Born Free

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A man in hiding finally goes home.
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Born Free



Thanks to WAA01, killerarmyguy, and Taco for the edits.


Not for the first time has Mike Donland, not his real name, just one he has lived under since he had to flee his home state, how he hated hiding out, pretending to be this upstanding citizen. Why you ask? Simple. Mike, or Jeff Briggs, his real name, was not what you would call a very good kid growing up. He had joined a bike gang the moment he could get his first learner's permit. Did he get in trouble with the law? Most definitely. Something he greatly enjoyed doing. Yet his parents, whom he did love, tried to shield his little brother from following after him. Which he agreed with; the life he was living wasn't for his brother; he knew that world would just chew him up and spit him out without hesitation. He might have done some wicked things, like run guns, drugs, made drop-offs at dead drops, and so on. However, that didn't mean he didn't care about his family. That was the life for him, and no one could change his mind. Nevertheless, one night his brother came storming into the house, frantic and scared as all hell; it was easy to see on his face. It took Mike only thirty minutes to pull what his little brother had done out of him. He could see the horrified look on his parents' faces. Mike knew he was never going to be some academic that went off to college, getting a six-figure salary or any of that, and that was fine with him. He loved his life as it was right then; however, even he knew if the police caught his brother, his life would forever be ruined.

So Mike did the only thing he could for his brother; he took the fall. It wasn't hard, really. With his encounters with the police, he would be a natural suspect. He knew in doing so, he would have to run, cut all ties with his family, and live with one eye looking over his shoulder until the statute of limitations ran out on the crime. He knew he had to be quick, so his goodbye to his parents was short and sweet, hugging them tightly, not knowing if or when he would ever be able to see them again. Nodding his head when his father gave him all the cash he and his mother had on them at the time, hearing his mother weeping in the kitchen as he and his brother shared one last hug. He was the hardened criminal; his brother was not, his brother wouldn't last a week in juvie. Mike just hoped this one act showed him he wasn't cut out for the kind of life he has led. He would like to say leaving everything, and everyone he knew in Rio Rancho behind wasn't hard, but who was he kidding. That included the girl he was truly in love with, Rory Salas. She was the daughter of the leader of his little gang. He knew she loved him as well; he just hoped he could talk her into joining him as he sped away from his home and into the new life that awaited him.

Alas, that was not to be, not that he could blame her; after all, they were only seventeen at the time. Mike would like to say it didn't hurt, but that would just be a lie. After using his bike as collateral for the forged documents, he needed for his life on the run, which took a few days to get if they were meant to pass a thorough inspection by law officers should he get stopped on the way to wherever he chose to go. He knew the law was out hunting for him, given the manhunt out for him that was playing on every news station whenever it was on. After two days of waiting and hiding out in one of his gang member's basement, Mike was whisked off in the dead of night to Texas, where his motorcycle family had pulled together enough money for a bus ticket to wherever he wanted to go, and a few grand so he could survive on his own. How he wished he could have said goodbye to Rory, yet he knew the cops were watching everyone he associated with, hence why one of the newest members was the one that had carted him over state lines. How he would miss every one of them as he stepped onto that bus and into uncertainty.

So after a few long days on the road due to the many stops along the way. Mike found himself in Reading, Pennsylvania, as he stepped off the bus and into his new life. Throughout his journey he'd been practicing his new name and how he would sign it. He knew the first thing he had to do was find a place to live and a job. The money he had wasn't going to last him for long. He just hoped, being so far removed from New Mexico, the cops wouldn't look for him there. And so, at the age of nearly eighteen-years-old Jeff Briggs started his new life as Mike Donland. He knew he couldn't go back to his old way of life. That would just draw too much attention to himself. Something he wasn't about to do; he wasn't about to let his little brother rot in a cell. He knew his old gang respected that. It was luck, really, when he stumbled upon the bike shop. Given his experience in tuning up his old Harley his father had bought him, he knew his way around an engine. If Mike was someone that believed in luck, something he didn't, he would say luck was on his side when he saw the gang tatts on the owner's arm when he was talking to the man. While they weren't from the same brotherhood, when Mike raised the sleeve of his shirt showing off his own gang tat, the man got a rather toothy grin on his lips. For you see, the shop was just a front for their gang to launder the illegal money they made doing... things that society deemed illegal. Even if the applicant had all the skills they needed, they still were passed over, given the nature of the shop. Once Mike divulged who he was and why he was there, he was hired that day.

