Body Swap with Sister's Boyfriend Ch. 02


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"I will come with you," said Troy, the Jim and Barbara looking shocked at the mental image of Richie going into Troy's bedroom with him when he was getting changed.

Richie saw this, and hastily stumbled to make amends. He laughed nervously. "By that, Richie means he is going to wait outside my bedroom while I change for work. Right, Richie?"

"Right," affirmed Troy.

"Well, I had better get a hurry on if I want to drive Dakota and Richie to school and not be late for work," said Richie, flashing Jim and Barbara a nervous smile that made the couple feel even more ill at ease.

The parents shook their heads as the boys departed the room. "Kids these days," said Jim, shaking his head and finishing his tea.

Barbara likewise drained the last of the coffee from her cup. "What was all that about?"

"I don't know, but Troy had better move his arse unless he wants to be late," said Jim. "We've got a lot of work to do today at Mouth Coot-tha, Troy can't be playing chauffeur for his girlfriend and her brother."

In Troy's bedroom, Richie was changing into the most unfamiliar clothes of high visibility workwear and work boots, although when putting on a pair of Troy's underpants he had spent plenty of time admiring his groin and marveling at how well-endowed he was now.

Outside the room Troy waited for Richie to get dressed, when the family's Staffordshire bull terrier Sam approached. Despite Troy being in Richie's body, the dog was friendly and wagged his tail to Troy. However, the moment Richie emerged from the bedroom the dog's demeanor immediately changed.

Sam's body went rigid and his fur along his spine went up like a hedgehog, the dog clearly seeing Richie despite him being in Troy's body as an intruder. The dog bared his teeth and growled ferociously.

"Um, ah, good Sam, nice Sam, sit dog, that's a good boy," said Richie nervously, to which the bull terrier broke into a stream of loud ferocious barks directed at Richie.

"We're just going now Sam," said Troy, he and Richie making a hasty retreat towards the front door. Sam continued to bark and growl at Richie, and Jim saw the bizarre sight of their dog growling, barking and snarling at what appeared to be their son, yet being perfectly at ease with their son's girlfriend's brother who never came to the house.

Jim shook his head. He had never been a superstitious man, aside from the football, but maybe that today was Friday the thirteenth had something to do with the strange things going on this morning.

Richie and Troy got into Troy's car and Richie reversed out of the driveway, that he was a learner driver and inexperienced evidenced in his poor technique.

Across the road Kaley, a skinny and pretty brunette dressed in a tee-shirt and jeans was putting her two kids into her car to drive them to day care before she went to work. She saw her brother's car backing out of the drive and then move forward when it was in the road, the young woman having a job as an accounts clerk.

Kaley gave her brother a friendly wave, but was struck dumb with surprise when she saw a skinny red haired nerdy looking guy in the front passenger seat, a kid she had never met before and not really the type of guy her brother would hang out with. She was even more shocked when Troy completely failed to register her presence, but the skinny nerd opened the car window, leaned out the window and gave her a huge wave.

"Hi Kaley!" the red-haired nerd yelled as the car passed by.

Kaley watched Troy's car continue up the street, her bewilderment increasing as her brother drove like a learner driver or a 96-year-old woman on her way to church. Hearing her son and daughter making a fuss in the car she turned back, but like her parents and younger brother could not stop thinking about how strange things were this morning.


At the Mitchell house, both showers were occupied. In the ensuite bathroom, Jodie Mitchell was under the warm water of the shower head, the floor underneath her looking like a crime scene as blood scarlet in color ran down her legs to her bare feet and dripped directly from her vagina onto the tiles. Jodie did her best to wash her menses away but with such a heavy monthly flow, it was a losing battle with more blood pouring from her vulva to replace that she had just cleaned away.

Crampy and cranky, Jodie massaged her flat tummy and soaped her naked body, which was sensationally hot for a woman in her mid-40s who had had two children. Jodie's D-cup breasts, her long legs, her blonde pubes and her bare bottom were covered in suds and bubbles, which she washed away.

Turning off the shower, Jodie was well prepared. She had her 'time of the month' maroon colored towel and a bath mat of similar color, so her period would not stain anything light in color. On the bench next to the shower sat a clean pair of Jodie's knickers which she was intending to wear today, a white maxi-pad firmly adhered to the saddle, the wings and adhesive strip holding the napkin in place so it would be in the right position when Jodie pulled up and adjusted her panties around her crotch.

