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The cardinal leaned over Neal's body, his cassock folding around both of their torsos. He let his hands glide down Neal's heaving chest and onto his belly, and then lower. He was a tall man. Bending over Neal, he was able to take Neal's cock in his mouth. He did so and gave the cock suck. Neal moved his hands to the man's hard chest, taking the cardinal's puffed nipples between the thumb and forefinger of his hands, and worked the cleric's body into a shudder. Heinrich was humming, his mouth vibrating on Neal's cock, causing the young man to moan deeply, as Heinrich's cock massaged his throat.

For the fuck, Cardinal Heinrich moved Neal to his back, the young man's torso reclining on the couch, his arms dangling off the sides of the sofa, in an attitude of cruciform surrender. Neal's legs were rising up the cardinal's chest, the young man's ankles on the cardinal's shoulders. Heinrich had one arm wrapped around Neal's legs, holding them close together, and restricting the give of Neal's passage. His cock was fully sheathed in Neal's passage and pumping, and he was stroking the young man's cock with the other hand, hard at work in trying to synchronize their releases. The cardinal was a connoisseur of fucking young men. He brought them off nearly together.

For a man of the Catholic cloth who had renounced sex decades ago, Cardinal Heinrich certainly knew how to fuck a young man.

* * * *

The day of reckoning arrived at the Russell Square townhouse on May 9th of 1941. It came with Neal listening in at the library door and discovering one of the missing pieces of the German espionage cell operations before uncovering the last one later in the evening. He knew that they were expecting one of their agents to report in, because Sir Neville had warned Neal to be available to help them with a visitor. To Neal, that could only mean that he was to have sex with whoever showed up.

Neal was on the upper landing of the entrance hall, knowing that Sir Neville was in the library, a room at the front of the house on the main floor, with a door giving access from the entrance hall. Neal was about to come downstairs and see if he could position himself in the parlor, connected to the library by double doors, to see—and possibly to hear—what Chambers was up to when he had to pull back. Otto appeared in the entrance hall and entered the library. He shut the door behind him, but it didn't shut all the way. Neal stole down the stairs to listen at the door, and then he recoiled in shock.

The two men were speaking and they were discussing what they believed the visitor who was expected would tell them. The man was a Dane, named Hans Ailing, who had been an importer of tinned ham from Denmark to England and had been caught in England when Denmark had fallen to the Germans the previous June. Since then he'd been working in a fighter plane assembly plant. Neville and Otto discussed the questions that were going to be put to him. What struck Neal like a ton of bricks, though, was that it was Otto who was giving the direction on what Neville would ask the asset, not Neville.

Otto, the supposed butler, was in charge of this cell, not Chambers.

The kicker to this was that Otto was speaking, and that he was speaking with a heavy German accent. So, it wasn't that the butler couldn't speak. It was that, if he did speak, he would reveal his origins—and it wasn't English.

Leaving the house, Neal crossed the street to the Russell Square park, where a couple of British agents were on watch over Chambers's mansion and noting who came and went. He reported the crucial find on who was the head of the cell to the agents and one decided to go to MI5 headquarters to report this development.

"That should be enough for us to move tonight. Good work, Singer."

That agent left and Neal turned to reenter the house, but the other agent pulled him back. "A man is approaching the house," he whispered.

"It must be the Dane they are expecting," Neal whispered. "His name is Hans Ailing, and I think he will give them information on the workings of a fighter plane assembly plant."

Ailing was tall, solid, without being heavy. Neal understood that he was a factory worker. After the man was let into the house, Neal waited for a few minutes and then he went across the street as well, looking at the house and this way and that to see if he was being observed. He planned to go into the house through the back, as Otto probably was at the front of the house on the main level. He was, after all, playing the role of butler. When Neal approached the front of the house, he discovered the last piece of the puzzle, though. He saw that the window of the kitchen in the ground floor still had its blackout curtain parted and he caught a glimpse of the back of Otto. Neal looked more closely. Otto had opened the false front of a kitchen china cabinet to reveal a sophisticated telecommunications center. Otto was sitting in front of it, with earphones on his head and was fiddling with a radio console.

Otto was preparing his radio set to send the report on the meeting with the Dane to someone else—maybe across the channel to occupied Europe.

Neal hustled his way back across the street to the park in the square, and the other agent scurried off, but not before saying: "Don't do anything until we have agents here in strength. Stay there until the household has settled in for the night. We'll try to have agents in place to pick off the Dane when he leaves, but we won't move in on the operation until you have come out of the house when everyone is in bed and you give us the sign."

It was happening. At last they were rolling up the German cell in the Ministry of Information.

