Bloody Trick Pt. 01


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It was a good evening even though Willa disappeared with Dale for a short while. Needless to say Willa didn't initiate any sex with Mark after they returned home. Mark didn't press the issue.

The construction of the new warehouse was now in the dirt moving phase to prepare the site for the huge concrete pad that would make up the floor. It was time to start the plan. Mark stayed late at his office one evening.

With the needle from the veterinary supply house Mark set out to withdraw some of his own blood. He had debated being able to do this but rationalized that heroin addicts accessed their own veins all the time so he could also.

Mark applied the makeshift tourniquet according to the information he had gotten from the internet after swabbing the area with an alcohol swab. The vein in his elbow raised up nicely and made a good target. After taking a deep breath and holding it he made the initial stab. Thankfully he must have done something right as there was blood coming out of the needle and into the clear tubing he had found at a hardware store and down into the plastic bag. He knew that he should only take about a pint of blood at a time to keep from getting too weak so he watched it flow very carefully.

When the bag was full enough he used a pair of locking pliers and clamped the tubing and released the tourniquet. The needle was then taken out and he applied direct pressure for the prescribed five minutes. He was pleased to note that there was not any bruising around the area of the small wound that was left over.

He figured that if he could get away without using a band-aid when he got home that Willa would not notice the wound. Now he had some blood for his plan. He had thought about using blood from a fresh cow or pig but DNA testing by any reputable laboratory would soon figure out what he had done. No it needed to be human blood and in particular his blood for the plan to work.

To keep the blood from clotting in the bag he had read that an anticoagulant was needed. He worried about getting that until he read that rat poison was primarily an anticoagulant. He had then purchased a box of rat and mouse poison for putting into the bag. He didn't know how much to put in so it was a trial and error activity.

He then put the bag of his own blood into the mini fridge in his office. It had a key lock so that no one else would be looking in it for anything.

He cleaned the needle and the tubing and hung them to dry. He would need to gather another pint or so of blood to fully implement his plan but needed to recover first.

Later that evening he set the next phase of his plan into motion. First he went online and set up a profile under Willa's name and used her e-mail address to set up a new life insurance policy for a million dollars just on his own life and not Willa's.

He then started to call members of his and Willa's families along with all their friends and some of Willa's co-workers. Since he didn't have phone numbers of all of them he made a call to Dale Timmons.

"Say, Dale, this is Mark Wallace. Can you do me a favor? Willa's birthday is in about three weeks, on the eighteenth and I am planning a surprise birthday party at our house. Could you let all of your employees know about the party?"

Dale was supportive. "Hell, yes, I will. Willa is a valuable member of my staff and a great person besides. I am sure a lot of my employees would be glad to come and surprise her. Can I help any other way?"

Since Mark wasn't supposed to know of his wife's extracurricular activities he acted the clueless cuckold. "Yes, Dale, if you could, would you keep Willa late that evening and bring her home at about 7:00 or so? That would give everyone else a chance to get into the house and hide."

Dale was obviously willing to keep Willa occupied. Mark was sure after he hung up that Willa would show up at home on her birthday with a load of sperm in her cunt and her ass. The documentation from the investigator showed routine use of Willa's rectum as a sperm holder, something she had denied Mark all these years.

In the next few days Mark arranged for a nice birthday gift and a large cake. He also contracted with a caterer for food for the event. The caterer would come in and set up about the time the first guest would arrive.

The construction contractors were getting ready to pour footings on the new large warehouse when Mark decided to give up another pint of his blood and have enough for his plan. Again, he tied the tourniquet and then placed the needle in the healed area of his arm and got another pint. This time he carefully placed the used needle and tubing into a dumpster behind the medical clinic. He figured no one would look twice at it.

That night he waited until Willa was sleeping and brought the rat poison container into the bedroom while wearing gloves. He had carefully wiped it down before after donning the gloves. He then used Willa's hands to grasp and otherwise leave multiple fingerprints on the container. He then put the container back in the secure cabinet in the garage.

