BobKat Too


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Kat testified that Rich had been blackmailing her for years to provide sex; she had performed in porn flicks while in college. It was an easy way to pay for her degree. He was going to expose her to the community and me if she did not put out. The fact that she had my child instead of his was due to the fact that he was shooting blanks due to a childhood illness. He was running short of the funds he had stolen from the insurance company so he decided it was time to take the money she had left behind and use it for his next project. That was to murder me.

He swore that she would die just like he killed his first wife if Kat ever turned on him. Somehow she managed to get him to admit, while she had the wire on, that he had setup the trip to Brownsville so she would be out of town when his guys tried to kill me the first time. He was extremely vocal about the clumsy way they "fucked that one up." That was on tape too.

The insurance fraud was for collecting on his first wife when he had her killed and for the fake signature on the documents when I had applied for the 6 million dollar policy. You do know that I had never applied for that policy.

Sue and I sat through every day of testimony in the case; just shaking my head at how truly fucked up in the head this guy was. Merry tried to come to the trial but the testimony caused her to have bad nightmares. Sean wanted to come too, but he was required to testify about the authenticity of the data/images he had in his possession.

Sue got herself excused from testifying so she could sit with me. She was required to have no contact with Sean for the duration of the trial. She went to stay with Mom and Dad.

After 2 weeks of testimony the case was handed to the jury. 47 hours later they came back with a guilty verdict on every charge. I decided that I did not need to go to his sentencing, but Sue and Sally went.

After Rich's sentencing, Kat was released from protective custody with a new identity and a new face from plastic surgery. She called me to say how sorry she was about all of the things that had happened.

I told her it was all too fresh, I needed time to digest what I had heard. Then I asked her to call me in a year to make arrangements to talk. I did tell her that I was in love with my Merry and foresaw no chance that I could leave her.

She asked about Mom and Dad and said she was sorry to have disappointed them. She had started to feel as if they were the only family she had ever known.

Finally she asked how Kitty was doing.

I told her that she was a straight A student in school. She loved math and science the most and had many friends there. I told her that Kitty loved Merry as her Mommy, but she knew she had a different birth mother than our other 3 children, yes we had more. It was a set of twins a boy and a girl.

I promised within the next year Kitty would know her birth mother was alive and why she was not in her life.

My birthday was around the 1 year mark. We made a decision that she would call on my birthday and we would make the arrangements about getting together at that time.

Over the next months Kitty and I talked about her birth mother, sometimes Merry was there and sometimes she wasn't. We recorded the conversations so we would have a record of how things went. For the first 3 months we started to talk about whether Kitty missed or wondered about Kat. We brought it up slowly and worked toward the final goal of having them meet. After 4 months Kitty said she loved her Mommy but she always wondered about her other mother. I felt it would be best if Merry broke the news to her that Kat was still alive and wanted so desperately to see her. I was there sitting quietly to the side.

Kitty cried out, "But you are my Mommy, I love you."

"I love you too, very much. You hold a special place in my heart even though you did not come from my body. Your Mother Kat loves you very much too. She was taken from you when you were too young to remember her. All you have of her is the picture on your dresser."

"I don't want to stop loving you." Kitty cried.

Merry went on to explain that you can love more than 1 person. Your Daddy loved Mother Kat as much as he loves me. When she was taken he did not know where she was. He thought she ran off and left the 2 of you. We have found out that she was taken against her will, she never wanted to leave. You love your Daddy and you love me, you have a big heart and I am sure you can find the room in your heart to love your Mother Kat."

The next day Kitty came to see me in the barn. She told me she loved her Mommy and she loved me. She asked where her Mother Kat was and why she was not there with us.

I explained about the kidnapping of Kat, how she was rescued from the bad people and why she was sent to live in another place. I told her that her face was changed to look different so the bad people would not recognize her and hurt her again.

I told her that Mother Kat was going to call on my next birthday at 6:00 in the evening. We would make a decision about where and when we would get together again and how far things should go.