Granted, the man didn't start him out working on the bikes; no, he was hired to keep the shop clean, looking presentable, ensuring that it never raised suspicion, nor was he asked to join their gang; Mike just couldn't chance it. Yet he did miss the comradery he once had with his former gang. Although his boss did allow him to live in the little loft above the offices. He bathed himself in the bathroom sink for months until he had saved up enough for a furnished apartment. He didn't care if it was in a bad part of town. He had long since been desensitized to such things. That was the start of his adult life and his slow death from the life of normalcy as it ate away at his soul.

Seven boring, mind-numbing years had passed since he had fled from his home and everyone he knew. True he did get his mechanic's license to work on the bikes they had in the shop, which brought him close to forty-thousand a year. He had also married; after all, he had to appear to be an average guy. That was three years ago, her name was Evelyn, or Eve for short, Pace, and so far, he wasn't impressed with his so-called wife, if he could even call her that. Their trouble, technically her trouble, started a few months ago. He wasn't an idiot. He knew she was cheating on him, not that he cared. He really didn't love her. His heart still belonged to Rory; he assumed it always would. Eve was just a cover for him. So as he pulled up to the house, they had bought in both their names, in a car he so hated to drive. Mike felt like a sardine in it. He longed for the open road, the wind in his hair, the rumble of the engine of his bike, the freedom it brought, at least to his mind it did. That was why in his free time, when his slut of a wife thought he didn't know what she was doing, he was working on the '46 Flathead he had bought and was slowly rebuilding for the time the shame that he has lived finally came to a cease. Still, he was only waiting for the time to run out before returning to the life he once knew. To the woman he hoped was still pining for him like he was for her. It didn't matter if he couldn't return to his former gang; the rest would fall into place as long as he had Rory.

For the past two months, Eve's attitude towards him has grown rather snobbish. Always putting down what he did for work, although that didn't stop her from spending his money on crap he thought was genuinely crap, and he told her so. Something Eve didn't take kindly to. Again, he didn't care what she thought. Walking into his home, counting down the months left for when the limitations lifted, closing the front door loudly as he heard voices coming from their bedroom. He could care less who she fucked; ever since he's noticed her lies and tells, he hasn't touched Eve. Mike was kind of sad about that. Eve wasn't the best he's had in the sack; she wasn't the worst either. Still, her pussy was tight, and what do you do with a whore of a wife? You fuck her, of course, or you would if you weren't certain whatever she had wouldn't burn through the three layers of condoms one would have to wear to prevent whatever she had. Seeing the man's smirk on his lips as he walked out of their bedroom. Mike knew who the man was, her boss; he also noted the attitude on his wife's face as she followed after him.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Eve asked, wondering why her husband wasn't blowing up like she thought he would.

"Why would I, the whore has finally revealed herself," Mike sneered.

"Now just..."

"If you want to walk out of here with your nuts intact, I would suggest you shut the fuck up," Mike said in a very cold and very threatening tone. "I would think, given how it's your wife that has all the money, you wouldn't be risking what little you have with tapping that cheap ass slut there," he spoke, jutting his chin at Eve, who was fuming behind her boss.

"Listen here, you damn grease monkey?!" her boss growled, closing the gap between them. "You just go about taking care of Eve like the good little cuck you are," he stated, poking Mike in the chest. Not a very wise decision on his part, given the punch that sent him stumbling back into the wall.