Then came the day of the surprise party. Mark had arranged for one of Willa's family to come a little early and be there as he had come up with an excuse to be late. Mark didn't go to work that day. He just drove around the corner and parked until Willa left. He went back to the house.

Mark put on his rain gear and laid down on the bed. He poured most of the two pints of blood onto the suit and let it run off and soak into the bedding. Any police officer would assume that a massive blood loss had occurred since regular clothing would absorb a lot of blood. He counted on the CSI team to figure that he had lost a majority of his blood. He then got up and didn't try to keep from dripping blood from the rain suit and used the shower to clean off most of the residue.

Then it was off to the kitchen. He dipped a knife from Willa's favorite cutlery set in the blood and then cleaned it and put it back into the block. He counted on an investigator looking for minute residue blood clues.

He also got out a glass and poured a drink of alcohol in it and spiked it with rat poison. He then poured the drink down the kitchen drain and rinsed the glass and put it in the dish washer.

Mark then got out a sheet of plastic and put a bunch of tools and other heavy items on the sheet and then put some of the blood in the end of the plastic and then rolled up the plastic and dragged it out of the bedroom and down the hall and out to the garage and then outside to the spot he found that Dale always parked at. There were scrape marks on the ground and the occasional drop of blood.

Mark then went back into the house and put a letter he had printed out on the table for all to see and note. It read: "Willa, I was called away on emergency business. Please enjoy your birthday without me and I will help you celebrate when I get back in a week or two." Mark didn't sign it.

He then put the envelope with the documentation of Dale and Willa's affair into the top drawer of his desk for the police to find.

Mark noticed that some of the residual blood on his rain gear had also dripped on the floor but he just left it and took off the gear and put it all into a trash bag. He left the lights on, made sure to not take anything one might normally take on a trip, and then took the trash bag and walked to a dumpster behind a local bottle shop and buried it in the dumpster. He went back to the house and hid outside to wait for his wife and her lover to arrive.

Willa's cousin arrived on time and the caterer just happened to pull up at the same time. They all went inside. Some of the other guests arrived in a few minutes and went inside. Mark was disappointed. It seemed to take a long time before someone started making some commotion about the drops of blood on the floor of the house.

Then things started to happen. A police cruiser came screaming up the street and stopped outside the Wallace household. Mark kept to his hiding place. More guests arrived and so did more cops. There started to be a large group of people not allowed into the house. At 7:00 Dale and Willa arrived in Dale's pickup. The large amount of police cruisers, friends and family vehicles and even an ambulance kept the cheating duo from parking close to the house.

They exited the pickup and approached the crowd. Mark took the opportunity to sidle down the street and approach Dale's pickup from the rear and then drip a couple of drops of blood into the box. He also placed a roll of duct tape that had a smear of blood on it and a small chunk of plastic sheet, that also had a smear of blood on it, into the back of the box.

Then Mark walked away knowing he had created some chaos. A couple of blocks away he flagged down a cab and had it take him near his new warehouse site. He left the cab a ways from the new site and then walked in. The footings had all been poured but were still setting up. He dropped a couple more samples of blood onto the ground and the forms.

He then walked away and went to a small hotel. He had to walk about two miles but he didn't want any more trail to him. He paid cash for the room. His plan was to stay away for about a week or so before suddenly appearing hale and hearty. He was betting that gossip or the police, maybe both, would be led to Willa and Dale and their affair would become public knowledge.

Mark slept well that night. The next day he went and bought an electronic tablet with cash and then went back to the hotel and fired it up using the public wi-fi of the hotel.

He soon was logged into a social media site and sought out some of the guests at the party. One was Willa's cousin who was a notorious gossip and the main reason Mark asked her to come to the party early.

