Boss Me Around


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Jack looked up and found himself face to face with a rather large and dangerously looking character.

"Ah," said he. "You must be the large butler. Harry, is it?"

"Yes," said the butler. "Yes, I am."

"Well," said Jack, taking in the other man's seven foot frame, muscle rippled torso, shiny bald head and eyepatch. "I'm Jack Danvers. And you certainly are very burly."

"Thank you," Harry replied, stonefaced. "You certainly are not." He reached out for Charlie, and Jack, rather relieved not to spend anymore time in present company, moved to hand her over. Unfortunately for he, Charlie seemed to have other plans. She'd wrapped her arms quite tightly around his neck, and did not seem willing to let go.

"Well this won't do," said Jack.

"You'll have to carry her up," said Harry, and motioned for Jack to follow him.

Jack was puffing when he finally got to Charlie's room. Her large house apparently included a large flight of stairs, as he'd found to his dismay. Carrying a sleeping woman up a flight of stairs might be very manly, but it was not easy. He was very grateful to finally be able to put her in bed, and relieve himself of his burden.

Alas, again, Charlie did not seem to want to let go.

Jack sighed. "Charlie," he murmured. "You must sleep."

She murmured something and buried her face in his neck. He was aware of the very large man behind him, watching somewhat disapprovingly. "Charlie sweets," he said again, attempting to extricate himself from her octopus like clutch. "Let go..."

She held on.

Why is it, thought Jack with a little curse, that I always pick the clingy ones? He grabbed her arms and attempted to pull free. She tightened her grip around him, at the same time tugging at a bit of his hair. "Sweets..." his teeth clenched. "Charlie, let go!"

She sighed sleepily, and her hold slackened on him. Relieved, he made to pull away, leaving her on the bed, but she shuffled towards him. It was a little whisper but he heard it anyway. "Don't leave me."

"Alright," he promised. "I won't leave you. Now let me go, sweets."

She let go, and he moved away. There was a seat beside the bed, and he took it, noticing Harry still stood there, looking at him with one eyebrow raised.

"I did promise," Jack explained.

"Ah," said Harry. "I see."

There was a pause.

"So," said Jack. "How is it that you came to work for Charlie? This seems to be something of a fairly unusual...arrangement, if you'll forgive my saying so."

"Used to work for her parents," was the brief reply.

"Oh," said Jack. "Also as their butler?"

"Bodyguard," said Harry.

"Oh," said Jack. Then, "Wait, why did her parents need a bodyguard?"

"Diplomats," said Harry.

"Ah," said Jack. "I'm sorry."

The other man simply nodded, glancing towards the sleeping girl on the bed. "I'll leave you, then. Call if you need anything. You can let yourself out when you decide to leave."

"Thanks," said Jack. "I will."

Harry left, and he was left alone with her. He eyed her sleeping form for a moment, his eyes drawn to her mouth and was almost irresistibly tempted to kiss her. He looked away quickly, sighing. It just would turn out to be that the first time he spent the night in Charlie Sands' bedroom it would be to watch her sleep.

* * *

Charlie opened her eyes to find herself face to face with her boss' sleeping form. "Whoa!" she exclaimed, sitting up with a jerk. "What the devil are you doing here?"

Jack was startled awake. "What?" he mumbled groggily, sitting up uncomfortable from where he was slumped across the chair, his head resting on her bed. "What's happening?"

"You!" Charlie exclaimed, accusingly. "What are you doing here? You seem to be popping up in all sorts of strange places lately."

"I..." said Jack, still not quite awake. "Er..."

Charlie cut him off. "Are you stalking me? Because you know, if you are, let me tell you my brother's a lawyer! He'll put in prison. And my butler is very large. He'd fix you but good."

Jack stifled a laugh. "I'm not stalking you, Charlie."

She regarded him, hands on hips, and demanded, "Then what the devil are you doing in my bedroom?"

"I took you home last night," he reminded her.

"Yes, but that doesn't explain why you're still here."

"You wouldn't let me leave," he replied. "You held on and made me promise not to go."

Charlie glared at him. "That," she announced, "Is the most ridiculously preposterous thing I have ever heard."

He eyed her with amusement.

"For one thing, my butler would never have let you in."

"Well, he did," said Jack.

Charlie frowned, perplexed. "Did he? How very uncooperative of him. I shall fire him at once. But never mind that. I want you out, now. Harry!" the last was a roar. "Harry!"

Harry thundered up the stairs and burst into the room. "Miss?" he queried in an incongruously polite manner. "Is there a problem?"

