Bollywood Fashion Fiasco Ch. 01

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Pooja Hegde meets Romeo but how.
4.5k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/09/2020
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Pooja Hegde stepped out into the limelight. Cameramen focused on her, photographers started clicking non-stop. She was wearing a unique gown that was like a miniskirt up to her thighs but there was a long skirt that only went around the back half of her body. This long skirt was almost sheer and reached to her feet. On the top the dress was a strappy design with one ethnic strap and the other strap being a thin white cord with beads around it. It was a think silk material that hugged her body nicely and showed her gorgeous figure to advantage.

The silver and white mix colour of the dress worked well with Pooja's tanned complexion. Her hair was loose and hanging in the back, flowing behind her as she walked the ramp in typical model catwalk. Her 6" high heels were showing her long legs beautifully and making her posture look ultra sexy. She walked with a confident gait and looked over at the crowd in front of her.

Her long silver earrings that dangled from her ears caught the camera flashes and dazzled as she walked. It is customary for models to maintain a sombre, neutral expression, but even this early in her career Pooja was well-known for her smile. She had only done two films so far but her beauty and talent were already being talked about. She smiled at the cameras as she walked down the ramp with her hands on her hips.

Suddenly her smile turned into an expression of alarm as a corner of the long skirt caught on the tip of her pointed heel and she felt her balance tipping. She tried to push her foot forward to find a new purchase on the runway but the heel still stuck in the skirt fabric caused her knee to bend. When her foot landed on the runway the angle was very wrong, her ankle twisted and she fell toward the left side of the runway. To her panicked mind it all seemed to be happening in slow motion. Her body was turned upside down and she was looking up at the stage lights as she was falling back off the runway.

With a jerk her downward progress came to a halt and to her immense relief instead of falling on the solid ground with a heavy thud, Pooja found herself supported by two strong arms, holding her like Superman catches Lois Lane as she falls from a skyscraper.

The stranger who had caught her was still holding her. Pooja tried to find a place to put her foot down so she could relieve him of his burden. She screamed as her foot touched the runway.

"Hold still. Don't do anything!" The man said and laid her gently down on the runway on her back. Pooja felt him straighten her left leg and she yelped in pain.

"Your ankle is twisted. You need to go to the hospital." The man said whose face she could not see because the lights from above were right in her eyes. He then turned to someone behind her and said "Kareena, call an ambulance."

Even in her current state, Pooja recognised the voice of Kareena Kapoor "Sir, I have called, they are saying it will take one hour."

"Bullshit! She is in pain, she needs attention now." He picked Pooja in his arms again "We'll take her ourselves."

Now that the adrenalin was ebbing, Pooja could feel the pain in her ankle. It was taking all her focus and she was becoming less conscious of her surroundings. She could hear some female voices telling people to move out of the way. The same man was still carrying her, she guessed it was through the crowd of spectators. Then they were outside. She could feel the cold air on her skin. Sound of a car door opening.

"Kareena, you sit in the back, Katrina, you too. Kat, you keep her leg elevated and away from the car door. I will be driving fast. Nanavati is not far."

Pooja could feel her eyes closing completely. She was losing consciousness. The pain was unbearable. The last thing she remembered before passing out was that the car she was in was moving very fast.


She came to in a hospital bed.

"Where am I?" It didn't strike her odd to ask the quintessential patient question used in thousands of Bollywood movies. She remembered going for a fashion show for Rina Dhaka in Sun N Sand hotel. But this was not the hotel.

"You are in the Nanavati Hospital. Don't worry, you are ok." A nurse said.

The door opened and Pooja's mouth opened wide as Romeo entered. Just like anyone who was anyone in the film industry, Pooja also knew that Romeo was a hotshot director and filmmaker. He was arguably the most powerful man in the industry. He was well-known for...well, he was well-known for many things like his penchant for picking projects that made insane amounts of money, his way of taking risks on completely new actors, his habit of supporting industry people. But what he was notorious for was that he kept a steady harem of the most beautiful girls in the industry as his live-in whores.

In Bollywood there were people who were in awe of him, there were some who were jealous of him, possibly some who hated him as well, but there was noone who didn't envy him at some level. For upcoming actresses he was a god gift because he could literally make them overnight stars if he liked them. But catching his eye, getting close to him, becoming one of his possessions, that was not easy. There was an expression among the strugglers in the industry that your chances of meeting God were better than your chances of getting time alone with Romeo.

