Bound by Pride Ch. 05


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"How sad..." Amy said, truly sad for the loss, her mind however was ticking, looking at the problems this information would cause, "it will make more people angry."

Electra sighed, "There's more, while she was captive she gave birth to a daughter... she's eleven-ish."

"Do you need me to find a foster family? Or see if some kin will take her?" Amy asked trying to be helpful.

"No, Madeline... she made me responsible for her child." Electra explained.

"Ah." Amy responded knowingly. "I'll make sure the room across from yours is ready for her."

"Ma... what do I do... she didn't even know her mother... her mother didn't even get a chance to name her." Electra rushed out beginning to fret over the situation she was now in, she wasn't like her Ma who seemed to instinctively know what to do in any situation. She knew the law, guns and battle, she hadn't even thought that she would become a mother and if she did, it would not be for a very, very long time.

"Calm down. You can do this." Amy told her calmly.

"How... I'm now responsible for two people Ma, how can I be useful to both of them."

"I managed and so will you. Madeline chose you, trusted you with her greatest treasure. She did it because you cared enough to be there as she passed, comforted her in her darkest moment. You will be able to do this." Amy coached her out of her funk.

"What do I tell her?" Electra asked.

"Never lie to a child, they won't understand why you did it all they will know is that you did and you will need her to trust you, so be honest with her. Tell her what she will understand."

Electra nodded, "Anything else?"

There was silence as her mother thought, "Take her to the funeral, let her see the woman who gave birth to her, to reconcile her with the stranger who was her mother. What's Madeline's full name and pack; I'll see what I can get for her."

Electra went to grab her biological mother's necklace, which was always around her neck and ran it through her fingers. It was the only thing she had from her, her treasure and something she never removed. However, she suddenly remembered that she had placed it around Mayhem's neck moments before Amy took her, as it was the only way to get Mayhem to release her. She had explained its importance to Mayhem, told her it was the only thing she had from her mother and that she was trusting Mayhem with it, that she would return to take it back. "Madeline Koravic of the Frostbite pride."

"Rufus's pride, I'll see what I can do." She sighed, slightly aggravated, "Okay here." the phone was handed to someone.

"Electra?" Mayhem asked.

"Hey Mayhem, how did you sleep?"

"Okay... kind of, Sage kept me company in cat form." She explained, "You?"

"Didn't get to bed until late. Too much to do." Electra said as she glanced in to see how Madeline was doing. "I'll be away until the last person is returned to their family so I might be back by the end of the week. I've requested leave so I'll be home for a while."

"Okay I'll let you go." Mayhem said reluctantly.

"See you soon." Electra pulled away and hung up her phone.


Mayhem sighed and returned the phone to Amy. "Sorry for bothering you so much."

Amy waved her away. "Give me a few minutes then I'll go and get Jesse so we can get this over with." She walked over to her desk and pulled out a flip file which held the contact details of every Alpha and elder of Were and others as well as every nation leader in the world. She quickly flicked through and came to a stop on the number she sought.

She took the handset off the cradle and quickly punched the number in as she tucked the handset under her ear. She heard the phone connect after the second ring.

"Rufus." A deep voice grumbled down the line.

"Did I wake you Rufus?" She asked amused.

"No... what can I do for you Amy?" He asked surprised, him and his little pride didn't have much to do with the others as they lived out of the way in a very remote place, just the way most snow leopards liked it.

"I have some bad news for you."

He sighed and guessed, "Madeline."

"Yes," she said not surprised by his guess only confirming it for him. "She died a little while ago, Electra just informed me."

Silence, "I'll tell her sister. Are the preparations being done for her?"

"Yes, she'll be burning by dusk and I'll come and get you and her sister to be there."

"Thankyou Amy... it... it will mean a lot to both of us." He said trying to keep his voice steady and his emotions in check although all he wanted to do was cry... Madeline... dear Madeline was dead.

She hesitated.

