Boating Weekend


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The aroma of bacon woke me on Saturday morning. I stuck my head outside the curtain. Darlene, dressed in a large T-shirt, was turning the bacon while Jack refilled the waffle iron. He wore another tiny Speedo and a T-shirt. I pulled on my shorts and shirt, running my fingers through my hair. Patting Dana on her bare ass, I urged her awake. "Breakfast is ready sleepyhead," I announced. "Slip something on and join us."

The coffee was strong and the bacon was crisp. I was on my second waffle before Dana emerged from our berth. She was wearing my extra large Cancun T-shirt and her hair was still tousled. "Boy, I think I partied a little too hard last night," she said as Darlene poured her a cup of coffee.

"You had a good time, that's for sure," Jack agreed. "Fun on the dock, then fun in the sack, from the sound of it," Jack added with a wide grin.

Dana blushed again, a deep pink. "I got a little tipsy, I'm afraid. Guess I still am. I hope we didn't disturb you."

"Not at all," Darlene replied with a chuckle. "Actually, listening to you two was so arousing, we decided to have a little fun of our own. I think Ken can attest to that, can't you Ken?"

Surprised that I was spotted, I stammered, "Well, I was just going to the bathroom. I didn't actually see anything."

Darlene laughed heartily. "Maybe you couldn't see much because Jack and I were so tangled up together, but there was enough dock light for me to catch sight of you moving back and forth. Don't worry, I couldn't see all that much."

Everybody laughed at Darlene's quip and Dana rose to fill our coffee cups. As she leaned over the counter, the shirt rode up, exposing her bare bottom to me. She had left our berth without a stitch on under my long shirt! "Is this my super conservative wife?" I asked myself as she turned back to the table.

Dana and Darlene cleaned up the dishes while Jack and I policed the deck and got the boat ready for the day. About nine o'clock, Jack started the blowers, then the engines. He uncoupled the shore power and we loosed the lines. Slowly, we made our way out of the marina and Jack turned his yacht up the lake toward their 'hang out' cove.

The boat picked up speed as Darlene and Dana came on deck. Darlene wore the same black bikini she had on at the pool party. Dana wore her bright green thong with her sarong in place around her waist. Jack sat behind the wheel on the fly bridge and I sat next to him. The gals took their towels and moved up to the bow. They each spread a towel over the cushions. Darlene laid flat on her tummy, facing aft. Dana stood facing forward and removed her white sarong before sitting down looking over the bow.

"Holy shit," Jack whistled, "Dana's wearing a thong!"

"Yeah," I confirmed. "I saw it last night when we turned in. It's quite a change from her usual one-piece suit that's for sure."

"No wonder you couldn't resist a little roll in the hay last night," Jack confided. "From the sound of it, she enjoyed the hell out of it too."

"Were we that noisy?" I asked.

"Well, we didn't have our door closed, so your little curtain was all that was between you and us. We couldn't help but hear you. Don't worry, we enjoyed some sweet loving as you know. Like we said, what happens at the lake stays at the lake." Jack smiled and slapped me on the shoulder. "Quite a little woman you have, Ken. Darlene would kill for a set of tits like Dana's," he confided. "I may have to spring for a boob job this winter," he added with a laugh.

"Darlene looks pretty perfect to me," I volunteered. "I can't see how bigger breasts would be much of an improvement."

Jack chuckled. "That's what I keep telling her, but you know women. She's a bit self conscious about her tits, but that doesn't keep her from showing them off under the right circumstances."

Jack's comment got my mental wheels turning. Would Darlene go topless once we arrived at their hang out cove? If she did, what would Dana think about that?

It took almost an hour of cruising before Jack pointed to a rocky point ahead. "That's the entrance to our hang out. If we're lucky, it will be empty."

Darlene was pointing to the entrance and talking with Dana as Jack pulled back on the throttles. As we cleared the point, a snug little cove emerged. It was empty as if it was waiting just for us. Jack maneuvered his craft into the back of the cove near a small sand beach and dropped the bow anchor. The yacht turned on the anchor, bow into the breeze. Jack turned off the engines and started the generator. The cove was fairly shallow, so Jack slipped into the water and laid out a kedge anchor on the beach to hold the boat in position.

Dana and Darlene joined us on the aft deck. We grabbed floats and entered the cool water for a swim. "Isn't this the life?" Dana called to me as she used her free hand to steer her float. The cooler on the swim platform provided extra beer as we lolled about and enjoyed the light breezes while the morning sun became warmer.

