Bloodlines Pt. 05


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Ayra smiled up at him, no longer caring about anything but the rigid cock probing anxiously at her opening. Reaching between them, she grasped his cock, gasping as it suddenly slipped into her. The lad completely lost all control, his hips began thrusting wildly as his cock drove into her. Fearing he would cum to quickly, Ayra wrapped her legs around him, pulling him against her as she twisted her hips, rolling him onto his back.

He let out a shout of surprise before realizing how good it felt to be fully buried inside her as her tits bounced wildly inches from his face. He reached out, grabbing the massive beasts, pulling them toward his mouth as he lifted his head, latching his mouth onto her engorged nipple.

"God, that feels good." Ayra moaned as she ground against him, shuddering as his cock probed the depths of her pussy.

She shuddered, her pussy beginning to respond to the cock deep imbedded inside. Her own need slowly began to build as she ground against the lad, her clit rubbing back and forth as his cock swelled, stretching her pussy. Writhing from side to side, she drove herself mad, every twist building her need to a tidal wave of pleasure ready to consume her.

Leaning forward, she pressed her tits into his mouth, shivering as she felt him drawing her milk. Her milk! Her own life giving fluids that her body generated to nurture her child. She froze as Lia's smiling face flashed through her head.

Chapter 21

Ian stared past Ricah at the scene in the room. He shouted in horror, trying to press past her, but Ricah held out her arm, restraining him.

"Let me..." he growled, as her fingers gripped his arm. He managed to force her backward into the room, but she refused to release her grip.

He heard the door close and felt Ricah's grip on his arm tighten as she turned him to face her.

"You thought perhaps you were the only one? Don't be so foolish Ian." She said, one hand holding his arm in a vice-like grip while the other quickly undid his breeches, letting them fall to the floor.

Ian looked from Ricah to Ayra and back, his anger slowly rising. He tried to pull his arm from her grip but she squeezed tighter, her body pressing against him. He could feel the heat emanating from her as she rubbed her crotch against him, drawing his cock to readiness against his futile resistance.

"You fuck, I fuck, she fucks. It's what we do, it's who we are." She hissed, pinning him against the door as she deftly undid her dress and shrugged out of it.

His anger rising, Ian pushed hard, his hands gripping her breasts as he shoved her away.

"Mother, I..." he started, struggling to free himself from Ricah's grasp.

Ayra heard her name, the voice calling to her was familiar. She knew it, she knew he was calling her, needing her as much as she needed...

Slowly Ayra turned her head, looking over her shoulder as she ground her hips against the lad, forcing his cock to stir her depths closer, ever closer.

"Ian I..." she started, the sight of her son slowly reaching into her fogged mind.

She knew she should do something, should leap away, should run to him and beg his... The cock inside her swelled and pulsed, every twist of her hips driving her closer to the edge. Her body refused her commands, her hips writhing and twisting as the tidal wave of pleasure began to collapse. Her muscles tightened and she fell forward as her hips began bucking wildly, riding up and down the length of the lad's cock.

Ian finally managed to free himself from Ricah's grasp and rushed to his mother, grabbing her by the shoulders and rolling her of the lad.

"Mother, what are you..." he started, as Ayra looked up at him glassy eyed.

"My baby, my love." Ayra muttered, her hands reaching out to grasp at him.

Her pussy was still convulsing, begging for more. She grabbed at Ian, pulling him to her as her legs shakily wrapped around him, drawing him closer. Her hand slid between them, grasping his cock, guiding it to her cunt as she looked into his eyes, begging him.

Ian let out a gasp as his mother's pussy engulfed his cock, the molten fire threatening to consume him. He tried to pull away, but she gripped at him, her fingers clawing at his back as she cried out desperately for him to fill her. He looked into her eyes trying to understand what was happening. He saw only lust, hungry sexual need staring back at him.

"Please Ian." Ayra finally managed to speak, her fingers clawing at his back, pulling him ever deeper into her. "I need, ugh, oh God, please baby." She whispered, her head rising up so her lips brushed his skin.

Unable to deny her, Ian began thrusting, slamming his cock into his mother as she clung to him, every stroke of his cock making her cry out in need. He felt the bed shift and glanced over in time to see Ricah straddling the lad, her fingers guiding his still hard cock into her pussy. Ian looked at the lad, recognizing him as one of the new recruits. He had been proud to finally be of age to become a House Guard. He wondered if the lad had any inkling of what he was getting into.