He heard the silence on the other side, could almost taste the hesitation, "There's more?" He asked surprised.

"Sadly yes..."

He drew in a breath sharply as the obvious answer jumped up and slapped him in the face, "A child..."

She nodded, although he couldn't see her, as she leant back in her chair and propped her feet up on the desk, "Yes, a daughter."

"When we come to the funeral we'll take her with us..." He went to start making plans.

"You can't..." She cut in knowing she couldn't let him start making plans, that it would crush him when he learnt he couldn't take her. "Madeline entrusted her daughter to mine, Electra, it was her dying wish."

He sighed a little in disappointment, "I would never deny a dying request."

"Little Madeline didn't..." She started to explain.

"Wait, who?" he asked.

She sighed and went back a little to explain, "Madeline didn't get a chance to name her child before she was taken, Electra decided to name her after her mother. I was wondering if there was anything you could give Electra to give to Madeline, pictures and stuff so that she can begin to understand the woman who gave birth to her." She explained.

"I'll get onto it... Amy..."

"I'll keep you up to date with her. I'll send you a photo the moment she's put a little weight on and you'll get to see her at the funeral but please... don't crowd her... she isn't ready for it yet."

"I understand and thankyou."

"Same, I'll call you later."

"Bye." He responded and they both hung up.

She sighed as she looked at the phone, Madeline was the reason Rufus would never take a mate she concluded, she felt for him, since finding Wolfgang she couldn't imagine a life without him and luckily she never would. She glanced around looking for Mayhem. Mayhem had made herself comfortable in one of the big leather armchairs Amy had in a small circle and was reading a book.

Amy stood and went to get Jesse who would be in the entrance hall pacing, the moment he learnt that Mayhem was here he had come to get his orders and was anxious to see her again.

He spotted Amy and raced to intercept her, they had stone walled him last night claiming that she was asleep and not to be disturbed, he had accepted that and told them he would be back after he slept.

"Hello Jesse." Amy greeted.

"Alpha," he responded with respect, Amy had made living under Darrel bearable as she had shamed Darrel into giving back Mayhem's member rights in the pride in front of the other Alpha's and had promised to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn't fall back into his tyrannical ways. Were may not have democratically appointed leaders but their people did have choices, tyrants, unless they had something to keep their members put soon found themselves the alpha of no one. The reason why none had left the Ambush was simple, they had all chosen Mayhem to lead them and until she did something to shift their loyalty, they were bound by that choice, only the claiming of a mate had the ability to shift loyalty and that still was only if they allowed it. Since Mayhem was gone they had been forced to stay with Darrel as he was still the Alpha over Mayhem until she came of age or she was adopted or fostered by someone else in that time frame.

"I see you're wearing a path into my floor." She said trying to get a smile out of him. He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. Jesse was an intimidating person to most; he was built like most Immortal males on big strong lines that were only emphasised by his tight muscle shirt that framed his build and jeans which showed off his long muscular legs to their fullest. With wild curly brown hair and sharp, no nonsense hazel eyes it made him look menacing but Amy knew he had a soft side and loved to laugh.

"Sorry Alpha... but it helps with the frustration." He replied honestly.

"I know last night was frustrating but we had good reason to keep you from her and we still have that reason but we are letting you in so that you can help control the pride." She explained and started to lead the way.

"What's happened to her?" He asked slightly disturbed by what he was hearing, he could only guess that something very bad had happened to her, something that could cause a riot.

"You'll see and I warn you now if you show even the slightest inclination to go and kill Darrel I'll beat you into next week." She said shaking a finger at him as they came to a stop in front of her study.

"It is our right to deal with Darrel for what ever he did to our Alpha." Jesse answered evenly; some of the others had already expressed an interest in calling for blood, now that they were free of him they could finally call for justice for everything that he had done to her and to them.

