Bollywood Fashion Fiasco Ch. 09


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"Oh fuck!" Prachi wailed "My last chance!"

"So, don't be a fool. Make sure you are there Wednesday night, dressed like a slut, ready to be drilled by Sir all night."

Prachi nodded her head "I will make sure of it. Thank you, Kajal."

"You are welcome." Kajal said "Just don't tell anyone I told you, ok? I will get in trouble."

Prachi promised to keep Kajal's secret.


Romeo came down the stairs and was walking across the club to go back to his table when he again heard behind him "Sir! Sir! Sir!" in a feminine voice. He stopped and turned wondering if Jaffri had another daughter who wanted to be an actress.

But it was some random girl, very pretty but unknown to Romeo, who was rushing to catch up with him.

"Sir, hi!" She said and stopped to catch her breath.

"Hi yourself, darling." He said "Are you ok?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you." She said "Sir, it's my friend's birthday. And she's a big fan of yours. We were just about to cut her cake when I saw you. Sir, it would be an amazing surprise for her if you could come for a minute and wish her happy birthday. Please?"

After delivering her whole speech, the girl fell silent and looked at him expectantly.

"Sure, why not?" Romeo smiled. The girl beamed.

"Thank you so much, Sir." She led the way "I am Jasmin Sir, Jasmin Bhasin, my friend's name is Shanvi Srivastava. We are all huge fans of yours."

"Nice to meet you, Jasmin."

"Please come, Sir." Jasmin led him into a private room off the main floor where there were 10 girls gathered around a big table which held a big birthday cake.

As soon as Romeo entered there were loud squeals of excitement and disbelief. Shanvi, it turned out, was even hotter than Jasmin. She had a sweet oval-shaped face, long dark brown hair with highlights and big beautiful eyes that made her look very innocent. The number on the cake said 26 though Romeo would have not guessed her more than 22.

She was wearing a tight red strapless cotton minidress that fit her young, shapely body very snugly and showed her curves to advantage. There was a slit in the neckline which was open wide and showed a large portion of her big, milky white breasts. There was a zipper that was supposed to control how much of that slit could be opened and at the moment, Shanvi had it down to the point just below her breasts so the cleavage was deep enough to show that she was not wearing a bra. But she hardly needed one.

On her legs the dress came down to her mid-thighs, then her long, well-toned legs were fully bare and her feet were encased in 7" high heels that had sequins on the straps.

Her smile was wide and beautiful as she stepped forward to meet Romeo and hugged him tight.

"It is the most wonderful birthday, Sir, because you are here." She said in his ear "Thank you so much."

"My pleasure, darling." Romeo gently squeezed her soft body in his arms. Her breasts were firm and hot.

Jasmin started to do introductions "Sir, this is Rashi Khanna, this is Garima Parihar..." but she gave up when she found that she was hardly being heard over the girls' excited chatter and they were more interested in hugging Romeo anyway.

"Let me guess, you girls are models, or actresses." Romeo said looking around at the bevy of beautiful girls, each one hotter than the last.

"Neither at the moment, Sir." Rashi said "But we are doing our struggle to do both. Shanvi has done some modelling, and Jasmin has done a shoot, but the rest of us are still trying."

"Well, I am sure you will all make it." Romeo said "From what I can see here, you are top class material. We need such beautiful pieces in the business."

"Aww, thank you, Sir." They all thanked him in their words.

They cut the cake and sang the song. On Jasmin's request, Romeo fed Shanvi the first piece.

"Now, my turn, Sir." Shanvi broke off a little piece of the cake with her fingers, placed it on the tip of her tongue and stuck her tongue out. The girls made a "Oooh!" noise.

Romeo laughed "You are not as innocent as you look."

Shanvi leaned forward. Romeo leaned in and took her tongue in his mouth. He placed his hand behind her head and pulled her in for a proper kiss. The piece of cake was soon melted by the heat of the kiss as Shanvi pressed her soft, plump lips against Romeo's hot lips and took his tongue into her mouth. The girls didn't make a noise as Shanvi wrapped her arms around his neck and sucked his tongue hungrily. Romeo squeezed her soft, warm body in his arms, his hands rubbing her soft back. Shanvi pressed her tits on his chest, her body so completely in his control like there was nobody around them. There was a loud, collective exhale when Romeo slowly pulled back after a long, hot kiss.

