Blazing Glory Ch. 04


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"Nadine? Where are you!?" He yelled at the top of his lungs. He was about to call out when he staggered forward. What the hell? Too late he realized that he was still going forward and down. Oh shit! He tried to warn Kendra before it was too late. Her strong grip on his arm though carried her down with him as he tumbled over and over down the steep hill. So steep was the incline that he didn't crash into any trees. No trees could ever grow on it.

The whole world just seemed to have turned up and over itself in a dizzying spiral that never seemed to end. Blaze grunted at every impact upon the ground as he sailed downwards and he could hear the crashing Kendra somewhere further away. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Blaze landed on his back and slid a few more feet before stopping. With a pained groan, he lay there a few minutes as he waited for the trees to stop dancing around him. After he regained his senses and vision, he sat up and checked himself. He would probably be bruised pretty well in a few places, but he saw no cuts or felt any broken bones. He hurt like crazy though! The young warrior heaved himself up to find his weapons still in place and glanced about his surroundings.

"Kendra! Nadine!" he called out. Silence answered him.

The unnatural fog still encased all of his surroundings but not as densely. The steep hill rose sharply behind him before disappearing in the cool mist. Ahead of him, the terrain became much more level. What was so astounding to him were the stone walls those rose up toweringly not far in front of him. Even though the walls lay in ruined rubble in many places, he could still see many portions that still rose to a massive height. If multiple versions of him could stand on their shoulders, it would take five of him just to reach the top ledge.

Stepping up to the walls, he saw no distinctive writing or symbols on them. These ruins were ancient. He doubted even long faded legends spoke of this place still. It lay hidden in this vast forest that had risen around it over time and lay far off the beaten path. He looked about as hard as he could and couldn't see Kendra lying about anywhere. While part of him was worried about her, he was glad he didn't find her fatally wounded or dead. She might have gone into the ruins looking for him if she wasn't able to find him in the fog. Glancing back to those old crumbled ruins, he didn't like the look of the place.

He had to search the place for Kendra and Nadine. Every step placed cautiously, the young warrior stepped through one of the gaps in the fortified wall to enter the ruins of a large ancient city.


Lexiss sighed as she trudged through the mountains now for her next assignment. She was starting to get wary of doing this for her mistress as she often knew the results. They had found out what happened to Sonora shortly after she got back. She shuddered at what those goblins had done to the siren and was thankful it hadn't been her instead. The siren was okay but seemed to hold a renewed hatred for that succubus named Kendra.

The shadow mistress shook her head in disgust. Such hatreds would eventually destroy the siren. Lexiss didn't want to be there and drug down with the foolish sing-song bitch. Raising a hand to cover her eyes from the bright sunlight, she saw that she was near the top of the small mountain. She wasn't used to such large amounts of light from the sun and it made her feel uncomfortable. With a sigh, she pressed herself onwards.

Not too long afterwards, she finally came upon the clearing she had been told to expect. In the middle of the clearing was a gigantic round table with equally sized stone chairs about it. In those chairs she saw who she was expecting. Each chair held their representative for their race at this council. All of them had one thing in common. They were all giants! She looked at them warily as they turned to look at her. Feeling the scrutiny of their eyes, she drew herself up with a breath and strode forward.

As she approached the council table, she saw all kinds of giants. There were rock giants, tree giants, mountain giants, sea giants and so on. All were remarkably human in appearance with their physical traits altered in kind with their race description. One giant let his hand down. She stepped up into the open palm before he raised her up onto the table easily. She stepped out onto the table and strut confidently to the center of the table that was as big as a gladiator arena.

Lexiss stood there with her hand resting on her hip as she looked to each of them before speaking, "I am here to give you the reason the goddess known as Koas invited all of you to this council. She will give you the greatest common desire that you all hold in exchange for your services for her."

"And what kind of fun would that be, agent of Koas," the mountain giant's voice boomed deeply.

"Slaughter, destruction, mayhem, and all of those wonderful things," the dark woman said with a smile.

