Blazing Glory Ch. 14


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"FUCK! FUCK! YEEESSS! TEAR ME APART YOU SWEET BASTARD! DESTROY MY CUNT WITH THAT BEAUTIFUL COCK! YEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!" Lexiss shrieked at the top of her lungs, her juices spraying out of her in torrents as her mind was obliterated by pleasure she never thought possible.

Blaze slowed his thrusts as he became too exhausted to do anything more than stand there supporting her. He looked down to his body drenched with sweat and her cum. That had been more intense than he had expected it to be. He hoped it is what she had wished for. Looking up to Lexiss, he blinked in surprise.

"Lexiss?" He asked with growing concern.

The shadow mistress hung there with her hands in a frozen grip on the bedpost. Her eyes rolled up and her tongue hung out of her mouth. Her body shivered and quaked every now again from a series of mini-orgasm. She had passed out!? He looked on in shock with her cock drunk expression before he carefully helping ease her down to the bed.

"Lexiss, come on now," He spoke, gently patting her cheek in nervousness. He was afraid he had gone too far this time. After a few moments, her breathing steadied before she blinked her eyes a few times to regain her focus. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Are you alright?"

Lexiss could only look to him in wonder for a moment as she slowly nodded. It had been more than she ever hoped to experience. The former servant of Koas nearly wanted to cry that she would never get to experience such with him again. But it was just punishment after what she had done to him. She leaned up to kiss him briefly before wrapping her arms about him in loving embrace.

"Thank you, Blaze," she whispered tearfully into his ear. "Thank you..."


Rae glanced up when the door opened. Her red eyes focused as both Lexiss and Blaze exited the bedroom. Her elven ears had heard everything. The shadow mistress had gotten her wish granted to the fullest of her desires. As much as she did not care for the demand, the passionate screams leaving that room had left her wet between her legs. Seeing her sister squirm slightly across from her told her that Rizarra felt it too. They had both shared in that ecstasy not all the long ago. However, she hoped this would be the last time Lexiss made such a request. She doubted the succubus would tolerate anything more. Still, she was thankful that Lexiss had not done anything treacherous to her lover while inside that room.

"Took you both long enough to clean up," she chided them with a sigh. Blaze scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed chuckle while Lexiss turned her head with a deep blush. Rae stepped up to touch Blaze, sending healing magic in his body specifically aimed to replenish his strength and stamina. He had had sex with three women in one day after all. "If you had taken any longer with her, I might have rushed in to tackle you for myself, Patron."

"Now that is done," Rizarra said, pushing herself from the wall, "We should get moving quickly to the next task at hand. I will guide you through the underworld to the domain of the Mistress of Chaos. We only need to fetch Kendra but she hasn't returned yet. I am concerned about her well-being. She went alone to face hundreds of demons after all."

A flash of dark movement startled them along with the wet thud of something hitting the wall before falling to the ground. The source of the noise rolled slightly towards them into the light. All of them recoiled at the head of what appeared to be a female with green skin and dark green hair. What remained of her face was a look of sheer horror that disquieted even the drow present. Kendra stepped around the corner, her naked body covered head to toe in blood.

"Kendra..." Blaze started, hesitating before reaching out to her, "Are you okay?"

The demoness looked to them nonchalantly, as if wondering at their amazed expressions. "What? Never been better. Is that a bedroom in there? I trust there is a bath?" She said pointing to where Blaze and Lexiss had come out from. Rizarra could only nod numbly as she walked past all of them with a grin. "Fine then. Give me a few moments to clean up and I will be ready. Please leave my clothes inside."

Blaze stared in wonder as Kendra walked in without another word. He had always known she was a woman who he did not want to anger. But the coldness that emanated from her reminded him that she was still a demon. As Rae passed him to follow her friend inside with her clothing, he felt Lexiss trembling behind him. He could hear the drow conversing with the demoness inside. The shock wore off after a number of minutes and he looked behind him to Lexiss. She was still shaking uncontrollably, unsettled greatly by the grisly sight. It would not be a far reaching guess that she knew it could have been her head lying there upon the floor. He put a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't worry, Lexiss. She may not like you, but I can tell she has no hostile intentions toward you," he said reassuringly.

