Bob the Boilerman Pt. 03


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"I doubt that my love. Too expensive for a scumbag when you can get a monthly underground ticket by dipping a purse. Did you see her when you picked up the little one?"


"Do you have a photo?"


"Get the most recent one quick."

"I've got a dozen on my phone. I took them when we got little Stella"

I laughed. "Stella! Of course, I should have guessed."

"I'm going to enjoy meeting this cunt"

"Copy that lot Jono."

"Roger that." Came the reply

"Hang on said Charlie who was busy on his phone. Barclaycard under that name. Bought a coffee and a sandwich at The Forecourt, Waterloo. 4 days ago for £13.27. Last used to buy a bottle of vodka two hours ago at St Mark's Cray Convenience Store. Passing the card holders name and address to Jono now."

"Hang on Kel, processing the address. Bingo, it's shared with a known associate of an POI.

"What is a POI said, Laura."

"Shut up Laura I snapped. Questions after!"


"Yes, Kell. Keep checking but grip her. I want her here tonight if you can manage that. She's a god guy, Charlie will do the necessary on her. Try not to scare her too much she belongs to my missus, she has a baby that I hope will grow up to call me grandad.

See if you can get one of the Gurkhas to grip the pimp. I don't want him dead yet either. Hurt a bit is fine but I want to do that. Take him to my gaff in Wales. I'll be home tomorrow. Don't care how much this costs mate, this is very personal.

Roger that Kel, can't see anything here that will stop that happening with the woman. Not sure about the man though. He may be of interest.

"Who are you Mum said you fixed her boiler." said a very wide-eyed Laura

"Yeh love. I'm retired now but I used to fix all sorts of things."



"I'd prefer it if your mum finds out after Charlie and I have a word with your sister, you're not impartial neither is your mum. Neither am I now but the big boys don't know that yet and Charlie at least is trusted. Let's try not to fuck that up ehh.

"What's uncle Charlie going to do."

"Hopefully clear her of any implication in any naughtiness, All we know so far is she is known to associate with a bad boy. Most likely this guy has been pimping her out. He obviously has hooks into her somehow."

"She is scared enough to give you her baby so I can't see her being with this bastard willingly. I need you to be in my gang here Laura. As far as your sister is concerned we are the only game in town.

"Billy, however, is different. I hope to fuck he's not the baby's dad because his future looks bleak. I could be a real bastard and give him to your mum for an hour. The way I feel now though, I want to deal with this bastard myself."

If he's balls deep in shit we will leave him to the Gurkhas. Do you know him, Laura?

"No Kel, I never meet him, Rosa made sure of that. All I know is that he is called Billy, Rosa is terrified of him, I just know he isn't nice. Rosa kept us away from him."

Don't Fret, you never will, do you know if he is the baby's dad?

No, he's not. Stella's dad was a junkie he is dead now. He died in a fire, until a few days ago we thought Rosa had died as well.

Forget Billy love. You will never meet him. I think you may want to before the nights out but I feel very confident in saying you never will.

We spent a very interesting couple of hours talking to a very confused 4 year old. I overestimated her age. I had a very confused woman with me as well. Allison, bless her, she knows my past almost as well as she knows her own man's, kept assuring Gracie that Charlie and I were in control and all was well and everything would come out of the wash very well indeed.

If I could I would have recanted and taken Gracie to the kitchen to fill her in on what was happening I would have but the baby had latched on to her nana and wasn't letting go. Gracie was struggling with this.

I was getting message updates every 5 minutes it seemed. The sit rep at the moment was Rosa was griped. Very upset, in the back of a Merc van just about to leave the M25 for the A10 so less than an hour away.

Rosa's pimp, Billy, was a very naughty boy indeed and had been helping some very bad people launder money. Charlie's people would be happy to fish him out of a river and provide death-by-misadventure paperwork. It may tread on some toes but this fucker had pissed off too many people for anyone to care too much about him.

"If you are my Nana Grace. Is he my grandad Stella said pointing to Charlie? No, my darling he's your uncle Charlie. Gracie pointed at me and said that's Grandad Kel. Mummy didn't tell me about grandad Kel. Gracie tried the perhaps you forgot line. That went down like a lead ballon. I don't forget things, Nana.

I could let Gracie know as soon as Jono,s man got here. Charlie and I needed to interview Rosa first though. That could be problematic. I didn't know if she loved or loathed this Billy guy. I was praying it was him and not Rosa who was responsible for the little scabs all over the baby.

