Blindfold Hot Tub Party


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A thought occurred to me, and I knew I needed a distraction prolong my stamina. Easing out of her, I dropped to my knees and squeezed in between the girls. Lifting Karen's leg, I put her knee over my shoulder and kissed her inner thigh. Not wasting any time, I dragged my tongue up to meet her pussy. Switching between licking her lips and nibbling on her clit was driving her crazy, if her grasp on my head was any indication. She pressed my face into her sex, demanding more and more of me, just as much as I was grabbing her ass, pulling her to my face.

Just as fast, she shuddered heavily and pushed me away slightly. I held her weight on my shoulder, but only for a moment. Karen let go of my head, and I pulled away. Getting back into position behind her, it only took a few seconds to gently slide my cock inside of her pussy for the second time tonight.

Moving slowly because she had just cum and I wanted her to still like it, I took several seconds for each stroke. The other girl and I explored Karen's body wherever our hands and tongues could reach. Karen and I were now both rubbing the other girl's clit as she started to shake. Her moaning was getting louder as the masked man behind her stared making noise as well, his thrusts getting harder and faster.

Reaching up with both hands, I was able to get ahold of Karen's breasts and the other girl's breasts at the same time. She was so close to cumming, she hugged Karen closely, muffling her voice with Karen's neck. My hands, trapped between two pairs of breasts, were moving around until I found all four nipples. I held them between my fingers, trapping them for a nice squeeze.

That was the last straw for her, and she yelled out in pleasure into Karen's neck, her body started to shake violently between the rest of us. I heard another man's yell from the far side of the room but ignored it. The other girl's orgasmic shaking was the end of the guy fucking her from behind. Her yelled out as well, mainly animalistic grunts followed by whispered moans of pleasure from the two of them.

Another man's yell from across the room got closer, and then I could tell it was mad, not sexual. Karen and I were still joined, but with our partners grand finish, we had slowed. The yelling changed to loud talking, and the voices got closer, loud enough to cover the music. I got a bad feeling about this...

Roger's voice suddenly cut through the confusion. "Calm down everyone, if you could all just take a quick break, that would be great, OK?"

The four of us just stayed in place, but the moment was quickly fading, the passion between us all dropped quickly as this other guy answered Roger.

"I told you last time, I don't want her fucking when I'm not in the room! Got it? Look, there she is getting fucked by three other people, and some dude's cum is leaking out of my wife's pussy!"

Suddenly the lights blazed brightly, and I was glad to have my mask on. The light hurt my eyes, even though it was still mostly blocked. The loss of the shadowy figures made everyone's nudity stand out. Reaching for my mask, I was stopped by a hand on my arm.

Lana spoke out from right next to me. "Please leave your masks on, we will have the lights back off in a moment. Sir, ma'am, if you could follow Roger that way, it would be appreciated."

The girl that Karen and I had been playing with extracted herself from our group hug and walked off with Roger and her man. While they went out the door, I heard Roger voice again. "Remember sir, you were doing the same things she was doing, and if you think she is wrong, you were just as much in the wrong."

The lights went back out once the door closed, and were plunged into total darkness. Our eyes needed to adjust, and I jumped in shock as Lana's disembodied voice sounded from the middle of the room. "Sorry about all that folks. They were a problem last time they were here, and this was their last chance. No trying to calm them down this time, and they won't be allowed back. The bad part is that an outburst like that really kills the mood of the party. Once it breaks up like that, the spark is usually gone for the night."

"Seriously?" Karen said to our invisible host, "So that's it? We all just get our clothes and 'poof' we go away?"

"No, not at all." Roger's voice from the other side of the room gave me another jolt, he had come back in without me knowing. "We won't play another game, and trying to start dancing again feels a little weird. Why don't we all head to the hot tub for a little bit to unwind? It sounded like a few of you could use a little break."

Karen giggled quietly at that, and a murmur of 'sure' and 'why not?' answered his idea. We filed out of the room and made our way slowly into the tub, taking care not to fall or run into anything. The lights were dimmer than before and it was very hard to see anything at all. Accidentally bumping my hand into the butt of the girl to my side, I pulled back sharply, mumbling an "Oops, sorry."

"No, I'm sorrr.... Hey wait a second! There's a good chance that within the past hour your cock was buried deep inside either my mouth or pussy, and now you apologize for your hand touching my hip for a tenth of a second?"

That shut me up, and everyone else too. About five seconds of total silence followed before we all busted out laughing together at the silliness of it all. That was also enough to break the ice, and we sat around the tub just chatting like we were all old friends. Well, old friends that occasionally made out with whatever person they wanted to. And friends that would randomly have a few teasing seconds of oral playtime as they moved around when we all changed places in the tub every few minutes. Yup very comfortable old friends indeed.