Pooja herself had been trying for a while to meet him. She had sent her portfolio to his office. She had called his studios and asked for an appointment. Both were things that every upcoming starlet did on arriving in Bombay. When Pooja's first film had been released she had hoped that Romeo would come. The producers had invited him, of course. She knew that as the main female lead of the film she would get to spend at least a little time with Romeo if he came. But it was a slim hope. Everybody invited Romeo to their events. Because of the sheer volume of invitations, there were only a few that Romeo could attend. He had not come to the premiere of her first or second movie.

Recently, someone had told Pooja a secret about Romeo. Another upcoming actress and model, Ruhi Singh, had whispered to her in the secrecy of the green room that there was a room in Romeo's mansion where a girl could go and hope to meet Romeo if she had the patience to wait long enough. She had told Pooja it was called the Meat Locker. But she had also only heard of it. Supposedly there was some protocol like passwords etc. to get in. Ruhi was going to find out the password and tell Pooja in a day or two.

But here he was, right in front of her, in the flesh. Hold on, Pooja told herself, how do I know this is real? What is more likely that Romeo dropped everything to come and visit her in the hospital or that the doctors gave her some powerful painkiller drugs and she is dreaming? The dreaming, she decided. She looked at the two girls flanking him - Kareena Kapoor and Katrina Kaif. Equally ridiculous. Why would two of the most successful actresses of Bollywood come to her hospital bed. She could not reach them to get an autograph in reality. But in hallucination, everything is possible.

"How are you feeling, Pooja?" Romeo asked.

Now Pooja was sure it was a hallucination. How could Romeo know her name? She had never met him. She knew his name, but he was famous.

"You are not real." Pooja told him. How dare this hallucination try to fool her.

Romeo smiled "I am not?"

Pooja shook her head "You are not. You are just a dream. Chemical locha in my brain."

"Okay. Well, can you tell this dream how you are feeling?" Romeo asked, the smile still lingering on his lips.

"Why should I? I don't talk to dreams." Pooja refused his request.

The nurse who had been watching, now said "Sir, she's under painkillers. She is okay. Only her ankle has been sprained."

"Oh, thank god." Romeo said. Now Pooja was sure this was a hallucination. She had read in a magazine that Romeo was an atheist. Why would he thank god. She turned her face away.

"When can she can go home? Do you need to keep her overnight?" Romeo asked the nurse.

"Actually, no, Sir. We don't need to keep her overnight. We are just running some tests. The doctor wants to be sure there's no concussion. Then she can go. Maybe one hour, maximum two."

"That is so good to hear. Thank you, sister."

The nurse pouted "Sir, at least you don't call me sister."

She was a cute girl in her late 20's. Romeo smiled and patted her cheek "Thank you, darling." She smiled.


"I just want to make sure that there is somebody to take care of her, then we can go." Romeo explained to Kareena and Katrina.

"Did I say I am bored?" Kareena said, putting her hands on her hips "Did either of us complain?"

Romeo laughed.

Kareena continued "You might not know this. But for us, home is wherever you are."

Supporting her with a nod, Katrina added "We can stay here till the morning if you want."

"Good whores." Romeo smiled.

"Is she ok, Sir?" Madhuri said, walking up with a tray of coffee cups. She handed one to Romeo.

"Yes, yes. Just a sprained ankle thankfully. She will be fine. They are running some tests for concussion etc. then she can go home."

"That is a relief. Lucky girl." Madhuri said.

"Lucky? Super lucky!" Kareena said holding her coffee cup "If Sir wasn't there, she could have died tonight. Did you notice that people actually fell back when she stumbled?"

Madhuri shook her head ruefully "Yes, I saw. It is said. More people were snapping photos and video than actually trying to help her. It's the sad story of our society."

"We can change the society only by changing ourselves, darling. One example is better than a thousand discourses." Romeo said "Hey, isn't Jimmy in this hospital as well?"

"Jimmy, Sir?" Katrina asked.

"Yes, our stuntman. We came to see him last week. I am sure it was this hospital, though not this floor, I think. Bebo, go and find out, pet. Jimmy Denza, which room is he in."

"Okay, Sir."

Kareena had walked as far as the bend in the corridor when Romeo called "Bebo, stop, I remember now. It was 9th floor."

She stopped there and Romeo, Katrina and Madhuri walked up to her because the lift was in that direction.

"I remember now because we had a whole discussion about what would happen if somebody swapped the number 9 and number 6 on the lift control panel. It was floor 9."

