Bobby and Helge Ch. 01


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This is crazy, silly; I feel like I remember after my first real orgasm: 'That was it! I can do it! I'm a

real woman!'"

"Can't risk saying I agree with you," I replied with a smirk.

"Remind me to tell you more later - when you can."

We both smirked, and the elevator doors opened, and we went to hear more talks.

During the day, she continued to tempt me to agree with her, and I managed to avoid doing so, once like this:

"You like that piece?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Oh, you don't like it?


"You agreed with me."

"No, I disagreed with what you said."

"Then you do like it?"

"I don't think so."

A man overheard a couple of our simpler exchanges and asked:

"What's that about, always disagreeing?"

Bobbie grinned and replied:

"Sort of a game; if I can get him to agree with me, I threatened to kiss him."

The man smiled at her and then at me and said:

"If I were you, I'd agree with her."

"But not here," I replied, and we all chuckled.

As we were going to lunch, she asked if I thought we could change to a room with a double bed in Venice. We went outside, and she found the telephone number of the hotel on the program. I called it. We could and chuckled. As we went back in the hotel, I reminded her that I hadn't said anything to agree with her, and we chuckled again.

After lunch, the talks continued, and I forgot our game, until she caught me, but whispered that she could save the kiss till later. We were almost like a couple of teenagers, and I reminded myself to remember to ask about what she had said in the elevator.

The program ended with a wrap-up of the whole program, and someone thanked the organizers. There was no reception planned for the evening, but the announcement of one in Venice. Then there were more drinks in the dealers' fair. We only had one glass of wine, exchanging promising smiles about we expected to spend the late evening in our room. Another couple we had met suggested we join them for dinner. Some people had already headed home, just a bus load going on to Venice. After dinner, when the other couple said they were going to pack for the early start in the morning, we agreed that was a good idea, only purring with smiles when we were alone waiting for the elevator. When we were in it, I got my kiss and returned it, stopping before the elevator did. By then we had a feeling for how long it took to get to our floor.

As we went to our room, I looked at her with big eyes and purred. She looked back at me with soft moan and murmured:

"Moon eyes."

"And bedroom eyes," I murmured, purring again.

She nodded with moaned "um-hmm."

I unlocked the door and told her she could use the bathroom first. She did, dropping her handbag on her bed and letting me see her unzipping the back of her skirt as she disappeared, without closing the door. I knew women usually pulled their skirts up to go to the toilet, so she was suggesting that she was going to take hers off. I took off my jacket and trousers, seeing through the open door that her skirt was off and saw that she was taking her panties off her feet.

Oh yes, she was really getting undressed. I stopped watching her, just looking forward to her returning in the nude, as I took of my shirt, hearing her flush and then the water in the washbasin. I took off my shorts and unconsciously jostled my balls, aware that my cock was longer than it usually was, most appropriately so, if it didn't look too eager when she saw it. I saw her reach for a hand towel, and then she turned and smiled before she dried her face, letting me look at her nice little, sparse triangle of hair. Then she was smiling at me again and drying it. She nodded at the toilet, and I joined her, turning up the ring and using it.

Can going to the bathroom be arousing? Yes, when a woman fondles the cheek of one's ass and purrs. She stepped aside to let me wash. In the mirror, I saw her leave with her clothes. Hers and mine were hung up, when I returned to the room. She was stand at foot of her bed looking at me and breathing deeply, sighing with an aroused expression. She glanced from one bed to the other. I flung back the covers on hers, and she nodded, but didn't move to lie down, so I did with my head and shoulders against the headboard. Then she did smile, nodding, as she got on the bed, crouching between my legs.

I could only think of one reason for her wanting to be there, and my cock also seemed to agree. She looked at and then up at my face and asked:

"You know what else I want to do?"

"No, so that you can't kiss me, but I know what I would like you to, and what I then want to do. Hm-hmm! You'll have to tell me."

"Oooh! Oh! I never told anyone that I wanted to."

"Wanted to do what?" I asked with a facetious grin.

"Never told anyone," she murmured with an almost embarrassed expression."

"A first time for everything, ... even at our age."

