Blood Slaves Ch. 01


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I hesitated. I couldn't explain why, but I felt incredibly nervous around Morgan...and the other dark-haired girl, sitting on the log, staring up at me now. It wasn't that I was scared, though I probably should have been, considering what I had witnessed between her and Courtney earlier.

No, this was the kind of nervousness you would experience when you're trying to talk to someone that interests you in a certain way.

With the moonlight shining through the trees above us, beaming down on Morgan and lighting up her facial features more for me, I couldn't help but think...she was fucking beautiful.

"Y-You know," I stammered, nervously. "What you did for me...standing up, against Courtney like that...the only one who's ever done that for me, is Kimberly, but Courtney doesn't listen when she says anything."

Morgan nodded slowly, holding that same grin she'd had since I first approached. She shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal. "It was nothing,'re welcome."

"Who's this," the other girl asked, standing up from the log now.

"You making new friends at school, already?"

"Oh, we...we're not friends, not...I-I mean, it's not that I wouldn't want to be, it's just-"

"We only met this morning," Morgan said for me.

"This, is Sara...right?"

"Yeah," I nodded, then laughed. "I'm Sara Willits."

"This is my sister," Morgan nodded towards the other girl.

"Name's Amanda."

She extended a hand to shake mine, and as I accepted the gesture, I couldn't help but notice how cold her hand was in mine. I looked down at her fingers, intertwined with my own, and then looked up into her icy blue eyes. "Pleasure, to meet you."

" to," I said.

"So, Sara..."

I looked back towards Morgan.

"I didn't take you, for the party type of girl. You here, alone?"

"Oh, no...I'm actually, here with Kimberly."

I pointed over, in the direction I had last seen my friend but was surprised to see that she was no longer there...looking around briefly, I realized that I didn't see Kimberly, anywhere. "Well, she's somewhere around," I said, figuring she must have snuck off to take a piss or something.

"What, about you two? Morgan, you're new at the school...I didn't think, you'd be interested in something like this. Not until you met a few more people, anyway."

"What, better place to make friends, then a party in the woods?"

"Good point," I agreed.

Amanda fished out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, sparked one up, and turned away from me and Morgan. She looked back over her shoulder with a grin and started walking. "I'll leave you two, alone for a bit."

Why, would she want to leave us alone, I thought foolishly.

Once Amanda had disappeared, I looked at Morgan and saw how she was staring at me...there was a hunger in her eyes...a lustful expression, a burning desire. It made me feel both excited and a bit concerned. I looked around, again trying to spot Kimberly, but I still could not locate my friend.

"Um...I-I should go," I said, my concern starting to build.

"How come," Morgan asked. "Don't you like me?"

I blushed, hard.

"Of course, I didn't mean...y-you're nice, and I just wanted to thank you for earlier, but I have to find my friend...she's a bit of a messy drinker, and-"

"Kimberly will be okay," Morgan assured me.

She pushed herself away from the tree now, smiling wide as she stepped towards me and started walking slowly around me.

As she circled me, I suddenly started to feel...light-headed?

That's the best way, to describe, I was entering some sort of a trance. Morgan continued to circle me for a while, and when she finally stopped, it was directly behind me.

Her arms slipped around my waist and I shivered, melting in them as she pulled me back against her chest.

"Is it true," she whispered in my ear.

"I-Is...what, true?"

"What your journal, don't like boys, do you?"

"Oh...h-how, did you know, what it said?"

It was strange of her, to know. Sure, she had walked upright in the middle of Courtney reading my private writings, and prevented her from exposing my secret. I didn't realize, however, that Morgan knew what exactly that secret was...I just thought, she figured it was something personal.

"I have my ways," Morgan chuckled. "Nobody knows, huh?"


What, was wrong with me?

The way, she was holding me right now...I should, have been freaking out and trying to get out of her arms. I barely knew this girl, had only just met her that afternoon. Sure, she had stuck up for me against Courtney, but that didn't warrant me feeling so comfortable in her arms like this...

I felt her lips against my neck, and shivered again at how cold they were...cold, yet so pleasant. "You know who I am, right?"