When they got to floor 9, it was all test labs with no patient rooms. Romeo smiled a weak smile "It was 6 probably."

On the 6th floor, as soon as they got out of the lift, Romeo immediately knew where the room was.

They passed a nurses station "Sir, please! The visiting hours are over." A nurse called out.

Romeo stopped and turned to face the nurse. "I am sorry I didn't think about the visiting hours. Could you tell me..."

"Oh Sir. It's you!" The nurse exclaimed as she recognised the famous director "I am sorry, Sir. I didn't recognise you. Who do you want to visit?"

"Jimmy is on this floor, isn't he, Jimmy Denza?"

"Oh yes, sir. I can show you." The nurse said leading down the corridor.

"Well, I don't want to bother him if it's not in visiting hours." Romeo hesitated.

"Don't worry about that, sir." The nurse made a dismissive gesture "He talks about you a lot. He will be happy to see you."

They followed the nurse. Outside the patient's room, she said "It's better if you go in alone, sir. Not good to crowd the patient."

"If only one person can go in, then one of them can go in" Romeo said, indicating his three smoking hot sluts "I am sure he would prefer to see a pretty face rather than my ugly mug."

"Oh okay!" The nurse rolled her eyes "You can all go in, but don't tell anybody."

"Thank you, sister." Romeo said, then quickly corrected "Thank you, sweetheart."

The nurse smiled.

Kareena found the light switch by the door and turned it on. The patient on the bed opened his eyes.

"Can we come in, Jimmy?" Kareena asked.

"Oh, hi, Bebo ma'am. Please come. Sir, too, Madhuri ma'am. Katrina ma'am." Jimmy gushed "What a pleasant surprise to see you all!"

"So, how are you, Jimmy?" Romeo said "How's the old body?"

He was a stuntman for Romeo's studio and during a shoot he had had a bad fall. He had broken some ribs and hurt an ankle.

"Getting better, Sir. The ribs are almost fully healed, the foot will take a few more days." Jimmy reported.

"That's good news." Romeo said.

"Wow, you are all so dressed up. Just to come and see me?" Jimmy said with a grin.

"No, we were here for another reason." Kareena and Katrina told Jimmy about their evening.

"Oh, too bad she got hurt. I have seen her before. She's a lovely girl. Always sweet to everybody. Lucky you were there, Sir, huh?"

"That's what I said." Kareena said.

"Kareena, seeing how Jimmy got hurt working on your film, isn't it your duty to make him feel better?"

"Yes, Sir. You are absolutely right." Kareena immediately got his meaning.

"Gosh, are you serious, Sir?" Jimmy's eyes opened wide.

"Just your ankle needs time, right? Rest of you all ok? The old heart ticking along fine? Kareena is very skilled." Romeo told him.

"Everything else a-one condition, Sir." Jimmy grinned.

"Well then, enjoy. I will see you later." Romeo said and started to make his way to the door.

"Thank you so much, Sir." Jimmy said.

"You are welcome. Bebo, we will wait outside. Take your time."

"Okay, Sir."

Even before Romeo had reached the door, Kareena moved to Jimmy's side and put her head under his blanket. He was already hard.

Romeo told the nurse outside "Don't go in for about 20 minutes."

The nurse looked at Romeo and noticed that Kareena had not come out. Her mouth opened wide "Sir!"

With a wink, Romeo told her "He's good kid. Let him live a little."

Shaking her head in her professional manner, the nurse said "Yes, Sir."

"Madhu, remind me in the morning to send a bigass basket of chocolates and pastries here for the nurses. The nurses here are amazing."

"Why, thank you so much, Sir!" The nurse said "You are so sweet."

"It's my pleasure."


This time when they went back to Pooja's room, the doctor was there.

He gave them a summary of her condition "There is no concussion, nothing wrong with her at all, except the sprained ankle. We have put a cast on it so she doesn't put any weight on it, it should be fine in a week. Then the cast can come off. You can take her home now."

"Fantastic news, doctor." Romeo shook hands with the doctor "Thank you so much."

The doctor nodded and left.

"Madhu, you go and settle the bill, I will get our patient ready." Romeo said.

"Ok, Sir." Madhuri went toward the billing counter, Katrina and Kareena stayed with Romeo.

Pooja was feeling much more lucid this time.

"I am sorry Sir, I think I called you a hallucination last time. I was under the drugs." Pooja said as she saw Romeo.