"Fuck, I am wet now!" Jasmin said as Shanvi and Romeo broke the passionate, breathless kiss.

"I was just going to say," Rashi said "I need to change my panties now."

Romeo smiled. He cupped Shanvi's cheek and said "Happy birthday again, Shanvi, it was wonderful to meet you."

"Thank you so much, Sir." Shanvi said.

Romeo said bye to the girls and left.

He had not even gone twenty steps before he heard someone running after him in high heels. He stopped and turned to look. It was Shanvi.

"Sir," she said as she came close "I...I don't want to impose...I mean you were so nice to come to my birthday, it was amazing...but...I mean...may be I feel lucky because of that, or no, maybe I am drunk but...I mean, Sir...Sir, can I see you again some time?"

Romeo tilted his head "See me again, like you want to come to the studio for a screen-test or...?"

"No, Sir." Shanvi shook her head "I mean, just like...see you again. Maybe I can buy you a coffee?"

He nodded and looked around. There was a marker pen on a table where someone had written a birthday card and left the pen. He picked it up. Stepping close to Shanvi, he pulled down her dress zipper all the way that it could go. Her big, heavy breasts almost spilled out of the dress. Romeo wrote across her bare chest with the marker. Shanvi stood still and held her breath.

"This is my personal secretary Urvashi's number." He said "Call her tomorrow and tell her you are the birthday girl from the club. She will tell you when I am free this week." He dropped the pen back on the table.

Shanvi beamed "That's fantastic, Sir. You just made my day."

"My pleasure." Romeo reached inside her dress and held her soft, warm breasts in his hands "They are spectacular."

"Thank you, Sir." Shanvi said "I have been told they taste great, Sir."

Romeo looked into her eyes "Is that so?"

"Mhmmm." She nodded.

Half of her right breast was covered in his writing but the left breast wasn't. Romeo lifted it up in his hand, leaned down and closed his mouth around her erect nipple. Shanvi moaned as he slowly sucked the warm, succulent breast into his mouth. He teased her nipple with her tongue and Shanvi squirmed.

"They are not wrong." Romeo said as he straightened up "Delicious!"

Shanvi smiled "I must say, you know how to get a girl hungry."

"I know how to feed a girl, too." He smiled.

"Hopefully, I will find out soon for myself." She looked into his eyes.

"I am sure you will."

"Sir, Jasmin would die if I don't share the number with her. I mean I owe her for bringing you to my party. Would you mind if I..?"

"Bring her with you." Romeo said "She's a good girl. I like meeting good girls."

"Oh, thank you so much, Sir."

"You can share the number with all your friends in the party. I know some people in the industry. Perhaps I can assist them in their struggle."

"Aw, that is so sweet, Sir." Shanvi said "Now I know why everybody loves you."

He pulled her zipper up "See you soon?"

"Yes, Sir." She held his hand and stopped him from pulling the zipper too high "I can't risk it, Sir. I will get Jasmin to take a picture first."

"Okay." He leaned in and kissed her softly then said bye.

He was smiling as he walked back to his table. He was thinking how often he found nice pieces when he wasn't even looking.


Aishwarya looked at Ileana standing alone and said "I am going to the ladies', want to give me company?"

"Sure. Love to. "

There was no chance in the world that Ileana would say no to anything the Miss World asked. She was not only Miss World, she was also Romeo's whore. Ileana would walk through hell for a chance to suck up to her.

When they were climbing the stairs inside the club, Aishwarya said "You are not buying this calendar slots, non-sense, are you?"

Ileana was shocked "Non-sense? Why?"

"Ah, you young, trusting girls." Aishwarya shook her head and muttered "You, young, trusting, dumb girls."

She pushed open the door to the ladies' toilet and walked in. Ileana rushed behind her.

"What...what do you mean?"

Aishwarya turned to face there "It's all a con game, baby. There are no three slots. There is only one slot."

Ileana felt her head spinning "What?" But Aishwarya ignored her and went into a stall. Ileana went into the next stall and closed the door. But she just stood there and waited to hear Aishwarya come out. As soon she heard the door open on the next stall, she counted to three then came out herself. Aishwarya was washing her hands.

"You were saying it's a con game?" Ileana washed her hands too "What kind of con game?"

Aishwarya washed her hands then dried them. She came back to stand in front of the wash basin and started to fix her make up in the mirror.

