Born to Be Ch. 06


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He placed his leggings down in a folded pile beside his shoes on the floor, knowing that the carpet was clean as he vacuumed it more than enough times to ensure this. Then laid himself on his side, reaching up to the back of the couch to pull the thick Afghan blanket they had folded over it down onto him. And lastly, after stripping down and covering up, he picked up the Xbox controller to turn it on and load up the Netflix app, ready for the pre-bedtime snuggle.

Selena eventually returned with a tub of chocolate and vanilla ice cream for the pair of them. (Ironic?) Two mugs of liquid, Ashley's iced tea, and her whole milk. She too had changed out of her work clothes, and into her underwear, although she left them unceremoniously in the kitchen which Ashley knew he had to pick up later. She was so messy! But she was pretty so he could forgive that...

"So little lady, what are we watching tonight?" She set the items down on the coffee table as Ashley happily scooted forward to make room behind him so she may slip in.

"Uuuuuummmm I dunno, haven't decided just yet...they never add anything good on here." He complained while Selena crept over his tiny body, she was easily twice his size and took up about eighty percent of the couch when she spooned in from behind.

"Stranger Things?" She suggested.

Ashley shrugged, "Ehh, we've binged that so much already, I don't wanna burnout before season three."

"Walking dead?" Was next.

That earned an eyeroll, "Ugh, I can't stand watching that anymore, they messed up so hard with season eight. Seriously? Where did all those bullets come from, and no one is hitting anything! It's terrible!"

Selena chuckled, "Okay okaaay, about we look for some wrestling?" Suddenly she suggested.

Ashley looked at her over his shoulder, "Huh? Wrestling? Well that's a new one."

"What?" Selena shrugged, "Why not? I haven't watched any for a while but I use to be a big fan of it."

"Isn't it all fake?" The teen asked.

"Uhhhmm...well..." She hesitated, "Yes? But so what? It can still be fun to watch to dudes act like they hate each other a lot and fight it out."

Ashley's brow rose up in what looked like amusement, "Ehhhh...I think I'm gonna have to pass on that one too Daddy."

"Awww come oooon babyyyyyyy." Selena nuzzled into the nape of Ashley's neck. "Give it a chaaaance."

He giggled with her plea but replied with, "I'm sorry it just seems kinda silly to me."

"Oh and killing zombies in multiple ridiculous ways while characters stupidly debate over stuff that's really not important isn't?" She taunted him.

"The show was great!" Ashley defended his favorite zombie apocalypse show. "Well...use to be..." They were still going through a bad breakup after the travesty of season eight. "But that's still different! That show is fictional, wrestling is fake but they try to promote it like it's real." That's what Ashley knew based on just his cursory knowledge of the subject. He knew that a lot of people liked to make fun of wrestling shows because they always tried to take themselves so seriously. But then again, there were some fans of said shows that reeeeally enjoyed them, and got invested.

Now he was seeing how much of a fan Selena exactly was.

"Well so what? We watch shows to be entertained, and whether it gets you emotionally distraught, or laughing at it, it's still doing its job." She defended it, "And plus, I'll have you know that I did a whole bunch of wrestling myself before I started the gym." Selena confidently declared.

That made Ashley actually turn over a bit more to look at her, "Wait really? Like professional wrestling?"

She shook her head, "No no, you're not gonna see me on any of those shows. I meant I spent a little time as a wrestling coach before Lunar Lifters was a thing."

"Ooohh..."Ashley said slowly, eyeing her with a look that definitely did not look impressed. More like playfully skeptical. "Sooo you were a scam artist?" He teased.

His lovers jaw dropped and she sat up, putting her hands on her hips in mock offense. "Wow, aren't you being a little butt head tonight."

He giggled, "Oh I'm only teeasiiing, I know you're strong and you could kick anyone's butt, with anything other than wrestling that is."

"You really think wrestling's BS don't you punk?" She poked Ashley's tummy eliciting a little giggle from the tiny girly boy.

"Noooooooo...noooooo..." Sarcasm was drenched all over the words like a thick maple syrup on a stack of pancakes. He was teasing her on purpose, asking for trouble. Catching on to the fact that Selena enjoyed wrestling, he felt he could tease her about the silly sport a bit. And maybe she'd be rough with him in the bedroom later.