Kitty turned to leave then turned back to me and said, "I love you and Mommy and I want to meet Mother Kat, I hope I can love her too.

The week before my birthday we had a visit from Agent Shultz, he found me in the barn. He needed to let us know that Rich had been killed the month before in a prison fight. His accomplices tried to help him but they were ambushed when they tried and were killed too. The last one had succumbed to his injuries 2 nights before without regaining consciousness.

He said that "If Kat wanted to she could return to the community with her new identity. We feel that it is safe for her to do so now."

I thanked him for the info and said "Kat was scheduled to call later in the month and we would decide what to do at that time. We needed to digest the information and somehow get Kitty to understand. Did you talk to Kat yet about this?"

"No, I need to get on a plane and go to see her next. I realize that this entire episode has been rough on all of you and I wish the very best for all involved."

"Please, when you talk to Kat tell her to still call on my birthday."

I took the memory chip in and gave it to Merry. I told her about the visit and asked her to watch the video. "I love you more than life itself, I never want to hurt you in any way but there is a new twist to our situation. I will never give you up for any reason. I would like you to help me to make a decision that all of us can live with. Please watch the video, think it over for the next 2 days, we can go out to dinner on Saturday and discuss it between ourselves before we decide to tell Kitty about any plans."

Saturday we dropped Kitty and her siblings off at Mom and Dad's for an overnight visit. Those were rare and they cherished them. We told them "We were going to drive to the city for dinner and if we came back tonight it would be very late, we might stay overnight and come back the next afternoon."

At dinner things were a little bit tense, I had no idea how we should approach this new wrinkle, I knew what I hoped would happen for Kitty's sake.

After dinner we went to a small park in front of the motel where we decided to stay, we called and spoke to Mom and told her we had not even started to talk and would come home tomorrow. We both spoke to Kitty and told her goodnight and to be good. The others were asleep long ago. Kitty said she would give them our kisses.

We sat there for a good 20 minutes before I finally asked if she had any ideas how we could handle the new problem.

Merry slowly started to unroll a plan she had in mind. "When we talk to Kat we need to arrange to meet her in a neutral place, some place fun, some place none of us have ever been. Since it is now November I think a warm place would be good. Kitty needs to talk to her on the phone for a few minutes so she has a bit of time to come to terms with meeting her for the first time. If things are comfortable when we meet in person we should get her input on what she would like."

She continued, "After we meet for the first time you and I can discuss what we think will workout for all of us before we present it to her."

One thing I have learned is it is better to allow your wife to have the first input on a matter concerning a former wife.

I was amazed at how smart my Merry was. I nodded my head to agree with all her ideas.

She continued, "If things go the way I hope we can build her a small place on the corner where your property meets your folks. If things are not comfortable enough to allow that we can find her a place in town and allow her to visit from time to time. And I don't think it will work this way; but if she is a real bitch we can tell her good by and only allow cards and letters. I hope for Kitty's sake she can have the first."

I said "We do not need to make a decision when we first meet, if things are strained we can always go for a second and third visit until we are more comfortable."

We kissed and held each other lost in our own thoughts for a while, and then we went in and went to bed.

In the middle of the night we rolled together and clung to each other as if our lives depended on it. In the morning I awoke and lay there looking at her, watching her as she slowly woke up too. She grinned and kissed me. We hugged and kissed more and ended up making love for the first time in a bed other than our own. We were like wild, passionate animals that could not get enough. Just before noon we finished. We showered together, Merry tried to get me to rise for a fourth round, it just did not happen.

At lunch we behaved like newlyweds, and were affectionate for most of the drive home. She fell asleep about 25 miles from home, I let her rest.

She woke when we pulled to a stop in front of the house; we left our bags in the car and ran upstairs to make love one more time before we picked up Kitty.

The call on my birthday was right on time; I sat alone in the den and spoke to Kat. We discussed how the meeting would take place. We settled on meeting at Disney on the 27th of December. As we spoke I made and confirmed the reservations, we would meet and play for 6 days and return to our homes after the start of New Year. We discussed how Kitty was referring to her as Momma Kat. After that I put the phone on speaker and I called for Kitty to come into the room. She came into the room slowly, holding Merry's hand as tightly as she could. She looked like she could cry or run at a moments notice.