The wind giant to her right leaned forward to speak, her hair swaying with the gusty breath leaving his mouth, "And what is this desire she claims to know we all hold. A desire that she can give us that we cannot obtain ourselves. Tell us this then!"

Those dark lips smiled softly, "Why of course I'll tell you. It's actually part of her services. The complete extermination of all dragons."

That statement brought forth booming yells of approval from many to where the very mountain itself shook. Soon all began talking to the others. Their voices were so loud that the booming talk became garbled together to where she couldn't understand. It did not matter as she had to cover her ears. They bantered on for about an hour about this, weighing the possible benefits and losses in such a venture. Eventually it all became quiet again to where she could uncover her ears.

Lexiss looked to them all, "What is your answer?"

The rock giant leaned forward with his gravelly voice sounding like an avalanche of boulders, "We will do as Koas wishes. In the meantime, we would also like to see you strip and make yourself cum while we watch."

She rolled her eyes as she knew this was going to happen. What could you expect with a knockout figure like she had? She was thankful they weren't going to fuck her at least. That would surely kill her. All the giants already were standing and had their enormous cocks out. The smallest one there was as long and thick as a red oak! Slowly she pushed her black dress down to where her large boobs bounced in freedom. Her dark nipples began to harden shamefully at the idea of what she was about to do.

Finally getting the dress completely off of her. She lay down on the table and spread her legs wide for them to see her dusky cunt lips. Her left hand pulled on her hard nipple as her other rubbed her clit. She moaned lowly as she felt her pussy getting wetter by the second as the tension began to build within her. She looked up to the giants to see their cocks drooling precum in gallons extending from the tips in long thick ropes. She licked her lips without thinking as she thrust her fingers into her pussy.

Lexiss groaned shamefully as the giants began calling her all kinds of nasty names. She couldn't understand why that was turning her on even more. She panted heavily as her hot body glistened wetly with sweat at the exertion of her masturbation. Soon, the shadow mistress was humping her hips upwards against the fingers frigging her cunt rapidly. Her hand squeezed her nipple as she gave a loud husky grunt as she came hard, her juices pouring out of her open pussy lips to wet the table beneath her.

In her orgasmic bliss, she didn't hear the multiple grunts around her. She gasped and swallowed thick cum as she was showered in fountains of cum from all sides. Her little body was coated instantly with sticky cum as more enormous cum shots from those massive cocks fell like waterfalls onto her. The sheer nastiness of it set her off into another screaming orgasm as she thrashed about in the pool of deep cum she now lay in. Fuck it felt so good to cum!

Her eyes were wide open as another orgasm was instantly building up within her as the giants finished their massive spurts of cumming. The dark messenger of Koas frantically pushed herself to her feet and she spread her legs wide for the cheering giants there to witness. Her fingers rapidly pumped in and out of her sensitive cunt as her breaths came in sharp gasps of need to cum once again. Standing knee deep in a pool of cum, tendrils of the white creamy jizz dripped from her chin and nipples capping those large breasts in thick ropes.

Lexiss was beside herself as she rubbed the cum all over her tits and body like it was the most wonderful body oil every created. The giants continued to cheer and hoot at the sight of the beauty before them rubbing her clit now furiously with her whole body glistening wet from their cum. The sheer dirtiness of being in this situation and the shame of loving every bit of it finally drove Lexiss over the edge into one of the most powerful climaxes she'd every had!

"YEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as her knees shook in barely supporting her stance.

Pussy juices squirted from her cunt to shower to pool she stood in. Finally dropping to her knees in exhaustion, the shadow mistress could only gasp for breath heavily in making her large tits bob on her chest. With her performance, the giants were sure to become a powerful force for her goddess. That knowledge made her smile all the more.


Hours seemed to have passed since Blaze first entered the empty city. He now knew it to be a vast city. He walked along the streets paved with stone as he looked about. Over half of the buildings had long since collapsed inward on themselves with only the outside walls still remaining. There were other buildings still intact along the main streets. He could see many of these being shops and even a few homes to residents long since gone. Even though most windows were missing and doors swinging freely, he dared not enter such old structures. He wouldn't be much help to the others if a building collapsed in on top of him.