It looked like his plan was working as her appalled expression only grew, "Woooow, you're such a little weiner!"She reached her hands down to poke and jab at Ashley's sides under the blanket, targeting his ticklish spots to get a reaction. "I watch whatever you like every night, and the one time I tell you about something I like you start giving me crap? Ohhh you're aaasking for it little girl!" She gritted her teeth at the last few words in the sentence, feeling some arousal begin to rise up within her as she touched her 'girlfriends' slim, slender body.

How she squirmed and writhed with cute little laughs at her prodding, it excited her. But she was trying to ignore her excitement at least for the moment, Ashley was in trouble for poking fun at one of her passions.

"Ahh! Aheehhehehehe! Selena! I'm not aah! Not making fuuuun of Wrestling! I'm just denying that it actually works is aaal eeeee!" He squealed higher and higher pitch the more he was tickled. Only finding a moment to breathe after Selena ceased tickling him upon hearing him say that.

She leaned up again, once more putting her hands on her hips. "Oh? Is that right? You don't think wrestling is real at all huh punk?"

Ashley grinned a Cheshire, ear to ear grin, knowing his answer would seal his fate if he went through with it. And already he could feel his own excitement bubbling up in his body. His little clit was getting hard from the touches Selena forced upon him during her tickle assault. He could only hope she would do muuuuuch more than that the more he pushed her buttons.

So he shook his head no and tuck out his tongue at her. Immediately grabbing the blanket and pulling it up to his chin, hoping that it would act as the ultimate shield against all things evil as blankets were known to be.

But instead of an onslaught, or a rampaging mass of a two hundred fifty pound ebony Goddess of a woman attacking him. He instead received...nothing? She didn't pounce, didn't haul him up over her shoulder with promises of his ass's destruction. Instead, she just knelt above him in quiet contemplation. Looking like she was debating in her mind what she was going to do to punish her rather cheeky princess tonight.

A silence stretched on between them for a few moments, Ashley's heart beginning to pound in nervous anticipation before she finally broke it.

"Okay tough girl...I'll make you a deal..." She started, and the teen knew it was about to get interesting. "You don't think wrestlings real? Just some cheap hollywood smoke and mirrors to get brainless fans to throw their money at it hm?"

Ashley still remained hiding beneath the blanket, waiting for the attack to come at any waking moment, "Maaaaaybeeeee..."

"Well then Ashley, I challenge you to a wrestling match." She suddenly said.

The feminine boy blinked, "Huh?"

"You heard me. I wanna wrestle you, tomorrow, right out here. I can bring some of our yoga mats out of the car and lay them out, move the couch and furniture back and we'll have ourselves a wrestle. And since you don't think wrestlings real, I'll oooonly use wrestling moves that I know from my time as a coach. You can do whatever you want, go for the legs, be slippy, slidey, quickie, whatever, it all goes."

He sat up on his elbows, now beginning to realize his asshole was not about to be ruined, so a little disappointment showed on his face, but also intrigue. Like he was interested in learning what exactly she had in mind, Selena didn't do anything half baked, when she got an idea, she had a good reason behind it. And always planned to follow it through with utmost efficiency.

"Really? Just cuz I think it's silly?" Ashley asked pretty amused at how serious she was taking this. And she nodded her head at him, obviously not actually upset or offended or anything. It seemed like she just got an idea that she wanted to enact and use this little debate to follow through with it. "Okay...I'm listening..."

"If I win, you have to admit wrestling can be real and legit." He nodded, able to accept that part easily, it was what came after though that caught him off guard. " have to wear my vibrating butt plug..."

The teen stared blankly up at her for about fifteen seconds before he shook his head, "I'm sorry what was that?"

"I know you've seen it, in my toy chest where I keep the dildos to fuck you with. My nice, fat, pure joy, naughty plug. The one with the vibrator inside of it with a wireless remote..." Ashley saw where she was going with this. "If I win, you have to wear it aaaaaall day while I have the remote and can use it whenever I want."

Ashley felt his clit tingle at the prospect. She was right, he had seen her big butt plug in the toy chest. On more than one occasion, he had gotten curious and peaked inside her box filled with instruments of sexual torment and torture. And also whenever he was the one to grab the strap-on out of it, he got a quick glance around inside. He definitely knew which one she was talking about.

