Booty Shorts - The Anniversary Gift

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Mellony gives Alyx a special gift.
10.7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 01/24/2024
Created 09/09/2021
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Hello friend! I've had an idea for a while for some stories that are not my usual epic romances, but rather short to medium stand-alone pieces. I'm going to call them Booty Shorts.

This is a little one-off story that crawled its way out of my head after a sort-of-funny, sort-of-serious conversation I had with another author. It is NOT what you're expecting if you are a regular reader of mine. If you are here for lesbian content only, do not read this. It's certainly the filthiest thing I've ever written and the blame lies entirely on the shoulders of AwkwardMD. If you are mad that you came here expecting my normal fare and got this, blame her.

Content warning for my regular readers: The story contains some rather explicit M/F interaction.

Enjoy... or be appalled that this is coming from me. Reader's choice.

~~ Dunedin, Florida ~~

"Why was Gwen so pissed at me tonight?" Alyx asked her wife, as she turned their Chevy Bolt onto their street.

"I wouldn't worry about it. You know she's always a grump." Mellony said as she reached for the garage door opener in the center console.

"I know, but she was really giving me the cold shoulder."

Mellony glanced at Alyx, gauging how honest she should be. "It's probably because you announced you were a Gold Star lesbian."

"What? Why would... That was a joke. I only said it because everyone was talking about wangs when I came back. I just have no frame of reference." She said, as she pulled into the garage and hit the button to turn off their car.

"I know babe. That term can carry a little baggage for some women though."

Mellony plugged their car into the charger in the garage, then they walked into their little Florida style, pink coral-colored two-bedroom bungalow.

"Well, hello Mr. Worthington!" Alyx said in the high-pitched, little girl voice she reserved for their Corgi pup, Douglass P. Worthington, otherwise known as Doug the Dog. Doug was going through the usual ecstatic gyrations reserved for when his mommies returned home on the days they didn't take him to work with them.

They let Doug precede them through the kitchen to the French doors leading to their small, fenced-in backyard, the short brown and white log of fur scampering before them on his four tiny legs. Doug ran across the yard, searching out his tennis ball, then returned, dropping it at their feet with a single yap. Doggie vernacular for Throw it! The king of the house commands you! Mellony obliged, tossing the ball to the far side of the yard.

"What baggage?" Alyx asked. She clearly didn't want to let it go.

"Okay, don't get upset, because I know you don't mean it this way, but when some women hear someone say 'I'm a Gold Star lesbian' they hear 'I'm trans- or bi-phobic'."

"What?! I'm not--"

"I know! I've never taken it that way when you've said it. I told you not to get upset, but that term has a loaded meaning for some women."

"I only meant I've never been with a guy! Not that I hold it against lesbians who have or bi-women or anything like that! You're bi, and I married you! I just meant I don't have a frame of reference!" Alyx tended to repeat herself when flustered.

"I know," Mellony said patiently, leaning down to pick up the tennis ball Mr. Worthington had dropped at her feet and tossed it again. "Gwen's bi though, you know that, right?"

"Yes, I know that."

"Okay. And she started dating a guy last week."

Alyx's eyebrows furrowed. "I didn't know that."

"You were in the bathroom when she told us. Then when you came back, we were talking about 'wang', as you so eloquently put it, and you said 'I guess I have nothing to add to this conversation, since I'm a Gold Star lesbian.'"

"It was a joke!"

"Sweetie, it's okay. I know you were joking and I know you didn't mean anything by it."

"Hmmph!" Alyx said, crossing her arms, her foot tapping in the grass in frustration as Mellony gave the increasingly soggy tennis ball another toss. "Gwen didn't know I was joking apparently."

Mellony put her arm around her, giving her a squeeze. Physically, they were two peas in a pod. Middling height Florida girls, with the sun-bronzed skin, sun-bleached blonde hair and slim builds that came from the early morning surfing or swimming they squeezed in every day before opening their store. The main difference between the two was Alyx wore her hair long, usually in a braid, while Mellony kept hers short, swept over and chin length on the right side, with an undercut on the left side.

Since they'd started dating their senior year at Florida State, Mellony had been a patient partner. Alyx often had difficulty reading the social cues that most people picked up easily, but Mellony didn't mind. She knew her wife better than anyone, maybe even including Alyx's parents, as Mellony's acceptance of her quirks had made Alyx open up to her like she never had all through high school. Alyx had a keen intellect and an understatedly dry sense of humor. It's just that if you didn't know that she operated differently than your average person, her jokes could come across as serious, and when she was serious it could seem like she was joking.

