Blue Sky Club Ch. 02

Story Info
Cheating wife, Celebrity seduction, retribution.
4.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2021
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You must read Chapter 1 to get up to date with this story. Wow a lot of comments on this one. This story does very loosely follow the basic beginning of the classic story 'February Sucks' by GeorgeAnderson. It is a super story that has produced so many great different endings by many of you writers. This tale takes a different path through an innocent airplane ride by a husband scurrying around to stop the seduction and the ending is mine.

If you haven't read 'February Sucks' please do and I'm sure you will enjoy it as much as I do. You won't be able to put it down. Reportedly there are other Celebrity Wife Seduction stories around as well.

Sorry I didn't put "Ch.1" on the first Chapter and there is absolutely very little graphic sex in this Chapter.


Jake tried to stop thinking of Jessi on the trip to his friend's home but couldn't do it. Never had he thought that his college sweetheart, who proclaim her love for him every morning and night, could do this horrible act. In his mind, before this trip, she was still that innocent girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes that ran into him in the school cafeteria. She was not as developed then with small boobs and ass. But when she aged into her twenties her body took off to the nice medium size breasts and a well rounded butt. He saw other men looking at her and was worried someone would hit on her, but she insisted her never ending love for him and would be forever be faithful. I guess she didn't include daytime soap opera stars in those promises.

He found himself talking out loud. "Why Jesse why for one night did you gave us up? You had to know I would never accept you fucking another man. And to do it the way you did showed no concern about how hard it was on me. Did you really hate me that much?" He had become so mad he looked at his speedometer and saw he was doing 90-mph in a 70-mph zone. He took a deep breath and pulled off the interstate to calm down before he took off again. Finally, he pulled into Marley's driveway and saw the man drinking a beer on his porch rocking chair.

It took Jake an hour to finish telling his friend Marley what happened. By the time he finished both grown men were bawling their eyes out.

"I never would have thought that she could do such a thing. Have you talked to her?"

"No, it hurts too much even imagining her in bed with another guy. She played me along until she was in his car heading to his house to fuck. The old Jessi is gone Marl. I don't even want to see the new one."

"I have some special moonshine that should help temporarily. But when we sober up you will need to end it by talking to her. Capiche?"

Two days later Marley and Jake drove down his street for him to talk to Jess and saw a car parked in the driveway. "Is that her vehicle?"

"No that's my ex-friend Bill's truck. Please don't let me kill him."

They got out and he unlocked the door. Bill and Jessi were nowhere around inside but he found him sleeping on one of the patio lounge-chairs outside. Jake grabbed the side of the chair and lifted it thus throwing Bill on his ass. "I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again."

Bill rubbed the back of his head that had hit the hard wood when he fell. "Fuck Jake that hurt! I didn't come here to fight. Jess is in really bad shape in the hospital. They are not sure if she will make it."

"Oh God no...why? What happened? Did Laramie...?"

"No...after you wouldn't talk to her, she called your mom who told her there was no way you would take her back. I had told her the same thing the next morning when she came to the hotel. She was riding to our house with Betty when she just opened the door and fell out. Luckily there were no one driving behind them but she has a lot of broken bones and a bad concussion. They had to induce her into a coma because her brain was swelling."

Jake collapsed down onto his knees and held his head. "Oh God I should have talked to her. What are her chances?"

"Not very good. They might be better if she had a will to live but it was evident that she wants to die. The doctors want you to talk to her while she's in a coma to see if your voice will get her to awake."

"I..I can't...after what she did and..."

Bill stepped forward. "Jake deep down I know you still love her. Yes, she damaged your ego and broke her promises but I know you don't want her to die. She was in so much pain for hurting you that she couldn't go on. Be the guy I know will do what's right. At least bring her back."

"You're right I have to see her. Shit you look terrible. What's up with that?"

"Betty and I have separated. I know she would have fucked the shithead if he had gone after her instead and when she helped Jessi it showed me a side of Betty I didn't know. She wants me to forgive her, but I don't think I can. It's over."


