocks to die for that could've pumped loads into your willing body... don't you miss it?"

Jennifer's nipples were straining against her blouse, her whole face blushing furiously. "N-no..." she murmured, even though her body was saying fuck yes.

Nico leaned in, pressing his body against her side. "How long has it been, Jennifer? Not since you 'made love' or any kind of soft act like that, how long since you've been fucked? How long since you've been in any other position than on your back watching your husband try to fuck you without any passion at all?"

Jennifer didn't answer, her eyes still on the wall, not looking at him. Ever so slowly, Nico trailed his hand up her thigh, to her side, then to her chest. Her left breast was bigger than what his hand could grip, and he groped it firmly, kneading the soft skin between his fingers. He could tell she was teetering on the knife's edge, about whether she'd be able to resist him or not.

Then she arched her back into his hand, a soft groan escaping her lips. Something flickered in her eyes, some defensive wall crumbling into dust under his gentle pliance. "Too long," she murmured.

"Yeah?" Nico murmured, the thrill of conquest shooting through his body. He reached up and taking her other breast in hand, kneading gently, not wanting to go too quickly and break the magic of the moment. "Did you even enjoy it?"

"No," she murmured. "Not as much as... not as much as back then..."

Nico scooted over and pressed himself into her side, murmuring into her ear. "What's your record?" he purred in her ear. "Three? Four?"

"Nnn!" Jennifer arched her back, her breasts squishing in Nico's hands. "Four at once... ten in one night... couldn't stand afterwards..."

"And you gave all that up?" Nico murmured, undoing the buttons on her blouse with expert precision. Her tan bra hooked in the front, and he drew it away, allowing her breasts to sag free. They were aged like fine wine, tipped with rosy nipples that swelled beneath his fingers, even moreso when he took one between his teeth and kneaded gently.

Jennifer squirmed under his ministrations. "Oh... oh, goodness..."

Nico reached down and drew her skirt up, slipping a finger between her legs so he could feel her damp heat between her legs. She mewled as his fingers slid along her panties, then drew them aside and sought her entrance. Nico watched her eyes, surging in his pants the moment he saw the last of her resistance crumble in her eyes, replaced by pure animal need. Deep within every human, it seemed, there was a creature who cared not for their cultural systems that limit them to just one partner. A more primal form, who understood basic instincts only.

"Strip," Nico commanded. "Right here in this hallway so I can fuck you up against the wall."

Jennifer surged to her feet, dragging him by the wrist down the hallway. "Not here," she panted. "In here, out of sight so we're not discovered." She opened a door to a storage closet about halfway down and almost pulled Nico's arm out of it's socket yanking him inside.

Once inside, she shut the door behind them, then practically tore off the rest of her clothes. Her blouse and bra went one way, her long skirt the other, leaving her standing before Nico in nothing but her panties and garters. She pounced on Nico, scrabbling at his shirt, her thick breasts smushing against his bare chest when she got it off. She kissed him hungrily, tongue shoving past his lips and into his mouth. Nico was taken aback. This human had fire. Or was it simply years of repressed desire?

"Wanna fuck you," Jennifer said, her voice tripping over the curse word slightly. "Want you to fill my pussy with your cum..."

The latter then.

Nico overpowered her, turning them around so her front was pressed against the door, her ass swelling against him as he shed his pants. He slid his cock into the groove of her ass, feeling the heat radiating off her cunt. She sucked in a breath. "You're that big?"

"Bigger than him," Nico said, tearing her panties off, the fabric parting under his fingers like it was wet paper. "Better than him."

"Yes," she said, her fingers curling against the wall. "Hurry, hurry..."

Normally, Nico would've paused to savor the moment, that in less than a few minutes with a bit of persuasion he'd undone a lifetime of Catholic conditioning. But her body was alight with energy, her pussy radiating heat like a furnace, her skin radiating feminine musk, and he couldn't restrain himself. He slipped inside her, pushing forward with his hips and growling into the back of her neck. Heat suffused his entire being, a more intense, fragile heat than Filia had. The succubus was immortal, and she smoldered. But Jennifer was human, a mortal. Her body pulsed with life, her spirit like an ember fresh from the fire. Nico could feel that, and he reveled in it as his hips became flush with hers. His hands found her tits and squeezed, his balls bumping against her thighs. "Oh, by the Fallen..." he murmured.

"Oh, yes!" Jennifer moaned, grinding herself back into him, her pussy rippling and squeezing him like an exquisite vise. "Oho, yes. Fuck yes, you're so fucking big..." She trailed off, leaning back against him.

Nico moved one of his hands down to her belly, so he could feel her body rocking back and forth with his as they began to couple, his slick length plunging inside her and setting her body and his alight. "You're mine," he murmured into her ear. His hand began to feel warm on her breast. "Not your husband's. Not God's. Not anymore. Mine." He didn't know where the commanding tone was coming from, but it felt natural and right to claim her like this.

"Yes..." Jennifer mewled, coming around him again. "Yes... Master..."

Nico's hand on her breast burned, and a whiff of brimstone mixed with the scents of human musk in the room. He paid it no mind, focusing on slamming his hips into her, over and over, his pleasure mounting with each thrust into that hot, willing pussy. It was a question of when, not if, he was going to cum inside her.

As if following his line of thought, Jennifer spread her legs wider, nudging back against him. "Please, Master... I need it."

Nico growled and pounded away at her, the sounds of their bodies meeting filling the room, reaching a fever pitch. He passed the point of no return, and held her still, his grip tight on her hips. A feral snarl tore itself free of his throat as he felt himself clench and release, his cock spasming and flooding her eager cunny with his seed. Jennifer moaned and sagged against the door, her eyes growing half-lidded as he climaxed inside her once-pure body.

He stayed there afterward, his body trapping hers against the door. He feathered kisses along her shoulders, goosing the nape of her neck. "Good girl."

Jennifer giggled lightly with the euphoria of the freshly fucked. "Thank you, Master."

Nico slid out of her, taking a step back to run his fingers through his hair. His infernal heart hammered in his ears as he watched his cum flow down Jennifer's leg. He wanted her again. But he also wanted more. More of this. He wondered how Filia's time with the dean was going.

Then, as Jennifer adjusted herself, her upper body turned towards him a little, and Nico blinked. Then blinked again, to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

There on her breast, where his hand had clenched during their coupling, burned a demonic rune.

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Havoc100Havoc100about 2 years ago

It ruins stories when you drag politics into them. One star. Pass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Loved it!

This is the 3rd time i have raed trough the blasphemia saga!! Hope theres more soon!!

flubuflubuabout 6 years ago

Really good start to the series, hope there's more soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Great start.

Loved it,can't wait to read the next chapter.Please continue soon.

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