"Gwen, as we've already discussed, is a grumpy Gus. Don't worry about her. Just maybe don't use that term around her again."

"Fine." Alyx stood with her arms crossed, watching the ritual game of fetch.

They stood in companionable silence, enjoying the evening air, until Mr. Worthington tired of chasing the ball and finally relieved himself, then they retreated inside to start their bedtime routine. Mellony went to the kitchen to fetch a large glass of water for their bedside table, while Alyx pulled down the quilt on the bed. The quilt was almost never necessary, Florida being Florida, but Alyx was a creature of habit. Having moved to Florida from Minnesota when she was ten, she insisted there be a quilt on the bed out of habit, just as she insisted on neatly folding it down before they retired for the night. She also insisted on neatly making their bed every morning, even when they were in a rush to hit the beach to catch some waves before opening their tourist shop just off Clearwater Beach.

Alyx came out of the bathroom in one of the XXL t-shirts she liked to wear to bed just in time to see Mellony toss the small rawhide chew she'd brought from the kitchen to Doug, who was happily wagging his stump of a tail in his doggie bed. Alyx's face lit up.

Whenever Mellony brought a chew into the bedroom, it was a signal for Alyx that sex was on. A non-dog owner perhaps might find the habit a little odd, but it worked for Alyx and Mellony. It was about the only way they could keep their Corgi from jumping up into the middle of things without having to lock him out of the room, which inevitably led to barking and scratching at the door.

Mellony flipped off the light switch, plunging the room into darkness. It took a few moments for Alyx's eyes to adjust to the dim light through the bedroom window. By the time they did, Mellony was naked. Alyx whipped off her t-shirt to follow suit. They approached the bed from opposite sides, shuffling towards each other across the mattress on their knees. Mellony wrapped her arms around Alyx, mashing their breasts together as their tongues danced.

Mellony's body jerked a bit as she felt Alyx's hand slide between her legs. It didn't take long for her moisture to start spreading, lubricating Alyx's fingers. Mellony began rocking her hips against her wife's hand. She tried to push Alyx to lay down, but Alyx stayed on her knees, rubbing Mellony's clit, a little faster, a little harder. Mellony smiled into Alyx's mouth as they kissed.

"Going to be one of those nights, huh?" she whispered.

They'd long ago learned each other's signals, habits, tendencies. When Alyx tried to get Mellony off quickly right from the start, it almost always meant that Alyx wanted a specific thing in return.

"Y'all were the ones talking about wangs. Not my fault," Alyx said, distractedly.

It didn't take Mellony long. The thought of what was coming next heightened her excitement, and she was soon quaking and moaning, gripping Alyx's shoulders tightly. As Mellony approached her orgasm, Alyx sensed it and switched from stroking her clit to plunging two fingers into her, sending her over the edge.

"Oh, yes baby! Yes! Yes!" Mellony cried out, holding Alyx's shoulders to keep from collapsing. "You put the gold in Gold Star." She panted and sank back to sit on the bed as she caught her breath.

Alyx giggled, then frowned. "You said I shouldn't say that anymore."

"I know baby, I'm just teasing. Sorry."

Alyx dropped onto her back, waiting. "I know how you can make it up to me!"

"I need a minute. Hang on," Mellony said, her voice uneven. She moved to the edge of the bed, taking a long drink from the glass of water, then she slid open the drawer in the side table and rummaged around inside.

"I want Big Red tonight," Alyx said coyly.

Mellony looked over her shoulder at her wife as her eyebrows raised in surprise. "You haven't wanted him in a long time. Are you sure?"

"Wangs. Not my fault."

Mellony giggled as she put their largest dildo into their harness and stepped into it.

Alyx spread her legs as Mellony crawled in between them. She paused halfway to explore Alyx's pussy with her tongue.

"Wow, baby, you're soaking wet."

"I know. No foreplay, come up here and fuck me."

Mellony didn't need to be told twice. Raising up on one arm, she gripped the dildo and guided it between Alyx's lips.

"Ow! Slow, please," Alyx said wincing.

Mellony grunted assent and, ever so slowly, eased the head of the huge silicone dick into her.

"O-o-o-o-o-h fuck!" Alyx moaned when Mellony slid fully inside.

They were silent for an interminable time after that as Mellony kissed Alyx. One small, soft, wet kiss, at the end of each thrust. Alyx closed her eyes, accepting Mellony's kisses, until a small keening sound started in the back of her throat and she tipped her head back.