"You stupid piss ant, you think to come into my house," the sound of Mike's fist landing against the man's face was loud in that small front room, "think you could fuck my wife in my bed, and you'd walk out of here unharmed?!" Mike shouted as the man tried to defend himself. Yet the man wasn't a fighter, not like him; he's been in plenty of fights; while their marriage might be a sham, it was the principle of the matter. The moment the man's blood splattered along the wall was the moment his wife jumped on his back, wailing on his head to get him to stop. "Fucking bitch!" Mike hissed as he tossed Eve off of him, causing her to slide along the floor as she landed hard on her ass. Giving the man the opportunity to high tail it to the door. "Hey, asshole!" Mike's voice caused the man to turn around only to have his foot land squarely in the center of the man's chest, sending him flying backwards ten feet. "Run, little coward," Mike chuckled menacingly as he watched how the man scrambled backwards along his front lawn. "Oh, and do tell Ann, I'll be seeing her on Monday. She's a fine woman, especially when she's on top of me," he stated, referring to the man's wife. Who he's had the privilege of sleeping with. He was definitely going to miss how that woman sucks a cock when he leaves Reading far behind.

"You're lying!"

"What did you think you and that whore in there were sneaky? You dumb fool," Mike sighed, shaking his head. "Who do you think told her about you fucking around, hmm?" he asked with a cruel, wicked grin on his lips. "Enjoy poverty because come Thursday, you're history." Mike's laughter filled the air as the man raced for his car to see if he had a marriage left to go home to, which he didn't, given how his wife at that moment was burning everything the man owned - in their front yard, no less. Rolling his head, feeling the tension easing out of his muscles, muscles he had earned due to the years of turning a wrench, the weight bench in their garage didn't hurt either. It and his nearly restored bike were the only two things, not counting his tools, that dominated their one-car garage. His boots thumped on the boards of the porch as he walked back into his house. Seeing his wife jumping as the door slammed behind him.


"Shut your whoring, lying mouth," Mike snarled. "The only thing I want from you is silence." Watching how she quickly snapped her mouth closed, and genuine fear burned in her eyes. It wasn't surprising, given how that was the first time she's ever seen him raise his fist in anger. "Call your sister, tell her to come over. I could use some of that fine pussy she has," he stated as he walked into his bedroom to remove all his belongings from that room. He no longer saw the need to continue the charade that he's been playing for the past few months.

"What?!" Eve roared with a vengeance. "You cheating..."

"You cheated first, you left this marriage, as shitty as it was, you opened the door, slut," Mike spat as he gathered up his clothes. "Who do you think I spend my Tuesdays and Thursdays with when you're out with the 'girls'?" he asked, flashing air quotes. "Trust me, she's far better in bed than you ever were," Mike stated, twisting the knife deeper.

"You sorry excuse for a man!" Eve screamed at the top of her lungs as he carried his clothing to the guest bedroom. "If you were something more than a mechanic, I wouldn't have to look elsewhere!" Thinking of cutting her husband off at the knees.

"Strange," Mike mused, staring up at the ceiling, noting how his wife was fuming at how her taunts weren't affecting him like she thought they would. "Me being a mechanic didn't stop Ann, who's rich, by the way, from sucking my dick or giving up her ass to me. Maybe it's just fucking you, you skank. Oh, and I might start looking for a new job if I were you," he said, grinning from ear to ear at Eve's befuddled look. "Who do you think owns that company? It certainly isn't that douche. Do you honestly think you'll have a job in a few days?" Mike asked, pushing that knife deeper into his soon-to-be ex-wife's side.

"Mike, it wasn't meant to be this way?!" Eve stated, knowing she was standing on a crumbling bridge, and she couldn't stop the fire from spreading, consuming it as she stood in the midst of the flames. "It was only sex; it didn't mean anything. I promise I won't do it..." Her anger rose at the snort it got out of Mike. Stumbling as he pushed her aside before reentering their bedroom.

"I don't give a shit. You are nothing but a whore, not a very good one at that, I might add," Mike spoke, walking back out of the bedroom loaded down with more clothes. "So go, spread those legs like the town whore that you are because that's the only way you'll have any income in the coming months after I divorce your ass."

"Then get the fuck out of my house!" Eve screamed.

"Not happening cunt, until this house is sold, I'm not leaving," Mike said, glad he was squirreling away money from his paychecks since the day he picked up on her cheating. Also thankful that his boss asked the woman that did their books to set up an account in another alias of his so his wife wouldn't know about it. "So get used to seeing my ass, bitch," he stated as he dragged his footlocker, which he had bought seven years ago, behind him that held every item of his former life.