My phone vibrated yet again. I looked at the screen the message from a new source said "on the corner of your road now."

Charlie, yes Kel. Let's walk down to the off licence for a beer or two. I've got beer in the fridge, said Laura. You won't have the kind I like. I'm coming said, Gracie. Allison grabbed her arm. No Grace this is a job for these two.

We climbed in the back of the van. Poor Rosa was very confused. "Uncle Charlie, why are you here? Who are these men? Who is he, pointing at me? What's happening?"

"Us first," I said. Who the fuck is Billy. Rosa went from belligerent with me to shit scared in an instant. I saw fear and not one bit of affection so I changed tack. I'm sorry, I should say who was Billy. What's up with him? A Gurkha was driving. Take us down the road buddy. He parked outside Gracies/ Laura's house

I'm sorry to tell you Rosa he died he fell in the river while he was fishing."

" He doesn't go fishing"

"He doesn't swim too well either" I said.

She changed immediately I told her he was dead, he wasn't but I needed to remove the fear factor. She relaxed then she started to cry. Are you going to kill me as well? No. I'm going to give you to someone who is going to give you hell young lady. Well, two people. I am sure one will give you hell, the other probably will as well. Rosa was weeping but was starting to relax and was becoming inquisitive.

Who are you giving me to she asked?

Someone you need to be fuckin scared of. Someone you're going to need to make a better job of explaining yourself to than the pisspoor bollocks your coming out with now.

Who was Billy to you?

Why were you living with him?

Is he your baby's dad?

I haven't got a baby.

She is 4, with long jet black hair, and dark brown eyes. She has been living with your sister for 4 days and she is covered in burns and bruises, and I have to say a very pretty little kid.

That did it. She cracked. There was no shouting and screaming. Just tears. He did it. He did it. He made me carry drugs for him. I was a mule. It wasn't me honest. I love her she is all I've got left I've spoiled everything. If you kill me don't hurt her. Please don't hurt her. I'll do anything. You ain't quite spoiled everything Rosa. Someone is bringing that Pretty little kid up pretty well she is an absolute delight. I'll bet my Rolex against a pile of dogshit it ain't Billy doing that.

"No one is going to hurt you, Rosa," Charlie said. Today, this man is your best friend. No one is going to kill you and no one is going to hurt Stella.

Rosa jumped a mile when Charlie mentioned Stella's name.

Rosa, I said.

"How do you know about me?"

"I just do. I know other things as well. I know you gave your baby to your sisters. I know you did that to keep her safe. And I think I know what you were going to do next. Is that why you bought a bottle of Vodka Rosa, to dull the pain a bit?

Rosa didn't reply.

"I'm assuming you haven't got a gun. You must know most of the time drugs don't work quickly. You end up dying a pathetic agonising death, after some fucker finds you and they pump your guts, just a bit too late. I'd bet you have a length of rope. Am I right? Rosa nodded. Right, you don't need that anymore.

Billy isn't dead yet Rosa, I lied. She stiffened. It was only a little tiny white lie though. Tomorrow or very soon it won't be a lie at all. Me and two other guys are arguing about who is going to hold the fuckers head under the water. I do so want to do it, even your Uncle Charlie wants to do it, but I think my boss is going to pull rank on me. You just can't fuck that many important people off and live."

"Now, believe it or not, we are the good guys. We have known for some time he's been laundering terrorist money. He is history but I need some stuff confirming. So I'll ask you again!

Who was Billy to you?

Why were you living with him?

Is he your baby's dad?"

Rosa replied this time.

"No, he's not Stella's dad.

I did stuff for him."

"Like what."

"You know."

"I do but I want to hear it from you."

"I ran drugs, only small deals but lots of them."


"His name is Billy Spicer. He is from Yarmouth"



"I don't know much more honest."

I need to ask you a question Rosy said to Charlie. I need to know you will tell us everything about Billy everything you know.

I know he was a bastard. He hurt my little Stella and I let him. She looked daggers at me. She's safe now Billy won't be able to get her anymore. We have Billy Rosa. He can't hurt anyone anymore."

Only my mum calls me Rosa. A little bit of defiance crept back. That's OK then she calls me Kel." That took the wind out of her sails. I think maybe Laura and Layla told you about me.