"Blaze is right," Rae said as she stepped back outside, closing the door behind her. "I can tell my friend worked it out of her system. Strange... I almost pity those poor demons for what they must have faced. That is until she told me just now that they all had raped her before we arrived." Blaze stiffened at this revelation as Rae looked apologetically to him. "I am sorry but I felt you should know, despite her keeping this from you in her own way of trying to protect you. The world can be a cruel place, but even more cruel in the world of demons."

He couldn't help but look past the door where Kendra was cleaning their filth from her. A part of him was filled with self-loathing for not having arrived sooner to save her. Yet he knew this had been Kendra's score to settle. Already he could hear her telling him not to worry about it any further. His mind now focused on Koas. The goddess had gone too far in starting this war. She went even further to set horrible demons upon the woman he loved in order to break him. This madness was going to stop.

Looking to Rae, they both shared a knowing look along the same thoughts. After a short while of waiting, the door opened. Kendra stepped outside as she finished tying the laces of her leather vest. Taking the towel hanging about her neck to ruffle the moisture out of blonde hair one last time, Kendra gave them that familiar bright smile.

"Ready. Let's go give hell to the goddess since she likes chaos so much," she said cheerfully, the corner of her mouth turned upward into a smirk. They all agreed whole-heartedly as Rizarra turned to lead them out of the building. Rae poked and teased Kendra mercilessly along the way in an unusual display of affection for her friend. Clearly the drowess was just as relieved to have Kendra back.

"I always thought you succubi loved to swallow cum, not spew it out," Rae laughed as they descended from the buildings entrance. Kendra nearly stumbled on a step before blushing as she smacked the arm the amused dark elf lightly.

"Hush, Rae! I shared that only with you in confidence," she whispered with a nervous glance back towards Blaze, whom was talking with Lexiss. "It's not like I had a choice. The damn bitch was in my ass and ejaculating an absurd amount."

"Still sounds kind of kinky. All that cum to go all the way through your body," Rae chuckled before her red eyes widened with an idea. "Perhaps I should research to see if there is a spell that could make our dear Blaze cum that much for us?"

"Rae!" Kendra looked to her with shock before shaking her head. "Don't be silly!"

Rae hummed softly to herself in amusement as she observed Kendra acting in disapproval, but give a sideways glance in thoughtful consideration of the idea. The drowess looked forward to the day they could all be together again without worry where such amusement between friends would be commonplace.

"Lexiss! I finally found you," came a shout to startle them all out of their reverie and conversations.

The shadow mistress gave a shocked gasp as they all looked to the source of the voice down the empty street. Standing there calmly with an arrogant expression was a woman with short blue hair and intense orange eyes. A Shoushan woman in ninja garb.

"Nariko! What are you doing here?" Lexiss managed to say, despite the fear nearly freezing her in place at being found out by one of her former cohorts. Blaze stepped in front of the shadow mistress protectively as his lightened mood darkened immediately. While he had not seen her face in his pursuit of her after poisoning Tyra, he had heard enough from Rae's description to know whom they faced.

"What am I doing here? To retrieve you, of course," the ninja sneered at her. "Our goddess was suspicious of your delayed return. She sent me to see if Ulthar was up some treachery... or if you were."

"But why would the goddess even suspect me of such a thing," Lexiss responded, panic starting to fill her with an impulse to starting running as fast as she could.

"You really think Koas didn't recognize the change in you after your first encounter with that man? Even the rest of us could tell you were somehow different. Yet our goddess chose to continue believing in you, considering you were born from her very essence. It is amazing that you could betray Koas, who is technically your mother. I can't wait to tell her!" Nariko laughed, those orange eyes glaring at Lexiss with hatred. "Do not think I have forgiven you taking me from my sister's protection. Because of you and that pointy-eared rat, I was forced into the humiliation of being gang-banged by a whole village of centaurs! When I tell Koas of your actions, she will no doubt send as many of her servants to wipe you out. You will be hunted to the ends of the world and never given a moments rest."

