Blood Slaves Ch. 06


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"Please," I cried again, my ass burning and stinging. I couldn't see obviously, but I was certain that my cheeks were probably bright red and black and blue already. "Please, Mistress I-I'm begging you!"

"You should have shown me more respect!"


"You should have been MORE GRATEFUL!"


By now, I had found myself unable to speak again. The burning on my ass was too intense, and all I could do was choke on my tears as I bit my lip even harder, sinking my fangs into my flesh and drawing blood.

I could taste the familiar metallic flavor, and it brought me a sense of comfort even though I knew it was my blood.

"Instead, you ran off with Morgan," Elyse sighed above me.

"I gave you everything. And you ran away as if you were a prisoner that had been desperately seeking freedom...nevertheless...I suppose it was just because you still had some sort of 'humanity' left in you. That won't happen this time around though, I assure you, Sara."

With my cheeks stinging and burning, Elyse chuckled softly as she kept me bent over her knee for a few moments while running her fingers up and down the small of my back. I kept whimpering softly as I tried to ignore the stinging sensation, and then she was pushing me off her knee and I slid to the floor. She stood up slowly and sighed, her huge cock throbbing as if she had been aroused by the spanking she'd just given much as it stung, I couldn't deny it...I hadn't minded as much as I pretended.

"We're just getting started you know," she said while towering over me and stroking her cock. "I have much more planned for you, and by the time it's all said and done you will never think of betraying me again. That little bit of humanity that may still linger within your soul, will be gone forever by the time I've finished."

I didn't know for sure what that meant, but I could only imagine. Elyse was cruel I had already known that, so I expected nothing but the worse as punishment.

As she knelt behind me and grabbed me by the hips, pulling me onto my hands and knees, I braced myself as she proceeded to spread my cheeks and I felt her cock pressing against my tight puckered hole. With my nerves being shot at this point, my first instinct was to tense up some but I relaxed after a few moments as she began pushing forward. I felt her cock pushing past my sphincter and I groaned softly, my eyes falling shut as I tried to focus on the pleasure.

Consider it a defense mechanism, if you want.

At that moment, I didn't want to think about anything bad.

Not the fact that I had betrayed Morgan.

Not the fact that Kimberly was currently chained up in the basement...I just wanted a break from all the anxiety, all the fear, and panic that had been wreaking havoc on me since I found out for sure that Elyse even had Kimberly. Even if that relief came from the very Monster that was responsible for all the chaos and anxiety in my life.

Ironic, I guess.

Elyse wasn't wasting any time, either.

Once she had the first three inches of her fat cock inside of me, she smirked and then plunged the remainder of her shaft balls deep into my ass. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, as she used so much force that it knocked the breath right out of my lungs. I slumped forward with a grunt, digging my nails into the splintered wood of the floor as she grabbed me by the hips and started pounding away.

"Little brat," she hissed behind me. "I'll teach you...ungrateful...little cock sucker," she laughed evilly as she kept slamming her hips back and forth.

"You think, you can fuck me over!?"

She slapped my ass again, as she kept thrusting and I yelped as my cheeks stung just like they had a few minutes ago.

"I'll teach you, Sara..."

She kept thrusting and thrusting, grabbing my hair and pulling at it as I moaned and my cock began dripping pre-cum onto the floor. I wanted to reach down and touch myself but I was afraid Elyse wouldn't allow it, and it might only anger her further.

"Not to ever..."

She kept mumbling away in between thrusts.

"Betray me again!"


Another blow to the ass with her hand, and this time I couldn't help but react by punching the floor in shock. Elyse laughed at my response and started thrusting even faster, pummeling me into submission. I was practically drooling now as I felt her cock twitching and throbbing, her breathing coming in short gasps and I knew she was getting close.

As Elyse neared her orgasm, I squeezed my eyes shut and my mind went someplace else. In my head, it wasn't Elyse hammering away at my ass right now.

It was Morgan.

I could almost smell her scent, as she pushed her raven hair out of her face and smiled, laughing at me as she slid her cock in and out of my gaping hole. Her piercing blue eyes glowed with joy as she leaned forward, her tits pressing into my back and wrapped her arms around my waist. She slowed her thrusting and began pumping in and out, more like she was making love to me than fucking me.

