Boob Man

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If you don't like boobs, pass on this.
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I, Derek Cosmos, consider myself a serious scientist. Others do not and derisively call me "Boob Man." You'll have to come to your own opinion.


Factors in favor of my estimation of myself are: 1) I have a PhD in human anatomy. Unlike male college undergraduate students who like to joke that their major is "female anatomy" in fact my PhD degree from Saint Louis University (SLU) is with a specialty in female anatomy, although my degree doesn't specifically say that. 2) I have consulted with bra manufacturers and designed several bras as well as an algorithm for fitting custom bras. In fact the royalties from the bras that I invented and patented, and my algorithm, have allowed me to have a very good lifestyle. 3) I teach female anatomy part time at two different universities, one in NYC and the other in the Chicago area.

Factors not in favor of my view of myself are: 1) my physiological reaction to certain types of breasts, 2) my preoccupation with breasts in my conversations with others, and 3) my failure at long-term relationships.


One project that I have had in the back of my mind since graduate school - which project I look upon as a combination of art and science - is a book that has photos of all different types of breasts and nipples. My ideal would be a photo of each classic type of breast with each classic type of nipples, although that's probably not realistic. While there is some dispute about breast types, my research has concluded that there are eleven distinctive types of breasts and six distinctive types of nipples.

The distinctive classic breast types are (in alphabetical order) archetypal, asymmetric, athletic, bell-shaped, close-set, conical, east-west, pendulous, round, slender, and tear drop. The distinctive classic nipple types are (also in alphabetical order) everted, flat, inverted, protruding, puffy, supernumery, and unilateral inverted. The distinctions between the various types can blur because, in reality, breasts are almost as unique as fingerprints, but it is possible to distinguish and appreciate each of the classic types.

The possibility for finally being able to achieve my goal of a combined art/science photobook came about when the economy hit a bad slump. I hired a female publicist who would also be present during interviews to help me draft and place advertisements and both protect me from fraudulent legal claims and to put the subjects at ease. I placed ads in publications and on websites that I thought would provide maximum exposure. While this included college and university publications and message boards, I specifically did not place them in places related to the universities I taught at and in a footnote specifically excluded students from those two universities.

While my publicist tailored the ads to the particular media in which they were placed, and modified them for NYC and Chicago which were the two areas we targeted, the basic ad read something like this: "Females aged 18-60 wanted for a scientific study related to breast types. $50 plus travel expenses paid for a personal inspection by a male-female team of scientists; significant negotiated additional compensation for photographs. Husbands or boyfriends are welcome to attend interviews. Call 800-xxx-xxxx or email for more information and to schedule a fifteen minute interview."

The response was overwhelming, including from the local police department sex squads. The police were easily mollified when they interviewed me and my female publicist and we offered to allow an officer to be present - although in a separate room so as not to invade the privacy of the subjects - which they declined.

The response was so significant that we realized that we had to do a little culling once we had an assortment so as not to be inundated with numerous women with the same characteristics. Therefore after the first twenty five subjects we sent emails to potential subjects with rough artistic sketches of the types of breasts that we needed.

The first twenty five subjects - all of whom had been told in advance that they would have to be topless during a short interview attended by both a male and female scientist (I called my publicist a scientist because it was a scientific endeavor - I never claimed that she had a scientific degree although her degree in college was art I could justify her educational credentials since this was a combined art/science project) had a fair amount of diversity. As far as breast type was concerned nine were archetypal, one asymmetric, two athletic, one bell-shaped, two close-set, two conical, zero east-west, three pendulous, two round, two slender, and one tear drop. As far as nipple types was concerned fourteen were everted, two flat, four inverted, two protruding, two puffy, zero supernumery and one unilateral inverted.

Even though all subjects were told that their husband or boyfriend could be present if they desired only two husbands showed up.

Since I had scheduled appointments fifteen minutes apart and since the interviews didn't really take fifteen minutes no one had to wait more than ten minutes from arrival to interview.

