Book Club Memories Ch. 01


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I took a sharp intake of breath at seeing them, making Brenda smile even more. "I'll never get tired of that reaction."

"I'll never get tired of seeing you naked," I replied quickly, my cock twitching with need.

"I know," Brenda said, smirking as she reached down and untied the side knots of her bikini bottom, dropping it to the floor.

She now knelt naked before me, her pussy with its neatly trimmed pubic hair now visible to me. It was an amazingly lewd sight, and one that I couldn't help but be excited by.

Moaning, she reached between her legs, fingering herself before bringing her hand up to me. Two of her fingers glistened with juice.

"I've been so fucking wet since I got here... so fucking horny, thinking about the others here... but I've been waiting for this cock. I... well, I really fucking need to suck it... you want me to suck your cock, Ryan?" Brenda asked, offering her fingers for me to suck on.

I grinned. "I think you know the answer to that."

Without another word, I leaned in, sucking the juice from her fingers, groaning as I took in her sweet, musky taste. I'd become quite familiar with Brenda's taste over the course of the school year, but even now, I couldn't get enough of it. Even after I'd cleaned her fingers of any juice, I kept sucking, wanting, no, *needing* every last drop, ever hint of her taste.

I might have been overeager, but given her smile as she pulled her fingers from my lips, this pleased her to no end.

Without a word, she dropped that hand back between her legs, grabbed my cock with her free hand, then leaned in and effortlessly sucked my entire ten inches down her throat.

"Holy shit..." Cassandra groaned. I wasn't sure if it was because of Brenda's amazing blowjob skills, or if it was because of what Viola was doing with her pussy, but I was pretty well past caring at this point. Between watching the two MILFs fucking next to me, and the one who was giving me the blowjob of a lifetime, I was in heaven.

Brenda looked up at me, her eyes big and oh so sweet-looking for how dirty she was, bouncing up and down on my cock as she easily fucked me with her face. Between her swirling tongue and the perfect amount of pressure she could put into this blowjob, my cock felt glorious, stronger than ever and ready for another round.

I knew that Brenda liked dirty talk, so I did my best considering how distracted I was. Interlacing my fingers with her hair so I could properly fuck her face, I grunted, "That's fucking nice... keep sucking my cock, fuck, suck my cock, slut, take it all, take fucking all of it, god, your mouth feels so good. Your lips, your tongue, fuck, everything, feels so good..."

Brenda pulled her mouth from my cock, coughing and smiling slightly as she continued stroking my cock with her free hand. "Yeah? You like that? You like fucking your hot slut of a teacher's face? You want to cover me in cum, don't you? Or do you want to fill my mouth?"

"Do I have to choose?" I asked, my balls swelling as she continued expertly manipulating my cock.

She smirked. "No, you don't. All you have to do is wait for me to cum before you can fire off... you think you can do that? I'm sooooo close... sucking you off gets me so hot... please, let me cum, then you can cum..."

Without waiting for an answer, she leapt back in, sucking my cock with a desperate fervor. Brenda writhed and moaned as she energetically sucked my cock, pressing her tits against my inner thighs as she brought me to heaven. The way she was tensing, and the goosebumps that had broken out on her skin, I knew that she didn't have very long before she would cum... but I couldn't guarantee that I would make it very long at this point.

I looked over to Viola and Cassandra in the chair next to me. Cassandra's moans had taken on a high, rapid tone, and soon she turned to look at me, our eyes locking as she was close to orgasm. I couldn't say why, but as she hit that precipice, she reached out her hand to me.

I reached back, interlacing my fingers with hers. An energy, something thoroughly unexpected but powerfully hot, seemed to leap between us, driving us both to an edge we hadn't expected.

"OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!" Cassandra cried out, cumming hard under Viola's expert fingering efforts, her body writhing and jolting as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her.

I was close, so close at this powerfully erotic sight alone as Viola mercilessly kept fingering Cassandra, but soon I didn't need to worry about this.

Brenda cried out against my cock, cumming hard as she continued writhing on her knees. Rather than affect her skills, she somehow only blew me harder, removing any restraint I might have been able to hold in the moment as I grunted and came hard myself. I could barely feel my legs for how amazing my body felt, but this didn't stop Brenda as she continued to suck. She swallowed the first few shots like a pro, but as the volume soon became too much, she pulled my cock out of her mouth. Streaks of cum blasted across her face, her neck and her tits, leaving her positively covered in my cum.