I spoke and told Kat that Merry and Kitty were now here and asked her to say hello.

Kat spoke "Hello Kitty. Hello Merry. I have heard so much about both of you and look foreword to when we can meet in person."

Merry responded "Hello Kat, now I can put a voice with your name, I can't wait to meet you."

Merry then waved her hand in front of Kitty's face; she was just sitting there staring at the phone. She looked like she might still run at any time. "Kitty?'

Finally in a small voice Kitty said "Are you my other Mommy?"

I heard Kat sob lightly; she responded "I gave birth to you. I understand that your Daddy told you about what I have been through; how I was kidnapped and held captive for years. I am finally free and would love to meet with you, your Daddy and your other Mommy and spend some time with you. Would you like to try that?"

Kitty responded with a soft "Yes." It almost sounded like a question.

I had previously told Kat that she could tell Kitty when and where we would meet. Merry and I had decided to do it that way.

Kat spoke again saying, "Your Daddy has made reservations for us to meet at Disney and get to know each other again. I look forward to meeting all of you there."

I could hear her softly sobbing on the other end of the line.

Kitty said "Mommy Kat, please don't cry. I would like to love you just like I love my other Mommy and my Daddy."

Kat broke down on the other end and cried with huge racking sobs.

Finally I spoke, "It is bed time here, if everyone agrees we can speak again next week at the same time."

Kitty said "Good night Mommy Kat, I hope I will love you."

Kat said "Good night Kitty, I know I love you still."

Merry and I both said "Good night" together.

Then I said "Next week, same day at 6, everyone be safe."

Kat said "Yes, you too." And she hung up.

Kitty threw herself into Merry's arms and hugged her until she fell asleep. I carried her up the stairs and tucked her in, putting her favorite critter in her arms. She was smiling and had tears running down her face. I kissed her good night and pulled the door almost closed like we always did.

Merry was sitting in the den still; as I walked in she was staring at the phone. "Life is about to become different." she sighed.

"It will be what we make it." I told her.

She sat on my lap and hugged me. We fell asleep like that. Around 3 in the morning she woke me and we headed of to bed arm in arm.

The next morning just before the alarm went off she sat bolt upright in the bed and then ran for the bathroom. She just made it and emptied her stomach in the commode.

I asked if she wanted me to call in for her, she thought she would be all right to go and teach.

The next 3 mornings she did the same thing, she blamed it on the stress of the last few months.

"It could be that, but I will make an appointment for you to see the doctor to be sure."

I drove her and Kitty to school and picked them up when the day ended. The other children spent the day at Mom's.

We headed over to the clinic for her appointment.

When she came out she had a strange expression on her face. She said "The doctor says everything is fine."

Why don't I believe her?

That night we were lying in bed, holding each other. She leaned over and stuck her tongue in my ear and then she whispered "You are going to be a Daddy again."

I was just ready to cross the line and sleep, I did.

The next morning I told her about the strange dream I had. "I dreamed you told me I was going to be a Daddy again."

She giggled and said "I did."

I jumped out of bed and grabbed her up hugging her the best way I knew how.

She gasped "Put me down before you hurt one of us."

We had the second conversation with Kat the next week, things were much better this time. We all laughed and cried as we told stories of our lives. 2 ½ hours later we said our goodbyes.

Christmas came and went; we announced the joyous news, of our new addition, at Christmas dinner.

Dad mumbled to Mom "Do you think he has figured out what is causing it yet?"

Mom elbowed him in the ribs and smiled.

The next day we headed for Disney, I wanted to arrive the day before so we could settle in. Apparently Kat had the same idea.

I saw her at the reception desk checking in, we stepped back and waited until she was done and gone. I did point her out to Merry and Kitty.