"Harry," said Charlie imperiously, "There is an objectionable man in my room. Did you know this?"

"Yes I did, Miss Charlotte."

"And you let him stay? How awful of you. You're fired, Harry. Remove him at once, please."

Harry seemed nonplussed. "Certainly, miss." He looked at Jack. "If you'll follow me, Mr Danvers."

Jack, highly amused, stood up to go. He looked back at her. "I'll see you in the office in an hour then, Ms Sands."

Charlie jerked, and looked in horror at her alarm clock. It was eight. Which left an hour, and she still hadn't finished that article.

* * *

It was a very angry Charlie who was sitting at her desk that morning, angrily sipping coffee, angrily muttering under her breath and angrily scribbling out the final touches to her article. Her hair, still wet, was dripping cold water down her back which was making her angrier, and the fact that her boss, despite the fact that it was a quarter to ten, was still not here, was really not helping.

Not helping at all.

Charlie, after rushing in and out of the shower, tumbling down the stairs and gulping down her coffee, had been greeted by a far too jovial Ed (that seemed to be the norm these days. Ed was always far too jovial for her tastes) who'd asked her how she'd spent the night.

"Fine," she had muttered.

"Really?" Ed had asked, brows raised. "Nothing unusual happen?"

"Not at all," said Charlie.

"No guests?"

"No. None. Not even one."

"How odd," said her brother, musingly. "I had the distinct impression I saw Jack Danvers coming down the stairs this morning. And I'm sure it was he I was speaking to when I asked what he was doing here..."

Charlie, somewhat nervously, asked, "What'd he say?"

"Well I asked if you two had slept together and he didn't deny it," said Ed, mischievously.

Charlie, seething, was about to burst into an angry tirade when paused by her brother's pointed glance at the clock. It was quarter to nine – she'd be late for work. "Fuck," she'd said, and rushed for the car.

She tapped her nails impatiently against the desk and sighed for the fiftieth time. He still wasn't here. He was an hour late, when she'd broken about every traffic law in the book not to be. Prat.

"Hey Charlie," said Jenny from next door. "Didn't you want to see the boss? He just walked in."

"Oh," said Charlie. "Good."

It was a very angry Charlie who leapt to her feet and followed Jack Danvers into his office. He got in before she could, and so the door slammed shut virtually in her face. Almost bristling with irritation, she yanked it open again and marched inside, listening to the resounding crash as it slammed behind her with some satisfaction.

Jack looked up with surprise as he set his briefcase down onto the desk. "Ms Sands," he said, with a smile. "What a pleasant -"

"Oh do be quiet, Jack," said Charlie, looking somewhat dangerous. (Jack noted with surprise her use of his first name, something she almost never did. That had to be a bad thing.) "What did you tell my brother this morning?"

"Er," said Jack. "I didn't tell him anything."

"You did too!" She jabbed accusingly at his chest. "Now tell me what you said!"

He looked utterly baffled. "I swear, I didn't say a thing..."

"Alright," said Charlie, a little menacingly. "Since it seems to have completely slipped your memory, let me ask you this. Did you tell my brother you slept with me?"

A look of comprehension dawned on his face. "Well, see –"

Charlie cut him off. "Answer the question, Jack. Did you or did you not tell him that?"

"Well I did, but - "

She didn't let him finish. "You jerk!" she exclaimed, and slapped him soundly.

There was a brief silence, in which Charlie, breathing hard, looked horrified, and Jack, cheek stinging, looked decidedly put out.

"Now see here..." he began.

"I'm not apologizing," she announced firmly. "You deserved that, even if you are my boss and you're going to fire me. But let me tell you, even if you do fire me, well, it won't matter, because I quit!"

"I'm not going to fire you," said Jack impatiently. "Now would you shut up for a moment, woman? Lord, I'm going to have to buy you a ball gag. Look...I did say...that, to your brother, but honestly, I didn't mean it in any way other than the literal interpretation of the word. I told him I did end up sleeping with you last night...but that was all."

"Oh," said Charlie. "Oh...well I suppose that's plausible."

"Of course it is," said Jack, irritated. "That's what happened."

"Oh," said she, again. "I suppose that means I owe you an apology, then."

"Yes," he replied. "Yes, it does."

He waited.

"Er." She looked at her feet. "Well, sorry. For slapping you and all. But, well, you can't blame me for -"

"Oh shut up Charlie," said Jack, and pushed her back against the desk.