"Vith! You always seem to like running your mouth. It is well enough to hear the goddess shut you up with a mouthful of centaur cock," Rae said with a laugh, smirking as the ninja stiffened in indignation at her words.

"Silence, rat!" the ninja said hatefully as she spat on the ground in disgust. Rizarra hissed angrily at her sister being disrespected but was stopped from lunging forward to kill the woman by Rae's restraining arm. She looked to give her sister a tongue-lashing for stopping her. She was every bit as capable as her sibling. Rae's wide-eyed, fearful look stopped her from doing so.

"Dalninil?" Rizarra uttered, confounded by Rae's expression.

"Leave her to me. You all must leave, quickly!" Rae said with urgency, looking behind her with the others with the same panicked expression. The others looked to her with the same confusion. What had suddenly overcome the drowess?

"Don't be ridiculous," Kendra answered her firmly. "We are your friends. We are not leaving each other now that we are back together. We can easily take her down together."

Rae shook her head insistently. She had felt the throbbing vibration in her ring sabers about the same moment Nariko had insulted her. It was coming. She could feel the air beginning to chill already. There was no stopping what was about to occur. They had to flee! They had to get away from her!

"I can handle this. Please... Please don't make me beg. I can't explain but I don't want you to see what will happen. That is the most I can say!" Rae said, her voice rising with the growing sense of urgency.

Blaze looked on with wonder at this sudden change in Rae that none of them had seen in her before as Kendra and Rizarra began arguing with her. The tears forming at the corner of the drowess's eyes confirmed his thoughts. Rae was desperate. He had never seen her like this. She must want them gone for a very good reason. Many people had their secrets, even from friends. After all, Kendra had hidden her true identity from them out of fear all this time. He knew he couldn't understand what would drive this, but he knew he had to respect Rae's wishes if he truly cared for her.

"Come. We are leaving this to her. I trust Rae can handle Nariko," He said as before looking to Rizarra, retreating down the street away from the ninja. "Lead us out of here."

"What?" shouted a furious ninja as he turned to leave, "I heard that you bastard!"

Meanwhile, Rizarra looked about as ready to argue with him as Kendra was, but both of them saw the determined look in his eyes. Nodding, Rizarra turned and began to run down the street to catch up to him. Kendra looked pained with worry as she gave one last look to her friend before following them out of the ruined city. Rae watched them go, thankful that they had listened to her. She would never forgive herself they had stayed as she likely would have killed them too.

"It doesn't matter, rodent," Nariko sneered as she observed them leave. She shrugged her shoulders in mock exasperation as if dealing with children. "Once I dispatch you, I will find them. They'll be dead as you, all the same." Nariko's smirk slowly faded as she watched the shoulders of the drow tremble before her laughter became audible. What was this vile elf so amused about? She must know she couldn't beat a ninja of her skill in one on one combat.

"No. Your fate is as good as sealed because he has come for you," the drowess laughed as she looked over her shoulder back to the ninja. Nariko was about to tear apart this false bravado when she stopped, her eyes looking down to see her breath becoming visible. Her body shivered as she felt the air becoming much colder than it had been a moment before.

"What damn trickery are you up to?" She demanded as she looked back to the drowess to see a low mist crawling across the ground and spreading out from where the elf stood. Nariko cautiously stepped back as she pulled out a kunai. Was this some kind of illusionary magic? Or was it some kind of preparation for a magic attack? Her eyes spotted a dark mass begin to form within the mist before starting to grow. The smirk on Rae's face became wicked as the dark mass began to take shape. It rose out of the mist spread further to the rest of the city streets.

As the shape coalesced, gnawing suspicion gradually became growing recognition. Nariko swallowed deeply as she tried to contain her fear. She must be mistaken! "N-no.. This isn't possible!" Nariko stammered. Staggering backwards, urine splashing forth as the ninja soiled herself. The terror had taken hold of her. "How? Not with a worthless rat like you! How could you even be worthy?"

Rae turned around to fully face the terrified Shoushan woman as the towering cowled figure stood next to her, ultimately confirming her fears as it brought out a large blood stained scythe. She understood why the drowess said her fate was sealed because of who came for her.