Jessi didn't know where she was. Sometimes it was dark and other times lighter but very hazy. She could hear a constant beeping noise and periodically someone talking. The last thing she could remember was sitting in the airport waiting to board a plane to LA. But the blackness periods kept getting longer and longer.

Jake walked into her room and tried to hold his emotions when he saw her all bandaged up, tubes in her mouth and heart monitor wires coming out of her gown. He broke down crying and had to sit. An IV was hooked up and a bag half full of urine hung down from the side of the bed. He only knew it was her because of the name on her ID bracelet. "Is she asleep?" He asked the middle-aged nurse.

"I don't know what they've told you, but she's been in a coma since the operation. Why don't you sit in that chair, talk to her and hold her hand?"

"Jess it's me...I'm here," he whispered to the still body. He didn't feel or see any movements and felt more tears start to fall from his cheeks. "Come back to us." He was openly crying now never expecting to ever see her like this.

It was in the middle of the night when she opened her eyes and saw that she was in a hospital room. She heard the beeping of a monitor and tried to lift her arms but couldn't. Her mouth was bone dry. "Wa..ater."

Jake was almost asleep when her heard her voice. He jumped up and ran into the hallway. "NURSE! NURSE SHE'S AWAKE!"

"Shhh, don't yell," the tall older nurse said hurrying by him and into Jessi's room. "Did she talk?"

"Yes, she said water."

Moments later after the nurse gave her water Jessi turned and saw her husband. "Ja....Jake. You'" Like a flash she remembered everything except falling out of the car. "Why am I in"

He took her one good hand in his. "You had an accident so don't try to move." The sheet had fallen down and he saw the red marks on her thighs figuring it was from the fall. Her right leg and arm were both in temporary casts.

"Please forgive me..I love you so much. I'm so sorry."

"It's ok....I just want you to get better." He knew he had to make her want to live even though he felt their marriage was over.

Suddenly other medical personnel came in and he was asked to leave. But she insisted that he stayed. "No don't go...never leave me." She tried to lift her arm to touch his face but it was tied down. "Why do I have straps on my arms?"

"You have a few broken bones dear," another nurse whispered. "We don't want you moving around." Jake knew it was standard protocol for someone who tried to harm or kill themselves.

Jake moved back and watched them check her out. When they pulled down her gown exposing her chest he saw the red marks on her breasts and knew they came from Laramie. It made him angry and caused him to walk out into the hallway. When he walked into the waiting area he saw Bill and started walking towards him when Betty stood up. He froze and gave her the look of death. "Get out of my sight!"

"Jake please don't be like this," Betty sobbed. It was apparent that she had been crying for some time.

"Bill said she was with you and she just jumped out of a moving car. Why?"

"Because of what she did to you. We told her all the pain and anguish you were in and when your Mom said that you would never forgive her she tried to end it."

"Oh no, don't even try to put the blame for this on my mom or me. Look in the mirror bitch and see the person who could have stopped this."

"Hold up you two. Jessi is barely hanging on in there so quit it right now. Yes she did something terrible but dammit we have to be here for her. If we can get her back on her feet then you can settle your differences. I love both of you and I cannot handle this fighting." Bill sat down showing his disappointment in both of them.

Betty started to cry, "I'm sorry Jake I messed up and didn't put myself in your shoes. I've had a lot to think about since I saw your anger in LA. I am feeling so bad."

"You're right Bill," he said ignoring Betty's remark. "I still love her but I hate her for what she did to us. At least she's awake now. Meanwhile I'm going to make that bastard pay. I wish I had some proof."

Betty looked up and reached into her purse and pulled out Jessi's smart phone. "I know I will never be able to make up what I did to you but this is a start." She handed it to Jake.

"Why would Jess' phone make up what you did to us?

"I never looked at them, and maybe you shouldn't either, but Jess said there are photos and a video of her night with Laramie on it. I'm sure the media would love to hear this story."

"Why would she take videos and photos of her fucking another guy?"

Bill moved forward and whispered, "I think Laramie did it to rub it in your face. I'm sure this isn't the first time he's done it."

