Bless Me Father


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"Mum, I ain't a slut; Martin is the only man I have ever had sex with or even wanted, but he has killed that in one swipe. Making this film was his idea, had I known he was going to let his mates see it, I would never have agreed."

She wailed again and collapsed into her mother's arms while she sobbed.

When she had settled sometime later, they talked about her life and how she figured in their life.

"We love you baby and you belong here with us, screw Martin." The conversation drifted on until Mary said, in innocence.

"I wish we had done that with a camera. You looked so hot Baby and seeing you swallow him so deeply, just about tipped me over."

"Really? You liked watching me on film?"

"You bet." Mary felt the familiar heat in her loins and tried to control it.

Michael sat silently with his head twisting from side to side as the conversation passed from Mother to daughter. He looked like he was watching tennis and following the ball.

"Well, let's all watch it then. Fuck it, everyone else has seen it, so why not us." Eileen savagely hit the rewind button and then play.

The scenes on the screen showed that Eileen was something of a sexual athlete, getting into almost contortionist bends as Martins cock pounded into her shaved cunt.

"You keep it shaved?" Mary asked quietly

"Mmm yes, see?"

Mary looked at where her daughter had pulled up her skirt to reveal her naked mound. Without a second thought, Mary jumped up from beside her daughter on the settee and knelt on the floor between her slightly parted knees. Placing a hand on either leg, she pried open Eileen's legs and clamped her mouth over the hairless clit, sucking it into her mouth as Michael often did to her.

"Oh! God!" Eileen gasped and shifted her self forward to allow a better access to her cunt. Mary's tongue went to work, just as she had seen on the many films she had watched and how she liked Michael to do to her. She pried open her daughters lips with two fingers and then pushed them inside, feeling the silken folds envelope her wriggling fingers in a hungry embrace.

It didn't take long before she shot her amber cum straight into Mary's mouth and then the aftershocks caused her to twitch in lessening spasms. She looked up and saw her Mothers lover, spell bound and transfixed by the scene. Eileen smiled at him as if it were her permission. He started to undress until he was naked with a raging hard on.

Mary shucked of her clothes and helped Eileen divest herself of her skirt, blouse and panties. The coffee table was shoved across the room to create space. Then, Mary lay on her back with her knees drawn up and parted. Her heart thumped as adrenalin coursed through her veins. At last, she would experience one of her fantasies, it mattered not one whit, that the other woman was her daughter. In fact, it was better to keep it in the family.

Michael knelt beside her and lifted her head, tilting it to one side so that she could get his raging cock in her mouth while Eileen nipped and suckled Mary's Nipples.

A finger slapped wetly against Mary's clit. Not painfully, but with enough force to make her jump from the sudden violation. In her involuntary jump, her mouth opened and Michael's cock entered her throat, deeper than he had ever gone before. Then, a full slap hit her in the same place and sounded loudly in a wet resounding splat.

"I really like that. Do you?" Eileen was merciless in her slapping, each strike of her hand sending shock waves up to Mary's neural receptors. Each strike forced Michael deeper into her, making breathing difficult until she regulated the filing of her throat and the desire to breath with the slap of Eileen's hand. Her cunt was on fire, tingling and burning with desire and anticipation of the next blow.

Eileen shifted and planted a kiss on Mary's fur covered mound. The touch of lips to her blood engorged and supersensitive lips was electric. She arched her back and then, in a reversal of movement, forced her hips upward to meet Eileen's mouth.

Lips found Mary's raging clit and sucked it into her mouth, flicking an expert tongue over the hardened nub of desire. A massive orgasm crashed through Mary, only to be quickly quelled with several fingers pushed forcefully into her vagina. The fingers worked her, quickly finding her g spot and causing her to gasp around the base of Michael's cock. She couldn't keep him as deep and pulled her head back. He sensed her need for relief and gently laid her head to the carpeted floor.

Kneeling between her opened thighs, he pressed his cock head against her anal entrance while Eileen kissed her mothers mouth, forcing her tongue between the opened lips. He pressed forward and passed her sphincter and began to fuck her arse in a rocking motion. Eileen smacked her mother's clit once more, which forced her hips up and Michael to delve deep into her tight passage. Their combined attentions had her cumming in waves of passion that seemed endless. She could take no more and began to collapse.

