Blasphemia II: Deus Vult Pt. 03


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Judith almost dropped the meat, distracted as she was by the naked succubus. "Why in the world are you naked?" she asked.

"I needed to be free for a little bit," Filia said. She sauntered into the other room, tail flicking back and forth. "I usually walk around Hell like this. Clothes suck, but they help me eat hits from those big mutant bastards and walk it off." She took a big bite from the salami and another from the cheese.

Judith averted her eyes. She took a small bite of the salami, realized how hungry she was, then devoured the rest in moments. As she licked her fingers clean, she heard the couch in the other room creak as Filia sat down. She followed the succubus, keeping her eyes carefully trained on anywhere but the succubi's naked form. She could do without the memories it brought. "What did you see in that thing's head?" she asked.

Filia licked her fingers slowly, making a soft sucking noise that sent a shiver down Judith's spine. "A lot of things that didn't make sense, but a few that did." She splayed her fingers on her thighs, curling them slightly against her pale lilac skin. "This is definitely some Before God fuckery, if you couldn't already tell. I don't know the why of a lot of it, but I gathered a few whats."

"Go on."

Filia ticked off on her fingers. "The big nasty behind this isn't fully here yet. We're only dealing with a fraction of its power, expressed through the corruption of the humans we've seen. But it's new servants are trying to prepare for its full arrival, and if it gets here, we're fucked."

"How do we stop it?"

The succubus quirked an eyebrow. "You're not concerned with who it is?"

"No. Only how to stop it. I need to know nothing more."

Filia rolled her eyes. "Single-minded."

"Just get on with it!"

"Fine, fine. From what I could gather, the big plan is to do some kind of rite inside the Vatican in the center of the city to fully open the gate and allow the big nasty through. To do that, the thralls of the Before God are assimilating all the life they can into their collective hivemind. There's still a few stubborn holdouts though, contingents of Templars that are holding back the tide scattered through the city." Filia closed her fingers into her palm. "But they're looking for one in particular. No name, but they called him the Lightbringer. Supposedly they had hold of him during the opening phase of their invasion, but he managed to escape."

Judith rubbed the cross around her neck. "That sounds like the Archbishop. Our leader and greatest warrior."

"They're still searching for him, so it sounds like we need to find him first. The verdes want him to bring their boss in, and we do not want that to happen."

"Where should we start looking?"

Filia hopped off the couch and moved over to the window. The light spilling through gave her a stark red outline, highlighting the curves of her hourglass figure. Judith's heart beat a little faster. "There," Filia said, pointing to particularly large floating section of the city in the distance.

"Good. Let's go." Judith turned and made for the door.

"Whoa there cowgirl, slow down." One of Filia's chains clinked around Judith's wrist, tugging her back gently. "Just hold up for one second."

Judith yanked her wrist free as if the chain was a live power line. "We're not waiting."

"Yes we are. You look exhausted, and I need to recharge my batteries." Filia patted her chest, pinky fingers brushing along the tops of her breasts. "I had to put my body back together from being pulverized three times today along with healing a bunch of other injuries. Plus, doing that thing with the verde's head took a lot more out of me than I thought. We need to rest."

"Rest if you want," Judith snapped. "I'm going."

Filia's face pinched. "And how you going to get across the open space between the floating chunks of the city, genius? Going to cobble together a da Vincian flying machine from spare parts and glide over there?"

Judith tensed. "You said yourself we're running on borrowed time, Infernal. We need to find the Archbishop before our enemies do."

"We're not going to get very far in our current state," Filia insisted. "Trust me, this is pragmatism. You need a nap, I need a rest." She flitted across the room closer to Judith with a single flap of her wings. "We rest for a couple hours. That's all I need. Then we keep going."

The succubi's scent floated up to Judith, warm and feminine. It made her hair stand on end, though whether it was from revulsion or desire she couldn't tell. Maybe a bit of both. "You're quasi-immortal, can't you just keep going?" she asked.

Filia smiled. "No such thing as immortality, sweetheart," she said. "We Infernals are tough cookies for sure, but we still have a breaking point. I don't want to think about fighting any more of those uglies at less than one hundred percent."

"But we can't linger," Judith insisted.

The succubus smirked. "Well, there's one way I can get back on my feet quicker."

Her sultry tone of voice gave away what she was hinting at. "No," Judith snapped.

"Then we're waiting." Filia turned and sauntered back to the couch, sitting down and lounging back on the furniture like a contented cat. She stretched, and Judith felt her face flush at the sight of the gorgeous succubus in repose.

"Fine by me," she muttered, turning and walking into the other room. "We wait three hours. No longer."

"Sounds good to me," Filia purred.

Judith shut the door behind her, finding herself in a spartan bedroom. Some dirty landry was still piled in the corner, evidence of an inhabitant that likely would never return. A simple wooden crucifix hung above the bed, and it was underneath it that Judith situated herself. She sat cross-legged, holding Celerity across her lap and resting her fingers against the edge of the blade. The keenness of the edge would clear her head.