I felt her cock begin to pulse as she groaned softly, whimpering right in my ear and then crying out in pleasure as she exploded and began pumping her cum deep into my asshole. I bit my lip, crying out with her as I painted the hardwood floor with my seed, my asshole squeezing and clenching around her cock as we came together.

And then, my eyes opened up again and I remembered...

Morgan wasn't even here.

It wasn't Morgan who had just emptied her balls into my asshole, it was Elyse. I had gotten more than a little carried away for a second, imagining my would-be lover who had already saved me once just for me to let her down.

Maybe I was feeling a lot more guilty than I originally thought.

Panting and heaving over me, Elyse had leaned forward just as Morgan had done in my imagination and I could still feel her tits pressing into my back, her perky nipples digging into my skin as she groaned with satisfaction. Slowly, she withdrew her cock and it slipped out with a wet popping noise, leaving my asshole gaping and dripping with her cum.

I slumped forward and collapsed face down, with Elyse towering over me once again, still sweating and trying to catch her breath. She smiled, tossing her head to the left and throwing her blonde hair out of her face as she licked her lips. "Remember Sara," she said softly.

"I can make eternity a living hell for you...or, I can make it easy and pleasurable. Just like I told you in the beginning...the choice is all yours."

For the time being, I knew it was best to cooperate and make my time with Elyse as easy on myself...and I possibly could. I had to keep reminding myself of that, over and over again or I feared I might not be able to survive this shit for however long I had to put up with it.

"Amanda," Elyse called out suddenly, and a few moments later I heard the sound of footsteps coming downstairs as Amanda returned to the living room.

She looked down at me as I lay face down on the floor, panting and sweating, my cock had gone flaccid now but still soaked with my cum. I heard her scoff as she looked back up at Elyse.

"Take Sara down to the basement," Elyse said.

"She'll need her rest, and I'm sure she's eager to see dear Kimberly when the girl wakes."

"Yes, Mother."


That's all I wanted, at that moment. To be with Kimberly. I had no idea if she knew that I was a Vampire yet since we hadn't had our chance to officially be reunited yet. And if she did know, then I had no idea how she would react when she woke up and saw me next to her.

Would she hate me?

Would she be terrified of me?

These were the questions running through my mind in circles, as Amanda scooped me up off the floor and proceeded to carry me back downstairs, into the dark basement again. She pretty much dropped me right onto the mattress next to Kimberly, making the springs creak, and then laughed at the grunt that I made when I landed, before turning around and starting back upstairs again.

She left me there next to Kimberly, who was still unconscious but looked absolutely peaceful and beautiful in her sleep. I smiled, sliding closer to her and draping one arm over her side as I snuggled up to the sleeping girl. For the first time since I had been sucked into that vision from Elyse, I felt calm and at ease with Kimberly in my presence again.

I knew that calm wouldn't last forever though, and the only other thing I wanted as badly as I wanted to be here with Kimberly, was to see Morgan again. A single tear rolled down my cheek as my eyes slowly fell shut and I felt myself drifting off, images of Morgan flashing through my mind.

"Morgan...I'm sorry," I thought as I slipped into unconsciousness.

"Please, don't hate me."

I couldn't have been asleep for long.

The sudden jolt beside me was enough to snap me awake, and I jumped, my eyes snapping wide open. I was immediately aware of how cold I was, shivering from head to toe as I sat straight up and hugged my knees to my chest.

For a second, I couldn't recall where I even was.

My surroundings were foreign, but they quickly settled in and as they did, I felt my heart sink. The basement...I was back in the basement. And with that realization, I remembered everything else that had happened.

It all came rushing back to me, all at once like a tidal wave. The vision that Elyse gave me, her coaxing me into giving my location so she could teleport me back to the basement...the...punishment that I had endured so far, for betraying her and running away with


And then, Amanda had brought me back to the basement.

Back to the basement, where Kimberly was.

As that thought crossed my mind, I gasped and turned slightly on an old beat-up mattress and sure enough, there she was...sitting right beside me and staring at me doe-eyed, clearly in shock and confusion. "S-Sara?"

