Blooming Lily Pt. 05

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Lily discovers new things.
5.7k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/11/2017
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Lily was captured once again in the array of art all around her. Her eyes bounced from one intense scene to another, captivated by the unknown, drawn to each piece for a new reason. This was her favorite room. Her fascination grew with each new portrait before her, and she couldn't help herself following the wall once more to its end taking it all in. Lily wanted to know who they were. What was the look upon their faces they all seemed to share? Were they slaves to the brothers too?

Lily turned, going back to the first wall to find the photo that perplexed her most. She stood before it, analyzing the young woman who smiled up at a suited man holding her leash. He stood proudly, pulling her up to him by the leather connecting them together. Why did she smile? Lily wondered searching her eyes for the answer. The men certainly had a strange connection to dogs and women. The thought perplexed her as she moved onto the next picture.

She could have looked at the photographs forever. The burning questions she had lingering at the tip of her tongue. The foreign positions they were set in that she longed to understand the reasoning for. The way they gazed in wonderment, upon the men above them. She was ready to burst with a thousand questions, but Johnny Boy brought her back to the moment. He stood behind her with a soft caress across her shoulder. She shuddered at his light touch, sending goosebumps down her arms. Lily stood still as they looked at the portraits together moving slowly along the walls until they reached the end once again beside his leather recliner.

"Come Little one, and sit with me." Johnny Boy said gently, extending his hand out to her after he seated himself comfortably. She hesitated only for moment before she took his hand, taking a seat upon his lap. "I am going to recline back now, Lily. Don't be frightened." He said pulling the lever sending the head section back and the legs up. She clung to him until they were still again. Once they were situated in the large chair, his gentle caresses began once more upon her back. He moved her gently placing her head upon his shoulder. They leaned back together, and he held her securely, cradling her as he would a small child.

"Now that we are comfortable, talk to me, Lily." He said softly. "Tell me how you are feeling, and it is okay to be honest with me. While we are in my room you can talk as openly as you need to, as long as you remain respectful. Do you have any questions? Anything you would like to say?" He asked. He seemed genuine in his offer. Lily thought as she searched her mind for what to say. She decided on the honest approach.

"I'm scared, and I don't understand. They're so mean, and I can't do anything right. Even when I try they still beat me, and I am so scared of what he will do to me tomorrow." She cried openly now letting go of all the feelings she had pent up over the last three days.

"First off, Lily. No one here has, or ever will beat you. Beating you is what your father did to you, and we do not support that in any way. We correct your behaviors when they need correcting, and I know the punishments can seem intense but they are all to mold you into the best you can be for us, and yourself. We told you the rules, and when you broke those rules then we told you what was going to happen, and that is all that happened. True or false, Lily?" He asked her, hurt that she felt their corrections were the equivalent to what her father did to her. He would have to think on that.

"True." Lily said quietly after thinking on it a moment. He was right. They had only done what they said they were going to do, and not a thing more. "I'm sorry. You're right, Sir." She said regretting her words before.

"You don't need to be sorry for feeling as you did, Lily. I explained it to you, and now you understand the difference. With that said, my Brothers are a bit stricter than I am, I know they seem mean, but they do care about you. We all do, little one. We just need to be stricter with you in the beginning so you understand your place, and we can trust that you will behave when we start to give you more freedoms later. Everything is earned here, Lily. It will get easier with time. I promise you Lily, as you learn our expectations, and follow them life will get steadily more enjoyable for us all. The beginning is the roughest, but I believe in you. You will make me proud." He said smiling. He wrapped his arms tighter around her, kissing her forehead lightly.

"Why can't I eat with silverware?" She asked, looking up to him for the answer. His words replayed in her mind. If she did as she was told she would gain freedoms. That was the key to her escape. If she did what they said, maybe they would let her outside. The fences could be climbed if she got the right things together. She thought excited by the idea as she half listened to him.