I moved my float next to Dana's. "It sure is, honey. I can see why they like to hang out here. It's so quiet and relaxing."

Darlene moved next to Dana as I spoke. "We like the peace and quiet, plus this is a spot where we can really let it all hang out. I have to tell you two that when we come here, that's usually what we do. I hope you don't mind if we decide to do just that," she added as a question.

Dana lazily turned to Darlene. "It's your boat and your cove, so I guess you can do whatever you please. We're your guests, so when in Rome, as they say."

Darlene smiled. "Good, I'm so glad you feel that way. I can't wait to shed this wet top and get comfortable!" With that, Darlene untied her bikini top and pulled it off, revealing her tanned breasts and perky brown nipples to us.

Dana's eyes widened and my groin began to tingle as we both gazed at her firm tits that showed no sign of tan lines. Before either of us could say a word, Darlene pushed her float and moved several feet away, facing into the sun.

"Did you mean what you said, about when in Rome?" I asked my wife as I observed her abashed look.

"I didn't know what she meant," Dana sputtered softly. "She just showed us her tits! Can you believe that?"

I chuckled. "She did do that. I guess she's not all that self conscious about her small boobs after all."

Dana frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Jack told me that Darlene would kill for a set of tits like yours," I whispered so Darlene couldn't hear. "He thinks she may even get a boob job this winter."

"She has a perfect a model," Dana whispered back. "I can't imagine what she's concerned about. I'd kill for a tan like hers."

"I guess that makes you even, honey," I replied. "Women always seem to want something they don't have."

"Maybe so, maybe so. Do you think Darlene and Jack expect me to go topless too?"

I looked at my wife as she lay on her float looking up at the clouds. Her mind seemed to be off in one of the clouds as she contemplated her next move. She seemed to be asking me for guidance.

"You said it yourself, honey," I stated. "When in Rome do as the Romans. You can do whatever you like here at hang out cove. Just try not to be a prude, okay?"

"You're a big help," she retorted. "But, I guess you're right this time. You just said that I can do what I like, so don't give me any static later on, okay?"

"That goes both ways," I responded and propelled my float a few feet away.

Jack called to us from the beach. "Who's ready for a game of washers?" he asked. "I've set the cans already. Come on in and we'll play a few games. Ken, bring the cooler with you on your float."

We gathered on the sand and Jack explained washers. "Basically, it's like horseshoes, only with big washers, so everybody can easily handle them. Ken, you and Darlene are partners and I'll take Dana. That way we'll have an experienced player on each team."

We each took several practice tosses. I watched Darlene bend and flip each washer toward the buried can. Her perky tits caught my attention in spite of my best efforts to ignore her nudity. I know Dana caught me gawking several times, but she said nothing.

Jack and Dana took their turns and I noticed Jack eyeing Dana's boobs. They jiggled enticingly in her tiny bra as she tossed each washer. The sun got warmer and soon we were all coated with a sweaty sheen. Jack and Dana won the first game when Dana put one of her washers into the can. "Great toss!" Jack shouted. "My partner's a pro already." With that, he pulled my wife to him and hugged her tightly. As he released her, he patted her bare ass cheek a couple of time. "Boy, I love that thong!" he exclaimed.

Dana glanced over at me and I grinned back. "Congratulations, babe, you just beat us with that toss. You won the game and a great big hug."

Dana seemed to relax after she saw that I wasn't upset by Jack's antics. I did notice that Jack's bulge seemed to be even larger after their embrace. "I'll bet she could feel his cock against her tummy," I mused.

Darlene got several extra points during the next game and we won by two points. "Where's my hug?" she asked as I finished my victory dance. I turned and she opened her arms to me. I held her to me and felt her hard nipples press against my bare chest. That, in turn, caused my dick to stiffen enough that it pressed against her thigh and she looked up into my eyes and winked. I decided against giving her a fanny pat, hoping Dana wouldn't be upset by the close hug.

Luckily, Dana seemed to ignore our victory hug and was talking to Jack. "Let's spice the game up a bit," Jack suggested with a grin. The winners of the next game get to remove a piece of clothing from one loser. Dana has two pieces and the three of us only have one piece. It's not quite fair, but I'm willing to accept those odds if you will."