Her post was as follows: "I couldn't believe it. I arrived at the same time as the caterer and we went into the kitchen so he and his crew could get set up. We didn't really see anything until one of the men slipped on a blood spot on the floor. By then others were also showing up and I was helping them get drinks in the living room. The caterer backtracked the blood spots out to the driveway where they suddenly disappeared.

He then came back in grabbed me and we went to the bedroom. When we opened the door I almost passed out. There was so much blood on the bed. It looked like someone had slaughtered a pig or something. We closed the door and called the police. More and more people were arriving. After the first cop got there he ordered everyone to stay out of the house, except for all of us who had come in and found the blood.

More cops arrived and gathered the crowd outside and started to question them. When they found out that it was in Willa's honor they then started to ask where she was. At seven she came up to the crowd and asked what was going on. She had a smile on her face so I suppose she thought it was her birthday party. I don't know what anyone outside knew but I suppose the speculation was driving the conversation.

The cops immediately grabbed her and her boss and ushered them into cars and I guess off to the police station for interrogation. We all knew it then. Mark was missing. The bed was bloody as though someone might have attacked him while he was sleeping and then had disposed of the body but hadn't had time to come back and clean up. I hate to say it but Willa didn't know about the party and that makes it look like she did something to Mark but couldn't finish the job."

Mark had taken the battery out of his cell phone so it couldn't be traced to him. He listened to a local talk radio station and their hourly news story. He watched the news at noon. They reported the story of the missing businessman and that Willa and Dale were persons of interest in the case.

The police held a news conference and just announced that the investigation was just starting and if anyone had any information concerning Mark Wallace to contact the police immediately. Mark realized that he had not anticipated his picture being plastered on the TV and in the newspaper. He wouldn't be able to go out unless he was in disguise.

He decided to quit shaving. He had always kept himself clean shaven even when off fishing so this would not be expected. He assumed the police would come up with a profile of him to aid in their search. He also told himself to avoid any of his regular destinations while missing.

His looks were nondescript enough that he felt he could go out to a nearby fast food restaurant and get food. After eating he decided to grab a bus and go to a nearby community that was located on a popular fishing lake. It would give him more to do than sit and stew in a hotel.

First, though, he visited a local secondhand clothing store and found some togs that would be appropriate for someone going fishing but didn't look new.

Once established in a small cabin he spent the day sitting on the shore and casting his cheap rod and reel and trying hard to not catch anything. He engaged in conversation with other anglers. They each had a whooper of a tale about the 'one that got away.' Mark made up his own whopper tale to share with them.

Each evening he would check the local paper and the news. There was not much as police are notoriously close-mouthed during an investigation. The commentators, though, were another story.

They were vociferous in their condemnation of Willa and Dale. Somehow the media had found out about the affair, or at least sniffed out a scent of the affair, and were embellishing the story with speculation that the average citizen was taking as gospel.

Mark checked the social media site and Willa's cousin was posting more opinions. She related that Willa's parents had received death threats concerning Mark's disappearance. Mark felt sorry for them as they had always been welcoming and had made him feel like one of the family. Mark's own parents had died a few years apart from that dreaded "C" word. He still had chills and almost wept when he heard of anyone getting diagnosed with cancer. He couldn't say the word either. He always referenced it as "C".

He had a morbid thought. Maybe Willa would come down with cancer and Dale would catch it. Yes, he knew quite well that cancer is not contagious but his mind, that tiny part that wanted Willa to suffer, had its own petty dreams and fantasies. He really didn't want her to die, just suffer a bit. Thinking about collateral damage now, after the fact, made him sad that he had not figured that Willa's parents and other family might be harmed by his actions.

After being gone for a week and a half Mark happened to get a glimpse of a news conference from his home town. He didn't get the whole story but it seemed that Willa and Dale had been indicted on murder charges. Based on that, he did a search on his tablet for anything attached to Willa Wallace's name. He found a couple of articles on the web site for his hometown paper.