She closed her eyes and let herself be. In her mind, she began to recite the Book of Psalms from memory, focusing on the rhythm and cadence of the holy scripture. When her mind flitted back to the succubus in the other room, however briefly, she pressed her fingers into the edge of Celerity's blade. The first time wasn't so bad, Judith being a little lax on herself to give herself a warning. The next time it happened she showed no mercy, digging her fingers into the edge of the blade and biting back a noise as sharp agony flared in her fingertips. She left them there, not missing a word of her internal recitation.

How dare Filia just act like she hadn't done anything to Judith in the past. They were enemies, bound by their nature to be diametrically opposed forever. The casual camaraderie that the succubus affected made her feel sick, and it made her even sicker to think that she'd just gone along with it so far. Pragmatism dictated she work with the succubus to survive. Creed and dogma dictated she kick the door down and run Filia through while she was in a weakened state.

Even with her eyes closed, she could feel blood dripping down her fingers, turning Celerity's steel red. The sharp smell filtered up to her, heady and cloying. Despite her hope it would chase away the lingering remnant of Filia's scent, it did the opposite and blended. The new bouquet filtered down her throat and made her gasp. Was every single thing about the succubus designed to torment her?

Yes, she realized. That's her purpose. To tempt and sway. The only solution is to do away with it.

The door opened, and with it, Judith's eyes. FIlia stuck her head into the room, violet eyes wary. "I smell blood. Everything okay in-"

Judith lunged off the bed, leading with Celerity. Filia whipped her head up. The sword bit deep into the wall, but Judith didn't bother yanking it back out. The succubus would be expecting that. This was a cancer that had to be excised with her own two hands.

So she turned punched Filia in the face. The succubus wasn't expecting it, the blow breaking her nose with a sharp crunch. Filia took two steps backward, and Judith stayed on her, punching her twice more before Filia caught and twisted Judith's arm. Judith went with the motion, hooking her heel into the crook of Filia's knee and pulling hard. Filia buckled and staggered, but leveraged her succubus strength to flip Judith onto her back. She hit the floor with a heavy thud.

Filia stood over her, breathing heavily. She wiped the gout of blood from her shattered nose before popping it back into place. Her eyes glittered, and Judith realized the succubi's nipples were hard as diamonds. "Foreplay," she said.

"Fuck you," Judith cursed, springing back up. It felt good to be profane, to give vent to her anger and pent-up feelings towards the smug bitch standing in front of her with a single expletive. She surged up from her back and wrapped her arms around Filia's waist, driving the succubus back into the kitchen counter. Spice containers clattered as Filia's spine hit the edge of the granite. Filia laughed and wrestled Judith down, so Judith's head was pressed into her belly. A whiff of Filia's arousal floated up, only incensing Judith further. She was getting off on this!

Filia's wings flapped and carried them across the room, and Judith yelped as Filia lifted her up and bodyslammed her down onto the couch. The succubus pounced, but Judith used her momentary leverage to roll them off the furniture onto the floor, where they wrestled for dominance back and forth. Filia was inhumanly strong, but Judith wasn't fully human either. She hooked her leg around Filia's, hands trying to find purchase on the succubi's soft, unblemished skin. At the same time, Filia was getting handsy, one hand pawing at Judith's breast while the other hooked into her belt. "Feisty bitch," Filia murmured.

Judith grunted and rolled them over. Her hand thrust out, and a moment later, Celerity thudded into it. She spun the blade around and drove the point into the floor next to Filia's head. The succubus stopped moving, her hands on Judith's belly. Her fingers were partway inside Judith's armor, and the skin to skin contact was electric.

"What now, Templar?" Filia panted. Her breath fanned up across Judith's face, sweet as any flower. "Going to run me through and be done with it?"

Judith's hand trembled on the pommel of Celerity, her instincts screaming at her to do just that. But other parts of her were coming back to life, parts she'd suppressed through self-inflicted torture both physical and mental. Her body was trembling just from the skin to skin contact, something Templars denied themselves to remove any hint of temptation. Her heart thundered in her ears, acutely aware of how the Filia's knee was pressed into the cleft of her legs and how fucking good it felt.

She couldn't suppress the memories this close to the succubus. Despite her body not being her own, she had felt everything. Filia and her demon partner hadn't denied her a thing. She had wanted, and they had provided, every pleasure that could be thought of. And though she knew she should've been ashamed of it, the ugly truth was that she still craved it. The forbidden already had it's hooks in her deep, chains wrapped tight around her immortal soul.

And Filia held the lead.

Judith dipped her head and pressed her lips to the succubi's, the rush of giving into desire bursting inside her all at once. Filia actually grew still, as if she were surprised. Then she came alive, her tongue snaking between Judith's lips as she ripped Judith's armor open. Slender Infernal fingers snaked across Judith's sternum, scorching where they touched. The heat rose in Judith's belly, and she welcomed it like an old friend. The Templar let her own hands roam, being bold with her touches. She went right to Filia's voluptuous tits, cupping and squeezing the soft mounds hard.

Filia's tail slapped the floor like a rope. "Fuck, harder," she mewled.

"This is not what you think it is," Judith said in between hard bites of the succubi's neck.

"Then what is it?" Filia hissed as Judith squeezed her breasts harder.