We ordered pizza for supper that evening and ate in our room. Afterward Merry and Kitty wanted to go for a walk. I told them to be careful; and if they ran into Kat they should not let the cat out of the bag (so to speak) and say who they were.

As it happened the 3 did cross paths in a rose garden. There were polite greetings of "Good evening." And they passed on. As they reached the end of a row Merry turned to the left and looked down the row to see Kat had turned also and was looking in her direction. With a polite wave they continued on through the garden.

When Kitty got back into the room she exploded, "My Mommy Kat is real pretty!"

"Still not as pretty as you." she said to Merry and she gave her a big hug and kiss.

As I tucked Kitty into bed that evening she asked if "She could get back up if she had trouble sleeping?"

"No" I responded.

"Tomorrow is going to be a long busy day; we don't need you to be tired and grumpy all day."

The next day we were watching one of the stage shows when I felt a movement behind me. I looked and saw it was Kat; I nodded and watched the rest of the show holding hands with Kitty. When the show ended we continued to sit there, waiting for the crowd to thin. This was the way we planned to get together. Only Kat and I knew it.

The children were getting restless and wanted to move on to something else. As we stood I faced Kitty toward Kat and said, "Hello Kat, I am glad you could make it."

She looked at Kitty and Merry and blurted out, "I saw you in the garden last evening, we said hello! I did not dare to dream that this beautiful young lady could be Kitty!"

I said "Kitty this is your birth mother. Merry meet Kat."

There were hugs, kisses, tears of joy and sorrow, everyone spoke at once and then nobody spoke at all. We were a sight to behold. We stood there staring at each other, like old friends who met after a long time and like new friends who had just met but ....

Finally the ushers said they needed to ask us to leave, so they could get ready for the next show. We wandered toward the exit, kind of in a revolving circle. When we went out the gate we formed lines of 2's.

We found a set of benches and all sat down. Then it started all over again.

Finally Kat held up her hand and spoke, "I am truly amazed by the love I feel in this family that I am here to meet. I will never try to cause any harm to you. I had my chance with a wonderful man and threw it away because of my pride and vanity. If you choose to allow me to be a part of your lives I will be eternally grateful for whatever small part I am allowed to play."

"Kitty, Merry, I can see the love that exists between the 2 of you. If I am allowed to feel even a sliver of that love I will be able to exist in bliss. The other children are all so beautiful and well behaved. Thank you for allowing a foolish woman to realize her fondest dream."

Then she cried with joy.

Kitty walked over and reached out to hold her hand; then she spoke in a small voice, "Please do not cry, everything will be all right. I promise." Then she hugged Kat for the longest time.

She finally turned her head toward Merry and invited her into the hug. She kissed both mothers on the cheek and said to Merry, "I still love you so much that I don't know how to tell you. Please do not be upset if I love Momma Kat a little too."

Merry just smiled and held them both tighter.

Later that evening we separated and went to our own rooms. The excitement of the day was overwhelming; we all fell asleep as our heads hit the pillows. We slept the sleep of the dead and awoke the next morning to a bright, sunlit, blue sky.

The first meeting of the day was between Kat and Merry; they walked off through the gardens and returned 3 hours later with smiles on their faces.

We had lunch and then Kat and I sat at a table on the patio outside a little bistro, as Merry and the children went on rides. We talked about forgiving each other for the past. We clearly had feelings for each other but we decided that they needed to stay in the past and we should be old friends. But, no more than that.

I told her that I had thought she was gone by her choice, my love for her slowly died with each passing day. I waited for a long time until I could no longer justify waiting any longer. I told her how I came to meet Merry and how long we waited to be sure we were meant for each other. I tried to describe the confusion in my mind when I found out what really happened. I did not know if I should feel anything toward her or just feel empty, both felt like they were wrong. I told her I really truly love Merry and could not live without her in my life.

She told me that she still had some feelings for me, but she was not sure how to describe them. They were certainly not what we had before, more like a comforting warm feeling. It felt like she had found something she lost and knew she could never see again. It felt like a miracle.