Ayra's legs tightened around his waist as she bucked upwards violently. Her head swung from side to side as she cried out, every muscle in her body tensing in anticipation. She was gasping for air as her hips thrust wildly, her pussy contracting around Ian's cock, struggling to draw forth his seed.

She struggled to look at him as she begged him to fill her, every word a struggle. Ian lifted himself upward, letting her twist and writhe beneath him. His mind screamed for Ian to get up and walk out but he knew, knew he would never be free, not until...

Hammering into his mother with all his strength, Ian could feel his need slowly building. Ayra, content in the knowledge that he would fill her, fell back, relaxing as he hammered into her drenched pussy. He would do her bidding, and Ricah's as well. He would give them what they so desperately wanted, and then he would be free. With one final thrust he buried himself in his mother's pussy his cock erupting with a torrent of boiling fluids.

Chapter 22

Jouseen waited for the door to close, her fingers digging into the fabric of her dress. Grisha started to speak, but stopped short as Jouseen stared at her. The room was silent for several long moments before Jouseen finally stood up and walked to the door. Her hands shook as she slowly slid the latch closed then turned to face Grisha.

She held her finger to her lips as Grisha once again started to speak, then motioned for the girl to come with her. Walking into the bedroom, she closed that door as well, then gestured for Grisha to help her as she slid the chest in front of the door.

"We don't have long." She whispered, grabbing the mattress and shoving it to the end of the bed.

"Mother, I..." Grisha started, her voice cut short as Jouseen grabbed her by the hands and pulled her close.

"He will be fine for now. They won't dare hurt him, not yet anyway. But we are not so safe. Grab the purse from the bottom drawer of the dresser. We will need what coin we have. And for both our sakes, I am Bethin, and you are my apprentice Loryl."

Jouseen went to the bedside table and gathered up the satchels of herbs she had used on Ian, tucking them into hidden pouches in her dress before sliding the wood slats aside on the bed. Reaching down, she pulled open the small trap door and gestured for Grisha to climb down.

Once her daughter had disappeared into the darkness, Jouseen positioned herself over the door, then slowly worked the mattress and slats back into place as she stepped onto the ladder. She knew it wasn't perfect, but it was the best she could do considering. Hopefully it was enough to give them a head start.

"Mother, I don't..." Grisha started as Jouseen arrived at the bottom of the ladder and lit a small candle.

"It's Bethin, and don't forget it. Our lives could well depend on it." She hissed as she grabbed her daughter's wrist and hurried down the tunnel.

Grisha followed behind quietly, unsure what exactly had happened, but trusting her mother's instincts. The tunnel was short, so short even Jouseen had to move hunched over. Grisha wondered what the tunnel had been made for. It smelled old and damp, the dirt floors squished underfoot, making walking treacherous.

They walked for what seemed to Grisha to be hours, but was in fact only a few minutes, as the candle had barely burned down when they arrived at a ladder leading upwards. Jouseen handed Grisha the candle then held her cheeks firmly and pulled her close.

"I will be just a few moments. If I am not back by the time the candles burns down a finger's width, leave, follow the tunnel as quick as you can. It leads to a dried up creek near Candor's farm. Speak to no one; just make your way north to Listel. You will have to use what coins we have to start a new life there."

Grisha let out a gasp at the mention of the wildlands. Stories abounded of the dangers that lurked there. And now, it sounded like she would not only be going there, but might well be going there alone.

"Mother, I..." she started, but was cut short as Jouseen pulled her close, her steely grip almost painful.

"One finger's width, no more. Promise me." Jouseen said, before releasing her grip and turning to the ladder.

"I promise, m... m... mother." Grisha said, watching Jouseen disappear up the ladder.

Moments later, she heard the creak of metal, then all went quiet. Grisha stood motionless, her eyes locked on the candle, watching the flickering flame slowly consume the wax. Her stomach turned into knots, churning and twisting until she bent down, retching.