Showering on her period was obviously something Jodie would never want anyone else to see, so she valued her privacy in the bathroom. Her daughter Dakota, the person occupying the other shower, likewise subscribed to the theory of enjoying complete privacy when showering during her time of the month.

However, unlike Jodie Mitchell Dakota Mitchell was not menstruating at the moment. The teenager's wonderful 18-year-old nubile and naked body - her big boobs, bare bum and shaved pussy - were covered in soap, before Dakota washed this away, the white suds flowing down the girl's long legs and to her bare feet and the shower floor.

Giving her vagina a final wash, Dakota turned off the shower and opened the screen door. However, it was not her towel Dakota that she reached her but her phone. The teenager posed in the shower still dripping wet, and snapped her full frontal nudity in a perfect shower selfie. Dakota then turned around and was able to competently take a selfie of her bare bottom from behind.

Satisfied with the results, Dakota dried herself, and put her bath robe on to cover her nudity, walking barefoot back across the hallway to her bedroom. Closing and locking her bedroom door, Dakota untied and opened her bathrobe so her frontal nudity was on display, then took a selfie of her naked form. She removed the robe altogether, then lay back on her bed, her legs apart showing off her snatch, and took another selfie making sure her bare feet and her vagina were captured in the image.

Spreading her legs wide apart, Dakota put her phone close to her crotch and took a close up photo of her shaved pussy, her tight star-fish shaped anal opening visible below her vulva. Dakota then took her brassiere and put it on, the white cotton D-cups covering her tits and restraining the teenager's massive mammary glands for the day.

Dakota left her underwear drawer open but did not reach for a pair of clean knickers. Instead she took her school dress and put it on, adjusting it in place over her delightful teenage body, before tying up her long blonde hair which was hanging loose over her shoulders into the usual high pony tail she wore.

The teenager looked almost ready for school, but she was still barefoot in her school uniform and underneath Dakota was going commando, not wearing any panties at all. Taking her phone, Dakota sat on her bed and opened her legs, using the phone to take a photo of her naked pussy under her school dress. Pleased with how she had captured her teenage twat and the blue fabric of her school dress in the photo, Dakota reached for clean knickers, and extricated a pair of pure white cotton bikini briefs.

Dakota did not immediately pull up her panties, but left them around her bare feet, taking a photo of this, with an up-skirt effect. Dakota pulled her knickers up further until they were around her upper thighs. Sitting in a most unladylike position, her legs apart showing off her cunt, Dakota snapped another selfie of her snatch and her lowered panties up her dress.

Dakota finally pulled up her knickers and adjusted them around her bum and her pussy, but then pulled aside the double cotton saddle of her undies and took another selfie of her intimate feminine areas with her panties pulled to one side.

Now fully dressed apart from being barefoot, Dakota took another sexy selfie, an up-skirt shot of her knickers under her school dress and then lay back with her skirt up, showing off her white panties before taking another selfie of her lying barefoot in her school uniform with her knickers on display.

Putting on her white ankle socks and her shiny black Mary-Jane shoes Dakota took one more sexy selfie, Dakota pulling her knickers down to her ankles and sitting on a chair similar to the way she would sit when using the toilet, Dakota most pleased with the photo of herself in school uniform with her panties pulled down around her ankles.

Dakota pulled up her panties and adjusted them, before allowing her dress to fall back down and cover up her underwear. She looked every inch a prim and proper Catholic schoolgirl again like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. No person would have guessed what naughty things she had been up to in her bathroom and bedroom.


Richie and Troy were making their way to the door but before they could open it Doug Mitchell did so first from inside. The man had heard what he thought was his daughter's boyfriend's car pull in, but hoped he had imagined it. An early morning visit from Troy was not what this doctor - or indeed any other doctor - would prescribe as a good start to the day.

Doctor Mitchell, dressed for work in a shirt and trousers, was most dismayed that Troy indeed stood on the doorstep, along with to his amazement his own son. Doug waited for Troy to make his annoying joke about what was up, but to the man's surprise Troy did no such thing. Doug instead looked in some surprise as Troy stood staring vacantly at him, his son wearing an equally vacant expression, like they were trying to hide something.