Mark smiled as he read the article. He had forgotten that the local district attorney was up for reelection and his opponent was very popular. It was unusual for any prosecutor to go public this soon in an investigation but any trial would be after the election so the district attorney was trying to gat a bump in his poll numbers by grabbing the credit for nabbing Mark's attackers now since the trial would be far after the election.

The paper quoted the D.A. extensively.

"Two weeks ago a local businessman, Mark Wallace, owner of Wallace Warehouses, went missing from his home. When family and friends came to the house they found blood on the floor and marks on the floor showing where something heavy had been dragged outside and then presumably placed in a vehicle, possibly a pickup and then left the scene. Further investigation showed a blood stained mattress in the Wallace's master bedroom and blood on the floor and into the bathroom.

We also discovered that someone had taken a shower before the scene was presumably interrupted by family and friends arriving for a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Wallace. There was blood residue in the drain that matched the blood on the bed. Samples were sent to DNA testing and showed that the blood was from Mark Wallace. Due to the large amount of blood saturating the bed the coroner is making the assessment that Mr. Wallace was killed in his bed and then his body was moved.

Further investigation showed a large amount of the anticoagulant warfarin, the active ingredient of rat poison, was present in the blood. Crime scene investigators found a container of rat poison in the house and Mrs. Wallace's fingerprints were on the container. Mrs. Wallace has denied knowing about or touching the rat poison. No other fingerprints were found on the container.

We also discovered a glass in the dishwasher that had not been cleaned yet. This glass had the residue of rat poison in it. The only fingerprints on that glass belong to Mark Wallace. We also found a knife in the cutlery block that had blood residue on it. That blood also matches Mr. Wallace's DNA.

There was a letter to Mrs. Wallace found on the kitchen table that purportedly was from Mr. Wallace and apologized to Mrs. Wallace for having to be out of town to meet with a client. It was not signed and had been printed from a home computer and printer. We could not find any evidence that Mr. Wallace had taken any clothing or toiletries with him if he was leaving for a visit. His car was in the garage.

We questioned his business associate, Kellie Parsons, and she was able to tell us that Mr. Wallace was not scheduled to visit a client at this time. He has not replied to phone messages and we cannot find his cell phone by tracking it. It has either had its battery removed or the battery is completely flat or buried so deep that no signal can get out.

It is presumed that Mr. Wallace met with an unfortunate end. The search for his body is continuing.

As for a motive, it was discovered that Mr. Wallace had evidence showing Mrs. Wallace and her boss, Dale Timmons, owner of Timmons Electronics manufacturing company were engaged in an ongoing affair. Furthermore, an independent investigation report was made available to our office and it shows that Timmons Electronics is in financial difficulty and is in need of a cash infusion. Investigation of Mrs. Wallace's e-mail trail shows a new life insurance policy on Mr. Wallace for a million dollars.

Blood trace was discovered in Mr. Timmon's pickup that was parked at the Wallace's house that night of the surprise party. Police also found a roll of duct tape and some plastic in the vehicle with Mr. Wallace's blood on them.

Thus I am asking for a grand jury indictment of Capital Murder even though we have not recovered a body. This is an unusual request but our office feels that the two people who had the motive and the most to gain by murder may try to flee the country as both travel extensively and have active passports."

Mark had a very satisfied look on his face after finishing the article. There was additional commentary by one of the paper's columnists about people who cheat on their spouses and what should be done to them. The only downside that Mark could see was what would happen to him when he suddenly appeared hale and hearty. Could he be charged with a crime? He would have to do something quickly before the D.A. ended up looking like a fool.

Mark jumped on the bus and headed for the next nearest city of any kind. He then hit a local convenience store that sold cell phones and charged by the minute. Of course they would ask him for identification but he told the clerk he had lost his wallet and his cell phone and needed to contact his family so he could get them all replaced and get home safely. Thankfully the clerk bought the story. Mark figured that, as a tourist town, this very scenario might happen often enough to not cause consternation.