Blazing Glory Ch. 11


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The young warrior tried to swallow but his mouth had gone dry. Someone even more powerful than Kendra? He'd always thought it was easily possible that there were creatures more powerful than a succubus from the realm of demons, but he'd idled the fancy that they would never have to worry about encountering something like that. When things would get rough, he knew he could count on Kendra to come through for them. Now she was telling him that trump card was not going to work in this case.

"As I told the others, I don't think we're going to have the opportunity to go back and prepare for an assault," Kendra whispered finally as they all came to a stop before doors gilded with gold and inset rubies and jadestones. As the genie opened both doors wide, Blade felt his heart drop into his stomach. As he walked through those doors, he felt like a man walking to the gallows.


Grass swayed gently in the soft breeze that carried some dust along with it. This breeze blew across the silent, empty expanse of a village within the lightly wooded forest. It was a small, quaint little village nestled in this forest with its homes and vegetable gardens. It looked like a peaceful slice of heaven if not for the silence. Where there would normally be the activity of people going about the day greeting each other as they passed by and children laughing as they played in the streets, there was nothing. Only absolute stillness.

In the middle of the main street of this small town stood a lone figure. Her dress swayed gently in the breeze as she appreciated the feel of its touch against her skin. She sighed softly, as clouds passed by to let the sun kiss her skin with its warmth in its afternoon drift. The smell of the forest and flowers of the village wafted through the air.

It was a beautiful day to die, thought Tanna Roselei.

She stood there looking west, waiting for her death to come from that direction. She had been reflecting on what had happened in the days leading up to this as well as a majority of her long elven life so far. Her name was true in its implications, for she was related to Queen Roselei as a cousin. One of Allora's few relatives and Tanna her childhood friend since they had been born around the same time.

She looked a lot like the queen with her elegant body, long blonde hair. Only her eyes more a soft hazel rather than blue. The other difference that Allora always liked to tease her jokingly about on visits was her chest. Whereas Allora was an elf in truest sense with firm pert elven breasts, Tanna was the exception. Her breasts had swelled and not stopped when she was growing up, this leading to her slender ribcage supporting large breasts with elven firmness. Many of the court said, while this wasn't a pure elven trait, her larger breasts enhanced Tanna's incredible beauty.

She was always abashed about the looks of envy she received by the women and lust from the men. Sometimes, she confided to Allora, beauty was more a curse than blessing. And she was nothing, compared the Callista. Though many despised the Silver Enchantress, Tanna felt respect and pity for the scorned woman. While the woman had power beyond measure that also made Tanna nervous, she could not help but be amazed by the sorceress's beauty. And to top that, Callista's breasts were bigger than her own.

Tanna almost laughed to herself as she stood there thinking this. Wishing other men's lustful desire for her breasts be pushed upon someone else when she was becoming envious of Callista's impressive bust. She sighed, now wishing she had gotten to know the Silver Enchantress more than just the few times they'd met. But now she would die, unable to fulfill such a desire.

The word had come fast from villages further west. An army beyond comprehension was tearing through the forests towards the open plains of their kingdom in an unchallenged conquest. The army was made of an alliance of the most evil races. The reports of the carnage sent shivers down her spine. A royal messenger had arrived while she, her village's Head Mistress, overlooked the preparations. She'd sent the messenger back with an understanding but rueful lie. Allora was making her way to confront this invasion with the elven army, but she knew that her cousin was making with desperate haste to reach her childhood friend in time.

Allora wasn't going to make it in time. That she'd already surmised by some of the village hunters reporting on the close proximity of the army. She continued the evacuation of her home and sent her people east days before the enemy would arrive. The Head Mistress would stay and provide enough of a distraction with her presence. Many objected but she would have none of it. If they found an empty village, they would send a pursuit party to kill them all. At least with her, they would lose time when they chose to torture her under the pretense to find out where her people were hiding.

And today was the day they should arrive. Her eyes caught the wisp of rising dust up ahead. But her pointy ears had long since heard the thumping of large footprints. Within a matter of minutes, a group of heavily armored orcs charged into the town. She stood there calmly in her regal beauty as they surrounded her at spear point while the others broke in every building of the village in search of any resistance attempt from within. Through all of the banging and crashing of destruction of the homes around her, a large green orc approached and parted the circle about her.