Michael withdrew from her and would have been content to wank his orgasm and spill his seed over her tits, but Eileen had other ideas. Her engaging mouth closed around his soiled head and then, dived onto his cock, burying him to the hilt in her warm mouth. He could not control his reaction and shot his load to the back of Eileen's throat. She swallowed and smiled at him.

They slept together, wrapped in a tangle of arms and legs, replete in their excesses and united in shared love.

It was the first night of several over the next few months. They videoed one or two of their exploits for viewing when just relaxing.

Bless me Father for I have sinned....

Her journey up to now.

In the months since Michael had moved in, Defor had grown from an adolescent puppy into a fully-grown tub of lard. His liking for doing nothing at all and then sleeping like he had run a marathon afterwards, was taking a toll on his weight. Labrador's are not noted for there boundless energy, being more like a mobile fur rug most of the time, but Defor was a prize couch potato.

The weight gain was beginning to cause some concern. Breathing for the dog had become laboured where fat restricted the ability to expand his chest properly and so, put pressure on his lungs.

The Vet was adamant that Defor had to go on a diet, but not only that, an exercise regime to get some of the excess fat off of his frame and perhaps, prolong his life.

It fell to Mary to take the pooch out in the evenings. His food changed from the usual tinned processed fatty mush, to dry protein and fibre mix, tripe and cereal foodstuffs. At first, he turned his nose away and refused to eat the stuff, but when hunger eventually over rode his distaste, he managed to woof it down and even tried to boost some more. Mary's resolve didn't waver one bit. She measured out the correct amount and not an ounce more.

At first, their walks just took in the local park, just a gentle stroll around the grassed area. It took less than twenty minutes, but as his weight dropped, so his energy levels increased and they went further, wondering over into the wooded section at the back of the park.

Defor must have privately liked his owner's girlfriend, even though she was half starving him and dragging him around this insane track. He must have liked her because he nearly chewed a would-be attacker to death one day.

The scruffily dressed guy jumped out of the bushes and grabbed Mary. She screamed and started to struggle and flail at him. Defor, who was quite some distance off, heard the commotion and came running to investigate. The scene that he saw as he rounded a tree was of his mistress struggling with a stranger who was trying his best to rip her fur off. She was alpha female as far as he was concerned and, in a primeval regression towards instinct and the pack creed, he attacked the stranger.

Clothing and the guy's blood flew before he ran away screaming blue murder. He would be nursing several deep cuts to his arms and legs. At least one cut was serious enough to need medical attention.

She missed another person pounding along the path in her direction, yelling at the top of his voice.

Mary hugged Defor in relief and thankfulness for his timely intervention. She sat on the damp grass, holding the dog, crying while her adrenalin leached away and the shivers stopped. In those moments together, alone in the park, Defor and Mary formed a bond that, up to now had only been a casual acceptance of each other.

"Are you okay?" She glanced up to see the owner of the voice that rumbled in a deep vibrato. "I saw what happened. The dog did well. The guy has run away, but I managed to get a photo of him on my phone."

The man was tall, well dressed in casual clothing consisting of a jacket over a pink shirt, cord trousers and deck style, tan coloured shoes. His hair was greying at the temples and had a wave form that looked entirely natural. He was good looking with rugged features and designer stubble. He offered his hand to help Mary stand up. She gripped his hand and hauled herself upright. Something like a low level electrical charge was transmitted as her hand was enveloped in his. The contact was a little longer than perhaps was necessary. The hand that held hers was warm and promised a latent strength hidden beneath his gentle touch. Mary's quim clenched as a sexual energy passed between them.

"I'm Tim." He informed her expectantly, obviously believing she would proffer her name in return.

"Um... Mary and this is Defor." She actually fluttered her eye lashes and felt herself do it. She blushed as she realised the signals she was sending at a subliminal level and then, blushed even more when she saw his brows raise as the signals were received, loud and clear.

"Well Defor is a good dog and deserves a treat." He released her hand and reached into his pocket to pull out a dog treat. Defor, being almost permanently hungry on his diet, wolfed the unexpected treat down, hardly chewing it at all.