I waited to see Dana's reaction to Jack's suggestion. She looked around the beach for a moment, checking for any signs of other people. "Well, when in Rome," she orated and shrugged her shoulders.

"Are you game, Ken?" Darlene asked. "I think we can beat them."

"Sure, I guess so," I mumbled. The image of my wife relieved of her suit top swirled through my brain as I agreed to go along with Jack's game.

Darlene was more enthusiastic. "Normally, we're both nude by now anyway," she stated flatly. "The beach is so much nicer when you're naked."

The game took a while. Nobody made more than one point per turn. The competition was intense now that the stakes were higher. As each team neared 21 points we were all sweating and aiming carefully. On her last toss, Darlene hit just ahead of the can and her washer slid in for a win! Jack stamped his foot in dejection. "Lucky shot," he barked.

Darlene turned to me with a smile. "Now, we get to take something from one of the losers. Do you want Jack's Speedo, or Dana's top?"

I was in a fog. "You made the winning toss, you decide," I said to pass the buck.

"Alright," Darlene replied. "I choose Dana's top. I'm dying to see her delicious tits."

Darlene stepped over to the losers and pretended to weigh the possibilities. Jack was grinning and Dana was looking down at her toenails. Finally, Darlene moved behind my wife and pulled the bow that tied her top around her chest. She let the strings dangle, the triangles still covering her nipples. Then, she pulled the strings around Dana's neck and the bright green top fell to the sand. Jack watched intently and licked his lips as Dana's pink nipples became exposed to his gaze. Darlene moved around to Dana's front and admired her naked breasts.

"God, I'd love to have tits like yours," she admitted. "They're so round and soft. So suckable."

Dana's blush reached up to her hairline and down onto her bare chest. "Thanks," she murmured. "I like yours too, she admitted sheepishly."

Jack grinned at me. "Ken, you're a lucky man. I'll bet you were fondling those pretty hooters last night. All they need is a little sunshine."

Darlene picked up Dana's top and pitched it over next to the cooler. "Shall we play another game?"

"Might as well," Dana agreed. "We're all even now."

The next game went fast. I made two ringers and Darlene made another. We won by six points. "You got the most points," Darlene stated, "so you must choose this time."

I didn't hesitate very long. I took Darlene's hand and marched over to Jack. "Darlene, I want you to remove your husband's Speedo. He's had that big bulge hemmed up for too long."

Darlene knelt in front of Jack and hooked her fingers into each side of his suit. Slowly, she tugged down his suit and we watched as his thick cock came free from its nylon cage. He was semi-erect and even then it looked like he was at least seven inches long, with a fairly thick girth to boot. Darlene got Jack to step out of his suit and she tossed it toward the cooler. Before standing up, she grasped his root and popped the head into her mouth for a quick suck. She kissed the tip and then stood. "It's a little sweaty and salty at the moment," she quipped.

Jack laughed out loud. "That's okay, I've actually won the game. I'm the first one naked. The rest of you are still in your tight suits, but I'm free." With that, he ran to the lake and jumped into the cooling water.

"You know, he's right," Darlene stated. "Jack's the big winner!" As Dana and I watched, she peeled off her tiny bottoms and tossed them aside. Darlene turned to face us, displaying her bare pussy with a slim line of dark hair just above her bald slit. "I'm joining Jack in the lake. You two can do as you please."

Darlene turned and we watched her tanned ass sway as she stepped into the lake. I looked at Dana. She looked at me. "Well, when in Rome..." I repeated to my wife, and dropped my trunks to the sand, baring my body to the sun and to our host and hostess. Before she could speak, I ran into the water, relieving the heat and sweat of the day.

I dove under the water and let the water cool my spinning head. When I rose and stood up, I saw my now naked wife move from the hot sand to the edge of the cool lake. She walked slowly, giving the other couple ample time to admire her trimmed blonde bush and bouncing tits. Dana walked to me. She was chest deep. I looked down to see her white boobs and pretty pink nipples floating on the surface.

"God, you're beautiful, honey," I told her. "I'll bet you're a bit excited too, eh?"

"I can't believe I'm standing here naked, talking to you," she admitted. "This is absolutely amazing."

"Let's go find our floats and get some sun," I suggested. "I think I'd better put some lotion on you before you burn to a crisp."

Dana crawled onto her float and I swam back to the boat to get her lotion. When I returned to the swim platform, Darlene called to me. "Throw me the lotion. I'll do it for you."