"Drop ya spears boys, she doesn't look ta be any threat," he snorted as he ran a finger along a mighty tusk, "I am Gondir an' this is me forward scout troop. Who are ye?"

"Tanna, Head Mistress of this village," she answered, head held high.

She gasped as white hot pain erupted from her left cheek. The brutal slap echoed through the hair as she staggered to the side a bit. Her cheek stung fiercely as the other orcs about her whistled and chuckled at the indignant look she shot back at Gondir.

"Dun ye fuckin' talk down to me, elven wench. Look down ye nose like tha again and I'll have the boys 'ere skewer you good!" Gondir roared. After seeing her nod that she understood and would comply, his tone lowered and anger subsided. "Now where are the others?"

"Long gone by now," She answered, her gaze submissively to the ground.

The orc leader snorted in disgust at her attempt to protect her people and laughed. "Dun worry. They'll be wiped out soon enough along with da rest of the races this side of the continent."

Tanna wanted to glare at him angrily but knew better. She had to stall to give her people more time to reach Allora's army. Cheek still aching from the slap, she stood there silent doing her best to look defeated and humiliated when her spirit was anything but.

"Captain Gondir," roared an orc in the distance, his voice growing as grew closer to them. "I found a few more of da rats lurking in the woods just beyond."

Her head snapped up, eyes wide at hearing that. Impossible! She had given explicit orders that no one was to return for her! Who would dare be so rash and jeopardize themselves in such a foolish cause!? The circle about her parted as an orc dragged up two figures with each meaty paws. The smaller figures struggled in his grasp, but they could not best such strength the orc had. When she saw who they were, her breath left her and her knees almost caved in beneath her.

Alon and Sadron! The orc tossed the two young men into the circle about them. The two looked almost like brothers so much it had drawn them together to be best friends. Alon had the brightest blue eyes of the village and Sadron with rich forest green eyes. These two had just come of the consenting age, no longer boys but barely men. She had been fond of them as she watched them grow up. Tanna had been excited when they'd passed consenting age not long ago and had been looking forward to preside over their vow exchange day when they found the girl of their dreams.

"Why are you here," her voice whispered hoarsely, in fear for their very lives now.

The young men flinched back a little as they looked up to her shamefully, taking her hoarse tone for anger. "We wanted to be here to protect you," Alon answered softly, cheeks flushed.

Her mind was a whirlwind of emotion as she wanted to be absolutely furious with them. Yet Tanna couldn't bring herself to be so. As they had been growing up under her watch, she had seen the looks she had gotten from them not unlike the other men. The boys had a crush on the Head Mistress of their village and she knew about it. She had hoped they would grow out of it and find a nice elf girl in the town their own age. Apparently, their feelings for her hadn't changed too significantly.

"Noble," Gondir snorted with a chuckle, "Stupid, but noble me lads."

Tanna wanted to turn angrily on the vile orc and tell him to leave them be, but knew better. The young men hung their heads in shame as they realized how foolish their actions had been. They had stood no chance against a trained orc soldier let alone many of them. She quickly tried to think of a way to plead for their lives in a way that may somehow remotely sway this evil beast behind her when further motion drew her gaze from the west.

A slower entourage made its way into the village and towards them. Only a few orcs comprised this group. What made her eyes grow wide was the group of at least twenty elves shackled, beaten and in tattered clothes shuffle up to the gather in the center of the village.

Gondir looked back over his shoulder as they came up and sighed slightly. "They are nah of much use now are they?"

"W-what do you mean?"

The orc looked over to her with an evil sneer, "We like ta keep some of our prey alive so as ta provide motivation ta da other villages we come upon. We were hoping ta use them ta make ye and yer other lady folk 'entertain' us fer a while in order ta keep them alive."

Tanna's blood drained from her face and her blood went cold at the implications of his words and the chuckles and emanated from the group of orcs around them. Dear spirits, she knew it was a possibility that this could happen but she had been rather hopeful to just be killed when they'd come.