The fog still persisted in this city. Coupled with the fog was the darkness of night as the sun had long since set. This left the vast city with a gloomy, bone-chilling feeling. He certainly felt that he was being watched and was sure that he wouldn't see who it was. It was a haunted place to be sure. Filled with dark specters wondering who had dared enter their ancient home and envious he still had the gift of life within him. Such wondering thoughts made him shiver in fear. How could a warrior fight ghosts?

Already knowing the answer to that he continued to press onward. Blaze called out the names of his lovers every now and then, but the only answer he received was his own echo. With no answer to his last call, he studied the ruin with some interest. The architecture of the city astounded him even though it was all in disrepair. No human city he had seen so far even came close to the sophistication and size of the one here. He had always known buildings could only reach up to two levels with very few towering up to three. Here, though, he saw buildings easily reaching up six to seven floors in height. He would occasionally pass small palaces that rich noble families must have resided in. The domes and tower structures he didn't know were possible being built in such a way.

It was shortly after that the young warrior entered the large plaza. It was so large that he could only faintly make out what looked to be a massive temple on the other end through the fog. To the left and right of him sat rows of stone gargoyles perched in various positions. It almost felt as if each pair of gargoyle eyes turned to regard him as dinner having served itself. The ugly creatures were carved perfectly as they were both intimidating and frightening. The craftsmanship fascinated him as he walked along the row to his right.

One caught his eye in particular. He moved over to look at it curiously. The gargoyle looked to have weathered nature better than its cracked and crumbling companions. He wondered why the stone workers made this one more appealing to the eye than the other fearsome statues. The gargoyle was quite obviously female and held an attractive look to her. His eyes roamed down to see her huge stone rack! Apparently some of the carvers had a perverted mind and keen eye for the female body.

Nor did the carver give the female much clothing. All she wore was a low cut top showing much cleavage with only one shoulder strap. The skimpy shirt cut off shortly beneath her breasts. Other than that, all she wore was a loin cloth over her privates held up by a belt. He heard a small tumble of stone behind him that drew his attention away. He didn't see Kendra or Nadine where the sound had come from and the fog was already thickening quickly again. With a sigh, he turned back to study the female gargoyle more.


Blaze grunted as pain exploded through his jaw from underneath before the impact sent him sailing through the air. He gasped as the air was knocked out of him when he landed roughly on his back. Pain lanced through his already bruised back in protest to the rough landing. He slowly got to his feet as he struggled to regain his breath. He checked his jaw and found it sore, but not broken.

"Who are you?" asked a deep, feminine voice from the fog, "And for what reason do you trespass into the forbidden Nervei?"

The voice certainly wasn't either Nadine's or Kendra's. He looked back to the pedestal and saw the female gargoyle statue no longer there. Dear Stavros help him now. He murmured a small prayer as he realized what was going on.

"I do not mean to trespass," he said shakily as his hand slowly reached for one of his swords, "I am seeking two friends I have lost in this fog. I suspect they are wandering in the city doing the very same themselves."

"You lie... You seek the treasure of Nervei, human," the sexy voice said from behind him now.

He whipped around to see it was too late as the shadowy figure had already lunged at him. He held in his breath just in time as he braced for the impact. She hit him with surprising force as she tackled him to the ground. For the third time that eve, his back felt the pain of impact as he was firmly pinned to the ground. For heaven's sake will someone give his poor back a damn break!? Her hands had an iron grip on his arms as she pinned them down. She settled her weight down on him quickly as she straddled him. He felt her tail coil about his legs to prevent him from kicking.

Now that she was up close to him, Blaze could see her clearly now. He cursed himself for being concentrated too much on those big jugs of hers. The gargoyle was not stone as the fog had disguised her in the gloomy light. Her skin and wings were actually blue rather than the gray of stone. And how could he have missed her hair? The shock of hair on her head that ran down the length of her back was a blood red that contrasted with her skin tone nicely. Add in her more human like appearance and she was quite obviously one damn gorgeous female!

"You will not get the treasure nor will you live another day to spread your lies, human," She said with a dark smile, revealing the elongated canines of sharp fangs.