"Yes, but I don't want the world to know how bad I was cuckolded," Jake sighed. They decided to table this discussion until Jessi hopefully got better. Jessi's parents flew into town the next day and met him in the waiting area.

"Jake what happened?" Jessi's mom Millie asked. "All we know was there was an auto accident. I thought you two were going to California for a vacation."

"Mom it's a long story. For now, we are trying to help Jess get through the pain she is in both Physically and Mentally." He left them and went home to sit and think. Could he forgive his wife for her one-night tryst. He took out Jessi's phone and opened the video section. He had to know just what his love did with the asshole. Ten minutes into the video he had to get up and run to the bathroom to throw up. Her screams of pleasure were far louder and with more passion than she ever did with him. He knew then his marriage was over.

The next day Jessi tried to get him to say that their marriage was OK, but he kept saying there was a lot of work to be done. The following two days she got better but was obviously worried about her future with Jake. "Do you still love me?" She asked. The doctors were worried because she would still have times of her blood pressure peaking and she would blackout sometimes in a middle of a sentence.

"Honey I'll always love you. I should have waited and talked to you but I was so angry I was afraid I would have hurt you."

"I deserve to be hurt and yelled at. What I did was horrible and I was like another person thinking I was an actor on his soap. Please don't look at the videos and photos. He...he got me to say things that were not true."

"Let's not think about that right now. Getting you better is the most important thing."

She sighed and closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep again. The doctor came in and told him that he suspected there was more damage to her brain than discovered with the tests. When Jake asked what can be done the doctor said they would have to go inside her head and look.

"What are her chances Doc?"

"With the brain we can't predict what will happen. But she seems to be getting worse trying to stay awake. I'm afraid if we don't do something she will drift off and never return. We need your permission to operate. We don't think that she is able to make this decision considering the reason she is in here."

Jake talked it over with her parents and they all agreed that the chances were slim she was going to make it, so they had to do something now. The next morning as she was starting to being prepped when she squeezed his hand tightly. "Whatever happens please remember the life we had and don't think about the skank that became his one-night whore. was like I was reading a script. Making love with you is many times better than what I did with him. I'm so ashamed what I did and said whatever he wanted me to. What hurts me so bad is the pain that I caused you. Please don't let him do this to other happily married couples. You have to believe me that it wasn't me. I love you more than life itself Jake. I guess that's why I jumped out of Betty's car. I can't live without you. Tell me that you love me." Her tears flowed from her eyes.

"Oh Baby of course I love you. Please fight for it and come back to your family." He leaned over and kissed her soft lips. His eyes watered up and soon their tears formed together and formed a heart as they fell off her cheek to the hospital gown below.

"You have to leave sir," an older female nurse said as she was wiping her eyes."

He looked back to her as he left the room knowing it could be the last time he saw Jessi's beautiful blue eyes. His whole body was deflated as he stepped out of her room. But as he took another step he heard alarms going off and saw other hospital personnel running past him into Jessi's room. "OH NO...PLEASE NO!" He begged no one.

As a nurse grabbed his arm to pull him away he peeked back into the room and saw hands on her chest doing CPR. Another person wheeled in a cart with defibrillation paddles. He tried to pull away to help but two other nurses grabbed him and guided him back to the waiting area.

Betty had been sitting alone after Jake and Jessi's parents left to get something to eat. Her best friend had tried to take her life and she felt responsible for it. She made the mistake of not telling Jake about Jessi's plan to sleep with the tv star and now everything including her marriage was fucked up. She saw nurses and doctors running towards Jessi's room and moved to see what was going on. When Jake walked out she knew it was serious.

"Is she going to make it?" She asked while pulling the grieving man into her softness. The world suddenly stopped as two very sad people sought comfort with each other. His wet face moved down into her soft shoulder and neck. "Why Betty? Why would she do this to us? To me?"

"She was weak Jake. She watched his show every weekday and was lost in a fantasy. The asshole has done this before and will keep doing it if we let him."

"I'm going to get that asshole."

They got the word a few minutes later that she stopped breathing and was gone.