I was very sensitive in dealing with all of the women. I first gave them $50 plus their bus or subway fare in cash, then explained to them that our study had nothing to do with how great-looking their breasts were - that we were only seeking certain types and whether or not we called them back for a negotiated deal for photographs had nothing to do with the desirability of their breasts. That brought smiles to the faces of 24 of the 25. The 25th one was probably a stripper (or used to be) because she was exceptionally self-confident and had her shirt off even before I finished my talk. She was the pendulous one with everted nipples.

Of the first twenty five two of the archetypal breast types, one with everted nipples the other with inverted nipples, were definitely suitable for the photobook. Also suitable were one conical with everted nipples, one pendulous with puffy nipples, one pendulous with everted nipples, one bell-shaped with everted nipples, and one athletic with flat nipples.

I was able to make a deal with each of the seven for between $150 and $200 (plus transportation) for a half hour photoshoot. They were told that four photos of only their chest (and neck just below the chin) would be in the book, one frontal, one each from right and left, and one from the top. They were also told that they would be asked to clean their entire chest area with a cleansing wipe just before the photos but that we would not put makeup on or cover up birthmarks, etc. They each signed a complete release which I also signed and gave them a copy of. I let them review all of the photos before they left and deleted any that showed their chin, face, or stomach, or that they didn't like for some reason.

One thing that surprised me was how grateful and enthusiastic all of the women who I selected for the photobook were - except for the pendulous with everted nipples one who -rightly so - expected to be in it.


I worked in my quest to complete my book with my teaching, consulting, and research, over the next eighteen months. By then I had found almost every combination that I needed. There were quite a few embarrassing moments when I got stiffies when looking at a number of the bare tits. One embarrassment didn't turn out so badly, though.

My Chicago publicist couldn't make it one day when at my Chicago apartment I had scheduled three subjects who claimed (correctly it turned out) to be tear drop with inverted, asymmetric with everted, and pendulous with protruding. My publicist arranged to have her niece Joy - who was a first year graduate student in college - pinch hit for her. The niece, who was twenty four and married, turned out to have a strong and very flirtatious personality and a pleasant, though far from beautiful, face. All three of the subjects were near-perfect specimens and despite my best efforts it was impossible for me to rein in my treacherous cock. This was especially so for the pendulous with protruding nipples subject.

After the last subject left I attempted to have an intelligent conversation with Joy about contacting all three subjects that day to arrange for photoshoots. Joy kept looking at my crotch as I attempted to have the conversation. Finally she just walked up to me and grabbed my cock and testicles through my pants and said "Auntie M said that you get excited in some of these sessions Dr. Cosmos. I take it that the pendulous tits with protruding nipples subject really got you out of control."

I groaned and half-heartedly tried to push her hands away, but she was having none of it. "However, my pendulous tits with protruding nipples are even better than hers and I'm going to give you a chance to fuck them so that you'll be able to see that clearly," she chuckled with a diabolical grin.

With that she led me by my cock into my bedroom and once there quickly removed her top and bra. While I was staring at her pendulous tits with protruding nipples my cock was so hard that it hurt; actually, her tits were even better than the subject that afternoon that I was willing to negotiate a photoshoot with. Joy got on her knees, took off my pants and boxers, sucked my cock for a minute and then said "Now fuck my tits!"

I really am not into younger or married women; while I don't consider myself an especially moral person, I am ethical. This situation was well beyond my experience and it is probably because of that that I didn't just "go along" but participated with enthusiasm I have rarely had in my life. The fact that Joy was verbally spurring me on with gross talk, and was licking my glans every time that it got close to her mouth, ramped up my excitement to "frantic." It wasn't long before I was erupting like a volcano and cum was spewing all over her chin and chest.

As an expert in female anatomy I knew for a fact that many women achieve orgasm during a titty fuck, but I had never experienced it myself. I got to experience the joy of a female tit-orgasm from Joy. Her thrashing around in orgasm while I was spewing seminal fluid all over the place resulted in my comforter getting "juice" on it. I could really give a damn since this was one of the top ten sexual experiences of my life.