Dizzy, I simply nodded my response. Without Morgan even having to tell me, I knew. I had known since I first saw her in Mr. Allens class that afternoon...the girl from my dreams.

"I told you," she whispered. "We would meet, very soon."

"I-I don't understand," I said, shaking now.

"I've been dreaming of you...for weeks..."

"You've been marked, for weeks."


Releasing me from her embrace, Morgan stepped around in front of me now and took one of my hands in her own. She motioned for me to follow her, still holding that lustful smile, hunger burning in her eyes. "Come with me."

And, I did.


It was like my legs, had a mind of their own.

I just started walking, letting Morgan lead me by the hand, away from the small clearing where the party continued. Nobody even seemed to notice us leaving, or if they did, they didn't care.

Morgan led me deep into the woods, so deep that after a few minutes, I could barely even hear anyone back at the party anymore. When we finally stopped walking, she turned to face me and pushed me up against a tree. I was shaking from head to toe, as she stared deep into my eyes with that same, wicked grin she'd had when she lashed out, against Courtney.

"You picked a good one this time, sis."

I looked towards the direction of the voice, and saw Amanda standing a few feet to the left of us...when did she get here, I asked myself. The last I remembered, she said that she was going to leave me and Morgan to ourselves. Even through the haze that covered my mind now, and with how stronger it seemed to be getting, the longer I stared into Morgan's eyes...I could still feel my stomach twisting into knots.

This was all wrong. "I don't understand...what's going on," I said, trying to look away from Morgan, but it was useless.

"W-What, are you going to do...with me?"

"Nothing that you won't enjoy," Amanda replied. The leaves crunched beneath her feet, as she walked up alongside Morgan now, and the two girls exchanged a brief look.

"Let's just say," Morgan began. "You're our next little snack."

Before I could say anything else, Morgan's eyes seemed to change colors. They transformed from those beautiful blue orbs to a glowing cat-like yellow. She opened her mouth wide and hissed, revealing two razor-sharp fangs, protruding from her upper row of teeth. It was only at that moment, that I seemed to regain control of my thoughts, and snapped out of my daze.

A shrill scream, of terror, filled the woods. It was blood-curdling, but it stopped abruptly when Morgan buried her face in the crook of my neck and sunk those fangs right into me.

They tore through my flesh, with a loud, wet "CRUNCH" and I gasped, as I felt blood immediately begin flowing into Morgan's mouth. She sucked and slurped at my neck, my knees shaking and threatening to give out under my weight.

When she stopped, after what felt like an eternity, Morgan released a moan and turned to look at her sister.

"She's so, fucking delicious!"

"Step aside," Amanda said, eagerly. "Let me, taste!"

Morgan did not want, to stop though. So instead, she grabbed my left arm and handed it to Amanda, who took it and brought my wrist up to her mouth. I yelped, then gave another scream as her fangs ripped into my wrist and she began drinking.

I heard Amanda moaning in pleasure, and as she drank from my wrist, Morgan resumed drinking from the two tiny puncture wounds in my neck.

What, the fuck was happening?

This had to be another crazy fucking nightmare. Morgan and Amanda were Vampires...and I, was their latest meal. It dawned on me suddenly, that this must have been the REAL truth behind all those girls, that had gone missing around town.

They hadn't been kidnapped, at least not by ordinary kidnappers...they had been taken by Vampires, probably drained dry, their bodies left to rot in the woods or where ever, they had been dumped. Or...maybe, they had been turned?

Would, I be turned?

Or, would these two just drink me until I was tapped out...

I was starting to feel weaker and weaker, by the minute. Everything seemed to be spinning around me now, and that's when I felt a hand sliding down the front of my pants, fingers gently tracing over my hot, sex.

Through blurry eyes, I turned my head and realized that it was Morgan. As she continued sucking at my neck, her fingers slid between the folds of my pussy, which was surprisingly wet, and pushed into my tight hole. I gasped and then moaned loudly, leaning my head back against the tree and granting her better access to the wounds on my neck. "H-Holy, fuck...ohhhh, fuck...that feels, so good!"