"Say it," Mellony said.

"No," Alyx said, defiance in her voice.

"Say i-i-i-t,"

"No," Alyx pouted. It was one of their favorite games.

Mellony pulled almost all the way out, then held the dildo there motionless.

"Say it, or I stop," Mellony whispered. She started thrusting in and out a bare fraction of an inch, the head of the dildo just spreading the entrance of Alyx's opening.

Alyx pounded the mattress with her fists with the frustration of being unable to resist. She cried out, "Fuck me Mell! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!"

Mellony had immediately started thrusting into her in time with her cries, bottoming out on every stroke.

"Yes! Yes! Fuck me, fuck me, yes! I love you, baby! God, yes!" Alyx yelled as her body shook and writhed. Her spasms went on and on until Mellony's back started to ache. Finally, Alyx stopped coming and Mellony pulled out of her with an obscene slurping sound.

"I love it when you say 'I love you' when you come," Mellony said.

"I know."

Mellony laughed as she reached for the buckle on the side of the harness, but Alyx stopped her.

"Wait!" Alyx said. She grabbed her arm and pulled her down onto her back. Alyx got up on her hands and knees and scooched down until her head hovered over Mellony's groin. She tucked her long, sun-bleached hair behind her ear then lowered her head and sucked the end of dildo into her mouth.

"Whoa!" Mellony said, rising up onto her elbows to watch. In the dim light from the window, Mellony could see Alyx's eyes on her as she gave her what could only be described as a blowjob. "What's gotten into you? You've never done this before."

Alyx took her mouth off the silicone cock and a thick line of spit trailed from her lips to the tip.

"Wang. Your fault." She rose up to her knees, the line of saliva breaking off and trailing down Alyx's body, a glistening line in the moonlight. She moved forward then sank down onto the cock in one motion. "Oh yes!" She rode it like she was in an extremely horny derby cup. It took only a moment before she was writhing as she impaled herself on top of Mellony.

"Yes, baby, yes! So good, Mell! So good!" She stopped bouncing as her body shook with her second orgasm, then she collapsed over Mellony, who chuckled, gently stroking her back with both hands.

It was a few minutes until Mellony could coax Alyx to un-impale herself and flip onto her back. Mellony got up and went into the bathroom to de-harness herself and wash their toy in the sink. Hygiene before sleep.

She was surprised when she returned to the bed to find Alyx still awake. Usually a big orgasm put her right to sleep, and she'd had two. Mellony slid into bed and Alyx cuddled up next to her. Mr. Worthington, having finished his chew, jumped up on the bed, circled exactly three times and laid down at their feet.

"What got into you tonight?" Mellony asked, "'Wang, my fault'?"

Alyx giggled. "I know. I was thinking about the conversation everyone was having when I came back and what you said about my Gold Star comment," Alyx made finger quotes with the hand that wasn't pinned under Mellony. "I only said it because I've never seen a guy's... thingy in person before, not because I... wouldn't."

Mellony felt her eyebrows raise. "You've thought about sleeping with a guy? You've never told me that before."

"No! I mean, no, not sleep with a guy. Just... sometimes I've been curious what they're like. Wangs, I mean. Not that I'm unsatisfied with our sex life. At all. You're my everything, you know?"

Mellony kissed the top of her head. "You too, baby."

"But y'all were talking tonight about wangs, and I remembered you told me once about your boyfriend before me in college, um... Craig?"

"That's him."

"You said he was a little dumb, but he had a really nice dick."

"He did have a really nice dick," Mellony said, the grin in her voice obvious in the darkness.

"That's what I was thinking about when I asked for Big Red."

"So, you are curious about what sex with a guy is like."

Alyx made a frustrated sound. "No, that's not what I meant. I'm... I'm just... sometimes I've been curious about penises. A little. Not guys. I don't want some hairy, sweaty male hovering over me. I am definitely attracted to women generally, and you specifically. I just... I guess I wish there was a way I could see or maybe touch one sometime. So I'd have a frame of reference the next time you're talking about it with our friends."

"Big Red doesn't count?"

"Big Red is fine, believe me. But he's still just a lump of rubber." She was silent for a long moment. "I guess I don't know what I'm trying to say."

Mellony had long practice helping Alyx reason out her thoughts. "It sounds like what you're saying is you wish you had the chance to play with a real penis, without there being a man involved in any way."