"Is Sir not looking for new whores?" Ileana asked eagerly "Is that it?"

With a sigh, Aishwarya dropped her lipstick back in her purse and turned to Ileana.

"You know how directors always give us girls the story about you have to give something to get something, and it's all a compromise, right?"

"All the time. I have heard it so many times, I know it by heart." Ileana said "They are just basically trying to bang us."

"Exactly. With Sir, it's exactly the opposite. He has more pussy than he can fuck in a month of Sundays and still a long line of girls who want to be his whores."

"Oh yes, I know that. That's why it's such a lucky break for us." Ileana said.

"No," Aishwarya shook her head "not for 'us'. It's a lucky break for one of you. Only one."

Ileana looked like she would cry "Only one?"

"Yes, because there are so many girls looking to be his whores, Sir only picks the hottest and the best. And the smartest." Aishwarya said "And tonight he thinks that's you."

"Me?" Ileana was shocked again "Really?"

"Well, Sir hates shorts on girls, and still who out of all three had his fingers in her cunt first."

"Yes, that was me." Ileana accepted.

"Even when he was fucking Kajal, who was bent over next to her and riding his fingers?"

"Me, that was me."

"It wasn't one of your two friends, was it?" Aishwarya reminded her.

"No, he picked me first, grabbed my ass and fingered my cunt."

"So, who did he think was the hottest?"

"Right. That was me. He liked me." Ileana beamed.

"Yes, but if you are not there in the first slot," Aishwarya pointed out "what will he think?"

"That I didn't want to be his whore badly enough!" Ileana saw the light now.

"Smart girl." Aishwarya said.

"Oh shit. I have to be the first." Ileana said "I have to be the first one!"

"Yes, you do." Aishwarya said "Just don't tell anyone I told you Sir's secret, ok? You will get me in trouble with my owner."

The thought of getting her benefactor in trouble with her owner was horrifying to Ileana. She swore to protect the secret.


"I am sorry, I am so sorry." Wamiqa said, pulling her earlobes "Please forgive me."

"Why? What are you sorry for?" Angira said "You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't tell any lies. Why are you apologising?"

"Look, I didn't know you were with Romeo Sir." Wamiqa was pleading while Angira was packing up her stuff from the staff room "I needed an excuse to go into the boss' office while Romeo Sir was there."

"So, you sacrificed my job." Angira said "Well, how did that work out for you, Wamiqa?"

"I knew boss was not going to fire you." Wamiqa said "Look, you can slap me if you want. Punch me, ok, just not on the face."

"No thanks. I have no desire to punch you." Angira picked up her bag.

"Please forgive me, yaar, I am begging you." Wamiqa blocked Angira's path and literally folded her hands in the universal gesture of submission.

"It's not my forgiveness that you want, is it?" Angira said "What do you want, Wamiqa? Come on, say it."

" already know it. Please take me with you to his office. Please introduce me."

"Yes, that's what you really want, isn't it?"

"I do, and I am really sorry. But we have been good friends here."

Angira scoffed, but she knew that for the most part Wamiqa had been alright.

"Please, Angira, I know you are a good person, you will help me. Please."

"Look, Wam, I am not even in myself yet. He has said he will test me and if I do well, I may end up as his property."

"That will be awesome." Wamiqa said "I am so happy for you."

"Yes, it will be." Angira agreed "But I am not there yet. But if I do end up as his property, I will ask him to check you out. That's all I can do."

"Aw, that's awesome. That's more than enough." Wamiqa hugged her "Thank you, Angira. Thank you so much."

"Sure. I am off. Wish me luck."

"Good luck. You will be great."

Angira left the staff room, smiling. Tonight had been fantastic.


Romeo met a few more girls there. Kareena had picked a couple of nice pieces and Amol brought over a lovely girl that he thought Romeo would like. Romeo checked them out but didn't use them yet. It was almost 2 am when he told his party to wrap up.

It was part of the deal in going out partying with Romeo that people could not get too drunk to behave, and they still had to follow his orders. When he snapped his fingers, everybody obeyed.