"No... Darrel is going to be dealt with by the Alphas... understood." She levelled her best Alpha glare at him, he bowed his head and nodded as he felt her power wash over him even though he was not a member of her pack, she was a powerful woman and not to be messed with... ever. "Steel yourself." She cautioned him before she opened the door and walked in. He followed her in prepared for anything, he was imagining casts and he could have lived with that. What he saw however had rage bubbling under his skin.

Mayhem stood before them in clothes that hung from her body, her face was gaunt and the bandage around her throat was ringing alarm bells in his mind. He took a step forward then hesitated, he could barely recognise the stranger before him and since she wore a visor over her eyes he couldn't see the emotions dance through them.

"May?" He said hesitantly.

She nodded, "Hi Messy."

He chuckled at the nickname she had given him, as a toddler she had misheard his name and thought it was Messy not Jesse; it had stuck and no matter how many times he tried to correct her she just insisted on calling him Messy. He had quickly learnt to accept her private nickname, anyone else who called him Messy ended up with a black eye. He approached watching for defensiveness that would tell him to back off; he held open his arms giving her fair warning that he was going to hug her. She didn't shy away, she couldn't, Jesse was... he was like a brother to her, family and she had missed him dearly. She opened her arms inviting him forward, he smiled and gave her a hug, she hissed as his hand pressed against a still healing wound.

His arms flung open and he stepped back. She panted and took a step back. "Amy... I think some of my stitches have torn out again." She turned to Amy.

Amy approached and carefully lifted Mayhem's shirt then pulled the pad from her body, Nathanael, last night had decided to stitch the wounds on her back together, this morning she had torn several stitches out just getting out of a chair. The long gash was finally loosing the infected look it had yesterday and was now a healthy pink. Part of the healing wound was bleeding slightly and there were several stitches torn out.

"Yep... come on I can reset those." Amy told her as she gently pressed the pad back to her skin.

"I... I didn't... I'm sorry." He apologised softly, conflicted as when she was younger he had been the one she turned to. It had been him tending to her wounds and scrapes as her father ignored her and made her mother pretend she didn't exist. Although this act was only around her father, mother and daughter had still bonded and he had helped that happen.

"You didn't know." Mayhem told him letting him know he was not at fault for this.

Amy gently started to push them to the clinic.

"Jesse... how is my mother?" She asked hesitantly, she both wanted and didn't want to know how her father was treating her mother. She knew he would be in a rage when he figured out more then half his Ambush was gone and her mother would be the closest target. He would question her as to what she knew.

He sighed, "I don't know... I tried to get her out but Darrel has had her watched like a hawk." He told her honestly and took her hand to hold it for comfort as Mayhem lead the way.

Amy reached up and rested her hand on Mayhem's shoulder. "She'll be okay... Boadicea is keeping an eye on her, if she can get to her when she's alone she will be brought here."

Mayhem nodded her thanks and hoped that her reunion with her mother would be soon.

When they got to the clinic Amy went and got a sealed stitching board and sat it on the table as Mayhem grabbed a stool to sit on. She unbuttoned her blouse and Amy helped her slide out of it, leaving her chest and back bare to the room. In moments, the pad was off and Amy was at work.

"Shouldn't a healer or doctor be doing that?" Jesse asked concerned.

"I'm a qualified second string healer..." Amy explained as cleaned the site with antiseptic, she had gotten her qualification a few years ago to save Nathanael the hassle of coming out every time Alanna and Sage decided to be brutal to each other.

He sighed pleased that someone competent was working on his alpha. The medical system for Were was a little different to that of humans, a second string was the equivalent to a first year intern and most if not all Alpha's had to be at least a third string, or a paramedic, under the law to try to keep those under them from dying in any situation.

He moved behind Mayhem to have a look at her back. "That should have healed by now."

Amy chuckled, "What do you know of immortal healing rates?" She asked.

He smiled, "quite a bit."