This time it was Richie's time to mess up. "Hi um Dad - I mean Doctor - no Doug, I mean hello Doctor Doug - no Doctor Mitchell. Good morning."

The very confused Doug looked at who he perceived to be his daughter's boyfriend, absolutely confused and obviously not aware that this was in fact his son in Troy's body. The boy who he assumed to be his son stood to one side. "Hi Dad," said Troy.

"Morning Richie, morning Troy," said Doctor Mitchell, wondering what his son and daughter's boyfriend were doing hanging around together early in the morning and acting weird. It had never happened before. "What are you both doing out and about so early?"

"Walking," said Richie. "I met Richie at the park and we went for a walk, and then we went back to my place before I gave Richie a lift back here. I'm going to give Richie a ride to school along with Dakota, isn't that right Richie?"

"Yes that is right, Troy. Troy is going to give me and Dakota a lift to school today. In fact, I had better put on my school uniform so that I am not late for school. Right Troy?"

"Yes Troy," said Richie.

"Well, don't let me hold you up," said the utterly perplexed Doug, watching Richie and Troy go on their way. That his son was wearing thongs on his feet yet claimed to have been out walking was the least of the mystery.

The Mitchell household of course contained not one but two parents whose educational qualifications allowed them to use the title 'Doctor'. The father was a doctor of medicine, the mother a doctor of dentistry, and it was the latter that the two boys next met when Jodie Mitchell, dressed in a blouse and skirt, rounded the corner.

Jodie like her husband was not at all pleased that Troy - or who she naturally assumed was Troy - was here so early in the morning, and gave him an unwelcoming glare.

Troy smiled and waved. "Hi Jodie," he blurted out, stopping as he realized his mistake, Jodie's furious glare intimidating both him and Richie.

"What did you just call me Richie?" she spat at the boy who she perceived to be her son.

Troy blushed. "Sorry, I meant hi Mum."

"Dakota's still getting ready for school Troy," said Jodie, unaware that the young man she was addressing was her son, but sensing like others who had met the pair that something seemed amiss with the duo. And why were Richie and Troy hanging out together in the first place? They never did this.

"Yes, but I thought I would give her and Richie a ride to school today," said Richie.

Jodie shook her head, hoping that this would not become a regular occurrence. Troy was already over here many evenings and often on the weekends too always outstaying his welcome. Having to put up with him turning up in the mornings too would have given Jodie a diarrhea problem to phrase it politely.

Not wanting to have another stupid conversation with her daughter's stupid boyfriend, Jodie turned and went into the kitchen, intending to have coffee and toast before leaving for work. She cast a very suspicious eye at the two boys as she went on her way, feeling something was going on but unsure what it was exactly.

Dakota, having just finished fixing her make up emerged from her bedroom wearing her school uniform, and her pretty face filled with delight at seeing her boyfriend, along with surprise that he had not sent her a text message.

"Troy, what are you doing here this morning?" she asked, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek, unaware of course that the person she was greeting was her brother in her boyfriend's body.

Richie tried to sound convincing, but felt very awkward given that his sister was kissing him while her real boyfriend stood by in Richie's own body. "I thought I might give you and Richie a ride to school."

Dakota's face showed confusion and displeasure in equal measures. Troy had never given her a lift to school before, and why was he giving a lift to Richie too? Dakota most certainly did not want her nerd of a brother in the back of the car on the way to school, and she resented sharing things with her twin in general.

Richie had often thought that Dakota harbored resentment from sharing their mother's uterus together for nine months and that was why she was far removed from a loving sister towards him. And while she appreciated the car ride to school rather than catching the bus as she normally did, Richie knew the real reason that Dakota only rarely drove herself to school despite having the means to do this. It was because she was cheap. The school had a parking donation policy with Year 11 and 12 students who drove to school required to put money into a collection tin upon arrival at school which then went to various charities. But no way was Dakota going to pay money for donations to go to charity. Once when in the Queen Street Mall in the CBD, Richie had observed his PMS affected sister angrily knock a collection tin out of the hand of a young man collecting for a human rights organization and telling him to 'get fucked'.