We finally disengaged and lay facing each other. Being an intelligent and out-there young woman the pillow talk was interesting. Of course she readily talked me into making her the pendulous tits with protruding nipples subject for my photobook. I really don't know why, but she was really excited by that; so excited that she made me another offer.

"If you agree to give me an autographed copy of the first edition of the photobook, Dr. Cosmos, and eat my pussy right now, I'll give you the fuck of a lifetime," she snickered.

" just did give me the fuck of a lifetime," I chuckled.

"The one with my pussy will be even better," she chuckled back.

Again, I really wanted to decline for both moral and ethical reasons, but once she started stroking my cock and playing with my testicles that plan was moot. While she quickly removed her lower garments and I disrobed completely, I got to work.

Vulvas, like breasts, are of many different types. While a photobook about them is not as practical as one about boobs, and while the different types are not as different as those of breasts, there are definitely about nine different types. Young Joy had almost classic long, dangling, inner lips. What she had that was unique was a small clitoral hood and a very large clitoris.

I was like a pig in shit as I stimulated her long, dangling, inner lips with my fingers, and sucked and licked and gummed her clitoral hood and outsized clitoris with my lips and tongue. It wasn't more than two minutes before she came like a bullet train. Despite her thrashing her climax didn't stop my stimulation. She came at least four more times - the last time begging me to stop - before I let up. By then she was barely more than a happy pile of protoplasm, her eyes fluttering as a satisfied grin was plastered on her face.

I didn't let her near comatose state stop me from my promised pussy fuck. By then my cock was as hard as it had been for the titty fuck. Despite the snugness of her pussy I penetrated her in one stroke she was so wet. She was too wiped out to really participate much as I reciprocated in and out while mauling her ponderous tits, although she did squeeze her pussy a few times. No matter, I really enjoyed myself as I overflowed her pussy with seminal fluid.

Ten minutes after my ejaculation I was standing up looking down at my handiwork. I do believe that young Joy may have been even more satisfied than I was - and that's saying something. It was obvious that she had fallen asleep and I saw no reason to wake her, so I put a sheet over her naked body. I then put my shorts back on, went into my office, and emailed the tear drop with inverted and asymmetric with everted to negotiate for a photoshoot; despite how perfect the pendulous with protruding had been, Joy was better, so I sent the pendulous with protruding a conciliatory decline.

I was working on a consulting project when about 90 minutes later a naked Joy walked into my office. With a big smile on her face she said "Now that you've had your way with me the least you can do is to wash off all of the cum you deposited on and in me Dr. Cosmos."

I smiled back.

Soon thereafter I was fucking her from behind in the shower while manipulating her ponderous tits. We finally did get all the cum washed off both of us, but I'm not sure that all of the cum inside her was removed.

Once Joy was fully dressed and ready to leave she said "Uh...Derek..." I told her that three fucks qualified her to call me by my first name instead of as Dr. Cosmos, "I want you to know that I'm not normally like this."

"You mean ultra sexy and about as good a fuck as a man could ask for?" I chuckled.

"No...I mean...well...I'm not normally a slut. I don't know why it was so important to me to make your boob book. I've only cheated on my husband once before and I'm going to feel guilty for a long time. Can you please make sure that you don't tell Auntie M - or anyone else for that matter - about this?" she pleaded.

"You mean don't tell them that you're going to be in the book?" I chortled. "I don't know what else you could mean. I did recently have a dream about plasma hot sex with a spectacular twenty four year old, but I never discuss my dreams with anyone."

She got a big smile, gave me a quick kiss (actually our first one facial lip to facial lip) then said "Let me know when you want to photograph me, and be sure that you don't forget that I get an autographed copy of the first run."

"You'll get more than that," I laughed.

Suddenly I was beat; I guess three hot fucks with a young energetic woman could be expected to wipe me out. I ate a quick meal and got into bed without changing the sheets. I could smell Joy's essence on the pillow case and that night I had some of the most pleasant dreams I could remember.