It was big, black and made of safe silicone. Not as long as the dildo they had used for sex over and over...but definitely thicker. Especially around the base where it would seal inside of him. The vibrator was inserted there and had a little entry port at the bottom of the plug for easy battery replacement.

The thought of having that big thing stuffed up his boy pussy all day while he was at Selena's mercy with the controller had his prick practically leaking already. The humiliation of walking around with it in, so horny.

And at any moment it could just buzz right on! Whether he was walking down the street, talking on the phone, or in front of his class...

Selena watched him bite his lip, clearly getting excited, "Sound good?" She asked, quirking her own eyebrow.

But Ashley didn't give in just yet, he hadn't been with her so long now just to submit to her easily. Selena and he both liked it when he was coy, or sly, and sometimes a little bratty. It made it all the more sweet when she broke him in bed.

"Well not so fast..." He said, preparing to bargain with her. "What do I get if I win?" His fingers twirling a lock of his long hair at his side, tilting his head cutely and curiously.

"The exact same thing of course, except, I'll where the plug, and you have the remote." She stated blatantly.

His eyes widened and his lips parted shocked, "Oh really?" He sat up further, "You've never let me put anything in your butt must be very confident."

She grinned, "Hell yes I am honey, that's why I'm willing to, literally, put my ass on the line." Pun intended, "Besides, that means you'll get to flip things around for once. You'll have the power, able to tease and torture me with such a big butt plug inside me." Selena took on a sudden higher tone of voice, pouting and batting her eyelashes at Ashley for a change. " ass is super sensitive makes me a little...submissive..." She crossed her fingers behind her back.

Fibbing her way through these little details to hopefully entice her lover to agree to the bet. Her ass was sensitive of course, but it didn't make her a bottom when it was played with. In fact she liked to top while having her ass rimmed. Ashley hadn't done so yet since she didn't know how he felt about eating ass, but perhaps this could be a gateway to it.

It seemed to be working because Ashley's breathing started to pick up. He looked over his girlfriend in her underwear. Black bra, black thong, abs on display, smooth, silky, dark skin that went over her body for miles. What would it be like to have Selena be the submissive one? For him to have the power just for once?

He was pretty sure he was too accustomed to being the butt slut to get addicted to it, so he was sure it'd be fine. Heck, he may not even like it, but the image of Selena with big glassy eyes, begging him to... 'stick it in her ass' had his insides quivering with delight.

"So... whoever loses...has to take the plug inside them while the other tortures them with the remote?" He asked one last time.

"Mmmhmm..." Selena smirked, "Exactly."

Ashley grinned, confident in his belief that there was no actual tactics or reality to wrestling when it came to fights. Just sweaty dudes who put on a show for a paycheck, they never actually even hit each other if you watch closely! So what's Selena gonna do? Pretend to smack him to KO?

She must've been trying to psyche him out, get him to agree wrestling was real under the intimidation of having to go into a fight with her. Despite her bigger size and muscle, he knew she'd never hurt him. She was trying to win a battle of wits, which Ashley knew he'd defeat her in.

Silly boy...or rather...silly girly boy.

He held out his hand for a hand shake, "You've got a deal Miss Mills, hope you're ready to have something up your beautiful booty for a change."

Selena's grin was wide and sadistic, "Oh baby've still got soooo much to learn." She took his little hand in her own and sealed the deal. Loving how he looked so confident and sure of himself in the moment, like he had this all figured out and was ready to win. All the while she was going to prove him so wrong.

She also surprised him after that by saying no sex tonight! Which blew Ashley's mind out of the water, they had sex every night since they had been together. But her reason to it was that she wanted him to be fully rested and ready to go for their 'struggle snuggle' tomorrow.

"Ohhh I see..." Ashley thought, "We're getting serious now huh..."

The couple finished cuddling on the couch of course and settled on just watching one of the movies they'd already seen since they couldn't decide on a show. Then gathered up themselves, putting their ice cream away, took a quick shower together and headed up to bed.

Ashley wasn't sure if she would stay dedicated to the 'no sex tonight' claim though, and was curious if she'd follow it through.

And much to his surprise, she did, even as he pushed his booty up against her pelvis, trying to entice and tease her. Sending her telepathic signals that he wanted the D, but she stuck to her guns, and for the first night in over a month, they didn't bang.

