Blood of the Clans Ch. 30


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Heather could see the despair in Therese's eyes, knowing how important it was for her to look her finest.

"We'll ha'e new dresses made fer us, Therese. I need a new one as well. They can be made in time fer the ceremony, so don't fret aboot it. We will look oor best fer these men and the day we join wi' them."

Therese heard the offer and her disposition changed immediately to one of absolute joy again. In her heart, this was the most important day in her life and wanted only the best for them. With the basics for the ceremony figured out, the two couples made their way back along the winding path by the shore and back over the causeway. Heather and Therese stopped to pick some of the fresh sprigs of heather and some of the wildflowers, making nose-gays for themselves. The two women were radiantly glowing with happiness, while the two men were glowing with the radiance of the whisky, but equally as happy.

Once inside the hall of the keep, the men parted from the women and re-joined the other men, well on their way to complete intoxication. Arabella had come back and was standing at the window, looking out at the courtyard, as the two women came to her.

"Ha'e ye e'er seen animals take tae someone like that?" she told them, as they stood on either side of her.

The two looked at where Arabella was looking and saw the old man again, sitting on a stool with several dogs and cats around him. They were all sitting and not at each other's throats, as they normally would be. The women stood and watched, as he stroked and petted each one and talked to them. One of the cats jumped up on his lap and curled up happily, as one of the dogs laid his head on his leg. They continued to watch, as more dogs and cats found their way to him. Soon a dozen animals were gathered around him, all seeking his attention.

He smiled a toothless grin, as his frail, bony hands made their way to each of them, petting each one. Soon, another cat had made its way up to lie over his shoulders, while dogs lay at his feet and others raised their paws and placed them on his legs.

The women stood in wonderment of the display, never seeing such an affection between animals and a person before. Arabella turned to Grayson and caught his attention, beckoning him to come over.

"Grayson, who's that old man sitting there?" she asked, her memory unsure.

"Och, that's old Fletcher, he's been aroond since Da was a wee boy. He comes tae the castle every noo and then. When Glenn and I had him hold oor horses, we came back and they would'ne leave him. He just smiled and nodded at them and they came wi' no problem. He has a way wi' the beasts like no other. I swear they ran faster than e'er afterwards. Ye can ask Glenn tae, he'll tell ye."

They stood and watched for a while longer, before they turned away and joined the festivities again. Food was brought in and everyone ate heartily in celebration. After they ate, the skirl of pipes was heard in the courtyard and shortly after, Gregor marched in playing a lively air. Cheers went up for him and in no time, a beat was carried by the men, pounding their hands on the table and feet stomped on the stone floor.

Grayson was taken by the tune and took Heather's hand, leading her to an open area and started dancing. Garreth saw them and led Therese into dancing a reel with her as well. In no time, every woman was asked to dance by the men and laughter rang out with the pipes. Sorley asked Arabella to dance and at first, she was hesitant, but he was persistent and finally had her up and spinning about the room.

Therese and Heather were happy to see a smile and hear laughter from Arabella, knowing how little there was for her to be happy about. She begged off from another dance and sat out the celebration on the sidelines, while Sorley went back to drinking with his men. Then a little while later, without a word, Arabella silently drifted out of the room, a faint smile on her face and a painful longing in her heart. She knew she had to let her love of Garreth remain as a dream, a far-flung thought that she could never allow to surface again.

Heather and Therese finally sat and talked of plans for the ceremony, while Garreth and Grayson began talks of battle plans with Sorley and Randal. The two were fast becoming good friends, enjoying themselves with shared thoughts and hopes for their lives to come. It was Heather's suggestion to sail back to Donan and let Therese pick out some of her clothes to wear, both being so close in size, that had Therese smiling more.

"When we are settled, I'll ha'e us fitted fer oor dresses and ha'e them start making them. I ha'e many dresses that ye can wear noo, until ye can ha'e yer own sent from France."

"Oh, merci, Heather. I am so ashamed to be still wearing the same dress after all this time. I have felt terrible that I am looking so poorly to everyone." her lips smiling with happiness, while her eyes showed the shame she felt.

"Och, Therese, don't feel that way. It's no yer fault that ye are like this. We'll sail back soon and ha'e ye dressed and looking like the beautiful Lady ye are again."