"But now tha we 'ave some boys 'ere," he nodded to Alon and Sadron with a smirk, "If you want to keep them alive, you'll entertain them in front of all of us!"

Tnna's heart stopped and her world when white. She couldn't breathe as Gondir's laughter seemed to come from an unseen distance far off. This couldn't be happening. She, the Head Mistress of her town, would entertain these young men. These two young men that had grown up before her? She would be having sex with them.... In front of all these orcs and elves? No! But if she didn't, they would be killed.

Swaying light-headedly on her feet, she managed to look slightly towards the captured elves who had been forced to sit in one corner of the circle. These were people she knew and they knew her. They knew of her reputation. The cousin of Queen Roselei acting like a depraved slut and taking the virginity of two young men? She would never hear the end of it if they made it through this. But she was surprised not to see wishes for her resist doing such, but rather sad looks of understanding. They knew.

She had to.

"May I speak to these young men for just a moment... Before we start?" her voice shakily asked Gondir.

The orc snorted and shrugged, "Why nah? Go ahead, but try anything fishy and ye all die, ya hear?"

Tanna nodded and brushed her long blonde hair aside as she moved over to Alon and Sadron, bidding them to rise up from their knees. When they rose, she drew both in with an arm about their shoulders and pressed her forehead gently to theirs in their little gathering.

"What do they mean to do to us?" Sadron whispered in fear after a few moments had passed without her saying a word.

"I don't know," she whispered back in a soft reassuring tone. "But what I mean to do now is to ensure your lives. I want you both to understand this and not resist. I know from your school education we give that one class taught you about life and how it comes to be. That is what I am going to do to you."

"What?" Alon's voice cracked, "But.."

"No buts!" she hushed his and Sadron's forming protest. "I am going to take your virginity even though I am not your wife. If I do not have sex with you, they will kill you. I know you boys have liked me in the past... I want you to give in so you may possibly live through this. I want you to take my body."

Both Alon and Sadron exchanged uneasy looks. This went against the customs of their people. It was almost taboo. But silently the nodded in acquiesce.

"If this is to be the last hour of our lives, then let us enjoy it together," She whispered finally to them before leaning away.

Stepping back, she barely nodded to Gondir that she was starting before she focused solely on the young men before her and blocking out all other things from her mind. Her chest heaved nervously as she let her inhibitions slowly out and convince herself to go through with this. She was going to fuck and not only that, she was going to be fucked by two young men at the same time. The thought was dirty yet started getting her hot below.

Tanna took hold of the left sleeve of her simple elven dress and eased it down over one shoulder, baring her soft pale skin to the entranced young men. Taking her other shoulder down, it fell gently down her body with a slight hesitation after being caught by the curvature of her large breasts. Her pink nipples stood out proudly already capping her melonous tits perfectly. Her eyes looked down to see the growing cocks in their pants as they laid eyes on their first naked female.

Both young men watched in amazement as they could see the busty Head Mistress strip in front of them. Her body was just as amazing as they had imagined and always jerked off to at night in the privacy of their own rooms. The object of all their fantasies was now walking towards them, large firm tits pointing toward her intended victims. Their cocks strained tightly against their pants as one of the rare beauties of the elven kingdom approached. The body of the older woman was perfect along with her breasts, a taut smooth belly leading down to a perfectly smooth pussy. The naked slender elf before them almost made them cum in their pants right then.

Tanna tried her best to ignore the whistles and vulgar calls of the orcs around her as she knelt down before the young men. She had seen the desire in their eyes and felt a small twinge of delight that they liked what they saw in her body. Her eyes looking up into theirs, she gave them both a sexy smile as she undid the front ties of Alon's pants before yanking them off.

Tanna gasped as his young cock sprung into view, already hard and dripping precum from the slit. "My you have a handsome cock, young man. Whatever, could it be for? Me?" She hummed softly, putting on the best show she could for the orcs. It was a nice sized cock on the young elf though.

Alon watched in amazement as the Head Mistress winked up to him before leaning forward to lick the head of his cock with her tongue. A jolt of sheer pleasure ran through his entire being and made him cry out as her tongue ran along the sensitive tip. He could barely hear her hum pleasantly as she tasted the precum with pleasure. Eyes closed and body shaking slightly, Alon was so lost in the sensation of her running that tongue about his hard meaty sword that the hot wet sensation took him by surprise.