Jaffri came down to say farewell to him personally. Hina was with him. She took the chance to kiss Romeo goodbye. She hugged him tight, her full breasts pressing on his chest in that skimpy dress, her bare thighs rubbing on his thighs as she pressed her hot, red lips on his lips. Romeo squeezed her in his arms and found that she was soft, but firm, he let his hand slide down to her butt and squeezed it hard. Hina moaned and parted her lips. As he licked her bottom lip, she licked his tongue, inviting it to enter her mouth.

If she remembered that her father was standing two feet behind her and watching, it did not show in her actions. She boldly sucked the hotshot director's tongue into her mouth and ground her hips, rubbing her pussy on his crotch. Her tits were crushed so hard on his chest that her heartbeat was mixing with his. Romeo kept one hand on her ass, his fingers squeezing her bare flesh as they curled around the ridiculously short hem of the micromini dress, he pushed the other hand into her hair and fucked her mouth with his tongue. Hina showed complete submission to him, keeping her lips open for her tongue and pressing her lips into him for a steaming hot kiss.

When he broke the breathless kiss, Hina hugged him tight and whispered in his ear "I am so looking forward to be under you next week, Sir."

"I would be my pleasure to break you and tame you like a bitch, darling." He said in her ear.

"Thank you very much, Sir." Hina said as she finally, reluctantly, stepped back.

Romeo was delayed one more minute as a crazy fan came out of the crowd and wanted to have a selfie. He posed for a selfie with her then exited out the door.

"What was he saying in your ear?" Jafri asked Hina.

"He said he would make me his bitch next week when I go to his studio." Hina said casually.

"So, you think you have a chance?"

"Abbu, this is my best shot. If he claims me, I will be in."

"His bitches live with him," Jaffri pointed out "like these girls tonight."

"That would be a dream come true, Abbu." Hina said.

"You will need to become a vegetarian." Jaffri reminded him "I did my research about him."

"I will eat grass if I can become a heroine." Hina said with determination "And only his household is vegetarian, his girls can eat whatever they like outside. You didn't do full research."

"Well, I could only help this much, girl." Jaffri said "Now it's up to you, how you impress him. But yes, I can see this is your best chance. He has never launched a girl who didn't become a successful heroine."

"Exactly, Abbu. If he took me in his hand..." Hina said wistfully, then added "Ok, Abbu, I am going home, I need to find my sluttiest dresses. Urvashi already told me to report to the studio tomorrow."


"Yes. I need to have screen test first and she said his assistant can do it tomorrow if I can get there before lunch."

She kissed her dad and left quickly.


"So, do they know the importance of the first slot?" Romeo said when they were in the car.

Kajal said "Yes, Sir. They know that the first slot is the only one that is any good."

"Aish, you didn't improvise this time, did you, whore?"

"No, Master," Aishwarya said "I stuck to the script this time."

"Good whore." He patted her shoulder "Ur!"

"Yes, Sir?" Urvashi said.

"Cancel their appointments tomorrow evening." Romeo said.

"Only if they don't call by then, right, Sir?"

"Yes, my dumb cunt," Romeo laughed as he grabbed Urvashi's hair and laid her down in his lap. He leaned down and kissed her lips.

"Sorry, Sir." Urvashi said "I am running this scam the first time."

Romeo pushed her strapless dress down and kneaded her soft, bare tits in his large hand.

"Don't call it a scam." He smiled "Call it a test of character."

"Mmmmm yes, Sir." Urvashi said as she felt his hand exciting her, making her tits hard.


"I have met him before." Prachi said.

"That's no reason that you should go first." Rhea said.

"But this is my second chance." Prachi protested "I won't get a third one."

"You can go on Saturday, that's still your second chance."

"Then he will think I don't care enough to come in first." Prachi said "He wants me to come first. He was kneading my tits when we were standing there."

"Maybe he did," Rhea said "but his fingers were in me, in my cunt. He was fingering me the whole time we were talking."

"Hello? Did you bitches forget whose ass he grabbed first?" Ileana interrupted "Mine. And in shorts, no less. He obviously wants to nail me first."

"No way!" Rhea said.

"Yes way!" Ileana said "He was fingering my cunt even when he was fucking Kajal. And he had me lick him clean."

They were too busy facing each other on the small back seat that none of them paid any attention to the taxi driver. He looked at them in the rear view mirror, their slutty dresses, their party make up, beautiful faces, shapely bodies and their conversation.

"Must be in show business." He thought to himself.

[End of Part 9]

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Please get Prachi Desai fucked in both her holes in next story

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