Morgan gave a muffled laugh, before pulling her lips from my neck and I looked at her to see blood, trickling down her chin. Her eyes still glowed that same, eerie yellow and when I looked towards her sister, I saw that Amanda appeared the same way.

"I think, we should have some fun with her," Morgan said, as she slowly pumped her fingers in and out of me. "You know...before, we finish her off."

"Mmm, I thought you'd never suggest that," Amanda groaned, letting go of my wrist. "It's been, a night full of surprise for you, hasn't it Sara?"

"Don't worry," Morgan licked at my ear.

"There's one more surprise before we put an end to you."

Morgan released me, and my legs finally gave out. I sunk to the ground, with my back still pressed against the tree trunk, and Amanda came crashing down with me of her own will. As she ran a hand over my cold, clammy forehead and through my brown hair, Amanda leaned in and kissed me.

I could taste the iron of my own blood, as her tongue slipped past my lips and quickly dominated my own. I gave in, without a minute's thought, kissing the Vampire back and moaning into her mouth. Meanwhile, Morgan towered over both of us.

As me and Amanda made out, Morgan removed her leather jacket and threw it to the ground. She then undid the studded belt she had been wearing, and let her tight, black jeans fall to her ankles. Amanda broke the kiss and forced me to look towards Morgan and my eyes went wide...Morgan hadn't been lying.

This was a night of surprises.

Protruding from between Morgan's long, pale and smooth legs, was a huge cock! That's right...Morgan was a Vampire, and she also had a dick. Being a lesbian, I had never had any interest in such things before...I liked pussy, even if I had never actually experienced either one of the two. But with her massive tool just mere inches from my face, I could smell the strong musky aroma and my pussy seemed to dampen even more.

"Go ahead," Morgan hissed, as she stroked her cock for a moment. "Open wide, for me."

I nodded slowly, caught in her spell once again, and parted my lips for her. Morgan roughly grabbed a handful of my brown hair and proceeded to cram that beast of a cock into my mouth.

As Morgan began thrusting, in and out of my throat, Amanda simply watched with awe and reached down into her pants. I wasn't paying much attention...I couldn't, not with Morgan currently mouth fucking the living hell out of me.

So, I didn't notice until Amanda had pulled it free from her pants, that she also had a cock of her own...and it was about as big, as her sisters was.

It wasn't until Morgan withdrew her dick from my mouth, and Amanda quickly took her place, that I realized she was just like her sister. I choked and gagged and sucked, and slurped, as the two blood-sucking monsters took turns, abusing my throat...and just like Morgan had suggested...I was loving it.

"Let's take this, up a notch...shall we?"

I didn't know, what Morgan was suggesting...not, until she slipped behind me and pulled me up onto my hands and knees, then proceeded to yank my pants and panties down, her hand cracking against my bare ass. I yelped and gave a startled jump, the sound of my voice muffled, as Amanda continued fucking my face.

She giggled, as Morgan lined her throbbing member up with my dripping pussy...I was a virgin...I was about to get fucked, for the very first time.

I closed my eyes, unable to think about anything, other than Morgan's massive prick and what it would feel like as she fucked me hard. I wanted it, too.

I wanted it, more than anything I had ever wanted in my entire life.

The fact, that I wasn't supposed to even like dick, didn't seem to matter to me anymore. Morgan and Amanda might have had dicks, but they were all female aside from that, as far as I was concerned. I told myself, it wasn't much different than getting fucked by a strap-on. I braced myself and cried out in pleasure when Morgan finally, sunk her meat into my virgin pussy and I dug my nails into the dirt and pulled at the grass.

"F-Fuck, she's tight! Ugh, Mother is going to be...angry...she loves virgins!"

"Too, late to turn back now," Amanda groaned, as she lodged her cock deep in my throat and gave a low grunt. "I'm sure, she'll forgive you."

"Maybe, we could bring her back with us," Morgan suggested.

"Instead of killing her, we turn her...bring her home, to Mom and offer her a new addition, to the family."