When my orgasm subsided, and I fell back in my chair, Brenda laughed.

"Fucking amazing, I'm just covered!" she said, running her fingers through it.

Though she still basked in the afterglow of what she'd done to Cassandra, Viola smoothly climbed off of her and knelt next to Brenda.

"Hey, hey, save some for the rest of us!" Viola declared, leaning in and sucking some of my cum off of Brenda's nipples.

She moaned at the taste, and Brenda moaned at getting her tits sucked by an expert like Viola.

I just looked over at Cassandra and let go of her hand, feeling a little out of my league all of a sudden. "Is it always like this?"

"Close to it," Cassandra admitted, fanning herself off. "But we might be extra horny today because we've got a hung young man with us. With a new toy like that, I don't think you can blame us for being a little crazier than usual..."

I laughed, then leaned back in my chair, looking at the sky with some amusement. Feeling triumphant, I declared, "This weekend's gonna fucking rule!"


As day rolled into night, we finally got settled in. I helped carry in the bundles of firewood, the remaining groceries, and even helped the ladies with their bags. I was ogled, and did a fair bit of ogling myself, and maybe even walked in on an occasional something happening between a couple of the book club ladies. Nothing quite so steamy as what happened by the pool, but still pretty fun to accidentally walk in on. I knew we were all just recharging, waiting for the right moment for things to escalate.

That moment came a little while after dinner, with the sun a distant memory. Once our stomachs had settled, the six of us changed into swimsuits and retired to the hot tub. I gotta say... sitting in a hot tub surrounded by five gorgeous MILFs in their skimpiest bikinis, it was something I could definitely get used to.

"Please, Viola, tell me this place has a stripper pole!" Lauren laughed, a glass of wine in her hand as she looked across the tub to Viola.

"Did you expect anything less of me?" Viola laughed, reaching across the hot tub and clinking her own glass against Lauren's. "Of course this place has a stripper pole. I know how to plan ahead, and I promise you won't be disappointed."

"We'd better not be. You have seen Viola strip, haven't you, Ryan?" Lauren asked.

Sandwiched between Viola and Valerie, I might have felt on the spot here, but I wanted to show these women that I could keep up with them.

"Oh, yes, I have seen her put on a show. She really knows how to work the pole," I said, smirking.

This got some laughs from the collected book club. Things had gotten a little rowdier since the alcohol started flowing, and I got the impression the night was only going to get wilder from here.

"Ryan, I've been meaning to ask... how are you doing with your post-senior year plans?" Cassandra asked.

Her tone was perfectly pleasant and curious, the kind of tone that a friend of the family would make under more normal circumstances. Nevertheless, I gulped, because this was a bit of an undecided subject, but one I could reasonably deal with.

"I was thinking about heading to the community college first, something that'd hopefully help me figure out what I want to do with my life without spending too much money. Dad's got some saved up for me already for that purpose, so, I think all I really have to do is just pick up an application and hope for the best," I said.

"Smart fucking move," Valerie replied, nodding. "Get those general eds out of the way first and cheap. I've got friends who will be paying off grad school student loans by the time they're great-grandparents... avoid those if you can."

Brenda and Lauren added their own affirmative responses to that sentiment, which made me feel a little better.

"Are you sure you don't want to aim higher than that?" Cassandra asked, still curious. "You seem quite bright, I'm sure your grades are good enough to get you some attention."

"My grades are alright," I said.

Valerie laughed. "Alright? Ryan, you're better than alright, stop selling yourself short! The world's gonna underestimate you enough, it's better if you're not making it any easier for them."

The way she said that made me feel warmer inside, but maybe that was just the tub. Or the way her massive breasts looked in her black, barely-there bikini.

Seeing where my attention had wandered, Valerie smiled and teased, "I mean, you haven't even fucked me yet, and you're still earning A's in my class."

"Hey!" Brenda shot back, playfully. "He was earning A's in my class too before we started having sex. And the grades he's earned since are still legitimate, thankyouverymuch. The sex is just a very nice bonus for both of us."

"Exactly," I replied, nodding at Brenda. "And, thank you, incidentally."