Jouseen knelt down in the corner of the stable waiting. In the courtyard she could see Hindor working with a lad, teaching him the basic arts of combat. Her heart ached as she watched him, knowing what she was going to ask would mean his ruin. She had no doubt he would agree, she just wished she didn't have to ask it of him.

The crack of wooden sword on wooden sword mesmerized her. The muscles in Hindor's arms rippled, as he deftly swung the blade, intentionally cracking against the boy's poor defense, striking the blade but never actually hitting the lad. He was quick, and agile, and more than that, he was an honorable man. She was so entranced in watching him that she never heard the cloaked figure approach until it was too late.

She felt the crack to the side of her head, and her vision went red as pain coursed through her body, more pain than such a blow should cause. She tried to cry out as she felt herself collapsing to the ground and darkness overtook her.

Grisha stared at the candle, trying to convince herself it hadn't melted much more than a finger's width.

"A thumb is a finger." She whispered, knowing even that much had already melted away.

She looked up into the darkness, hoping to see her mother, hoping for anything. She convinced herself to wait a bit longer, her fingers shaking as she counted down from one hundred in her head. When she reached zero, she took a step closer to the ladder, thinking perhaps she should go up and check, just to make sure.

She settled on another hundred count and then another. The candle was over half gone now, the flame beginning to flicker. Grisha knew she had to go. She had promised her mother. Glancing back up she counted slowly to ten, then started walking, hoping with each step she would hear the sound of her mother rushing to catch her.

Footing became even more treacherous, as a small rivulet of water began to flow down the center of the tunnel. The walls, reinforced by timbers, felt damp, and in places she could see trickles of water flowing down to the floor. The tunnel became even lower, forcing her to bend low, one had sliding along the wall for balance as the floor became a solid stream of slow moving water.

The candle hard burned to a nub, the hot wax impossible to hold onto. Grisha was forced to drop it, the sizzle of the flame bringing tears to her eyes. She stood in the darkness for several minutes, her back pressed against the ceiling, trying desperately not to panic.

Slowly Grisha started moving forward, using her hand against the wall as a guide. Her mother was depending on her. She wasn't certain what had happened, what had gone wrong, but she knew it was up to her now. Slowly she began to notice a faint glow in the distance. Step by step, the glow grew until she could see the light from an opening. By now the water had risen above her ankles, and she nearly fell as she struggled forward. Her breathing turned into struggled gasps, and her eyes filled with tears as she finally emerged into daylight.

Chapter 23

Ian rolled off his mother, his head throbbing. He glanced over and saw his aunt sitting astride the young guard, her hands holding his above his head as she writhed and twisted, her pussy engulfing his cock. He started to get up, wanting nothing more than to escape this crazed place. He glanced at his mother, her chest rising and falling slowly as she lay spread out beside him, her eyes closed.

"This is insane." He whispered, managing to stand up.

Glancing around the room, Ian spotted the small bowls of smoldering herbs. He wasn't certain of anything, but the lesson Grisha had taught him tugged at his mind as he glanced over at Ricah.

His aunt increased her pace, riding the young guard, sweat beginning to darken her hair as her hips rose and fell wildly. Ian tried to look away, but couldn't. The sight of the lad's cock sliding in and out of Ricah's cunt was mesmerizing. Ian found himself standing directly behind her, his slowly hardening cock inches from her twisting ass.

Sensing something was going on Ricah slowed her thrusts and glanced back just as Ian placed his hand on her lower back, pressing her down as he guided his cock between her ass cheeks. She wanted to cry out, to do something, anything to stop what she knew was about to happen but his hand had forced her fully onto the young guard's cock, the pressure deep in her pussy pressing her to the brink of her own desperate orgasm.

Instead of rolling to the side or pulling away, as she felt Ian's cock pressing against her ass, she found herself unwilling pressing backwards, her own body betraying her in its desperation. It was like setting her whole body on sexual fire, as his cock inched into her, each of her backwards thrusts accepting more and more of his cock, as the young guard began thrusting upward, driving his cock into her clasping pussy.

Ricah felt like her entire lower body was about to explode as she trust down and back, the pain in her ass nothing compared to the intense pleasure being so full gave her. She could feel the guard's pelvis grinding against her clit as Ian's hips banged into her ass. She knew she had as much inside her as she could take, as her hips rocked back and forth, every move accompanied by a shudder as she started cumming.

