Blood or Love Ch. 08

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The vampire is out there.
3.7k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/15/2009
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Dear Readers, I apologize and won't make excuses for the delay. The remaining chapters will be submitted soon. There are 11 chapters total. Thank you to anyone still reading, and welcome to new readers. Thank you for votes and comments.


Jack had lied. She couldn't get around it. She'd always been able to trust him without question. But he'd lied.

According to this kid, Chamey, it had all been so he could avoid getting the injection. She looked down at Jack's phone in her hand, once again flipping through all the calls from her that he'd ignored.

He wants to be a vampire more than he wants to be with me.

You don't really believe that, she told herself as she slipped the phone into her pocket. For the millionth time it wasn't Jack -it was the parasite inside him. She'd just never dreamed it could take over so fast.

If Jack was gone... She didn't want to think about that. The antidote would work. Jack was still there - he had to be. She felt it in her heart. But how much longer could he hold out?

She stood just inside the door of the motel room next to her sister-in-law and Chamey, the strange kid who'd managed to get himself attached to her husband.

It made no sense to her because Jack didn't trust people easily. But something had made him trust this guy. After hearing Chamey's account of what happened with Jack, she felt she had to put her faith in the teenager too.

And it was obvious Chamey returned the feeling for Jack. Her eyes fell on the red bite marks on his wrist. She couldn't believe he'd let Jack bite him. Even she had never done that.

She whipped out her phone and tried the doctor again. Still no answer. Damn it. She leaned against the doorframe and rubbed her forehead with her fingertips, as if she could soothe away the budding headache.

Chamey took a step toward her and cleared his throat. "However this turns out," he said, his voice low and serious, "I want you to know I think Jack's a great guy. The short time we were together, he was a, the best one I ever had."

She gave him the only smile she could manage. "I appreciate that, Chamey."

"There's more. I think he intended to... to end everything."

Her stomach, already hurting, churned a little more. What was he talking about?

Chamey pulled a small, wood stake out of his front pocket. "He made this, he just didn't get a chance to use it."

All the air rushed out of her lungs.

Benson shuddered next to her. "My god."

"Would have been nice," Kim said through gritted teeth, "if he'd told me about all the trouble he was having before now."

"Aw, Kim." Benson placed a hand on her arm. "He didn't say anything to me either."

Tears threatened to spill, but Kim held them back. "I just feel responsible for not seeing it. Or not wanting to."

"It's not your fault," Benson said, her voice soft. "You did everything you could. Nobody could ask for more. You never gave up on my brother."

"None of us have," Chamey said. "Jack fought the reversion best he could. He's still fighting. I believe that."

Kim nodded, but she didn't miss the flash of something –doubt or fear, that passed over Chamey's thin, freckled face.

"It's gotta be hard," he went on, "that little monster inside him, filling his head with red fog and the most intense cravings you can imagine. It's a wonder he lasted. He's strong. He has you guys keeping him strong."

Yes, Jack was strong. And so was she. She had to do something. So much time had been lost already...

As soon as their plane touched down in Georgia, she'd called Dr. Kitcher's cell. She soon found out why he'd never responded to her frantic calls earlier.

He interrupted her greeting, his voice nervous and clipped. "We were attacked last night! All but two of us killed."

Kim struggled to keep her voice low. "Killed? Oh God. The League?"

"It happened so fast. Total destruction of the equipment, everything. If Dr. Rhodes hadn't been here...." Dr. Kitcher's voice faded out, then came back. "We're trying to salvage what we can from the lab and get out of here."

Sensing the doctor wouldn't be on the phone very long, she quickly filled him in on what was happening.

"With that rate of symptom progression, Jack's reversion is complete. But I knew it the moment my people called saying he didn't show at the airport. I'm sorry, Mrs. Roberts."

How could he say that, like it was all over? Kim swallowed and cleared her throat. "I'm coming for my vial for Jack. Just tell me where you are."

"I'm sorry, I have to attend to something now."

And just like that, he'd hung up on her. Her repeated calls went to voicemail.

Not being able to reach him now was driving her crazy. She'd wasted enough time standing around looking at Benny and Chamey.

Kim wiped a hand over her eyes and pushed off from the doorframe of the motel room. "I'm going to Whitemarsh Island," she said. "A source told me they heard that's where Dr. Kitcher's lab is... was. Just a rumor, but I have to do something."