Charlie spoke. Rosie, I'll say this before your Aunty Alison can. You are a bloody stupid girl not coming back to us and your mum.

I sent what I fervently hoped would be my last message. It was to Laura. We are bringing her in. Look after your mum. You will get plenty of chance with Rosa soon enough. She has had a very hard time with it.

I clicked send and opened the door.

Why are we here said Rosa? I told you. I'm giving you to someone who is going to give you hell, your mum. I opened the door. Gracie was stunned and couldn't get up she just repeated I thought you were dead. They told me you were dead. I didn't believe it I didn't.

Stella was squealing with delight but there was an edge of apprehension she kept peeping around Rosa's legs looking for Billy. Rosa picked her up, Billy has gone darling. He isn't coming back I promise. Gracie found her feet and was up and holding Rosa so tight I thought they would crush Stella between them.

I looked at Rosa's arms in the light. There were no tracks, now that is a surprise I thought. Charlie was way ahead of me as I turned to say I know. Then whispered I know who the burns and bruises came from. I think you should call Jono and tell him you want to deal with this bastard and tell him why.

I called him there and then. They hadn't got him, they had a guy who looked like him who was screaming I know my rights. But Billy had disappeared. I wasn't worried, I'd keep Rosa and the baby close. If there was as much to it as Rosa said he was smart he would leave her well alone if he wasn't her find me first. Billy would be seen and sorted sooner or later.

When I got her alone in the kitchen I asked her outright. Is this the asking me about Billy that Uncle Charlie said about?

"Yes Love, I don't want to ask, I wouldn't if I didn't have to. We thought the guy at the address we picked you from was Billy. Do you know who he is?"

"Yes, that's Billy's brother Tom."

"Good. Now the difficult bit. Were you sleeping with Billy,"

Yes, are you sure he didn't tell you anything about where his money or drugs came from."

"No, he didn't, I promise he didn't."

Rosie was starting to have another little blub.

"I'm sorry I've brought this on you, I'm sorry I brought it on my sisters and my baby but most of all I'm sorry I've given mum so much grief."

Let me stop you relight there girl. Your mum maybe a couple of tears behind you at the moment but they have been waiting to fall from the moment you ran away from her. Today, you turning up here put the last piece in her jigsaw puzzle in place. To be honest another bit was missing, that she didn't even know about. You provided that as well."

It best you go in there and tell her you love her girl. There is a direct correlation between a woman's happiness and weeping. The tears increase as happiness increases. Within seconds Allison and Laura joined in and I swear we were ankle-deep in snot and tears within ten minutes.

I was mulling over the contrast of the day. Firstly watching my future wife wring orgasm after orgasm out of my new mate's missus. And now her holding her daughter, both of them crying.

I was woken from my daydream by a little hand tugging at my jeans. Hello little girl, who are you? She giggled. Weird I thought that was Gracie's giggle. The little dot had caught me off guard, I was getting old. I was surprised, I was beginning to think Gracie was never going to let her go.

"I'm Stella. Nana Grace says your, my grandad."

"Well Stella, Nanna Grace is always right so I must be. But I can only be your grandad if you want me to be."

"I didn't know I had a grandad. What do grandads do."

"Ohh grandads can make things. Dolls houses, swings, sea saws things like that in their garages."

"I haven't got any dolls now but I wish I had one. I think I'd like a swing, can you make me one.

I like making swings best of all.

"Wow. Can you make me one? Yes. I can make a swing just for you. If you and mummy come to see us I'll make sure there is a swing for you to play on. Where Nana and I live there is a little park with swings and a seesaw and a roundabout."

"Can I go and see them."

"Ohh yes. I'll take you to play on them if you want."

"What else do grandads do?"

"They look after all their girls. And make sure they don't get hurt Stella they do that the best."

"Billy hurt me, Grandad, he hurt my dolly, he hurt mummy as well.

"I know darling. He won't hurt you again, I promise. He won't hurt mummy again either. I promise that as well!"

I think I want you to be my grandad.

I have never in my life been so pleased to pass a test.

At that point, a very tired little girl fell asleep on her new grandad's lap.

Sometime after her mum lifted her looked me in the eye for the first time since our talk in the van and said thank you. and spirited her away. I just had to have a peep in the room they were in a little while later. They were wrapped up tight together. I got to thinking how hard it must have been for Rosa to give her little girl up thinking at the time she would never see her again.