I stared at her for a moment too, before I smiled with tears in my eyes and nodded. "Yeah, i-it's me..."

She didn't say a word, not right away. She just sat there, as though she were in a daze. I could only imagine what must have been running through her mind, now that she saw me sitting right next to her. More than that, she'd woken up to find herself wrapped up in my arms when she'd been completely alone after Amanda had fed on her earlier.

And given all the information that Elyse had provided her so far, as to what had happened to me...I'm sure the thought of me being a Vampire now, was probably on her mind as well.

"It's you," she asked, after a brief pause.

Chewing at my bottom lip, I nodded slowly and was just mustering up the courage to say something out loud when she suddenly leaped at me and threw her arms around me.

The move had been so quick and unexpected, Kimberly easily knocked me back and I fell onto my back on the mattress and laughed slightly, as I embraced her and held her naked body against mine.

It was hard to comprehend.

After all this time, we were together again. Even if it meant me selling myself to Elyse, even if Elyse had some crazy plan up her sleeve to fuck me over in the end, none of that mattered in this current moment. The only thing that mattered to me right now, was that I was with Kimberly again. And as far as I could tell, that's all she cared about.

"I-I don't believe this," she said, after what felt like forever of holding onto me and she finally pulled back. "Elyse, she said that you ran away with Morgan...I'm only here because she wanted to use me as bait, to bring you back. Sara, you didn't fall for that, did-"

"Don't think about it," I interrupted, shaking my head.

"It doesn't matter how I'm here, Kim...when I found out that she had you, I didn't care about anything other than coming for you and protecting you."

Kimberly smiled, looking away as she was trying to hide her tears. How long had it been, I wondered? A few months? It felt so much longer than that though. I felt like, I hadn't seen Kimberly in years and this was a much bigger reunion than it was. We just sat there quietly for a few seconds again, before Kimberly choked back tears and accepted what I had just said about just letting it go.

Once again, she was leaning forward and embracing me, holding me tighter this time than the last. I hugged her back and even kissed her on the cheek, not even caring at this point if she found it awkward. "I'm sorry," I said, looking her dead in the eye now.

"This is all my fault."

"What? No, that's not...that's not true," Kimberly shook her head slowly.

"Yes, it is," I argued. "Morgan decided she wanted to leave and she talked me into going with her. I should have stayed here though. If I hadn't run away, Elyse wouldn't have come for you."

"Yeah, but I'm the one who talked you into that party in the woods...if you hadn't been there that night, they never would have even taken you in the first place, Sara. This is on me."

"We can go around and around all we want," I smiled.

"Fact of the matter is, it's not like you were holding a gun to me when you asked me to go...I could have said no...when Mark said I couldn't go, I could have listened. But I didn't listen. And here we are."

Kimberly sighed, leaning back against the wall. The chain around her ankle clinked as she moved, and I looked down at it and frowned, disgusted at the very sight. I hated that she was here right now. Don't get me wrong, I was so happy to see her again. To have held her briefly and woken up next to her, even if she had been in total shock when we woke.

Those chains were a constant reminder though...

"Wait," Kimberly said, breaking my train of thought.

"I-It's true then...right?"

I eyed her suspiciously, knowing what she meant but trying to pretend that I didn't have a clue. "Are you...a..."

Kimberly looked down then and I shifted, spreading my legs slightly as she seemed to notice the large appendage resting between my thighs for the first time, confirming her suspicions.

I looked away, quickly.

"You're a Vampire..."


The shame in my voice was so clear, there was no way Kimberly couldn't hear it. She sat forward slightly, drawing in a deep breath and slowly exhaling as she rubbed gently at the sides of her head, in an attempt to calm her nerves.

Kimberly had dealt with a lot, in the last few days.

Finding out that the rumors of me being a Vampire were true, was just another blow that I figured she had to take a minute to accept. If she could accept it, at all...and believe me, if she decided she couldn't deal with something like that then there's no way I could have ever blamed her.

"So, then y-you...really killed Courtney?"

The shame just kept growing heavier, and heavier. The guilt showed clearly on my face and deep down inside, I hoped that would make me look a little better to Kimberly but doubted it. She'd come off accepting until now, but surely would be the moment when she turned her back against me with disgust burning in her eyes.