Benson threw her a doubtful look. "Let me go with you."

"Better stay here. Dr. Kitcher's skittish as it is, but now that his lab was attacked..."

"She can stay with me," Chamey said, giving Kim a small salute. "I'll guard her body with my life."

Kim saw the protest firing up in Benson's eyes. "Please," she said, holding up a hand to ward Benson off. She couldn't deal with it right now.

The girl gave a long, exaggerated sigh. "Okay, I guess. Just be careful, Kim. It'll be dark soon."

"You guys take care of each other. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Kim sprinted across the parking lot to the rental car. When she slid behind the wheel, she hit Dr. Kitcher's number on speed-dial.

He picked up on the first ring. She couldn't believe it.

"It's Kim Roberts," she said quickly, tucking the phone under her jaw and pulling on her seat belt. "Tell me where to come for the antidote."

"I thought I told you, Mrs. Roberts, it's too late for Jack."

Sharp knives scraped across her stomach. "I don't –"

"Jack had his chance. He should have been there to meet my people."

She tried to get a breath of air in the hot car. "I–I know, but something happened. Like I told you, the regression came on so fast. We didn't know." She started the car. "Please, I'm on my way, just tell me–"

"We have to leave before dark. As soon as we finish loading the trucks, we're gone."


"I can't say. Just go home, Mrs. Roberts. Keep yourself safe."

Damn him. She cradled the phone against her shoulder and stepped on the gas, shooting backward out of the parking space.

"Excuse me, doctor –" she wanted so bad to say asshole, "whether the antidote works or not, it's mine. I paid for it. I want it. Now."

"I have to hang up now."

"No, wait!" She was about to throw up all over the rental car. "Please," she begged, tears blurring her vision. "I'll double what I already paid you. When I get back home, I'll get the money. You have my word."

She would sell her car, her jewelry, the house, whatever it took.

A maddening pause on the line and then, "Fine. I'll send Dr. Rhodes to meet you." He gave her an address. "Don't be late. I won't let Ron wait on you if you're late."

"Oh I won't be late." Still cradling the phone, Kim punched the address into her GPS. She thought Dr. Kitcher had hung up on her, until she heard his voice again.

"This is suicide, you know. Jack's a killer now." He paused, then spoke slower. "Well, there's really no concern, because the odds you'll even find him are miniscule."

"I can do it," she said, believing it with all her heart. She stepped on the gas and flew out of the parking lot.


Benny was the hottest girl he'd ever seen. Like, ten times hotter than the picture Jack had shown him.

Long brown hair that hugged sweet curves. Big brown eyes that could make him do anything she wanted, whether it was carry her books or run and buy her flowers. She'd dressed surprisingly heavy for the Georgia heat, in short black pants that reached just below her knees and a black t-shirt. She could make anything look good though. It'd been hard to do anything but stand and stare at her from the moment she stepped into the room.

The garlicky after-smell of NoVamp hung in the damp cool of the room, along with a musty odor and the scent of stale pizza, but it couldn't cover the sweet floral of Benny's perfume. Her cute nose wrinkled up as she sniffed the air.

All he could concentrate on was the fact that for the first time in his life, he was alone in a motel room with a girl. A hot girl. He was definitely going to document this for his website.

"God." Her voice, loud with disgust, pulled him from his fantasies. "This is where you're staying with my brother? This dump?"

"I rented it for another night." He couldn't help but wonder if that would interest her, but the look on her face told him probably not. She fanned the air with a slender hand.

"I know it's not the greatest," he said quickly, "I mean, a pool woulda been nice." Right away, his thoughts went to Benny in a bikini at poolside. Oh, man.

She glared at him. "If this place had a pool, I wouldn't stick my big toe in it for a million dollars." Her eyes roamed from his bed to Jack's. "And I wouldn't set my ass on one of these beds for a billion dollars."

Now there was an image - Benny on his bed. Sweet. He had to get his thoughts straightened out. Benny was here depending on him for protection.

Before he could respond, she started for the door. "I can't breathe in this stink-hole. I'm leaving."

He moved to stand in front of the door, blocking her way. "No way. You can't."

She put her hands on her fabulous hips and glared at him.