"Oh, no problem!" Brenda exclaimed, licking her lips.

"See, this is what I mean! You're getting great grades; you could try for so much more!" Cassandra said, sympathetic yet only slightly pushy.

"Cassandra, remember, we're here to relax and have fun..." Lauren said. Sitting next to Cassandra, Lauren took this opportunity to playfully poke her in the side.

Cassandra yelped. "I'm just trying to help out! I mean, Lauren, after his mom passed, we both practically raised him, I thought you'd be on my side in encouraging-"

"Lauren?" Viola interrupted, her voice playful yet firm.

"Yeah?" Lauren replied, clearly happy for the interruption.

"I think Cassandra could use a distraction," Viola suggested, firmly.

"So do I," Lauren said, setting her drink down on the edge of the hot tub, then reaching over her head to pull off her bikini top. Her massive tits now freed, Lauren grabbed Cassandra by the back of her head, and pulled her into her exposed breasts.

"See?" Lauren joked, moaning softly as Cassandra instinctively sucked on her tits. "Isn't this much more fun than giving Ryan a hard time about college?"

Cassandra pushed herself away, looking both angry, but amused. "What the fuck was that?"

"A distraction," Lauren said proudly.

"A pretty hot one, too," Brenda agreed, pulling off her own top and tossing it outside of the hot tub.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Cassandra huffed, "If you think the two of you showing off your amazing tits is going to shut me up... well, you're probably right. I think I forgot where I was for a moment."

"Then the distraction was a success!" Lauren declared, pulling Cassandra's face into her tits briefly, before letting her go again.

"You're gonna pay for that, Red," Cassandra warned playfully, before turning her attention back to me. "Sorry about that, Ryan. I'll stop trying to be a mom and just be the hottest bitch here instead."

For emphasis, Cassandra pulled off her own top. Staring at the buffet of beautiful breasts, I responded, "Oh, don't worry about it, Cassandra... I'll be fine. It seems like we're all going to be fine pretty soon."

"You're damn right about that," Lauren replied, pulling Cassandra into her lap.

The two women soon had their arms wrapped around one another, kissing each other deeply as they groped each other. With hands soon disappearing beneath the water, I was also willing to put money on there being a fair bit of fingering occurring.

"You know, Brenda, I'm suddenly feeling pretty fucking left out," Viola said, pulling her own top off and freeing her beautiful, bare B-cups, then reaching beneath the water to free her bikini bottom before tossing both pieces out of the hot tub.

Looking at her hungrily, Brenda reached down and pulled off her own bottom before replying, "Well, we wouldn't want that... not after you took the time to set up this slutty little club..."

Brenda hardly objected as Viola climbed over her and straddled her hips, leaning in to passionately kiss her. The two women intertwined like this worked matched the other couple well, all four of them writhing and touching one another and looking hot as fuck. My cock was as hard as it had ever been in my life, and I found myself suddenly wanting to do absolutely everything and everyone all at once.

I looked to my right, at Valerie as she sat watching the others in some awe.

"This is so fucking hot, isn't it?" she asked, reaching down between her legs with both hands. The way she was moving and softly moaning, I knew she was touching herself, which might have made me even harder in this overcharged moment.

"Seriously," I replied, licking my lips as I eyed her. "Though it really feels like we're now the ones being left out here, doesn't it?"

"A little," Valerie agreed, before looking at me and grinning. "You know we don't have to be left out, though, right?"

"I guess we don't," I said, sliding closer to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

Her 5'2" frame felt positively tiny next to me, but the way she looked up at me so expectantly, with a big goofy grin and some of the sultriest eyes I'd ever seen, I knew there wouldn't be any problems between us. Her skin felt so soft against my arm, her body pressing into mine feeling so perfect...

Without breaking eye contact, Valerie reached behind her back and undid her top, dropping it outside of the hot tub. I was given another magnificent view of her amazing D-cups, her dark, firm nipples standing out enticingly. Then, reaching beneath the water, she wiggled in her seat, and soon pulled off her bottom and dropped it with the top.

"Your turn," she said, looking down at me expectantly.

"You're not going to get the greatest view," I said, arching my back so I could pull off my shorts and then drop them on top of her swimsuit. "But, at least we're on even terms."