More questions!

Why did we have to keep asking questions? Why couldn't we just get to the point, where she admitted how much she hated me, how she dreaded being anywhere near me?

Where she shouted out, that I was an evil Monster and swore me off for the rest of forever...

"Why'd you kill her?"

I was silent.

"I know," she said softly. "She was a bitch, don't get me wrong. Courtney treated you like...shit...for a long time, Sara. Even more so, after your Mom died and I get it, I know you hate being anywhere near her but..."

"I-It wasn't like that," I scoffed.

"How could you think for a moment, that it was?"

I thought I was ready.

That I could handle Kimberly hating on me, believing the bull shit about Courtney that Elyse had spread, and looking at me as some sort of Monster.

Some sort of Demon.

Which I was...

But I couldn't handle that like I thought I could. The moment those words left her mouth, although they weren't exactly what I anticipated, it still broke me down in a way.

"It wasn't like that," I repeated.

"I was just turned. They did it on purpose...they knew about the shit between me and Courtney and they used that to fuck with my head, Kim. When you've just been turned, y-you're unstoppable. You're hungry like you've been lost in a desert for days on end kind of get lost in this state of mind where you can't control yourself, and the first person that you see is ju-"

"O-Okay, okay," Kimberly held her hands up defensively.

"I...I get it..."

I hesitated, then laughed. "Do you, really though? Or are you just saying that!?"

"No, that's not it!"

"I'm not coming at you," I reasoned. "I just...ugh..."

Kimberly smiled slightly. "I know," she said.

"A few days ago, I would've said that I couldn't imagine what you've been through but...I've only been here a few days myself, and I've seen what they can do."

"It's not fun," I said. "Not always, anyway. Sometimes."

"S-Sure," Kimberly stammered. "Maybe, sometimes."

I smiled slightly at that, and so did Kimberly. For a moment, we both sat in silence and I looked down at the shackle around her ankle and sighed heavily. It took me back to my days of being locked up, in this terrible old basement. Seeing Kimberly in the same position now was killing me, but for the time being, I couldn't do anything to change it.

"How did this happen anyway," Kimberly asked, breaking the silence and drawing my attention back to her.

"How did they get to you?"

"I...wandered away from the party, when you disappeared. Ran into Morgan and Amanda and they started flirting, and the next thing I knew, we were hooking up...and then they both bit me and revealed what they were, and when I woke up, I was back here in the basement."

Kimberly blinked as I finished explaining, and looked away with tears in her eyes...she wiped them away and shook her head slowly.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"For what?"

"I should have been there," she said quickly. "I shouldn't have left you alone like that, but I was so fucking drunk I wasn't thinking straight."

"Stop blaming yourself," I said, sliding closer to her and wrapping one arm around her to pull her to me. "Like I already said, we can keep going around and around but...what's done is done, right?"

"It's true though," she argued.

"If I had been there with you, you wouldn't have wandered off on your own and-"

"You don't know what would have happened," I interrupted quickly.

I pulled away from her, holding her by the shoulders and staring straight at her. "For all, we know if you had been with me, they would have taken us both. Then you would have wound up down here anyway, but much sooner."

I could tell, she still felt doubtful as she stared straight past me and wiped more tears from her cheeks. She took a deep breath and held it in, her bottom lip quivering slightly as she finally exhaled.

"Maybe you're right," she said.

With a smile, I leaned in and pressed my forehead to hers. She finally smiled back, wrapping her arms around me this time and we just stared at each other for a while...despite the circumstances, I was just happy to be by her side again. And being this close to her right now, I could sense those old feelings for her starting to rise to the surface again. I had pushed them down deep the whole time that I'd been gone, figuring I would never see her again and that lingering on them would only bring me more pain in the end.

They bubbled to the surface, consuming me as we continued staring into each other's eyes, and finally, I broke, giving in to temptation and closing the gap between us.

My lips pressed against hers and her eyes widened, as she was clearly a bit surprised at first but she didn't resist thankfully. After a few brief seconds, she closed her eyes and I heard her moan softly as she gave in and kissed me back.