"Good question." Johnny boy laughed getting himself together to answer her question more seriously. "Pet play is Damien's interest, and I don't fully understand it either. You are my baby girl when you are with me, and with Luke you are his slave. You will eat normally with the two of us. Yesterday was a special occasion though. Damien wanted you to see the bowls he had made specially for you. Did you like them, little one?" He asked her, curious to see if her response to them matched her true feelings.

"They were beautiful, and I liked the fancy writing. I have never had anything with my name on it before. I appreciate that he did that for me, but" Her hesitation brought his full attention. "I'm not a dog." She finished carefully unsure of his reaction. She was relieved to see him smile down upon her.

"No, you are not. You are our pet though, and Damien is one of your Owners. That is his way with you, and you need to try, Lily. On Tuesday, when you spend the evening together. I will let him know you have some questions for him. He will listen sweetie, and will hopefully be able to answer your question in a way that makes sense to you." He said reassuring her as he traced his fingertips over her cheek following her jawline down leading up to her lips.

"Sir." She said, trying to find words that were lost in the moment. His fingertips blended in a strange combination of smooth, and surprisingly soft across her lips.

Johnny Boy

"Today you dealt with a lot, my little Lily. I am so proud of you, and I want to reward you now. If you need me to stop then just say stop. That is between you and me. That does not give you permission to tell anyone else no or stop unless they specifically tell you that is allowed. I want you to try, Lily. I want you to feel safe, and I want you to enjoy our time together." He whispered in her ear as he lifted her to straddle his lap. His arms wrapped around her waist holding her gently upon his thighs. "First, I am just going to kiss you." He paused, leaning in to meet her lips with his own.

Her lips tasted sweet as he connected, but he needed more of her. "Let me in, Lily." He ordered gently as the tip of his tongue ran across her mouth lightly. She parted her lips, shaking softly in his embrace, and his tongue wiggled between them drawing hers to his. He moaned, savoring the sweet taste of her tongue as it danced with his own. He deepened the kiss pulling her closer as he explored her mouth tenderly, running his fingers through her hair as he felt his desire grow beneath them.

Her soft palms came up softly upon his chest causing him to pause, as he promised. He withdrew his hands showing her it was okay. He stopped, but the way she peeked out at him, her cheeks reddened, and her curls falling around her face. She was beautiful, and every little thing about her only made him want her more.

That had been her first real kiss, discounting the unwelcomed oral intrusions of Luke earlier, and while it felt amazing, she was unsure of the feelings happening inside her. She looked to him for answers as she lowered her hands, but couldn't find the words. After a moment, he understood.

"Why are you so shy, little one?" He asked caressing her softly. Her blush and the look in her eyes brought the realization to him like a wrecking ball coming in. "This isn't your first time. Right, my dear?"

Her small nod left him straining against the fabric of his pants. He knew she was a virgin, but that was unexpected. How had she gone 19 years with no male attention? She was beautiful. Sheltered didn't even begin to cover her. Her father had her living under a rock.

As her confession settled in, a new revelation occurred to him. His every touch now would be her first. The thought alone brought him to the edge of reason as she laid in his arms free to release his desire upon.

"Did you like it, Lily?" He asked her, tilting her chin up to watch her eyes as he waited for her answer.

She nodded again, but this time he wanted words, and the look in his eye told her it would be okay. "Yes Sir. I liked it, but I feel... I don't know. I've never felt this before. I'm sorry Sir." She looked away embarrassed. She really had liked it, but it didn't take her focus from her plans of escape. Her mind swarmed with mixed emotions as his hands rested back upon her. She felt hot beneath his touch.

His cock throbbed, and he groaned getting control of himself. He had never wanted anyone as much as he needed her now. She was truly innocent, and a Daddy Dominants dream. All at once he wanted to swaddle her in his arms protecting her from the world, and ravage her, one delectable body part at a time. He needed to focus on her pleasure now. He decided, redirecting his attention to her.

"That is a good feeling, Lily, and it gets better. I will show you. Will you let me?" He asked as he drew her lips closer, running his fingers through her hair as she nodded. That was all he needed.