"What – "

Her back was to it, and he was pressing against her, leaning in far too close. She noted distractedly that the cologne he wore was intoxicatingly fresh. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

"You can't do that -"

"Sure I can," he said easily, pressing his mouth quickly to hers. "I'm your boss, aren't I?"

She was breathless from just that one touch. "Yes, but you're not supposed to..."

"I don't care," he murmured, and kissed her again.

It was harder, this time, angrier, almost as if he was punishing her for that slap. His teeth raked along her bottom lip, and he drew it into his mouth to run his tongue over, to nip and nibble on. She was sure she could taste blood, and then she was tasting him, his tongue slipping into her mouth to tangle against hers, draw it into his own, and suck on. A little moan rippled in her throat, and he broke away, his breathing a little ragged now.

"Still think I'm gay?" There was a teasing tilt to his smile.

She was having some trouble thinking. "Huh? Oh, that..." she shook her head to clear it. "I still don't know what you were doing there."

He pressed his mouth to her collarbone. "Same reason you were," he murmured.

She was distracted. "What...?"

"Your brother's birthday..."

She sat up suddenly. "You were there for Ed's birthday?"

He nipped her ear. "That's what I said."

She pushed him away. "Why?"

"I was invited..." He took the moment to walk over and lock the door. Charlie noticed, but did not comment.

"By who?"

He eyed her impatiently. "Your brother, of course. Are we done playing twenty questions yet?"

"No," said Charlie. "You and Ed know each other?"

"Sure," he replied. "Went to college together..."

"You jerk!" Charlie attempted to punch him again. "How dare you!"

He grabbed her wrist and stopped her before she could connect. "How dare I what? Be friends with your brother?" He paused a moment to intercept the other hand, which was about to smack him too. "I wasn't aware either was a crime. Would you stop trying to maim me?"

"I'm not trying to maim you," Charlie protested. "Just hit you. And, well, no. I suppose it's not a crime, but why don't I know about this?"

"You never asked," said Jack, blithely. "I assumed you knew."

"No one told me!" Charlie exclaimed. "How was I supposed to know?"

Jack shrugged. "I always assumed, since Ed often recounted stories you'd told him of work to me, that you knew..."

She pulled one of her wrists free and punched his arm. "You've been being mean to me on purpose!"

He laughed and grabbed her wrists again, pressing his mouth to her neck. "I have not. I've been yanking your chain a little, but that is all." His tone turned serious. "And you, my dear, must get out of this habit of attempting to injure me constantly."

She trod on his foot.

His eyes widening in surprise and then in anger, he yanked her around so she was pressed against the desk, her back to him, and planted a slap firmly on her bottom. She yelped, struggled. He pinned her down. "That's enough princess behaviour for a day, I think," Jack murmured. "Now apologise, Charlotte."

"Not if you're going to call me that," Charlie muttered.

He smacked her again. "I can keep doing this all day, you know."

"Fine," her tone was sulky. "Sorry."

"That's better." His voice was low, now, throaty. She could feel the length of his body behind her, pressing indecently close, pushing her further onto the desk. His breath was warm against the nape of his neck, and his fingers, brushing her hair aside, raised goosebumps.

She shivered when he flicked out his tongue, licked her skin.

His hands, settled on her hips, moved to stroke up her sides, lingering at her torso, his fingers stroking the sides of her breasts briefly, then sliding back down to flip her skirt up again. She gasped, and the reality of what they were doing struck her at last. She opened her mouth to speak. "Jack..." It trailed off when she felt the tear of her panties, and then the cool air against her bare, heated skin.

Her bare, damp, skin...

She was wet. She could feel it even before the touch of his fingers against her sex, stroking and spreading the slickness, told her so. His hand, there, made her whimper. Her legs parted further, and involuntarily, she pressed back at him. She waited. He was silent.

Two fingers, quite suddenly, slid inside her.

Her hands crumpled some form or other that had been lying on his desk as her entire body tightened, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip into stifle the moan. He kissed her neck again, slid his fingers slowly out, and then in again, harder, rougher than before. She made a little sound, and he did it again, quickening his pace, until he was fucking her with his fingers, shoving them in and out of her grasping cunt almost fiercely, almost brutally... Soft, pleading pants escaped her lips, and he could feel her tightening around him. "Yes," he whispered against her neck. "Yes, baby, come for me...come on my fingers...good girl."

She shattered, and it was, indeed, earth shattering.

There was a moment where neither spoke, where he simply stared down at the soft curve of her back, and where nothing entered her mind, wrapped in soft languor. She was slumped across the desk, her body limp, her eyes closed, when she heard behind her, the sound of a zipper being undone.