The air was very still, providing little relief to those trying to rest during the near-moonless summer night. The small silvery crescent gave very little light as it made its trek across the sky. The human village called Liosis was large enough in size to where some would begin calling it a city. It had grown prosperous due to the discovery of rare metals and gems in the nearby mountains. This had increased trade with races that coveted such materials and wealth, like the dwarves. As such, people flocked to the human city on the outskirts of most kingdoms. They sought vast wealth free of taxation that the kingdoms imposed. What they found instead was not what they expected. They discovered quickly Liosis was ramp with corruption where only a few prospered while the rest wallowed in decrepit conditions of poverty.

There was a small click to the window of one of these prestigious manors of the rich. The simple latch was gently lifted out of the way with the narrow point of the blade. Slowly, but quietly the window was opened until there was enough room for the dark figure to slip inside. Cautiously it crouched under the windowsill, attentive with listening for any sound of alarm or presence as those malevolently glowing red eyes glanced about.

Rae thought this night was going well so far as she had not been discovered yet. She prided herself in being able to make many kills without being discovered. The drowess was often long gone before the body was found. It was secret game she amused herself with. A few times she was discovered by a person before she would kill them swiftly to keep her presence unknown. Tonight was a success in the initial infiltration as she had traversed many rooftops naked, her pitch black skin allowing her to blend in with the night's darkness.

Her eyes glanced about the beautiful ornate furniture around the room. Lavish rugs and priceless paintings further emphasized the hedonistic lifestyle of the owner. There was the occasional clink of sword and armor on the first floor below from the guards. The owner of this residence was, in fact, the governor of Liosis. She had gathered enough details from her employers that this man was the most corrupt soul this city had to offer. This governor's corruption ranged from buying votes to keep his position while also violently suppressing or removing his opposition behind the scenes.

The fool! Rae's lips curled upward into a wicked smirk. This governor was not smart enough to keep a balance of how much was too far before the people would act. Powerless before his hired mercenaries and guards, the people of this town secretly pooled what little money they had left to hire as assassin. The money was a pittance and well short of what her services were worth, but she was bored out of her mind. She more than happily took the job to rid the world of this little worm. These people should be grateful that one of the best assassins in the realm was being so generous.

Rae stiffened as she heard something within the room. How was it possible that she missed a presence inside this room? She had patiently waited with keen ears to make sure this entry point was clear. Dark pointed ears now checked once more as she remained frozen, a spider ready to spring into action should it be a surprise attack waiting. The drowess heard it again, a sound that was even faint for her hearing to pick up. A whimper.

Pulling her curved dagger out of the single cord wrapped about her bare waist, Rae crawled forward with caution. As she reached a lavish chair, she peered around to see a crumpled form trembling on the rug. Glancing about to see if this was some trap, the dark assassin slowly moved her way forward to the whimpering form. There were no signs of any other presence within the room. She roughly poked the form with the tip of her dagger, surprised when a small chirp of pain erupted from the form. Rae saw the terrified eyes of a girl turn toward her. From what she observed, it was a human girl that had hardly been in the world more than a decade. One of the locals, the drowess surmised.

"Are... are you an angel come for me, miss?" the terrified girl choked out in fear, her whole body trembling.

Rae nearly snorted in derision at such a ridiculous notion. What stopped her was what she saw more clearly in the dark. Even though the girl wore a simple white dress, it could not hide the tears in the fabric or the blood stains splattered across its length. What would normally have been pale skin was covered in cuts and black bruises. The girl's face was heavily battered with one eye swollen shut and blood leaking from her broken nose. For the first time in her young life, the drowess found herself speechless. Memories came flooding back of her training as a drow warrior during her childhood. She'd received numerous beatings during those trials and even beat other children to prove her worth as drow. Eventually those beatings between drow children turned into death matches to see who would survive.

"N-no," The drow stammered as she finally found her voice, unsure why a human child would be in such horrid condition. Should she simply cut her throat to avoid any alarm being raised by the child? Oddly, the thought quickly disappeared from her mind whereas most drow would have followed through. "What is your name child?" Why? Why did she ask that question? It served no purpose! The girl sniffed as she trembled still, Rae knowing now it was coming from the intense pain her young battered body was in.