"You stupid sonofabitch, you just had to make trouble, didn't you! You simply couldn't let me have what I wanted, could you! This never hurt you; you got plenty of..."

"When's the last time I willingly touched that used thing you call a pussy?" Mike asked, peering back at her. "Two months, if you couldn't fucking see it, you're stupider than I thought you were," he said coldly, watching how red Eve's face was growing. "So, go on, call your sister; I want to celebrate!"

"Fuck you!"

"No, thank you," shivering at the thought, "no telling what that man has," Mike stated, laughing madly as he walked into the guest bedroom. "Wait, never mind, that's her now!" he called out as his cellphone rang in his pocket. "Hey, what's up?" he answered as he set the footlocker down at the foot of his bed.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Eve hollered as she raced into the room. "I won't let some piece of shit like you ruin her marriage!" she seethed as she leaped onto Mike's back, snatching his phone out of his hand. Grunting in pain when Mike landed on top of her when he fell back onto the bed.

"Now get the fuck out of my room, cunt," Mike growled, snatching his phone out of her hand. "Hey, sorry about that; yeah, she's a stupid bitch. Couldn't even see the panties you left behind that one time," he laughed as he walked out of the room to get himself a beer. "Yeah, I'm free; come on over; I'll put a bun in that oven for you."

"What!" Eve yelled once she had recovered.

"What? It's just sex. It doesn't mean anything," Mike said, using Eve's own words against her when she came running into the kitchen. "Yeah, I know, a bunch of bullshit; she thought I would buy that spiel," he uttered, grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"Tia, don't do this!" Eve shouted so her sister could hear her. Watching how Mike brought his phone down before turning it to face her.

"Sis, I'm only going to say this once. You are an idiot!" Eve's head shot back at her sister's words. "You better get yourself a good lawyer because Mike's already talked to Mom about your cheating. She was all the more willing to represent him if it wasn't a conflict of interest for her. I don't know what happened to you or what that piece of shit filled your head with to cheat on your husband. It can't be the sex, given how Mike's been filling me up plenty of times with his cum. And no, I'm not cheating on my husband, Chaz knows all about the times Mike and I have had sex. It was Chaz's idea in the first place since he can't have kids due to a birth defect, and I thought, why not? Better than wasting money on fertility doctors and insemination treatments. God, how he's had me howling every time I've had the pleasure of fucking him. So, sis, I suggest you get used to being single because it's going to happen; Mom's seeing to it."

"But she's..."

"You know Mom's view on cheaters; you had to know that she wouldn't be pleased when she heard about it given how her first husband cheated on her. So don't expect sympathy from her, Dad, or me."

"But he's just a damn mechanic!" Eve bemoaned.

"So? Do you condemn Dad for just being a plumber?"

"What?! No, why would I?" Eve asked, aghast at the thought.

"Then why are you so hell-bent on condemning Mike for his job? Where the hell did this hate for what your husband does come from? It sure wasn't there when you were dating him. Was it that douche that can't keep his dick to himself?"

"Don't talk about Stan like that! He's a good..."

"Sis, you're a stupid bitch; if he was a good man, he wouldn't be sleeping with a married woman. No, he isn't a good man, he's a piece of shit, and sis, love ya and all, so are you. So don't expect sympathy from me, Chaz, Mom, or Dad. You brought this world of hurt onto yourself, willingly. I'll be here for you and all when you get served with the divorce papers on Monday."

"Divorce!" Eve shouted.

"What did you think was going to happen? Did you honestly think Mike was going to put up with your cheating? Did that asshole fill your head with shit? Because I know once you were a rather smart woman, now I don't think I even know you any longer, and truthfully, I don't think I want to if you can do this to the man you supposedly love. You're not the sister I remember. Mike, I need to make Chaz dinner; I'll be there in two hours. Will that be fine with you?" Tia asked, knowing she was at her peak of ovulation, or that's what she told her husband when in truth, she was already a month pregnant. She just really loved the pounding Mike always gave her, and since his seed had taken hold, she was horny all the damn time. Chaz was having trouble keeping up with her increased libido.

"Sure, I'll try not to make you too sore," Mike said, grinning evilly at his wife, who was shooting daggers at him.