She realised his eyes, framed in long lashes and deep brown eyebrows, were the greenest she had ever seen. They conveyed a kindness, especially as he gave the treat to the dog. Her breathing increased as she realised that she was very attracted to this stranger. It was a feeling she had not felt before quite so openly.

"Now, where is that mutt of mine I wonder?" He whistled a shrill trill that soon brought about the appearance of a black and white collie, which trotted up to sit beside his left leg. The dog ignored Mary and Defor until, with a wave of his hand, her new friend announced them both. The collie came over to Mary, gave her a cursory sniff and then sat down alongside Defor as if they had been life long companions.

"Um... thank you Tim. I should get going and I need to report this to the Police. I don't know what would have happened if you and Defor weren't around."

"Think nothing of it. Let me know if you want the photo for the Police. Perhaps I will see you again in the park." He waved as he strode away, his dog obediently trotting alongside his left.

"You liked the guy then?" Michael asked when Mary had told him about the events in the park. "I can see he had an effect on you, Mary, you're blushing as you're telling me about him. I do declare you fancied him didn't you?" He was laughing as he asked the question, not feeling threatened in the slightest by her obvious interest.

"He was kinda nice..." Mary could feel her pulse quicken as she recalled Tim's voice and looks. "... in a plain sort of way." She tried and failed to sound non-committal. It didn't fool Michael for a second.

"So, would you?"

"Would I what?" She knew exactly, but wanted him to actually say the words.

"Would you fuck him?" He smiled, knowing she was playing a game with him. He also knew the answer to his question. Since he had met Mary, she was making up for lost time. Their sex was amazing to say the least. With the addition of Eileen, it had gone through the roof. Several times, Mary had said she would like to be 'double teamed' as seen on the various porn films they had watched. They had also talked about her being screwed by different men. Michael was secure enough to know that she was totally in love with him and felt that it would be great for her to experience sex from a stranger, provided the guy was clean, discreet and not into battering women.

"I'm not sure he would go for it. Unlike you, he was a perfect gentleman, not some red neck from the wrong side of town." She playfully batted his arm as she said it. Tim had responded to her inadvertent signals, it was all the information she needed to know, her would jump her bones in an instant, given the chance. Logistics and location might be an issue, but not one that could not be overcome.

A few days later, after Mary had spend quite some time, hoping to see Tim, with his collie in the park, she saw him and waved. Her invitation for a coffee was accepted, shortly after, they were seated at Mary's kitchen table, talking like old friends. She asked him what he did for a living and was pleasantly surprised to find out he was a published writer or historical novels. It meant he spend days and months researching so that his stories could be as accurate as possible. The time spent had taken its toll on his marriage. His wife, supportive at first, had soon become bored with being on her own for months at a time, they split after a mutual agreement and remained friends.

All the time Tim was talking, Mary was sending subliminal messages, a flash of cleavage, her knees apart and direct eye contact, relaying her willingness to pair up with him. Any reader of body language would not be able to miss the covert signals. Tim was no exception.

"So, Tim..." She looked straight into his eyes. "...what do you do for sex?"

"Nothing like being direct is there?" He laughed, a little nervously. " well I don't really get into it. I mean I would, but somehow, the opportunity rarely arises or, I just don't get out enough."

"Would you like to?" She cocked her head to one side and looked at him from under her eye lashes.

"Would I like to what?" It wasn't that he was unsure, just that he needed to be certain there was in fact an offer.

"Have sex with me."

"What about your husband? How would he feel about that?"

"Michael is all for it. In fact, he would like to make it a threesome, but I wasn't sure if you would go for that, being you don't know us, that is."

"Um... well, having sex with you would be terrific. I mean, really great, but I have never... um... well not with another man. It isn't my thing. I like women." He blushed, a little, and looked down at his shoes.

"No... that isn't what I meant. We would love to have a man join us in screwing me, not a bi-sexual thing. You know the term, double teaming?" He nodded. "That's what I meant."

"Oh... Okay... I see..." He bit his bottom lip and shifted on the kitchen chair. "... When?"

"Why not come over for dinner tonight? We can have a bottle or two of wine, loosen up a little and see where it goes?" She knew it was a done deal. His eyes lit up as the thought crossed his mind.