She took a deep breath, stalling for a moment, looking at my cock, and then almost whispered:

"I want to suck your cock."

Having sex had never been like this. I moaned, and felt my cock begin to stiffen, and murmured:

"I was hoping so. I want to, too, for you."

She suddenly smirked at me and said:

"Now you say it!"

"I want to lick your pussy, or whatever you call it."

"Lots of words, but that's the one I like - my nice soft furry pussy."

"Mmmm, I'm going to like it too."

"I hope so, but I have to warn you, no matter how good you do, I'm going to want you to do something else."

"Hm-hmm! I can't imagine what; tell me."

"Hmmm?" She scowled, then grinned and said: "Fornicate."

"That wasn't the word I was thinking of."

"Okay then, just 'fuck' me, as good as you did last night."

"As good as you did."

"Um-hmm, but now what I want to do this first."

My cock had softened a little, but then it was in her mouth and quickly stiff again, stiffer than before, as she demonstrated how much she liked to suck it. I moaned, unconsciously shaking my head, not about what she was doing, but about her so openly telling me that she wanted to. No girl or women had ever admitted that to me, even after she had, and a couple had obviously just done it without liking it. One had been very upset, when she made me come in her mouth, but it sure didn't seem or have sounded like Bobbie was going to be. How did she come to love to do it?

I had to forget those thoughts, feeling what her tongue was doing and how her fingers were fondling my balls. Oooh! And other fingers clasping my cock and moving with her bobbing head. "Bobbing," Bobbie, her name was so appropriate!

She really wanted it! She was moaning, and her fingers could now only clutch my tight sack. I tried to think about something else to hold off my orgasm, but I couldn't. My hips were twitching, and I was beginning to gasp. I gave a long, pulsing moan, and my hip rocked up. She nodded with a louder moan, that vibrated on my cock, and then my hips rocked up again, and I grunted, as my first strong spurt shot in her mouth. She groaned in her throat and almost bit my cock, but continued to fuck me with her mouth, moaning with each successive spurt. How many? Not as many as she seemed to want; I had to hold her head still, as I gasped and groaned.

She nodded with another moan, that could have been a muffled "um-hmm," and just licked, sloshing my semen around in her mouth. She really liked it, the way it tasted? I had tasted it once, after it shot out in thick, creamy globs. Before that, it had been just thin translucent spurts.. Other girls had just gulped it down, but Bobbie was still savoring it, if that was what she was doing.

Finally, she chuckled and looked up at me with smirk, licking between her closed lips. She chuckled again and dove up on me, planting her mouth on mine, her tongue between her lips, and then between mine, and then I tasted it again. Hadn't she swallowed any of it? She wanted to share it with me, assumed I would like it as much as she apparently did? I did, when it came from her mouth.

She chuckled and raised her head and murmured:

"That was good, like I wanted it to be, and you were good - so much."

"'Cause you were so good. I won't ask how or when you learned that you like it."

"Hm-hmm! I'll tell you, never have before, but not before you do. I go all wet, when I do that."

She rolled off me, and I moved down the bed, as she moved to where I had been and drew her thighs up. There was nothing coy or tentative about what she wanted to let me do. I remembered girls wanting to keep their thighs together, wanting me to force them apart, not wanting to admit that they wanted me to lick their pussies, even if was the second or third time I was going to. And none of them had ever first sucked my cock, almost only doing it when I was already licking, sixty-nine.

Bobbie's thighs flopped open, revealing, presenting her pussy to my view and in light from the lamp on the ceiling. Did she know how lovely her pussy was? She couldn't, unless she had seen other women's pussies like I was seeing hers: just a few hairs down on the sides of her round pussy lips, that were slightly open, revealing their pink inner sides, moist from her arousal, when she had been sucking my cock. I could barely see her inner lips, not like those of that mother of two, which had been long and wrinkled. Oh, I had liked her pussy, but Bobbie's reminded me of those of the first girls' that I had licked, young, almost virginal college girls, but I hadn't seen them in such good light, sometimes not at all in a dark dorm room. I moaned in anticipation.

"Stop staring, lick. You said you wanted to," Bobbie almost demanded.