"Oh God, I..." she tried screaming, her hips bucking wildly.

"I... Ugh... It's..." her body was shaking wildly as every muscle convulsed.

Ian could feel the spasms wracking through her as he watched her writhe uncontrollably. He could feel the young guard's cock stretching her pussy as his own cock stretched her ass, her writhing and twisting forcing the two into a forbidden dance of lust unlike anything Ian had ever felt before.

Ricah was sobbing hysterically, begging him not to stop as her hips continued to writhe, her muscles clenching around both cocks. Ian grabbed her ass, pulling himself even deeper into her as she let out a wild scream, the cock in her pussy beginning to throb and pulse, emptying the young guards hot cum deep inside her. It was all Ian could handle, thrusting forward he buried himself fully into her ass, his own cock erupting as well, overwhelmed by sensations the like of which he had never felt before.

Ricah screamed, her body convulsing as blast after blast of hot cum filled both her holes. She wanted to twist and pull away, yet she wanted it to continue. The pain and pleasure more than she could stand, she sobbed openly, begging them to stop, then begging them to fuck her harder. Nothing made sense as her mind was swallowed up by the overwhelming sensations.

Ian stumbled backwards, his legs barely able to support him. He stared at Ricah, her ass pulsing as drops of cum oozed out, her legs twitching and shaking. The guard finally managed to push her to the side, his cock slipping from her pussy allowing even more cum to ooze from her as he stood up shakily and stumbled to where his garments lay on the floor.

"I... Uhm, Milord." He muttered as he managed to struggle into his breeches.

He hurried from the room, his boots and shirt clasped against his chest. Ian stood there for several moments, staring at the two women. His mind was spinning as he tried to sort out just what was going on, and what he was going to do. His eyes locked onto the smoldering bowls. Walking over to the table he picked up the water pitcher and poured it over the herbs, before walking to the window and throwing the shutters open.

The gust of fresh air immediately cleared his head, as he stood there inhaling deeply. After a few minutes Ayra and Ricah managed to sit up, staring at each other angrily.

"What did..." Ayra started, grabbing her dress and trying to cover herself.

"Oh, come on." Ricah replied, standing up and walking over to the bowls. "Don't tell me you didn't know what was happening. You've used the same herbs more times than I have."

"You bitch." Ayra growled, as she looked over at Ian, her hands shaking as she tied her dress. "You had no right. No right to do this."

"Enough!" Ian shouted, turning his attention back to the two women.

It was like a great weight had been lifted and he knew what he had to do.

"Don't pretend anymore. I know everything. I really don't give a damn. Your plans are beyond despicable."

"Ian, I don't know what you're talking about." Ayra said, her hands trembling as she brushed her hair from her face.

"I said no more lies!" he growled, stomping over to her.

"Listen Ian. It's not... I was just..." she stammered, her expression suddenly turning to one of fear as he towered over her.

"Just forget it, Ayra." Ricah said, walking up to stand beside her sister. "He knows what's going on, and the fact that he's still here, that he did what he just did seems to indicate he is at least somewhat agreeable."

"You're right, I know what's going on and it is disgusting!" Ian growled, staring at the two of them.

Ayra seemed to shrink at his accusation but Ricah merely smiled, and stood straighter, her chest thrust out toward him.

"Oh, come on Ian, Nobody forced you to do what you did. You climbed into your mother's bed quite happily, and if my memory serves me correctly, you didn't hesitate to climb between my legs either." She said, her hand reaching out to touch his arm

"I didn't know you just wanted to..." he started, pulling away, his feeling of control slipping.

"Didn't know what, Ian? You didn't know anything other than what you wanted to know. You knew we were willing, and that was all that mattered."

"But you just wanted to get pregnant!" He growled, his temper rising as he felt his control slip away.

"Don't be ridiculous Ian. If all we wanted was to get pregnant, we could have done so with any number of men."

She paused, waiting for him to start to say something. As he did, she interrupted, continuing on.

"And if we wanted you to be the father, we could have arranged that without so many encounters. Women know when they can get pregnant and when they can't. No, we fucked you because we like sex, we like it a lot, and you, it just so happens, are pretty damn good at giving us what we like."

"But J... I mean..." Ian stammered, knowing he had lost the upper hand.