Without thinking, I tossed the bottle to Darlene and she worked her way to my wife's float. Dana looked over at me. I stood there naked, watching as Darlene poured lotion on Dana's chest.

Darlene used both hands to spread the slick lotion over my wife's tummy and up under her breasts. Dana closed her eyes and a little moan escaped her lips. Darlene's hands moved up between Dana's twin mounds over her shoulders and down both arms. On the third pass, she cupped her hands and applied lotion on each flattened tit, working the sun block into both nipples. "Oh, ahh, Dana cooed as her new friend's fingers and palms caressed her lovingly.

Moving down to the end of Dana's float, Darlene applied lotion to my wife's feet and up her legs. As hands moved up Dana's thighs, she began to breath faster and fidget on her float. Darlene paused, poured a new supply of lotion into her hand and placed it directly on my wife's blonde mound, pressing gently and massaging the lotion into her. "Mmm, oh," Dana mewed in response.

The sight of this tall lady touching Dana's most intimate places made my head spin. My hand was under water, holding my cock and gently massaging my balls as I took in the scene before me. Jack, too, was watching from a few feet away. I glanced over at him and he gave me the 'thumbs up' sign and smiled broadly. Neither of us spoke, fearful of breaking the spell that seemed to surround our two women. Finally, Darlene moved to Dana's head and leaned down to kiss her lips before applying lotion to her neck and face.

"Get on a float, Ken, and I'll do you too," Darlene offered. The idea of this attractive gal swabbing me with sun block shook me out of my reverie. Dumbly, I moved through the water and captured a free float. With a little effort, I managed to pull myself onto it, laying on my belly and using my arms to keep my face dry. Darlene swam over to me and stood next to my float. Soon, I felt her hands on my back as she spread the lotion across my wet back and shoulders.

Her hands were soft and quite pleasant. I felt myself relax as she massaged my lower back. Next, she did my feet and the calves of my legs before moving her hands up my thighs. She worked the liquid into my inner thighs and up onto the cheeks of my ass. I felt my groin tingle again as her fingers traced up my crack. Darlene's hands slid back down my thighs, then up over my ass cheeks several times. Finally, her fingers trailed up my leg and very deliberately touched my scrotum. Once, twice, then a third time she traced the route. I felt my balls shrink, then the warmth caused by my ejaculation as it was trapped against my float. "Unghhhh," was about all I could utter as my cock shot two or three involuntary squirts against my belly.

"There, I'll bet that felt pretty good, didn't it, Ken?" Darlene stated with pride. I heard Jack chuckle deep in his throat. He obviously knew what had just occurred.

We all continued to bob around in the lake for some time. Darlene had her arms wrapped around her husband and I was pretty sure her legs were also around his waist. "Jack's probably got his big dick up her right now," I thought to myself. "They are one sexy couple, and we seem to have fallen right in with them. It's hard to believe that my ultra-conservative wife was nearby, lying nude on a float and soaking up rays."

Jack finally swam over to the boat and appeared back on deck with a large umbrella and a duffel bag. "I think we could all use a little shade and a late lunch," he said as he put the items on a float and walked them to the beach. He spread the umbrella and called to us to join him.

As each of us rose from the lake, he handed us a cold beer. Darlene and Dana busied themselves making sandwiches and passing them around on plastic plates. The four of us sat nude, Indian-style on the big blanket, munching our sandwiches and chips, and sipping beer. Somehow, it didn't seem all that odd to be crouching naked on a blanket with another couple, chatting and enjoying lunch.

"Well," Jack stated, "how do you two like our hang out?"

"This must be what heaven is like," Dana replied, surprising me a little. "I don't know when I've been so relaxed and free. I can certainly see why you come here."

Darlene nodded. "The first time we came here, we ended up in this exact same spot, rolling around on our blanket and fucking like a couple of rabbits!"

Dana laughed nervously at the mention of the word, fuck. After a brief pause, she spoke. "That must have been like an irresistible urge for you both."

"You've got that right," Jack agreed. "We were both so horny, we couldn't wait to get to the privacy of our boat. It was quite an experience, one we've repeated many times since."

After we tidied up the lunch mess, there was a lull in the conversation. A nice breeze had come up and it seemed that everyone was in his own little world. "I feel a nap coming on," Jack announced. "Come here, honey, cuddle up and help me drift off." Darlene stretched out next to her husband and Jack's arm pulled her close, his hand closing over her bare breast.