There was a lot of anger and guilt flying around between Becky, Bill, Jake and the parents. But they kept their comments under control to get through the funeral. Meanwhile CXN received an anonymous call that they needed to investigate the death of Jessi Wilson in relationship to Mason Laramie.


(Five days later)

"Hey Boss, you need to see this," Ramon said to Mason as he ate his breakfast on his huge patio overlooking the pool and hot tub.

"Good news about me I hope."

"Here just look at it."

Mason watched as CXN anchorman Mark Miner was telling the world about how a married woman was seduced on a plane trip to California. "She was seduced by a Hollywood star that you all will recognize." Suddenly Mason's photo popped up.

He recognized the photo as him smiling at a young woman's ass in a bikini at the beach. "Shit yeah, this is going to really boost my bad guy image," Mason smiled as he stood up and did a Rocky Balboa, fists pumping up and down, dance around the pool. He suddenly stopped and ran over to see the smart phone telecast.

"Wait! What did he just say?"

"I'll reverse it."

"But this seduction ended in death. Here's our Chicago correspondent Amy Miller at the Cicero Funeral Home."

A lovely young woman wearing black was shown holding a microphone.

"It's a sad day here in Chicago. You can see behind me all the people in tears coming out of the building. Evidently the woman that Mason Laramie seduced at O'Hare Airport was heading to California on vacation with her husband and best friends. They were celebrating their five-year anniversary. However, in the gate area the married woman was getting Mason Laramie's autograph when he asked her to travel to California with him in First Class. After taking her away into the private members only Blue Sky Club he talked her into spending a night at his Hollywood mansion for a night of sex.

"What was the husband doing, Amy, while this was going on?"

"According to the friend, who was traveling with them, the husband tried to stop it but the Airport guard would not let him into the Blue Sky Club. They gave her a message but the wife said she would meet him at the gate. After that the flight was cancelled and on the next flight Mason snuck the wife into first class. The husband had to go standby and although he made it they wouldn't let him talk to his wife during the flight."

"Wow it seems the Airline and Airport are at fault as well."

"I hear they are being served as soon as next week," Amy responded. "So once the plane landed Mason took the wife off the plane and rushed her into a waiting limo while the husband and their friends got off the plane last and missed stopping them. I'm not really sure what happened after that, but the husband is having a press conference in a few days so stay tuned."

"Wait, did it say how she died?"

"No but it was definitely related to being seduced by Mason Laramie. She passed away here in Chicago and not in Los Angeles. At least that's what everyone is saying right now. There is going to be some very heavy fallout heading his way both in the courts and in the public opinion of him. There are also rumors that he has seduced other married women in similar situations."

"Last question for now Amy."


"Will this be a 'he said/she said' situation?"

"Evidently there is some solid evidence so it looks bad for Tarzan right now."

"That's right Mason Laramie's next big part is 'Tarzan Swings Through The Jungle'. Or maybe he might be swinging from something else." Mark added. "Why do some people think they can get away with anything because of who they are? Thank you Amy."

"Fuck boss this is looking really bad. What evidence could they have? I mean you could have just asked her to spend the night without having sex right?"

"OH FUCK....I took a video and photos with her phone and she took it with her. I even talked about her wimpy cuckold husband. They could possibly see how doped up she was. Shit fire, get me my agent and lawyer on the phone now!"


Amy and her CXN news team met with Jake a few days later with Bill and his parents behind him. She was lost to why his wife would go with another man and had this good-looking husband at home. She had talked to him each day once they discovered what had happened.

Amy started it off. "This is Amy Miller here with Jake Wilson with an exclusive interview with a story that many will not believe. But trust me it is real. Too real. Go ahead Mr. Wilson."

"Hello, my name is Jake Wilson. My wife Jessi and I were celebrating our fifth anniversary a few days ago with a trip to California. During the trip my wife was seduced by a man that you know as Mason Laramie. His real name is Alfonso Shittake and he grew up in Detroit Michigan. I tried to break it up but this low life used his money and prestige to keep me away until he had her in his mansion doing things to her not fit to describe." He stopped to wipe a tear from his cheek.

"Mr. Wilson....," Amy interrupted.