I did with delight, thinking that I could tell her later that her pussy was like that of a twenty year-old, like her breasts almost were. She moaned, almost in relief that I had started, my tongue lapping up between her pussy lips, discovering her soft smooth inner ones and tasting her moisture. My tongue found her clitoris, and she moaned again, but it wanted to find her opening and taste more of her moisture. Of course, the mouth of her vagina was like those of the young girls, not like that of the mother. The tip of my tongue wanted to probe, and she moaned again, then chuckling and murmuring: "Your fingers can do that."

She knew what she wanted. Those college girls had never suggested that, and my fingers had only been in them when they had let me get to "third base." Where had I learned that American expression? I did what Bobbie wanted, licking her clitoris and finding her opening with a finger. She moaned, as it slid all the way in. Her pussy wasn't as tight as those of those girls, of course, even though it contracted on my finger. She had said "fingers." Another one was about to slid in, when she murmured: "Two."

She gave another relieved moan, as it did. I had to remember to keep licking, while my fingers twisted and wiggled - and fucked. I must have been doing it right; she moaned louder. I wanted to hold her breast and feel her aroused nipple. My other hand reached up. It had to dislodge hers on her breast, but then her fingers were encouraging mine to squeeze and pull on her stiff nipple.

It had never been like this, having to coordinate doing three different things, but then tongue and fingers learned to, making her respond with pulsing moans. Fucking was going to be easier. I rocked my hips and felt my cock wag - good boy. Her hips began to rock, and then her thighs twitched.

Come, I willed her, even if it isn't as good as you might have hoped. I don't know if it was, but she did, whimpering, as her hips jerked. I didn't wait to know if she wanted more that way or to recover. I rose up and plunged my cock in her sopping pussy. She gasped and groaned, but her arms and legs wrapped around me, and we fucked.

No intimate kisses no breast sucking, it was all about our loins' fucking. Now I was on top, fucking her pussy, and her hips were rising up and slapping against mine. I was only aware that she came again from her gasping, my cock moving too fast to appreciate that her pussy had been contracting, Her hips stilled for a stroke or two, but then were fucking again. Did she need another orgasm, or had she just recognized that I hadn't had mine yet?

We both got them. She was whimpering again and then laughing, as I gasped and grunted. I collapsed on her, and her arms and legs relaxed and flopped down on the bed. Vaguely, I knew that I was very heavy on her, but couldn't do anything about it, as we sighed with short moans, our stomachs unable to allow us to take deeper breaths.

When I had recovered a little, I rolled off her. She took a long, deep breath and sighed, then another one. I admired that her breasts didn't flatten out as much as other that I remembered, when she was lying on her back. I reached over and held her far one. She moaned softly and put her hand on mine. Then she opened her eyes and turned her head and smiled at me, then murmured:

"We do that too good for beginners."

"Not when you tell me what you want, or do what you want."

"You don't mind my having told you?"

"Best way to get what you want, and that's what I wanted."

She rolled towards me with a grin and said: "I think you agreed with me."

I pursed my lips, and we kissed, then lay there just smiling at each other. When she didn't say anything, I remembered to ask:

"You wanted to tell me something this morning, in the elevator: 'crazy, silly'."

"Oh, about my first orgasm. Wow! It had happened. I had been quite happy with everything before, but then I discovered that hadn't been one. Hm-hmm! I wanted to tell the whole world. Of course, I didn't. I even wanted to tell my mom that I was now a real woman,but, of course, I didn't.

Hmm? Hm-hmm! I did tell someone, my uncle."

"Your uncle?!"

"Oh, I shouldn't have mentioned him."

"But you did."

"Oh, I can tell you, if it doesn't upset you."

"Not if you could tell your uncle that you were a real woman."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

"Hm-hmm! I'll tell you, never have before, but not before you do. I go all wet, when I do that."

Just what the hell does that mean? And all the smirking and chuckling was such a screaming out "I don't speak English!!!"

Grammatically, this is one of the worst stories I've ever seen on this site. Poorly written by a ham handed hack.

That being said, I found the premise rather delightful. In the hands of a NoTalentHack or CindyTV this could have been stellar.

LeBonhomme, people just don't smirk that often.

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