"Yes! That's what I mean."

"That sounds problematic," Mellony said with a laugh.

"I know. I'm not sure I ever would, even if it were possible. I mean first off, we're married, and you're all I want. Secondly, now that I've said it out loud I'm imagining a severed zombie dick twitching and flopping around, looking for pussy brains to eat."

"Oh gross, how am I supposed to sleep after you put that visual in my head!" Mellony griped.

"You'll manage," Alyx responded through a huge yawn. "If you need to sleep late, I'll open the store tomorrow. You can bike in later."

"You'd better. You know how grumpy I get without sleep. I'll scare off all the tourists."

The only answer was a soft snore.

Three weeks later, the girls were getting ready to close their shop, Two Chicks Sun-N-Surf.

Neither of them had found jobs in their areas of study immediately after college, accounting for Alyx, marketing for Mellony, so they'd moved back home to Clearwater, working in the Ron Jon surf shop, and living in the tiny one-room apartment above Mellony's parent's garage and spending all their free time on the beach.

They soon both realized they didn't want nine-to-five office jobs after anyway, having become addicted to the surfing life. After a few years, Alyx came into a small inheritance from her grandfather. Not an enormous sum, but enough. Alyx had crunched the numbers, made a financial plan, while Mellony had designed a social media and advertising strategy, and they had opened their own tiny surf boutique-slash-tourist trap, two blocks off the best beach on Florida's west coast. Within a year they were able to buy their little two-bedroom house in Dunedin. Every morning was a day in paradise, getting up early to hit the beach for an hour or two, then working together all day, no bosses or irritating coworkers. Just the two of them, and the steady, endless stream of tourists looking for sunscreen, t-shirts and the occasional surfboard.

Alyx was ringing up the last customers' new bathing suits, suntan lotion and tourist tchotchkes, while Mellony swept the floors. It seemed at least five pounds of sand was tracked in by the tourists every day.

"Good haul today!" Alyx exclaimed with delight as she locked the door. "We've gotten rid of almost the entire clearance rack of last season's rashers and two of the really expensive boogie boards. Sold seven of our store t-shirts too!" Mellony had designed their store logo, a cartoon of two small, fuzzy baby chicks on a surfboard catching a wave. Souvenirs with their logo on it were some of their best sellers.

"Good, nice to have some extra cash since I'm taking you out tonight."

"What's the occasion?" Alyx asked.

"Today's our fifth anniversary."

"What?!" Alyx exclaimed, suddenly panicked.

Mellony laughed. "I've told you like four times in the last month."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't remember! How could I forget that?!"

"Baby, it's fine." Mellony said, with a patient smile.

Alyx could recite the UPC code of almost every item in their store from memory, and could predict within a dollar or two what the day's register totals would be without looking, but remembering holidays and anniversaries was completely beyond her abilities. After a few years of frustration with this, Mellony had decided to be amused by it, rather than getting upset.

"But I didn't get you anything!" Alyx said, looking like she might cry.

"It's okay. You always say that since our money is in a joint account, if you got me anything it'd be like I was buying it for myself."

"Well, that's the only logical way to look at it." Alex said, matter-of-factly, her entire demeanor changing in an instant from distraught to pragmatic.

Mellony grinned at how easily she'd been able to derail Alyx from being upset over having forgotten their anniversary by bringing up one of her own frequent logical pet peeves. "I didn't get you anything either. Instead I transferred an extra five hundred dollars to our vacation savings fund. So, we're that much closer to our month in Europe during the off-season."

"That's perfect!" said Alyx happily, "Something for both of us!"

"And, I've planned a nice evening out tonight," Mellony said as she retrieved her canvas purse from the back room and slung it over her shoulder.

"Okay! That's a win-win! I'm sorry I forgot. Although that means we only have, um..." she furrowed her brow for a few seconds, "About seven-hundred-thirty-seven dollars left in the joint account after your transfer."

Mellony laughed, pulling an ATM receipt out of her bag. "Seven-hundred-thirty-two" she said, reading off the paper slip.

Alyx narrowed her eyes accusingly. "You went to Starbucks without me, didn't you?"

"I admit nothing. C'mon, I got us a reservation for one of the beach tables at Frenchy's."

Alyx apologized three more times for forgetting their anniversary until they were seated at their table at Frenchy's Cafe on Clearwater Beach, a few blocks from their shop. Mellony ordered Alyx one of the house specials, the Frenchy's Rum Runner. Alyx's apologies turned into an amused tone.