He realized his arms were shaking. Having Benny so close, what was it doing to him? "I mean, it's gonna be dark real soon. Jack wouldn't want you roaming around out there with, uh, with him out there. Way too dangerous."

Her pretty face fell, her soft shoulders hunched. "I don't see why I have to stay here though."

She turned away, and he took a step toward her, reaching out a hand in the hopes that she'd take it. "You don't have to stay here. You can come with me to the sporting-goods store. I'll let you buy anything you want."

Before he reached her, she whirled on him. "Go on," she said, waving her hand in his face. "Maybe you'll run into Jack. You called yourself a slayer, so you should be able to handle him."

That hit him in the gut a little. Handle Jack?

He wasn't completely stupid, no matter what his family constantly told him.

Yeah, it had been cool to call himself a slayer. He wanted to help people –warn them about vampires and stuff. Maybe do more. And he had to admit in the back of his mind, he'd always dreamed of finding the parasite who killed Trixie. He fantasized about all the ways he'd make it pay before he took the blood-thirsty vermin out of the world.

But he was just a regular dude. Still, there was no other choice for him. He'd help Jack and his family no matter what, stay with them to the bitter end.

"Come with me," he said, his voice cracking.

"I said no. I'll stay here, thank you very much."

How could she be this dang stubborn? He reached out to take her hand.

She slapped at him like a maniac. "Touch me again and die!"

He jumped back to get away from her sharp red fingernails. "Okay, okay!" He held his hands up. Dang. She was a strong girl. He wondered if she worked out. He couldn't blame her if she was a little out of her mind with fear about Jack, though. He was pretty freaked out too, he just tried not to show it.

After a moment, she wiped her eyes and looked up at him, blinking. The sight of her pretty brown eyes all red and bleary made his chest hurt. He knew he was going to give in to whatever she wanted.

It's gonna be okay, he told himself. After all, Kim will get back before dark with the antidote. Jack didn't like this place, and I'm pretty sure he didn't like the way I tasted. That's his loss... He wants what's out there, so...he doesn't have any reason to come back here. I'll be back before dark too, with the key to my big plan.

He shuddered a little in excitement at the thought of that part.

It was settled then.

"I'll be back soon," he said. "Just stay put. You've got the NoVamp. You'll be fine."

He tried to block out the image of her worried brown eyes, so much like Jack's, as he shut the door behind him.


The smell of garlic settled over everything, raising bile in her throat. She couldn't remember how often she was supposed to reapply the NoVamp, so she just kept spraying every few minutes. Doing that gave her a small sense of control, so she kept it up. The problem was, the can was almost empty.

The nasty green carpet squished under her flip-flops as she paced back and forth, clenching the can in her hand. It's useless, she thought.

This was all those smart scientists had come up with? NoVamp? All the research they could do, and they hadn't figured out a way to really stop the vamps. Or if they have, they sure aren't sharing it with us.

She glanced at the window for the hundredth time.

This was ridiculous. It wasn't even dark yet. Jack or any other vampire wouldn't be out, so why continue to spray the garlic junk as if it was going to save her life? Really, what good was it going to do against a determined vampire?

She'd only seen a little in person of what Jack could do, and it had scared the holy crap out of her. The rest of his abilities, she'd discovered through research, watching videos, reading websites. She'd even chatted online with slayers, which she now believed didn't exist, as well as a couple survivors. The things they'd described had given her nightmares.

She'd been through enough already without this vampire garbage. Her parents' deaths had been a shit-storm of pain. But then what happened to Jack almost put her over the edge.

First came the horrible time of not knowing where he was or what happened to him. She thought she'd die from it. And then he returned to them.

Of course, she'd been thrilled at first. But he was strange -not quite the brother she'd known before, especially with the gross blood-drinking and everything. She'd tried to put up a casual front, like she wasn't as freaked out about him as she really was. At least the antidote made things bearable for a while... until it started wearing off fast.

All she wanted was to have a life again. Get through school, find a decent guy, have fun. But Jack's condition had been impossible to ignore. The last two weeks especially. She'd existed in a nightmare in that house, helping where she could but always feeling like it wasn't enough. Always wondering when she went to bed whether she'd even wake up the next day.