I had many pleasant remembrances of my afternoon with Joy. Despite the pleasure of my experience I did feel guilty that I had fucked a young married woman, so when it came time for Joy's photoshoot - which I did on the same day as two others - I made sure that her aunt was there so that it didn't result in a repeat. Joy was extremely pleased with how the four final photos of her tits came out and when her aunt wasn't looking gave me lecherous gazes.

I had gotten to the point where I had all of the examples that I could reasonably expect except for east-west tits with protruding nipples, east-west with puffy, and supernumery of any type. I was about to give up and just go with what I had when I got an email.

"Hi Derek:

My name is Lizbeth and I live in the Los Angeles area. I was visiting my sister in the Chicago area recently and I came across one of your ads regarding your photobook. I have very unique breasts and wonder whether you might be interested in including them in your book. Attached is an intentionally poor photo of my chest. If you have any interest let me know and if you're in the L. A. area we might be able to get together."

When I looked at the poor photo attached I was gobsmacked. Her tits were asymmetric (I'd estimate one a C cup, the other a D cup), east-west, one with a protruding nipple, the other a puffy nipple, and she had a third nipple, i. e. supernumery). I couldn't fucking believe it! Also, they looked nice and plump too.

I immediately called one of the companies that I consulted for and asked if there was any reason at all for me to be in Los Angeles. I offered to provide my services for free if they paid my expenses. They called back the next day and said that their Los Angeles office really would like some help in utilizing my algorithm for fitting custom bras so they'd pay my expenses. I called their LA office and made arrangements to be there Thursday by noon. I then immediately wrote back to Lizbeth.

"I can be in L. A. later this week and meet with you Friday morning. Unfortunately I can't have a female associate with me, but I can give you the contact information for both of my female P. R. people to vouch for me. Can you meet me in the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel Friday morning, say about 10 o'clock?"

Her emailed response came within an hour: "Sounds like a plan; I don't need to have your P R people's names; I trust you; my sister is already in your book. I'll see you at 10 on Friday; I'll ask the desk to call you," followed by a smiley face.

I have to say that I really was excited Friday morning waiting for Lizbeth's call. When she had the front desk call up I gave her my room number and she knocked on the door two minutes later.

Lizbeth's general appearance when clothed was that of a basically average looking brunette, about five feet seven inches (170 cm) tall, maybe 130 pounds (59 kilos). She did have a very attractive twinkle in her eyes, and a nice smile. I honestly felt a slight tingle when shaking her hand.

We had a pleasant conversation for about ten minutes - she was easy to talk to. I had brought a draft of my photobook with me, and asked her to identify her sister. She laughed. "Sorry, I'm not going to be able to tell by looking at her chest - we're not 'close' in that way. However, I can tell you what you told her about her boob and nipple type."

"That'll work," I chuckled.

"She's bell-shaped everted," Lizbeth grinned.

I looked her up and showed the four photos to Lizbeth. "She looks good," Lizbeth smiled.

When I put the book away I somehow was a little nervous, because this is the first interview I had where one of my female PR people wasn't with me (except the unusual Joy situation). "Well...uh..." I stammered.

"You want to view the merchandise now, huh?" Lizbeth rhetorically asked with a devilish smile. Without waiting for a response she stood up, removed her top, and discarded it on the bed. No bra. She did blush significantly and at first instinctively put her hands over her to nipples on breasts, but quickly removed them.

I was in love!

I hope that I didn't look like a landed fish gulping for air as I stared at the most extraordinary chest I had ever seen in my life. Not only were her tits an asymmetric C cup and D cup, east-west, the right one a C cup with a protruding nipple, the left one a D cup with a puffy nipple, but the third nipple below her C cup breast was the largest that I had ever seen in my life (except for one while I was in graduate school, all just in photos). The supernumery nipple was fully formed and would be considered protruding if on a full breast. Also, her asymmetric breasts had beautiful skin tone, were plump, and glowed.