He left soon after, giving her a lingering kiss at the front door and as a taster, managed to fondle her breast through her blouse. It left her breathless and anticipating a wild night to come.

She called Michael on his mobile and told him it was all set. Tim would be coming over for dinner that night and she asked him if he really was up for this fantasy of hers. His reply of, you fucking bet, sealed the deal. Again, her excitement and the realisation of one of her main fantasies was about to come to fruition had her pussy dripping.

She chose her dress carefully and decided on a revealing silk kimono split to her thigh and mostly open at the front in a wrap over, with very little underneath. It was designed to be appealing. The cooking was done, just needing reheating when the men of her choice were ready to eat.

At seven thirty, Tim rang the bell and fairly shortly afterwards, was nursing a large glass of shiraz. His eyes hungrily followed Mary as she fussed around the kitchen. The kimono was doing exactly as she hoped, giving little flashes and glimpses of her skin, enough to tantalise, but not too much to tip him over.

Michael arrived soon after and they ate. The two men sat opposite the table and silently appraised each other through the small talk. Michael remembered to say thank you for rescuing Mary in the park. His assessment of Tim was that, the guy looked capable, about the same height and weight and even similar I many respects. He approved of Mary's choice.

It was quite difficult to talk, knowing what was on the menu other than the food and wine. None of them was really quite sure how these things went, being new to it all round. It was Mary who got the ball rolling after the meal was done and two bottles of wine had been sunk. They sat on the settees in the living room, being quite awkward and somewhat hesitant until she took the initiative and got up, hitched the hem of her kimono up and straddled Tim's lap, facing him.

"Shall we stop with the small talk and retire to the bedroom?" She began to undo the buttons on Tim's shirt and wriggled on his lap. "Come on, let's go." She got up, grasped Tim's hand and pulled him from the sofa. "Are you coming Michael?"

She felt a lot more nervous than her appearance might have suggested. Inside, she was a mess of jumbled feelings, all mixed up by the increase in adrenalin that was smashing around in her veins. Mary could hardly breath and her trip hammer heart felt as if it was trying to break out. She was shivering with excitement and lust.

The two followed her into the bedroom, making way for each other as they passed the doorway. Mary sat on the edge of the bed, keeping hold of Tim's hand and undoing his belt, single handed. She moaned softly when his cock was eventually exposed. It was a good size in girth and length, even semi-erect as it was. He was circumcised as well, how she preferred a cock to be. Mary leant forward and sucked him between her painted lips and grasped him at the root of his cock. She had no intention of leading up to this with any finesse. Straight into it before anyone had a chance to reconsider.

Tim stroked her hair at first and then reached down to fondle her breast, managing to trap her nipple between his rough fingers. He pulled gently and squeezed her tit giving her a double sensation. With a mouthful, all she could manage was Mm.

Michael had shucked off his clothes and naked, came to Mary, fascinated at seeing her suck as much of Tim's hardening dick into her mouth. The sight registered in his cock which hardened immediately.

"Tim, I'm just going to lay Mary down so we can both get a bit of the action. Okay?" Tim nodded.

Michael pushed her down so she was lying along the edge of the bed, one leg hanging down and resting on the carpeted floor, the other stretched out straight. Effectively, her legs were now open and the kimono rose, offering no barrier to whatever Michael had in mind. If she wondered where he was going with this, she didn't have long to wait.

Michael dived for her sex, pulling her panties to one side so that he could get to her most sensitive parts. Within seconds, his tongue was lashing her clit and splitting her lips. Tim was back in her mouth and marvelling at her form as she lay beneath him. He grasped a pillow and pushed it under her head so relieve the strain on her neck. She appreciated the gesture and went to work on his cock with renewed vigour.

Mary's body started to respond, her lubricants began to flow, giving her a taste that Michael loved as his tongue lapped at her clit and then drove into her slit, sending her wild. The pleasure from Michael's mouth was tipping her over the edge already and having Tim's engorged cock stabbing the back of her throat at the same time, was taking her to a level she had not reached before. Suddenly, her back arched as she came noisily and wetly, covering Michael's mouth with her essences. He licked and swallowed as fast as he could, drawing her lips between his teeth and gripping them lightly. She gagged as Tim's cock went a little deeper than she was used to, but then she drove him straight back down her throat as far as she could manage.