"Richie, I think you had better get dressed," said Richie to Troy. "You and Dakota don't want to be late for school, and I don't want to be late for work."

Troy stood to one side admiring the pretty form of Dakota looking so hot in her Catholic school uniform. He wished that she would not have to graduate and could stay at high school forever, but of course this could never happen. Troy drooled at the sight of Dakota's wonderful teenage body in her school dress, her big boobs straining the blue fabric, her feet clad in black Mary Jane shoes and white ankle socks looking so cute. He thought about the naked delights that her school uniform covered, his mouth going open and a dreamy look on his face, completely forgetting that he was stuck in the body of her boyfriend.

Dakota, becoming more and more convinced that something funny was going on, looked at her brother and became even more overcome with a feeling of disquiet. He was staring at her, looking at her in a creepy way, checking her out. No, that couldn't be it, but why the fuck was he staring at her?

"What the fuck are you staring at Richie?" snapped Dakota.

"Oh am, nah, dunno, nothing Dakota," stammered Troy.

"Make sure it is nothing, and don't look at me like that ever again," spat the freaked out Dakota. She looked back and forth from Troy to Richie and back again. "Something funny is going on this morning, and whatever it is you'd better stop it now, both of you. Now Richie, will you get ready for school? I have a netball team meeting and I can't be waiting around for you to get your arse in the car."

"Okay Sis," said Troy, this simple comment attracting more suspicion from Dakota as Richie never called her 'Sis'. The schoolgirl went on her way mumbling and grumbling under her breath, very suspicious about what the fuck was happening today.

In Richie's bedroom, Troy found it strange to be putting on a school uniform again as he attired himself in Richie's uniform. He glanced around the bedroom, thinking about how much Richie liked science fiction and fantasy, posters from these genres adorning the walls.

With Troy now dressed and prepared to head off to school in Richie's place, the trio of teenagers made their way to Troy's car, passing Doug and Jodie Mitchell who sat in the kitchen finishing their breakfast before heading off to work.

"Did you notice anything strange about the kids today Jodie?" Doug asked.

"They're always strange Doug, but today it did seem really weird," agreed Jodie. "Even last night Richie was acting weird, like he was trying to hide something."

"What's with Troy and Richie hanging out together? They never do that. Dakota sure didn't seem impressed. And Troy called me Dad. Can you believe that? And nearly as strange, he never made that stupid joke he always makes when he sees me."

Jodie let out a sardonic laugh. "Maybe he and Dakota are planning to get married and he's getting in practice? I hope not, that's all this family needs. And Richie called me Jodie. He's never called me Jodie before, and if he does it again he'll get a smack around the head. Little smart arse."

"Something does seem off this morning, but just what it is I can't work it out," said Doug as he and Jodie washed their breakfast dishes and looked out of the kitchen window at the grey and humid Brisbane morning.

"So long as Dakota doesn't get pregnant that's the main thing," said Jodie.

"Maybe things will be more normal at work?" Doug suggested hopefully. His face darkened as he recalled one of his patients scheduled for today. "Or maybe not, I've got an appointment with that kid who is a self-appointed anti-vaccination crusader who kicked me in the balls last week."

"I know how you feel Doug," said Jodie. "I've got an appointment for this kid whose mother insists on going in with him and holding his hand while he's in the chair, which wouldn't be so bad if the kid wasn't 13-years-old. Thirteen! You think he'd be embarrassed, but one time he cried because she had to go and answer a call on her phone. For fuck's sake."

Jodie and Doug headed out for their garage, and after a kiss goodbye the husband and wife made their respective drives to work, each thinking about the strange events this morning and wondering whatever was going to happen next.


In the front passenger seat of Troy's car, Dakota also wondered what the fuck was going on this morning. If it wasn't bad enough that her nerd of a twin brother was in the back of the car happily munching on a muesli bar, her boyfriend drove like a learner driver. It would have been quicker to fucking walk to school than have Troy drive her painfully slowly and coming to complete stops at roundabouts rather than slowing down to gauge the traffic flow and then proceeding again with painful slowness. It was like her learner brother driver was at the wheel, but of course he was not. Richie was sitting in the back of the car grinning a vacant grin, painfully unaware that two is company, three a crowd.