He claimed her lips once more taking her tongue under his control as they mingled within each other. He groaned into her, taking all, she had to give him as she surrendered to his will. He could not take her innocence tonight, but he would take all of her in that she would allow. His lips left hers in search of all the delights she had to offer him.

His tongue snaked from her lips to that sweet spot they had discovered earlier behind her ear, bringing her head back in ecstasy unintentionally granting him the access he desired. She was on fire as he trailed the caress of his fingertips upon every new terrain his tongue explored. Lower and lower he went.

"Close your eyes, and trust me Lily. I know it is a lot to ask, but it will be okay. If you want me to stop just remember you have permission to tell me." He whispered to her gently. He could feel her heart race beneath his palm cupping her ample breast over her gown, and he delighted in the small nod before her eyes closed granting him access to her body. "Thank You, my sweet slave. Your trust is an honor. I am going to put your leather cuffs on behind you. You don't have any worries about where to put your hands, and that will help you to let go. Daddy will take care of everything." He pulled her close locking her into his embrace, and began. She trembled lightly against him, her nerves fighting against the urges she felt to continue.

In his side table, he brought out the leather cuffs he had placed earlier hoping for this evening with Lily. Returning to her body, he reached the swell of her breasts. Johnny Boy slowly pulled her dress down removing each of her arms from a sleeve as he returned to her lips distracting her as he disrobed his little Lily from her black gown. Her bra disappeared just as quickly, and his lips found her nipples bringing an excited gasp from his slave. Her eyes shot open as her arms covered her exposed skin. Her expression widened as she looked upon him with fear and pleasure mingling within her deep chestnut eyes.

"Close those beautiful eyes, or I will have to cover them with my blindfold." He ordered her calmly. "Now give me your wrists, Lily." He whispered kissing her eyelids as she shut them once again. His hands took hold of her wrists pulling them gently behind her securing them together with a quick click of the lock. He kissed her softly as she shook in his arms. "You're safe, baby girl." He whispered reassuring her. Once the cuffs were in place, he held her until her shaking subsided rocking her gently until she calmed.

"Are you ready, baby girl?" He asked softly, as her head leaned upon his shoulder. Her raven curls falling upon him as he breathed in the sweet scent of her hair. She was intoxicating, and he needed her now more than ever as his cock twitched threatening to tear through the thick material that blocked him from her virginal folds. Not tonight. He reminded himself as he took a deep breath taking her in as she laid still upon him now.

Her gentle nod was his cue to move on, and he wasted no time kissing back down to her chest, holding her firmly in place with this other hand upon the small of her back where she wrapped her small hands around his fingers finding comfort in the small touch. His tongue swirled as he sucked, and nibbled her breasts bringing each nipple to its full potential. He moved his lips to the right, and brought his fingers to the left toying with her breast until he heard music to his ears. Lily's first moans. It was a delicious blend of shy innocence she tried to muffle against him, her guttural desire being released for the first time.

He twisted her nipples gently within his fingertips as he trailed his kisses up bringing his lips to her ear, nibbling between his words. "Does my little slave like that? Tell me how it feels, Lily." He commanded softly increasing the pressure upon her breasts.

"Yes. It feels so good." She gasped between her whimpers. An organic mix of pleasure, and uncertainty.

"Yes, what Lily?" He growled into her ear, following with kisses to show her he wasn't angry as she froze upon his lap.

"Yes Sir." She answered, breathing heavily as he went back to sucking her breasts between his teeth. She relaxed against him once more, yearning for something she couldn't place.

"Good girl." He answered. His hand trailed down her right side stopping at her mound as she tensed. Her eyes flew open once more, looking down to his hands with uncertainty filling her eyes. "Trust me, Lily. This is going to feel amazing for you. See how I stopped?" He said softly, running his fingertips delicately upon her silky soft thigh, avoiding her discomfort, as he kissed gently across her chest hoping to comfort her.

"I've never..." She whispered. A red blush covered her face that he found irresistible. She was so innocent. His sweet Lily, and while dealing with the innocence of a slave was new for him; It did nothing to blanket the desires that grew steadily within him now he fought to control.