It killed her to think that way, to be afraid of him. She loved her brother more than anything in the world. If she lost him, she might as well be dead. They had to find him and fix him tonight. But as positive as she wanted to be, she just didn't see how that was going to happen.

She crept to the window of the motel room. Parting the ugly maroon plaid curtains had exposed the southern night, just starting to gleam on the other side of the dirty window. Was Jack waking up? Going out for breakfast?

She shut the curtains and dialed Kim's cell, but it went straight to voicemail. Damn it Kim, where are you?

Chamey should have been back too.

Benny didn't know what to think of him, but he was somehow in the middle of this with them, and as far as she was concerned, the more help they had the better. So why wasn't he back yet? Did he abandon us?

Honestly, she couldn't blame him. It surprised her he'd stuck around at all. He certainly didn't owe them anything. But he seemed to care a lot about her brother. Oh my god, what if he ran into Jack out there?

Shit. She put her hands to the sides of her face and stared at the door, willing Chamey to come through it. She didn't really mean those awful things she'd said to him earlier, certainly didn't want anything bad to happen to him. So where the hell was he?

It's okay, calm down... But it was hard to do that when she felt so alone.

She began to pace the room. I could really use a drink right now. Guess I won't be having one of those.

She turned on the TV once to help distract herself, but the first thing on was a news report about a murder. She shut the TV off instantly -too afraid she'd see a report of a brutal, bloody death in the area.

She walked over to the dresser and looked in the dusty mirror at her pale, sweaty face. God, I look like hell. She raised her arms to pull her frizzy hair back from her neck and caught a whiff of her body odor. Even deodorant couldn't mask her fear.

She wiped the sweat away as best she could with cleansing wipes from her bag. Then she realized the air conditioner wasn't blowing cold air anymore. She turned the dials all the way up on cold, but the ancient unit continued to sputter out warm air. Frustrated, she kicked it. It shut off with a dying hiss.


She needed fresh air or she was gonna pass out. But her imagination was starting to get away with her. It was dark out now. What if Jack was lurking just outside the door, waiting for her to open it and take a step out?

She froze in place. Was that Jack's voice calling her name?

No, she realized, it was just someone out in the parking lot, talking over the sound of a car radio. She heard more people now, yelling and laughing before they drove off. Normal people having fun like she used to do.

She checked the time again. No, she had to stop doing that. She had to occupy herself or she'd go crazy.

She began organizing the stuff Jack had thrown around the room. All the tiny bottles of blood were empty -no surprise there. She picked up clothes and folded them up, placing them in his suitcase, which looked like it had seen better days. She threw away all the empty and half-empty bottles of V8, soup, and soda. Then she found Jack's wallet.

Inside were pictures she didn't know he carried of her and Kim. Tears stung her eyes as she flipped through them. Kim's birthday party, when he'd got down on one knee in front of everyone and proposed. In the background of the photo, she saw Mom and Dad.

She wiped her eyes and flipped to the next picture, taken at a restaurant booth. Jack sat between Benny and Kim with his arms around them. He looked so happy.

She wondered if she'd ever see him like that again - the real him... smiling and teasing her.

He'd been good to her. Protective of her. She found herself wishing Jack was there now, to keep her safe from the vampire out there in the dark. It was still nearly beyond her grasp that he was that vampire.

"I'll never complain about taking care of you again, Jack," she said out loud. "I never really minded, you know. Just be okay. Come back to us as yourself, not a monster."

She placed the wallet on top of everything else and shut his suitcase, sliding it under the bed by the wall. When she straightened back up, the muggy heat in the room hit her full force.

She stood on shaky legs and a wave of nausea rolled over her. She clasped her hand over her mouth and ran for the toilet where she dry-heaved, but there was nothing in her stomach to throw up.

Gasping, with tears running down her face, she staggered to the little beige sink, turned on the faucet and splashed the strange-smelling water on her skin. God, she couldn't breathe in this place. She couldn't stand it one more second.

She barged out of the cramped bathroom and over to the door. She hesitated when she grabbed the door handle.

She had to get some fresh air. Just a gulp or two, that was all.

She looked through the peep-hole. See, nobody out there.

She opened the door a little and took a few quick breaths. She could have used a lot more –it took all of her willpower not to run out in a panic. But she had to stay in the room.