But that was fine, Ashley could handle that, he looked at this almost like foreplay. Like they both were waiting, building suspense to whoever would have to be the one with a plug in their rear all day. It wasn't like they had an argument and refused to touch each other; they were playing the game. Waiting each other out until the moment of their fight. That was enough to serve in Ashley's mind as kinky build up to the main event.

So he still fell asleep with the flutter in his heart Selena naturally gave him.

The Following Day:

Another surprising first in the line of firsts happening recently, was Ashley woke up second. Selena actually got up before him and carefully got out of bed to go and prep their wrestle area. She pushed all the furniture out of the way to give them more than enough space, then hurried to her car to get all her extra yoga mats, hauling them over her shoulder and back into the house.

She arranged them in a large square so they would have plenty of room to roll and tumble about. Although, Selena wasn't exactly expecting this to be much of a fight. Ashley was so cute when he thought he was right, and even more so when she saw that look of surprise in his eyes the moment he realized he was wrong. She couldn't wait to see that definitely, and she did NOT plan on taking it easy on him. least for the most part. She thought up a set of rules in her head so that she wouldn't actually have to hurt Ashley or KO him. Not for their first little wrestling match, if he became more use to the rough and tumble nature of sexual fighting, then sure she would love to squeeze his little neck between her thighs until he passed out.

"Nnnf..." Selena did a semi-eye roll at that image. Head scissoring was another fetish of hers that she wanted to introduce at some point, but not just yet. They hadn't done much breath play in the bedroom, nor really any truly kinky sexual acts at all. Aside from the obvious switch of her being the man, and Ashley the bitch.

But she'd never tied him up, choked him, degraded him, whipped his ass or flogged him, led him around on a collar and leash...there were so many things she wanted to try and explore with Ashley. She wasn't going to rush it though, she was lucky enough that he enjoyed being her little sissy girlfriend and counted her blessings every day for it. So she wasn't going to risk breaking out all the kinky stuff and then actually scaring him off from it and losing the opportunity to even try.

Baby steps were always the best method when it came to introducing your girlfriend into the darker side of sexual fantasies.

She shook off her wandering thoughts though and continued to set up the area, while Ashley awoke upstairs and travelled down. Still in his silky pink night gown and matching thong panties, bare, smooth legs gently padding down the steps until he reached the living room and saw the arrangement she had set up.

"Oh wow...good morning?" He asked playfully.

Selena grinned, happy with her work. "Good morning my little incorrect Angel!" She said, taking a loooong look over his night attire, as innocent as it looked, it was at the same time lewd with him in it. Looking so cute, teasing her even though he's not trying to. "Ugh...I can't wait to fuck you into the mat..." She walked over the mats and headed up to him, also still wearing her underwear. "How do you like the ring where your demise is sure to take place?"

Ashley chuckled at that, "Well it looks like I'm not the only one who's overconfident." He put his hands on his feminine hips.

"Oh you know me baby." She reached up to snatch a lock of his hair and toyed with it in her fingers, "I'm confident only when I know I'm good at something." She leaned down, "And I'm good at quite a lot."

He stuck out his tongue at her and she quickly took advantage of it and swiped at the tiny pink appendage with her own. Earning a quick little squeak from him, "Yeah yeeeah, can I make breakfast first before you lose?" He fired back.

"Ooooooohhhh I'm gonna fuck you uuuuuup..." Selena sang in her mind, just absolutely ready to wreck her little girls demeanor. Honestly, she was a little surprised that he was so sure he could win! Anyone with a brainstem could see she had easily over a hundred and fifty pounds on him all in muscle, about a foot and a half taller than him as well, and it was wrestling! Which she knew had actually skill to it, but he refused to believe.

So it was going to be pretty fun to just shatter his expectations and make him her bitch on the mat.

But rather than comment on this, she simply nudged her elbow in the direction of the kitchen, "Go ahead, I'm still setting up here anyways." She stretched her arms out a bit, and walked by him. Both of them sharing a playful, almost rivals like glance at each other as she passed by. Ashley shook his head, viewing this planned activity as something quite silly and not really taking it seriously at all. He was pretty sure that Selena was still either going to back out, or not really put up a fight. Probably laughing about how it was just a big joke and maybe they'll end up tangled up on the mats in the throes of some sweet sexy time. Making up for the last night she held hostage from him.