"I know, slave. I will take care of you. It will be okay. May I continue, Lily?" He needed her consent. Needed to know she wanted this, after all she had been through the last few days. He was no rapist, and the only one of the three he knew would take their time with her in this way. He wanted her to feel safe and pleasure was the only thing he aimed for now for his sweet slave. "Trust me, Lily." He breathed into her. "Just try for me, sweetie." He asked, hoping she would.

"Are you going to...?" She paused unable to ask the question he knew lingered in her fears.

"No, my sweet slave. I am just using my hands tonight." He answered comforting her. "We have plenty of time for that in the future. Tonight, is just about your pleasure. You have done so well these last few days, and as I said before this is your reward baby girl. Enjoy it, unless you want me to go further. Is that what you want, Lily?" He asked already knowing she was not ready for that yet.

"Why are you letting me choose?" She asked cautiously. No one had asked if she was ready for anything else. Why would this matter to them? Confusion filled her as she looked upon the tender face of her captor.

"I am a lot of things, Lily. I am not a rapist, though. I told you in the garden that this is the one thing I will not force you to do. Your obedience, good behavior, and manners are expected. Those do carry consequences when they are not carried out as we expect, but this is your first time, Lily. I am not going to take that forcefully from you. Does that make sense to You?" He asked.

"Yes Sir. That makes sense. Thank you." She answered quietly laying her head upon his shoulder as he touched her. The strange feelings returned once more, and she fought against them steadily losing as his fingertips stroked her inner thigh. This must be what all the women in her books had felt that Momma had snuck her from town so long ago. The smile crossed her lips as she took pleasure in the feelings that settled inside her. Of the three brothers Johnny Boy was the only one she felt safe enough to feel this with, the others just scared her, and despite Johnny Boys explanation earlier she was still terrified of them. She had to know.

"What about the others? Will they do that?" She asked quietly, turning her gaze to her lap as the question came out. He seemed upset by her question. "Did I make You mad, Sir? She inquired timidly.

He was offended by her insinuations, but he understood her reasons. Taking a deep breath, he let his frustration go relaxing once again with his beautiful, willing slave in his arms. Repetition was not something he enjoyed. His hands softly stroked her back and thigh as she sat considering his words before he answered her. He wanted to be honest with her, but scaring her anymore then she had been to this point was not his objective.

"Damien would never force you for your first time, Lily. Like me, we have a solid respect for that part of your womanhood, slave or not. Your first time should be special, and we plan to make it as pleasurable as we can for you." He paused considering his words carefully for Luke knowing the same would not stand true for her first time with him, or anytime for her, with his brothers following it.

"And what about..." Lily paused, unsure of how to title him, and even more unsettled by the uncertainty that crossed his features while he fought for the words to explain what was going to happen to her tomorrow.

"Luke is a sadist, Lily. He will take pleasure in your pain. He does not intend to have to force you by any means for your first time but, he will be rough." Johnny Boy paused, taking no pleasure in the fear that filled her eyes as he continued. "It will come across to you differently then he intends it to."

"So he is going to r-" She started to ask, but was quickly cut short by Johnny Boy. She shrunk within his arms feeling terror overwhelm her as the thought settled in. She looked to the door with a renewed sense of dread of what lay beyond it. She had to escape tonight. Johnny Boy would be the easiest to run from. She thought as he rambled on trying to comfort her from the unthinkable.

"He will not ask you, Lily. It is not his way to ask a slave for what he feels he is entitled to. You are his property, and as such he feels differently than Damien and I do about your first time. I suggest you try to be as accommodating as you can. That will make him happy, and your first time together will go much better that way. He does care for you, Lily. We all do. We just have varying styles that you will connect with very differently over time. Luke has promised to make your first time as pleasurable as he can, given the area he will be claiming, but it will be on his terms. As your owner, he does reserve that right. I hope that has comforted you in some way." He held tightly to her as he breathed deeply into her neck taking in her scent once more. He landed soft kisses upon her shoulder hoping his explanation was enough.