The darkness, the hot water, the late hour, and the night's activities were starting to wear on me. I actually caught myself drowsing off in the water. Needing to tell Karen it was time to go, I turned to her on my right and put my arms around the soft feminine shape and pulled her to me for a quick kiss. As our lips parted, I was busy caressing her breast.

"Hey, you're not my Karen," I said to her, "maybe she's on my other side?"

The girl to my left giggled at me. "Nope, I'm not her either, but you should make sure anyway."

"Well I'm smart enough to listen to the advice of women, so I will find out for sure."

And I did a check to make sure. I may have lingered a few moments too long at times, but I wanted to be sure.

An exaggerated "Aaahem!" interrupted my exam, and I turned towards the sound of her voice.

"Oh, are you over here Karen? Where? I can't see very well."

She had been sitting on the lap of the guy directly across from me, facing towards me. Her legs were open wide as she reached out her hand to me.

"Come closer," she said, "I want to make sure you really are my Mark."

Taking her hand, I shuffled across to her on my knees. She pulled my face to hers and kissed me deeply for only a few seconds. The girl I had been 'inspecting' a moment ago had kept her grip on my cock, and her hand followed me out, stroking me the whole way. The unevenness of Karen's breathing told me she was loving the cock she was sitting on.

"Well you taste like my Mark, but so do several other people tonight. I can't really tell. Stand up so I can try again."

She got a few laughs from the circle, but I played along. The other girl let go of my cock, moving back to her seat. Karen pulled my hand to her breast as she bent over further, bringing my cock to her mouth. Sadly, she only sucked me for a few short seconds before sitting up straight.

"Yup, that's my Mark allright. So tell me, my Very Understanding Boyfriend, what did you want to say?"

"As much as I want this night to last for a couple years, I think that I'm going to fall asleep before too long."

Karen sighed sadly. "Awww, really Mark? Well, now that I think about it, you're probably right. It is fairly late, and... and... well, I just don't want this to end either."

After a few seconds, I heard three more people mutter the same things. Looked like the party was done for the night.

Roger called "OK folks, if you can follow me, let's all head to the shower and get cleaned up a little. Well, try to anyway."

I knew the shower was big, but when we all crowded into the bathroom while Lana got the shower going, I realized it wasn't big enough to really get us clean, it would just rinse off the chlorine while we played. Roger took me by the shoulder and told me to head in, the arranged the others in the order we were to go in.

The lights were dim in here as well, and when I felt boobs on my back, I took another look around. We were fairly tightly packed in, but still in female-male order all the way around.

From in front of me, Lana asked "Does everyone had enough water?"

Everyone said yes, so she continued "OK, we will pass around the body wash, everyone make sure to wash the person in front of you real well."

There were plenty of giggles and chatter while we did as directed, but I was a little shocked to feel a hand on my cock when the girl behind me was soaping up my back, with the occasional grab of my ass. It took a second, but I realized that Lana was stroking me instead of washing the guy in front of her.

As I was washing her boobs, Lana lay her head back on my shoulder. "I remember this cock from earlier," she whispered, barely audible over the shower, "I want it in me, and let me do the work."

"Sounds awesome," I whispered to her ear before reaching forward to kiss her.

She moved her ass back far enough to tease my now fully hard cock between her ass cheeks, still stroking me gently. Her other hand, from in front, cradled my cock for a moment before guiding it into her pussy. As requested, I didn't move, I let her hips do the work.

The sounds I heard were more than just the shower and washing, I'm sure everyone was taking advantage of one last gentle moment. The steam was thick enough now that any sight was nearly impossible.

Lana confused me a little when she handed me the bottle of bodywash. "More suds on my back," she whispered. I did just that, soaping her up liberally. I understood when she pulled forward and my cock fell out of her. She reached back and got a handful of suds to coat my dick with, and quickly pushed back onto me.

The angle was wrong to reach her pussy, so I tried to correct her aim, but she stopped me. She pushed back harder and I felt a lot of resistance, and suddenly my dull mind caught on. I grabbed her ass cheeks deep in her cleft, and pulled apart slightly. We were rewarded by her opening up a bit, and the head of my cock compressed as she guided me gently into her backdoor.

Her body jerked a little in pain, but she stood still. After a few seconds, she pushed harder, and then my head was fully inside her. One hand was busy grabbing her ass, so I held the bottle between my shoulder and jaw, I got more soap out to lather her back. It ran down and gave us more lube, and with one last push from her, my cock was halfway up her ass.

Moving slowly, I started thrusting into her, working my way deeper and deeper, a half inch at a time. She was incredibly tight, and I could feel my moment approaching fast. At the top of my next thrust, she stopped me, my cock fully buried inside her. I felt her body moving around, and then I felt another pressure.

As hard as it was to believe, she was getting even tighter. It took me a moment to figure it out, but when I reached around to hold her breasts again, I felt a man's chest against the back of my hands. He was easing inside her pussy!