"I am so grateful to you, Heather. It makes my heart fill with such joy to know I have met such a wonderful person, such as yourself. I feel I have been blessed by God, for Garreth's love, being re-united with my dearest friend and sister, Arabella and now I am once again blessed to be given a friend like you." she told Heather, as she held her hands.

The two ladies smiled at each other, enjoying the bond of friendship forming between them. Long into the night, they talked of what their dresses could look like, what Dunvegan would be like to have the ceremony in and how the evening might turn out, once they consummated the contract of Hand-fasting

Garreth and Grayson, along with all the men, sat and stood around the large, oak table, finishing off the last of the keg of whisky, heartily singing songs of love in the hills and blissful nights in the chamber. Another keg was brought out, along with more food to fill the appetites, as Gregor blew his pipes, thoughts of battle and castles being taken, were left out of their thoughts.


"So, what do ye's think of Hand-fasting, Tom and Debra?" Stuart asked them, wondering if they liked the idea.

"I love it, Uncle Stuart, but does it mean Deb and I are married, or, how does it work?" Tom asked him, not sure if it was legally binding.

"Tell us what the ceremony was like, Uncle Stuart. I want to know what they did and what Lady Anne said." Deb excited more about the romance of the ceremony.

"They had the Hand-fasting tae join them, so they could be t'gether, but only Garreth and Therese had a wedding later, after the battle. Grayson and Heather did'ne get married after, they were joined by that ceremony a year and a day later. It was'ne up until nineteen thirty-nine, that Hand-fasting was'ne recognized anymore. So it would be more of a clan joining, until we had the wedding later on, once ye ha'e some time tae plan it." Stuart explained. "But, if ye's want tae do it like Garreth and Therese, this is how they did it. They wed back in France, but I'll save that fer later on. Don't want tae get ahead of things, but now ye's know what happened. Do ye's want tae do it like that? Come back next year, a day after ye's do it and ha'e the wedding in the gardens, weather permitting?" he finished with and looked at them for an answer.

Tom and Deb looked at each other, searching each other's eyes for an acceptance and found it. Smiling and turning they looked at Stuart together and told him yes, they would. Everyone clapped, applauding the choice.

"When can we do the ceremony, Uncle Stuart?" Tom asked.

"Tomorrow's supposed tae be a lovely day, so why not ha'e it the gardens in the late morning, say aroond eleven." he replied.

Tom looked at Deb and both were thrilled they could do it so soon. "Perfect, Uncle Stuart. This is so great of you to do this for us. I can't thank you enough, for making this such a memorable time for us. I feel like I'm in a fairy tale romance right now. I love Tom so much and I'm feeling so close to all of you, like I'm part of the family already." Deb spoke to him, then turned to Tom, gently placing her palm against his cheek. "You were so right, when you said I had nothing to worry about. You and your family and all the clan, have made me feel so welcome. I love you, Tom MacLeod." to which she moved closer and placed her lips on his, then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him very lovingly.

Everyone cheered and clapped with great enthusiasm, seeing Tom and Deb display their love, in as much a way as Garreth and Therese might have done. They broke apart, their eyes glistening with the brightness of their love shining in them and thanked everyone.

Stuart gave the couple a moment to enjoy the congratulations, he himself thinking of what to use for tying their hands together. It dawned on him what was still tucked away in his safe, inside a royal, blue velvet bracelet box. He leaned over to Tavish and told him he would be right back, before rising and heading back to his office. He swung the painting of his ancestor, Rory Mor, open and spun the dial. He took the box out and carefully opened it. There inside was the strip of silk ribbon, the red dye fading, that Garreth and Therese had used. He closed the box and closed the safe once more, putting the picture back in place.

As he walked down the hall, a relieved looking Argus exited the washroom and looked at Stuart, shaking his head and smiling. "Just a wee bit too much, I think, Stuart."

"Are ye sure, Argus? I can ha'e another batch made just in case." Stuart teased him, knowing shortbread was the last thing he wanted now.

"Och, Stuart, don't be saying that, I still feel bad enough the noo." Argus exclaimed, still rubbing his stomach.

The two walked back into the hall, Stuart quietly chuckling and took their seats. Stuart motioned for Tom and Deb to come over to him. They came around and stood beside him, as he held the case in his hands.