With Stella off to bed with her mum, Gracie took her place on my lap. It wasn't the usual drop onto me like I was her favourite armchair, it was quite tentative. "You weren't just a soldier in the army were you."

"Yes, I was love, just an ordinary soldier in a very special regiment, a cog in a machine!

"You didn't tell me".

"No, I didn't, is that a problem?"

"No, I think you would have when you were ready. It explains some of the dreams!"

"I think you would have told me about your three when you were ready."

"I was ready, it was beginning to weigh heavy. I should have done it before, I'm sorry Kel. I can't tell you how much I wanted to brag about my girls.

"What's the matter Kel? You don't feel right. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the girls I promise I.

Dangerous thing interrupting my missus but I did. I'm angry Gracie. Not with you, not a bit with you, or your girls. Or the baby or Charlie and Alison.

He burned Stella's dolls, he burned her fucking dolly. He's a known arsonist. He set the fire he pulled Your Rosa from. He set fire to Stella's dolls to scare Rosa into selling drugs for him. Gracie was dumbstruck, how do you know? I knew he did something that scared Rosa shitless. He has a history of playing with matches.

I've got another question, I'm intrigued about where Allison and Charlie fit into this.

Gracie smiled her first proper smile since Kevin carried Kay off, the one that stopped when Allison told us we had no bed for the night. She worked for me, she worked for Stella first.

Now I was surprised, I said so. "She ain't the type at all love. No not like that, she was never one of the girls. She was the bookkeeper and manager in the knocking shop. She has been my best friend since the day Stella took me home with her.

More than that, she is my big sister. She did all the stuff big sisters do, helped me with my homework, and took me to my first-ever concert. Bought me my first-ever drink. She taught me to dance and took me to the Underground, which was a disco in Stevenage.

Her mum died when she was born. Stella looked after Allison as well. Alison looked after her dad right up till he died, but Stella looked after Alison.

Gracie giggled. She brushed my hair when Stella was busy. The girls call her Aunty Allison because she is their Aunty."

"What about Charlie?

"Charlie was a civil servant."

"Yes, I know. I know things about Charlie I bet Allison doesn't know. How did they meet?

"Ohh I can't gossip, you know I don't gossip."

"Grace! You're the worse gossip I know!"

"Charlie likes to get his bum smacked. He used to go to the knocking shop about once a month. Allison always had the hots for him. One day she just said to him take me out tonight and I'll smack your bum and make your little man very happy.

"Just like that"

"Ohh yes. I was there. Sitting on the floor in the back of the booth Allison worked in. I had some maths homework I couldn't do, but Allison was helping me with it. I was pissed off because Allison wouldn't let me go out with them. I was a real bratty little sister, I told mum.

"Ha ha, what did Stella do."

"Gave her some condoms, and told her she would murder her if she got pregnant."

Kel, I need to ask, I am pretty sure I know what you will say.

"What love?"

Two things, Rosa has nowhere to go with Stella"

I interrupted her. "Can she come home with us?"

"Yes, but it will have to be in the short term. We rub each other up the wrong way after a bit."

"I think it's probably you love, it strikes me she's a lot like you"

"What's that supposed to mean."

"You are a bit of a control freak love. Not in a bad way but she doesn't want you ordering her life, she wants, and needs to order her own. She is your daughter but she is a mum and new at this game. So she needs help, she needs you, but she is Stella's mum as well now and to be blunt, you're just a grandma.

What am I going to do? I can't lose her again and that baby, I want her on toast.

There's a perfectly good empty bungalow two miles from our house. It's got the perfect nosy neighbour next door and it won't take long to make two swings.

"Swings! What are you on about."

"Oh didn't you know, Grandads are very good at making swings."

"But that's Yours Kel"

Jesus woman. You can be a dopey cow sometimes. Where do I live now."

"In our house with me!" Gracie emphasised our and me in that statement."

"Yeah well, Rosa can live in our other house with our granddaughter if she wants, can't she?

Gracie never admits anyone else is right but her arm around my neck a kiss and an "I love you baby" told me I was right this time."

The next morning's breakfast was bedlam. Stella had decided she wanted all her new people to sit at the table and have breakfast together. Three very good cooks in one kitchen don't work. And to cap it all Laura doesn't have coffee. We had a little tiff. When I asked for coffee I got something worse than the piss Gracie drinks in the morning.