Tanna couldn't restrain herself any further. That cock tasted so good and it had been so long. To make it even better, it was sweet Alon's young member. She'd given into her lust fully and wanted to make this virile cock hers alone! She took it fully into her mouth with one full suckle that made Alon cry out loudly. She felt the pulsating heat of that cock in her mouth as she swirled her tongue all about its length. Her head bobbed back and forth as she sucked on the length with pleasant muffled grunts. The wet slurping of her blowjob filled the quiet air as the crowd watched the blonde elf beauty suck the cock like a well-seasoned whore.

Alon couldn't hold it in as it was too much. The sensation was unreal and the sight below him of the Head Mistress, blonde hair swaying with her movements, sucking at his cock hungrily. No man, let alone a virgin, could hold out long to such. He cried out as his young cock went into violent spasms and jetted forth virginal cum into the hot depths of her throat!

Tanna grunted with surprise and held still, the audible sound of her now gulping down his cum until he was done. Her pussy was now dripping wet with arousal as the cum was like the most powerful aphrodisiac she could imagine. It tasted wonderful and she had to have more! She looked over hungrily to Sadron who already had his pants down and hand wrapped about his own hard dick, aroused at the sight of her fellatio like everyone else. Releasing Alon from her mouth, she grasped his cock and gently stroked it to keep it hard as she leaned over to Sadron with a seductive smile.

Sadron took his hand from his cock and watched in ready excitement. The class had taught them of sex, but not what she was doing at the moment. He'd never thought of a woman putting her mouth there and the dirty sight of her sucking Alon with the pleasure his friend showed made him eager. He nearly blew his wad when that wet sensation now engulfed his sensitive rod.

Tanna hummed pleasantly as she took Sadron's meaty cock into her mouth. It was a bit thinner the Alon's but longer in length, which gave her an idea for a treat to give the young man. She watched his eyes grow further in amazement as his cock slid down her throat. Her hand reached down to rub the clit of her wet pussy mound as her throat muscles gently coaxed Sadron's cock encouragingly.

Sadron was so close already and now understood why Alon hadn't lasted very long. The wet suckling sensation was incredible. He gasped as his hands seized took hold of her hair and his hips thrust forward. She moaned approvingly as he began to move her head in conjunction with his hips to slide his cock in and out of her hot throat. He couldn't believe he was fucking the Head Mistress's mouth and she loved it. The thought alone made him lose it.

Tanna blinked as Sadron let go of her head and cried out in ecstasy. She gasped as she drew off that cock immediately as it started spewing jizz out in rapid hot spurts that sprayed her face and onto her large tits. Sadron stumbled back a little when he came down from his orgasmic bliss. The Head Mistress wiped the spunk from her face and suckled it off her fingers for all to see. She dropped her hands to rub the cum on her breasts about them, making them glisten wetly in the light.

Alon's cock was still hard in her other hand and Sadron's was as well. Ah, the youth and their endurance! She smiled as she gently pushed Alon down onto his back. She couldn't wait any longer. She hadn't had a cock in ages and she needed, no she wanted, to be fucked hard now!

"Now be a good boy and fuck me good with that gorgeous cock of yours," she said to the young man as she raised herself up over him.

Alon lay on his back a he looked up to the Head Mistress in all her naked glory straddle him and aim his hard virginal sword towards her entrance. This was it, he breathed heavily in excitement. He was about to lose his virginity to the Head Mistress just like he'd always fantasized. Her eyes locked on his and she gave him a genuine loving smile.

Tanna looked down upon the young man with fondness that she'd always had for the both of them. She was in complete lust to lose herself on this cock, but also thrilled she could at least make their first experience enjoyable. Her arousal surpassed that feeling though as soon as she watched his eyes grow bigger and she knew he was feeling her hot moist pussy. She gave an animal groan as she felt that hard rigid length delve slowly into her hot depths. When he bottomed out and reached so deeply into her cunt, she couldn't restrain herself and flung her head back, hair swirling about and large firm breasts bouncing slightly, with a loud scream of ecstasy.