"You called me a dream, darling." Romeo corrected her "I took it as a compliment."

Her cheeks flushed. "Still I am sorry, Sir."

"No problem at all. How are you feeling?" Romeo asked.

"I am fine, Sir. Doctor said it's just a sprain. It will get better in a week." Pooja said.

"That's perfect. He says you are fit enough to go home now. So, we will drop you home."

"Oh, no, Sir. I don't want to impose. You have already done so much for me. I saw on the TV. You literally saved my life. They did an angle extrapolation thing with the video in slow motion and the reporter was saying if you had not caught me I would have hit a corner of a chair and probably died on the spot."

"Don't believe everything you watch on the TV. It's their job to make everything look more dramatic. But I am happy that you are safe and you didn't break any chairs with your head. Let's get you dressed and ready. Where do you live?"

"Andheri West, Sir. But seriously, Sir. I can take a cab. You don't need to travel so far at night. I have taken so much of your time already."

"Nonsense. I won't leave you until you are at home and settled. Is there someone at home who can take care of you?"

"Um, no sir. I live with a housemate, but she's gone to her native place in Bangalore for a month."

"And your parents?"

"They live in Delhi, Sir."

"So, there's nobody at home to take care of you?" Romeo asked.

"I will be fine, Sir. It's not that bad. And I have a maid who comes in the morning to cook."

"Hmmm." Romeo made a decision "You are coming with me."

"Oh, no, Sir. I don't want to be a burden on you."

Romeo bent over Pooja's bed and looked into her eyes "I am not asking you, girl, I am telling you."

Pooja blushed. "Yes, Sir." She knew that that was the only acceptable response.

Madhuri came back after paying the bill. Katrina found a wheelchair for Pooja. Kareena gathered her stuff.

Once again Pooja protested about the wheelchair and gave in when Romeo ordered. Romeo pushed her wheelchair himself and they left the hospital.


At Romeo's, Pooja was overwhelmed not just by how big and luxurious his house was but how much fuss Romeo and everybody else made about her.

He saw to it that she was fed and comfortably settled in one of the spare rooms on the ground floor so she would not have to climb any stairs. Then he went into his home office. It was not yet midnight and Romeo sometimes worked until morning if there was urgent work to be done. Right now he was working on the Oscar Bait project and there were a lot of things to be done.

"Whores, how much did we finish of the news campaign plan?" Romeo asked taking his seat.

"India plan was about half done, Sir." Madhuri said. She was now wearing a thin sheer, short nightie that just barely covered her butt. They had all changed into nightwear so they were comfortable as well as fully accessible to their boss any time he wanted to nail them.

"Hmm, lot of work then." He slipped his hand between Madhuri's legs and slowly caressed her thighs while Kareena, Katrina and Madhuri all worked on spreading open the papers they were going to work from. There were details of newspapers, TV channels, reporters etc. in these papers that Romeo was going to use in making a plan to get maximum exposure for Oscar Bait.

Madhuri opened her legs wider so that his hand had full freedom to play with her as he wanted. She was already quite wet from staying near Romeo and her pussy would start dripping any moment now.

Aishwarya entered the office and said "Good evening, Sir."

"Hi cunt!" Romeo looked at her "I told you to work with Juhi Chaturvedi on your character when she goes to the US. Have you started?"

"Yes, Sir." Aishwarya said "We have workshopped it and Juhi has created 3 different timelines. She would like to, both of us would like to, get your decision on which one to use."

"Call her over tomorrow afternoon." Romeo said while his hand played with Madhuri's bare pussy under her nightie, causing her to moan.

"Yes, Sir." Aishwarya said and stayed in place.

Suddenly Romeo slapped Madhuri's ass and commanded "Spread!"

Immediately Madhuri bent over his desk placing her upper body on top of the papers that were spread on the desktop and spread her legs wide. She pulled her nightie up so it was bunched around her waist, baring her pussy and ass.

Romeo got up from his chair, dropped his pajama bottoms and took his cock in his hand. His huge cock was already quite hard and long. He pressed open Madhuri's wet pussy lips and slid his thick beast smoothly into her tight cunt. She moaned.

He grabbed her by the hair, pressed her face to the desk and started drilling her tight cunt with long, powerful strokes. Her moans started to fill the room. Romeo signalled Kareena and she came and knelt between his legs on the floor. While he fucked Madhuri's wet, hot cunt, Kareena licked his shaft as it went in and of Madhuri's hole.