Amanda seemed to be pondering this idea, as she and Morgan continued fucking the breath right out of me, from both ends. Neither of them seemed to let up, they just kept relentlessly pounding away. I felt Amanda's balls, smack against my chin with every thrust, and I felt Morgan's cock pushing deeper, and deeper into the tight confines of my pussy.

I was so caught up in the various feelings, I was experiencing, that I barely even acknowledge anything the two were talking about.

It felt, so good...I didn't care, what they did with me.

Drink me dry, and toss me to the side like they'd done with the others, or bring me home to their "Mother" and turn me into one of them...whatever they wanted, it didn't matter. I belonged to them, no matter what, and I was perfectly fine with that.

Suddenly, I felt Morgan digging her nails into my hips and she started shaking behind me, releasing a deep and guttural moan. I felt her cock swell up inside of me, as it began to pulse and throb. "I'm, fucking...cumming!"

Morgan roared, as she bottomed out and buried her cock to the hilt. It erupted like a volcano, pumping long, thick ropes of cum, deep into my womb. There was so much cum, I thought she'd never stop...I felt the warmth of her seed, filling me to the brink until it began leaking out and running down over her heavy balls.

Just as Morgan was finishing up, I found myself gagging and sputtering, as Amanda buried herself as deep in my throat, as possible...I didn't even get the chance, to taste her cum.

She emptied her balls right in my throat, pumping her seed straight down into my belly and leaving me with a rather pleasant, soothing feeling in my gut.

And then, it was over.

It felt like, it had been hours of non-stop fucking, when they both released me from their grips. Morgan withdrew her cock and I rolled over onto my side, gasping for air and sweating profusely. Her cum oozed from my gaping pussy, and instinctively, I reached between my legs to touch myself. I gasped as my fingers teased my clit...I was still, so sensitive.

"I told you," Morgan leaned in, kissing me softly.

"That part, is always fun...and, not just for us."

I turned onto my back, my breathing slowly returning to normal. I stared up through the trees, at the bright moon still shining down on me, and reached up with a weak hand, to wipe the sweat from my forehead. "A-Are you, kill me?"

My voice was soft and weak and I could hardly keep my eyes open. Between my intense orgasm, and the amount of blood I had lost from their drinking, I was having a really hard time staying conscious. "That was, the original plan..."

Morgan paused, looking back at Amanda, who smirked and nodded her head slowly.

"But I think, we should let Mother decide your fate, instead. It's not often that we meet someone, who tastes quite as...fulfilling, as you do Sara."

"K-Kimberly," I whimpered, as my thoughts finally became my own again. "I...w-where, is she...okay?"

"Oh, almost forgot about her," Amanda chuckled.

"Don't sweat it, kiddo...your friend was a bit too drunk for our liking. Alcohol is good, but it gives the blood a funny taste. We don't have any interests, in taking her back with us."

That was a relief.

Morgan stood up and stretched, her enormous cock having gone soft now and swaying back and forth, between her legs. She smiled down at me, then proceeded to scoop me up off of the ground and into her arms.

Throwing me over her shoulder, Morgan glanced at Amanda, and the two started their trip back to where ever it was, that their "Mother" waited.

As Morgan carried me through the woods, further and further away from Kimberly and the party, I closed my eyes and allowed fatigue to take control.

Everything went black.

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WhiskeyIsGoodWhiskeyIsGoodover 3 years agoAuthor
Follow me on Twitter, for updates on my stories!

WhiskeyIsGoodWhiskeyIsGoodover 3 years agoAuthor
@Saffyre thank you for the positive feedback!

I'm really glad you enjoyed this chapter, and there is plenty more to come. I did run the chapter through an editing app before posting, but it seems like it was pointless...I may have to look for an actual editor again.

SororityPrincessAmberSororityPrincessAmberover 3 years ago
Great Story, Bad Punctuation

I love the story like almost all of your work but all of the unnecessary commas were extremely distracting for me.

SaraSeraSaraSeraover 3 years ago

Fuuuuuuuuck I loved it!

wallace99wallace99over 3 years ago

I liked that you rewrote this series to have the vampires be trans instead of lesbians. This chapter was really good, I can't wait to read the next installment.

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