Judith didn't answer. She was too busy biting every inch of Filia's soft skin she could get her teeth around, chomping down and sucking on that delicious flesh like a vampire. The succubus let out a loud pant with each one. Filia's fingers shoved Judith's pants down, sliding down her body towards her waist, and then even lower. "Fuck, you've been working out," she managed.

Judith put a hand over the succubi's mouth and pressed her head into the floor. "Quiet," she said.

Filia arched an eyebrow. Before Judith could blink the succubus used her wings as leverage and flipped them over, so that she was astride Judith with her full weight resting on Judith's legs. Judith strained to free herself, but it was to no avail - the succubus had her trapped. Already the places Judith had bitten were becoming discolored, a trail of bite marks running down Filia's neck and collarbone to her right breast.

"I'm driving now," Filia purred. With a few firm motions she loosened the rest of Judith's clothing, exposing her breasts and yanking her pants down to mid-thigh. She bent down with the speed of a striking cobra and took one of Judith's nipples in her mouth, kneading the small bud with her teeth. Judith clapped a hand over her mouth and whimpered into it.

"You love this, don't deny it," Filia hissed into her skin. Her tongue trailed across Judith's chest, the touch raising goosebumps in its wake. "You love being an Infernal's plaything."

"Be silent," Judith protested, but it was weak.

Filia giggled, resting her palm on Judith's taut belly before sliding lower. Judith's hips bucked out of reflex at the touch of fingers near her nethers, Pavlovian response dictating she shy away. But with nowhere to go, Filia's fingers found her heat easily, sliding between her labia. "Already wet. You were enjoying that as much as I did."

The succubus teased her for a long while, leaning her full weight on Judith to keep her pinned as she writhed and squirmed. In that moment, Judith realized that Filia had held back during their wrestling match, as all her attempts to power out of the succubi's grip were like trying to wrestle against steel. The feeling of being powerless, however, made her absolutely melt, and soon she heard soft wet noises as Filia's fingers kept teasing between her legs.

"There we go," Filia purred. She crooked her fingers and slid them inside Judith.

Judith came alive, whimpering against Filia's hand and bucking her hips. Her hands wrapped around Filia's arms, desperate for something to hold onto as pleasure bloomed inside her. The succubi's fingers seemed to custom made for her, both soft fingertips resting perfectly against that wondrous spot inside her she'd tried so hard to forget about. Filia's grip was firm, the base of her thumb pressed against Judith's clit, driving the Templar further up the wall.

"Yeah, you love that, don't you," Filia growled.

Judith did. She loved it more than she would ever admit with words. After this, she would never speak of this to anyone again. This would be her one dalliance, one slip from her lofty perch back into the world of physical debauchery. She closed her eyes and let the pleasure course through her, angling her hips so the succubus could finger her deeper.

"Eager, eager." Filia flexed her fingers, and Judith was gone. She let her head relax onto the floor, her hair fanning around her in a sweaty, silver halo as she gave into the pleasure. Her grip on Filia loosened, and she laid back and let the succubus pleasure her. Filia wasn't in any hurry, raising her to the edge and letting her cool off for a moment before bringing her back up again. Over and over she did it, her eyes always watching Judith's face to know when to go and when to stop.

"Please," Judith begged after what felt like an eternity. She may as well have been a puddle underneath the succubus.

"Well, since you asked so nicely," Filia purred. Her fingers flexed again and again, rubbing that spot furiously. Judith's mouth went slack and she let out a long moan as pleasure like she hadn't experience in a long time burned through her, scorching her from the inside out. Her hips flexed and bucked against Filia's hand, and the succubus let out a contented sigh as she slowly slid her fingers free. She looked Judith in the eye as she licked them clean.

Judith stayed on her back for a long time, breathing heavily and coming back down. Then, she sat up slowly and pulled her pants up her legs. "Got what you needed?" she asked, her voice only slightly shaky.

"Damn, right back to business," FIlia said. "You are something else."

"I told you, that didn't mean anything." Judith slowly buttoned her shirt and leather tunic back up, smoothing out the fabric. As she did, a stinging pain in her fingers made her wince. She looked down - the cuts from Celerity's blade were still there, crusted with dried blood. "Dammit."

Filia took hold of her wrist, turning it so it faced the light. "I'm back to normal," she said quietly. Her eyes flicked across the myriad of scars on Judith's fingertips. She pressed her other hand to Judith's, and the Templar felt warmth for a moment. When Filia lowered her hand, the cuts on Judith's fingers had been healed. "We can keep going if you feel like it."

Judith looked down at her hand, then at the succubus. In the light filtering through the window, Filia's face was shrouded in soft shadows, save for her eyes, which glowed from the power she'd siphoned from Judith's earth-shattering orgasm. They held a myriad of emotions - satisfaction, wariness, and...concern?

Judith shook her head. They had a job to do. She was already compartmentalizing what had just happened to be dealt with later. It was necessary for their survival, nothing more. At least, that's how she'd rationalize it to herself. She reached behind her head and began pulling her hair up into a bun. Her fingers only trembled slightly. "Let's keep going."

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