"Yay," Valerie purred, climbing up and straddling my hips.

My cock was sandwiched between us, but I could distinctly feel her hot, moist pussy against me, even underwater.

Pressing her tits against my chest, Valerie leaned in and looked up at me with the dreamiest eyes.

"You know, I've wanted to do this for a very long time," she explained, lowering her voice in the best attempt to get us some privacy. "I've been hearing stories about you for so long, and I knew that I had to get some time with you for myself. And it's not just because of your cock, or your tongue... but they all tell me that you're so nice, and you listen, and I could just use that in my life sometimes, you know? But something never lined up for us, and even with the book club I've just been getting hornier and hornier... With how often my husband's away for work, and probably fucking around... the urge for cock's been really strong, but finding the right opportunity, that's always been the challenge."

I leaned in and kissed her deeply. Valerie was an enthusiastic kisser, throwing her arms around my neck and pulling in close, her tongue darting into my mouth as we explored one another. It felt... well, it felt fucking amazing kissing her.

With the greatest effort, I broke the kiss and asked, "So... how's this for the right opportunity?"

"It felt good so far, but it seems likely we're going to have to repeat the experiment to be certain," she giggled, leaning in and kissing me again.

I ran my hands down her back before finding her full ass, squeezing her as she ground against me. She had a truly glorious ass, simultaneously firm and soft, and my squeezes seemed to only excite her further.

Rocking her hips to rub her pussy against the base of my cock harder, Valerie leaned her head against my chest and said, "Fuck... I love getting my ass played with... I never get that at home... and these ladies can scratch that itch, but sometimes you need a man's strong hands groping your ass, you know?"

"Oh, I have absolutely no problems with ass," I said, smiling at her. "I'm kind of an ass connoisseur, you might say."

"I might hold you to that," she grunted, shifting positions and sliding her pussy further up my cock. "You like that?"

"Uh huh..." I moaned, looking forward to feeling her tightness wrap around me.

She didn't do that, not here, and instead slid back down, pulling me in close so she could whisper in my ear. "I'm not gonna fuck around Ryan. I want you. I want you bad, but for our first time, I want you to myself, and somewhere far more comfortable than a hot tub. You cool with that?"

"Cool. I'm very cool with that," I answered, quickly.

"Good," Valerie replied, taking my hand and climbing out of the hot tub.

Dutifully, I followed after her. I couldn't take my eyes off of her body, glistening in the low lights of the pool area as she dripped with water. Her face looked so lively and energetic, much like the enthusiastic science teacher I knew from school, but somehow seemingly, well, even more *herself*. It was a good look for her, and one that I couldn't wait to see more of.

Grinning widely, Valerie looked over her shoulder and called after the others, "We'll be right back! Or maybe not, I don't know; Ryan and I are gonna fuck!"

"Enjoy!" Viola called out over the chorus of moans coming from the hot tub.

With Valerie leading the way and her grip tightening on my hand, I knew that we would soon do more than enjoy ourselves.


While it might not be the steamiest of transitions, after getting out of the hot tub and making our way over to her room, Valerie talked me into taking a quick shower and cleaning up a little before we made our way toward her bed. She was committed to wanting to make this comfortable too, not allowing me to get too far in the shower no matter how much I groped and teased, but she knew what she wanted and made that fairly clear, so I backed off and followed her direction.

As I lay down on the sheets after the shower, cleaned and dry, my cock standing tall and proud as it had ever since we were in the hot tub, I briefly looked at the large mirror beside the bed before turning my attention to watching her dry her hair with a towel. I looked between her legs, seeing her shaved pussy with its very prominent lips, clearly moist and not just because she was drying herself off.

She looked tasty. I licked my lips.

"Don't get me wrong, I think the hot tub's as sexy a place as anyone," Valerie explained, looking positively luscious as she ran the towel vigorously through her hair. "But mostly just on paper. Between the chlorine and the risk of pushing water in places you don't want it pushed, and all of us in there at once, it can be something like a petri dish that I'd rather not think about too hard. Don't let it stop you, and I won't let it stop me, I've had plenty of fun in hot tubs before, and I don't think anyone in that tub's in that kind of danger because this isn't that kind of story, but, when you've got the option for a shower and a bed, I think I'm gonna take it. Wouldn't you?"