* * * *

The Dane, strong and controlling, holding Neal close in his embrace, pumped his load and lowered the arm he'd had wrapped around Neal's waist to the surface of the bed in Neal's bedroom, letting Neal's buttocks come down to the mattress as well. He pulled his cock out of Neal's hole; rolled over the leg that Neal let go flat on the mattress; turned on his side, facing Neal; and turned Neal away from him and into his body. Hans Ailing was tall, thin, angular, and blond. He had one of the longest cocks Neal had ever sheathed and he had wanted as much pumping time as he could get before coming. That had been fine with Neal. The upside of being a whore for Chambers was that sometimes the men who covered him were good fucks. Ailing clearly was one of those men, strong and dominating, muscular and with a good cock.

Ailing had knelt between Neal's thighs, holding Neal's pelvis up to his crotch, with Neal's torso streaming back on the bed and Neal raising his arms over his head, grasping the brass rungs of the headboard to help hold himself in place. Neal had enjoyed the fuck, his mind a jumble of thinking of the gathering hammer of justice forming outside the house while every nerve ending was focused on the very long, long—not thick, but long—cock mining his passage deep. The Dane would come right up to the moment for release—by him or Neal—and then edge off, again and again, until, his balls aching from need and cum buildup, Neal came in an arc up the Dane's belly. As Neal's ejaculation ended, Ailing's release began, rolling on and on and on, flooding Neal's channel deep with his cum.

Neal lay there, in Ailing's embrace, keyed up, waiting for the man's cock, which was nestled in the small of the young man's back, to go fully flaccid and for the Dane's body to relax and his snores, gentle or otherwise, to commence. When Neal was sure the Dane was in deep sleep, he moved out of the man's embrace and silently left the room, walked across the upper landing of the balcony overlooking the entrance foyer, and moved into Sir Neville's bedroom.

"Is he satisfied?" Chambers asked.

"He's asleep and smiling," Neal answered, trying to regulate his voice, trying not to warn Chambers that all hell was about to break out. "I was just checking to see if you were still awake."

"I'm still awake. Come here. Make me happy." Chambers tossed the covers off and fished his cock out of the fly of his sleeping trousers. He was half hard. He obviously wanted to be fully hard and buried in something warm and soft. Neal was sorry he'd checked too soon on whether the man was asleep. Resigned, not wanting to make a fuss, and figuring this was a good way to keep Chambers from noticing the forces that were gathering outside his house, Neal padded over to the bed. He leaned over the man and took Chambers's cock in his mouth. His gaze slid to the side. The papers Chambers had been reading looked like some sort of organizational chart. He tried to read it as he sucked.

Chambers lifted Neal up onto the bed and saddled on his lap. With effort, he put the young man on the thick cock, with Neal writhing, groaning, and panting heavily. Chambers wasn't preparing the young man to take something that thick. He was forcing him down on the shaft. And his hands were on Neal's throat.

"What did you hear at the library door earlier tonight?" Chambers growled. "Spying on Otto and me, were you? And where did you go? You left the house. Why were you trying to read these papers here? What are you up to, Neal?"

The young man couldn't answer even if he wanted to. Chambers was choking him, shaking the young man's body while, simultaneously lifting him and slamming his channel down on the thick cock. "I think Otto's right. I think you're here to spy on us."

Struggling against him, Neal managed to roll off the bed. He ran for the door out onto the balcony landing. Chambers came after him in pursuit, reaching him out on the landing, where the two struggled.

The explosion of the first bomb of the night just next to the townhouse slammed the two men, their bodies entangled, against the wall at one side of the balcony railing and then back against the railing. Freed from the struggle, Neal struggled down the staircase as the Dane appear in Neal's bedroom door. The next bomb took that corner of the house down, Ailing being blasted across the landing and into the open doorway of Chambers's bedroom.

Before Neal hit the bottom of the stairs, the MI5 agents had battered down the front door and were pouring into the entrance hall. The second floor was engulfed in flames. Neal, naked, continued out the front door even as the second wave of men, the fire wardens, were appearing on the street outside. As Neal come stumbling down the outside stairs, he fell into the arms of . . . Phillip Talbot.

* * * *

"Every little bit helps."

On the next afternoon, Saturday, May 10th, Phillip Talbot, MI5 agent and Neal Singer's handler, was debriefing Neal at MI5 headquarters, outside of London, at Blenheim Palace at Woodstock, near Oxford. This was where Phillip and Chloe had withdrawn after making it seem they had been killed in the bombing of Talbot's Starcross Street house on April 16th. His house hadn't been bombed. He had gotten the idea of taking his house out of the picture to ease Neal's insertion into Sir Neville Chambers's Russell Square townhouse when a neighboring house on Starcross Street had been bombed and collapsed on April 16th. They had tried to lure Chambers to come there, see for himself the collapsed house—he wouldn't have known it wasn't Talbot's house—and then accept that Neal needed other shelter and volunteer to provide it.