"I ha'e a wee surprise fer ye tae see." he said smiling and opened the box.

At first Tom and Deb didn't understand what the ribbon was and why Stuart was showing it to them.

"This is the ribbon that bound their hands t'gether. It was a much nicer red back then, but as ye can see, it's surely faded tae almost a pink." he told them as he gently lifted an end up and let them touch it.

"It's silk, even I know this must have cost a fortune back then. Just for this small strip." Deb exclaimed when she felt it. "Where can we find some red, silk ribbon by tomorrow morning, for the ceremony, Uncle Stuart?"

"That's a good question, Debra. I don'ne know where we can get some." Stuart understood the growing concern on Deb's face and turned to the guests. "We ha'e a wee problem I hope ye can help Tom and Deb oot wi'. We need tae find a strip of red silk ribbon tae bind their hands wi'. Does anyone ha'e any, or know where we can find some?"

Gordon heard the request and in a flash, something came to him and he hurried off. He went into his quarters at the end of the hall and went for his large Bible. He opened it to the chapter he was on and looked at the rich, red ribbons of silk that bookmarked his page. Thinking of only the need for the ceremony, he closed it again, picking up a small pair of scissors as well, tucking them in his pocket. He closed his door and hurried back to the hall, coming to Stuart, Tom and Debra.

"Laird Stuart, I believe I ha'e something that might serve the purpose." to which Gordon opened the Bible again and showed the silk ribbons to them.

Deb gently picked up the ends of the two strips and felt them, a smile growing on her face. In as quick a turn, she looked at Gordon with despair.

"Oh Gordon, we couldn't ask you to cut these off. I mean, they're perfect, but it would be sacrilege to do that." her face showing the frustration of having the perfect thing in her hand, but also the cost it would be to have it.

"It's my contribution tae yer happy day. I'd be honoured if ye'd accept it, Master Tom and Miss Debra. Their only tae mark a page, so I'm sure it'll no be a slight tae the Great Book." Gordon told them, sincerity firmly set on his face and in his eyes, to go with the loving tone in his voice.

"We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Gordon. Your thoughtful generosity will definitely make tomorrow an incredible day." Tom told him, as he held his hand in thanks.

Debra took the Bible and laid it on the table, then turned and affectionately hugged Gordon, bringing a look of surprise to his normal staid nature. He softened to a welcoming smile, as he felt the thanks coming from her and gently patted her back. Debra released him and Gordon produced the scissors from his pocket. He opened the Bible and took the long ribbons in his left hand, adjusting the scissors on his right fingers. In two small cuts, he parted the lengths from the spine of the book and carefully handed them to Debra.

The guests all broke into cheers and applause for Gordon's loving act, to which he graciously bowed several times back to them. The hall became abuzz with the talk of tomorrow's bonding, the tale of the clans, slowly fading from interest. Stuart and Tavish smiled broadly, having a chance to think about performing a Hand-fasting ceremony for

the first time.

Argus quietly belched, still feeling the after-effects of eating so many rich treats. In his mind, he was thinking of what James MacRae had done in revenge and a statement of his authority. He was also waiting for the right time to tell Stuart of his news. The moment was getting close where he had to set some facts straight. Yes, the evening was going to be interesting indeed.

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teedeedubteedeedubover 10 years ago
not sure

what happened with the 'bombing' but ignore them. Haters gonna hate. We love your story, keep writing and forget it.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 10 years ago
I wish Literotica would only allow comments and voteing by registered readers.

You are an excellent writer and your stories give me much pleasure. Thanks for each chapter you post. Looking forward to the next. Don't let the bastards get you down.

RoyceConnorsRoyceConnorsover 10 years agoAuthor
Very discouraging

I find the recent 1 bombing of my story to be one of the lowest things anyone can do to a person's story. Your attempts to keep it from the top lists don't make your stories better than mine. You will receive the scores that are warranted on your writing abilities, nothing more.

Taking my scores down to keep me from being noticed is a waste of time for everyone and does nothing to promote the story, or the writer. If you don't like seeing my story receiving a higher score than yours, please write a story that will receive higher marks than what you've been putting out already.

It only takes a minute to report unfair scoring and the scores are reverted back to what they should be, according to fair voting practices. If you want to have a little red H beside your story, earn it, I did.

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