Lana said a little louder than before "Both of you now, at the same time. Go slow."

Moving my hands back to her ass cheeks, I held on while thrusting slowly into her. I could actually feel the other cock inside of her moving at the same time. The super-charged eroticism of it all, not to mention the incredible tightness of her ass, was just too much for me. I couldn't go slow anymore!

My balls were telling me it was time, and I needed to hurry! My hands moved to hold her hips, and I gave her all I had left, thrusting hard and deep. After about a dozen hard thrusts, I pulled her to me as tight as I could, getting as deep as possible, when I finally exploded. Holding myself up on her, three hours of orgasm fit into ten seconds of beautiful agony as I drained all my seed deep into her ass.

In my fog, I swear I could hear Lana cumming as well, but it could have been any of the girls. Our movement pulled my cock out of her, and I was amazed to feel that I was still hard. Even though I had just cum, I was still incredibly turned on. With another handful of soap, I cleaned myself off.

The girl behind me noticed I was done, and her hands reached around to help me stroke my cock. I mean clean it. Her body pressed against me as she inched her way around to my side, where she leaned over and sucked my freshly cleaned cock into her mouth.

The jerking of her body from the guy fucking her from behind helped drive my cock a little deeper into her throat. The hands on my chest got my attention, and Lana was now facing me. She went to her knees and licked my balls while I was being sucked. I held their faces as they started taking turns sucking me, and for the first time I could feel her the feeling of their cheeks as my cock went into their mouths at an angle.

It was a huge shock to feel it again so soon. I was going to cum again! Their mouths were doing wonderful things to me, and I couldn't control my body or hold back anymore! With a loud 'Oh Fuck!', I started to cum again, not even a minute after the last one.

Suddenly I was sitting on the floor of the shower, with Karen sitting on my lap, looking at me. I realized my blindfold was off, and so was hers. A quick glance showed me I couldn't tell if the others still had theirs on or not, it was too dark and steamy.

"Damn Mark, that was crazy," Karen whispered to me, "I've never seen a guy pass out from cumming so hard."

All I could do was smile. It took a few minutes to recover, but when the shower was being turned off, Karen put both of our blindfolds back on, and helped me get up on my shaky legs. Everyone filed out to dry off, Karen and I helping each other. No one said a thing, it was if it would spoil the moment to talk out loud.

Roger finally cleared his throat and addressed us all. "Thanks everyone for coming tonight. And cumming and cumming and cumming this early morning. Lana and I will bring you out to get dressed and see you out."

Lana took mine and Karen's hands and led us, still half wet, out of the steamy bathroom and back to the pitch black entryway. She turned on a night light in an outlet near the floor so we could barely see our clothes, then gave us each a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you both for coming, we really enjoyed having you. And you Mark, I enjoyed having you like that too, that was all a first for me, Roger doesn't like that kind of thing. Goodnight to you both, and drive safe."

Karen and I got in the car, and she drove this time. Alcohol wasn't a factor, my legs just weren't back to normal yet. We drove in silence the whole way to her place, and as we went in the front door I headed for the couch as originally planned, but she held me back.

"No, I don't think so. You're sleeping with me tonight. Just tonight, at least for now. But I'm sure we won't have awkward issues right now, not after tonight. And I'm sure you won't try to molest me, I don't even think you can get hard for a week."

She giggled at her joke as we lay down together, me spooning behind her. But just moments later, before we finally passed out, she giggled again as I proved her wrong, but at least she didn't push me away.

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InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaos8 months ago

But why was it never the right time or special enough? I am confused why she strung him along so long?

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

sweet story about friends who become lovers

GrandTruthseekeGrandTruthseekeover 1 year ago

Very good story! Want more stories about hot orgies for couples!

Kitist02Kitist02over 8 years ago
Blind Chance!

At least until you are familiar with your partner enough to distinguish any differences that can lead to recognition. Great story, great structure, good rules to play by: No fighting, indeed!

We always made sure to have one or more "designated bouncers" to maintain order and drive people home after the party. Very rarely were the skills needed but when they were needed, they were really needed.

If this story isn't based on actual hot tub parties, I'd be surprised. "Then spouse" and I got to go to a couple of these in Northern Virginia and Maryland in the mid-80s, and several again in SoCal in the mid-90s. Only one used blindfolds, but all used very dim lighting to accomplish the purpose of making identification difficult. A loose sort of party culture based on a social organization we belonged to tended to push the normally accepted limits. Hard! And please believe me, it was an awful lot of fun...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Incredibly hot story!

Really enjoyed the buildup, the tension, and the hot tub bindfolded game play.

I was momentarily taken aback by the "No fighting" remark on page 1, but got past it quickly.

The actual fighting episode, and the explicit mention of the mood being ruined, kinda ruined it for me at the time. The ending shower got things back up tho :)

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