The point Phillip was making was in response to Neal's "You say Otto hasn't said anything yet, and Chambers and the Dane can't answer for anything, so all of this effort hasn't made any difference."

"It's made a difference," Talbot continued. "This particular cell is out of business and we'll be vigilant about the Germans trying to infiltrate the Ministry of Information again. And Otto will talk. We've put the word out that he was killed in the bombing of the Russell Square house, so we have him all to ourselves forever. Now about Chambers. We found him on the entrance hall floor. When you came out of the house, you were babbling about having killed him. We need a tidy story—something different."

"We were struggling on the landing above when the first bomb went off," Neal said. "He'd decided I was spying on them and we fought on the landing. He went over the side. I can't say for sure if he went over under his own momentum or if I pushed him. I wanted to push him."

"You didn't push him over the railing," Talbot said. "Notice that that wasn't a question. That's the story for the reports and that has to be what you believe for now. I know you wanted to kill him, and I know you might have believed you could after you found out that Otto headed the cell, since I'd told you it was the cell leader we had to take alive. But you didn't kill Neville Chambers. That's the neat and tidy answer we want. It was an accident, caused by the shock of the bomb going off. You two weren't even fighting. If we can manage it, you weren't there at all. That's what all of the evidence points to. You may be questioned closely on that. You have to believe it's true that it was an accident."

"Later, after everything is investigated, can I decide I pushed him over the railing?" Neal asked.

"If you want to," Talbot answered and laughed. "But not until after the investigation is over."

"I wonder how he went bad," Neal mused. "He was solid English. He was of the privileged class. He had every reason to be loyal, to fight to the last to keep the Germans at bay."

"That was his wife, Irma," Talbot said. "Her father was German. There was family in Germany. And Irma ran with the Prince of Wales's crowd that were German sympathizers."

"How can we know it was her influence?" Neal asked.

"We picked her up as soon as she landed in Canada. She wasn't going there on vacation or to evacuate England. She was going to head up a German espionage cell in Montreal. We'd already infiltrated that developing operation from the Canadian end and were waiting for her."

"You waited until she got to Canada? You knew what she was doing and didn't seize her here?"

Talbot laughed again. "She gave us a golden opportunity. If you remember, at her farewell party she seemed so sure she'd make the Atlantic crossing on the Estonia without incident—without German submarines accosting the flotilla the Estonia had joined. We figured the Germans wouldn't sink their own agent they were sending to start a cell in Canada. We packed all we could of vital material—historical archives and national treasures we wanted to get somewhere safe—and the families of civil servants in that convoy. And, not surprisingly, they all arrived safely on the other side—thanks to Irma. Irma did England a great service there."

Neal started to say something, but they were interrupted by Chloe sticking her head into Talbot's office. She was decked out in evening wear and looking like a million pounds. "Cheerio," she called out. "I'm off to the party. How do I look?"

"You look magnificent," Talbot said. "9:00 tomorrow morning. Debriefing. We'll have to bring young Neal here up to snuff."

"Where's she off to?" Neal asked after Chloe had moved on.

"Remember the young man, Sidney—Sidney Longston—Chole charmed at Chambers's farewell party for his wife?" Talbot asked.

A bit more than charmed, Neal thought. She was riding his cock when I saw them. That's not what he said, though. He just answered with a "Yes."

"Well, young Sidney took a shine to her and Sidney and some of his palace friends are still quite chummy with some of the German assets we are keeping track of here. Chloe and I have been working that as well as Otto's gang. You're free now to work on that too. Do you have evening wear, or do I send you to a tailor this afternoon? And, yes, several of the men in that circle prefer other men, so you'll have your dance card filled quickly again."

"Are these people a big threat?" Neal asked.

"Big enough," Talbot answered. "And as I said about Otto's cell, every little bit helps. The search goes on. It must."

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furluvrcafurluvrca9 days ago

Awesome story. Thank you!

hornywhiteboy1989hornywhiteboy1989over 1 year ago

I love your stories. They're so frustrating because they are long enough that all I want to do is get to the end to see what happens but then I'm mad because it's over lol. Please don't ever stop writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fantastic. Great story well researched so you can feel you are there and great feeling. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

There are no words good enough to describe this story. You could have written this without describing the hot sex and it would have still been great. I'm a big fan of this genre in both film and literature, so this really checked all the boxes for me. It sounds like there's lots more spies and Nazi sympathizers afoot, so I'm hoping with what was said in those last sentences that you are planning on continuing this wonderful ***** plus story. MLF

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