The female gargoyle towering above him shifted slightly. That movement made her big breasts sway slightly in such an eye-catching way that he couldn't help but stare. With her pinning him as she was, those large round blue orbs swung so closely to his face. Damn what a rack! He felt his cock jerk in response to his arousal. He cursed himself. This wasn't the time, but it had a mind of its own. Soon he had a full raging boner tenting his pants as he was about to be killed by this gargoyle.

She growled threateningly down to him, but halted in surprise. Her eyes opened wide in shock and her mouth opened in a silent, "Oh!" He knew the source of her shock. She straddled him just right to where the tent in his pants was under the skimpy loin cloth and rubbing against that bare blue pussy of hers. He was surprised to watch her close her eyes with a soft moan as she rubbed her pussy against him.

"Oh fuck.... A cock..... It's been so long..." she whispered lustily between pleased growls.

Blaze could only sit there and watch in amazement as the gargoyle's demeanor changed from life threatening to passionate lust. She was moaning constantly now as her hips dry humped her cunt against him. She growled lustily as she released her grip on him. Still he didn't dare make any threatening moves. She slid back off his lap to where she gazed closely at the bulge in his trousers. Her hands made quick work of the fastenings and soon hand his pale cock wrapped in her blue hand with his leggings pushed down to his ankles. Despite his fear, he could only groan as she pumped his cock slowly within her fist.

She looked up to him with a hungry look much like Kendra often had, "What's your name, human?"

"It's Blaze," he moaned submissively. She was stroking his rod wonderfully.

The female gargoyle leaned forward and kissed the tip of his cock head with her ruby red lips, "Mmmm.. A pleasure to meet you Blaze. I am Tyra Rohanna. If you do well enough in pleasuring me tonight, I will give you a reprieve. I will let you live and escort you out of Nervei."

He felt a surge of hope and relief at the same time. She wasn't going to kill him yet and all he had to do was give her physical pleasure she so needed. "Alright, Tyra. I'll do my best for you then."

"Good," she said with a smile,"But first, I want a taste of this beautiful cock. It's been so long that I've almost forgotten what it's like."

Without hesitating a moment further, Tyra leaned forward to flick her tongue against his cock head a few times before kissing the head gently. The pleasure of that hot tongue against him drew a grunt from him as the precum oozed thickly out of the slit in his arousal. Tyra chuckled and slid her tongue over the flared head, taking it off and into her mouth. She closed her eyes as she tasted him with satisfied expression. Her eyes opened to turn her dark gaze up to him as she smiled.

"Mmmm.. You taste sweet, Blaze," she growled softly as her hands stroked the base of his cock and balls. Her red lips parted once again to take him into her mouth. Blaze could only lay there and groan as the intense pleasure surged from his rod through the rest of his body. The beautiful gargoyle concentrated on the sensitive head inside her hot, eager mouth. Then she surprised him by sucking harder and swallowing his dick deep into her throat. He felt her shift and could feel those full, lush breasts move against his thighs. He could feel her soft warm flesh and rock hard nipples of her tits.

Damn she was sucking him like there was no tomorrow! He was so deeply in her throat and she still acted as if it were nothing difficult. All this time she kept her dark gaze centered on his face as she began to bob her head up and down the entire length of him. The young warrior could only groan as he was taken along the ride of bliss as this blue beauty sucked him off expertly. He could easily hear Tyra's wet sucking of him while she coated his rod with her saliva lovingly as it repeatedly dove down deeply into her throat. At times she would draw back to nibble on the spongy cockhead teasingly before letting it slide back down her throat with a deep inhale and cheek-hollowing suck.

Tyra smiled inwardly as she watched Blaze squirm about on the ground from her hot blowjob. Time to give this wonderfully hung man a taste of heaven. With one last plunge downward, she locked that big hunk of meat into her throat. She gave soft little throaty moans of pleasure with him so deep down into her. These moans made her vocal cords vibrate against that sensitive rod. Those sweet vibrations moved up the entire length of him as she moaned continuously now about him.