She smiled and nodded, "Yeah forgot you're immortal, anyway Mayhem's body is coping with more then just this, malnourishment means that everything we put into her is getting gobbled up by her 'vital' organs who need it more then her other systems, she has several infections that need to be resolved first as well. A broken, cracked or damaged bone is next then muscle and finally skin, however it's subjective, a leg bone or arm bone will heal before a rib, a skull fracture or spinal fracture before an arm or leg, if in a battle situation. A torn or detached muscle if it is needed and in a battle situation will heal before skin or torn blood vessels... like I said, subjective."

"But immortals don't have vital organs." He pointed out, "They are not required to survive."

Amy looked at him slightly amused as he had a good hundred years on her yet knew so little. "Ah but the air would never smell as sweet, just because they aren't necessary doesn't mean they are without use." She watched him for a moment as her argument sunk in. She glanced back as she carefully set a stitch then just to be on the safe side she covered the entire wound with fix-all mesh, which would act as a second skin until the stitches were removed.

"All done." Amy said as she helped Mayhem back into her blouse, "Just be careful of how you move, I used fix-all, it will act as a second skin but your skin can still tear a little under it." She warned her.

Mayhem nodded, "I'll do my best..." She stood, "Will Bastion mind if I raid his kitchen?"

Amy grinned knowingly, "No, he's probably in there anyway making enough food to stuff you until next month." Amy remembered fondly Bastion spending hours in the kitchen making sure there was easy to eat food on hand for Alanna, Electra and Maria for when ever they felt hungry. "Let's go see, I'm sure Jesse is hungry, in fact I'm sure that's his tummy, which is growling."

He smiled knowingly and a little embarrassed by the rumbling demand his body was making, "Yeah... missed dinner and breakfast... I could eat a horse, its tack and chase the jockey for more."

Amy and Mayhem chuckled, they could both relate to that feeling.

He lost his smile, "and while we're eating can you tell me what happened?" He asked Mayhem.

She hesitated and turned to Amy seeking her advice.

"May... this is your decision not hers. You can tell me or not that is your choice but I'm your second, I want to help you and to help you I need to know." He told her earnestly, he didn't know how to feel having her turn to Amy to get the go... granted Amy was an Alpha but so was Mayhem and she would have to start thinking for herself.

"He is right." Amy conceded.

Her hesitation grew.

He held his hands up, "I don't need everything, just the gist." He compromised.

She nodded; "I think I can do that." They walked into the kitchen.

Bastion was working with a blender, he glanced up and smiled, "Just the person I was waiting for, Nathanael wants you drinking these protein and supplement smoothies, now Alanna and Electra had to drink these, they hated them until I changed the flavour. I've blended mixed frozen berries in... I hope you like it." He told her as he poured the smoothie into a glass and popped a straw into it before sliding the glass over to her.

"Now go start that and I'll get some food for you." He told them as he went to bustle around the kitchen.

Mayhem took the smoothie and a deep steadying breath, before looking at Jesse for a moment, mentally preparing herself for the unpleasant memories. When she was ready, she opened her mouth and started from the beginning, the night she vanished from his life...

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Cadence0304Cadence0304about 3 years ago

My second time reading this series, and I'm still hooked! Fabulous characters, genuinely fresh plot - love it!

DoctimeDoctimealmost 10 years ago

CLASSIC! This series will go down as an outstanding classic. I Hold my breath as I go from chapter to chapter!

VladimirNogairVladimirNogairalmost 11 years ago

Better than many a romance novel that I read in my youth :) I love the characters good job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Love this whole group of stories. I think you should be very proud of how your writing has improved over time. It's obvious to me as I read. You have created some great characters.

I will mention though, that I was a little bothered by the appearance of Madeline Jr. You stated in Amy & Wolfgang's story that only a mated pair could create a child, and so implying that Madeline became pregnant during her captivity clashes with a fact that you've already established. Or was Madeline mated, and her mate died? I didn't get that in the story, perhaps I missed it.

Anyway, great work!

EdwarusEdwarusabout 14 years ago

I need more of this story now please =P

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