Her eyes opened, and she made to straighten. A large hand in the small of her back kept her down.

She heard a rustle, and then his hands moved to her hips again, but this time they felt different, and then his mouth was against her, and she knew why...

"Oh, god," Charlie gasped.

She could almost feel him smile as his lips moved across the folds of her sex, kissing them almost as though he were kissing another set of lips. Nipping, sucking...tonguing. "Jack, what are you doing...?"

He answered, somewhat muffled against her cunt, "Eating you, of course..."

His tongue was sliding up and down the length of her sex – a long, slow lick. "Oh, god," she groaned again. She could feel him pushing against her...into her, his tongue tasting inside her, and now his mouth, resting over her clit, lightly sucking. "Please..."

"Please what, baby...?" he raised his face from her long enough to query.

"Please...I want..."

"Hmm...? What do you want...?" he raised himself up now, to stand against her, and she could feel the heat, the hardness of him nudging against her sex.

She whimpered incoherently, hips arching back towards him. "I need..."

"What do you need?"

Her eyes were closed, her teeth gnawing her bottom lip. His hand, between her legs, slapped her cunt sharply. She inhaled sharply at the sting of pleasurable pain. "I asked you a question, baby..."

"I...I need you," she said simply.

She could feel him smile. "Finish your article?"

She frowned, puzzled. "Yes."

"All typed up...?"

Bastard. "No."

He slapped her again, and she jerked. "Jack..."

He smiled, his mouth at her ear again, nipping and sucking. "You want to be filled, hmm...?" it was a breath, a whisper, barely audible, but it made her shiver. "Stretched...your little body stuffed...?"


"Beg me..."

"Please...I want to feel you inside me."

"And you always get what you want, hmm...?" His hands grabbed her hips hard and he pulled her into him even as he was sliding himself into her, stretching her, filling her. He groaned at the slick wetness, the tight grip of her velvet channel enveloping each inch of him as he slid in further. She let out a long, low moan. He withdrew quickly and she whimpered at the loss, then cried out when he ground himself into her again.

"Oh god," she was gasping, again. "Oh, god, fuck me."

Jack's hands slid from her hips to grip her wrists, stretch them above her head until she was arched, taut, beneath him. "Fuck you?" he thrust, hard, into her, and she groaned as she felt the crown of his cock, nudging at her cervix. "I'll fuck you senseless, darling..."

He was ramming into her now, his cock pounding into her with a fierce, unrelenting rhythm, almost cruel in intensity. She was wet, her skin damp with sweat, her thighs glistening with slick trails of her own arousal, the air filled with the slick, wet sounds of their coupling and the slap of their skin together, the scent warm with sex scented moisture. She was panting, and his breathing was harsh – a little whimpermoan escaped her mouth each time he rammed into her.

She could feel something inside her tightening, and it seemed he could too, because his thrusts into her became just that harder, rougher, and gained a certain frenzied element. He was pounding into her almost frantically now, his harsh grunts filling her ears, the sensation of his cock filling her again and again, overwhelming. His grip on her wrists tightened – he tugged, and her back arched further, enough to tilt her hips to take him deeper than ever before, and she let out a muffled shriek, her body shuddering, her cunt clenching around him.

He stiffened, sank his teeth into her shoulder, and groaned into her skin. She could feel the heat of the spurts inside her, feel the hot flood of the cum inside, and leaking slowly down her legs when at last he stopped, and lay still on her.

It was a while before Jack lifted himself away at last, and sinking down onto the floor, dragged Charlie with him. He sat, leaning back against the desk, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Tilting her face, he leaned in and kissed her. Charlie, still lost of something of a daze, was not the least reluctant to kiss him back. "You know," he murmured, tugging at her lips. "We've just done a very naughty thing..."

She leant up to run her tongue over his lips. "I know," she agreed, a mischievous twinkle lighting up her eyes. "But at least now I know you're not gay."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Funny, very clever, never predictable and brilliantly written. The ferret was a touch of genius.


TwoInterestedTwoInterestedabout 6 years ago

Funny and well written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

youre putting these stories in the wrong place, publish or put them on wattpad, THESE ARE AMAZING!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FINISH TO TEMPT THE DEVIL

Kitist02Kitist02about 8 years ago
Ferret out a response

OK, anything with a ferret in a tag line grabs my attention. I regret that you didn't further elucidate the presence of the ferret, it would have helped the story immensely, and it needed help.

This was too scrambled, despite being kind of fun, to warrant five stars. I haven't read any other stories by ms_girl23 but I will. I hope they are more cohesive than this.

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