Bound Ch. 04: Bound to Apologize


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Getting back to my place I immediately cracked open a bottle of my favorite wine, Eco Domani Merlot and started to saute mushrooms, onion, and garlic before making up some meatballs. Jennifer was sitting at the table with her shoes off rubbing her feet in between sipping her wine and talking to me.

"I can't believe you still have those shoes on. Don't your feet hurt? She asked watching me as I tended the sauce and rolled the meatballs.

"Well considering my first foray into "the wild" as Danielle ended with me on my knees with some guys cock in my mouth, I got in the habit of not leaving the house. So I would come home from work put the corset on and then cook and clean dressed pretty much how you see me now. I guess I've gotten used to it." I responded

"So when do you usually take them off." She asked.

"When I'm getting ready for bed." I responded pouring some of the wine into the sauce to taste.

"Wow, that's crazy! So what if you decided to change into a nightie before going to bed." she asked.

"Actually, once I finish cleaning up after supper I usually put something else on." I explained "But I find a different pair of shoes to match that chemise or baby-doll."

"That's your male desire for what a woman should be coming through." she teased.

"Mm mm perhaps. Who knows maybe it will help me find a guy. It's nearly ready, just needs to hang out for a bit!" I said giving the sauce a final taste.

"Do you REALLY like guys? It has to be so weird, I mean because you said I was turning you on today in the car." she asked coming to dish up a plate.

"Trust me, it is even weirder than you think." I explained. "At least as much as I have been able to work out on my own."


"Obviously you were born as a woman." I started

"Yes." she said responding to my statement.

"I wasn't. We always hear about how girls mature into women much faster than boys mature into men." I continued.

"Or if they ever do." Jennifer interjected. "Sorry, did I say that aloud." she apologized after seeing the look on my face.

"Anyway, I suspect on some level that is because the sensations of physical and even emotional contact are that much more intense for women, so it actually takes longer which is why it needs to start earlier." she was listening intently as this point. "I was born a man and have no way of dealing with the thoughts, feelings, and needs of this body. When I feel desire, my male programming instructs me to go after it because that is what men do. They find that which turns them on and pursue it."

"So, do you like men or women?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"My mind tells me I am a straight male while my body tells me I am a straight female." I continued.

"So when you made love to me the other night, you were Daniel in a woman's body?" she seemed REALLY confused now.

"Partially, like I said, straight male, straight female, one body." I was just confusing her even more. "It's even harder to live like this than it is to explain. Let me try it this way. I look at you and I feel Love. I love you Jennifer, I always have and I can't say it enough. Right now I want to take you and make love to you.

"Oh that's so sweet." she said cutting in.

"But if Chris or Justin or pretty much any cute guy, except Jim, were here right now by the end of the night, as much as my mind might protest, I would either be on my knees or on my back." I finished.

"Not if they said no." she teased.

"If they said no, I would beg." I admitted. "Remember how I begged you to finish the first time you sucked my cock and stopped just before I came."

"OH MY GOD! You would beg a man for sex, I would NEVER do that!"

"Female programming." I muttered. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, anything." Jennifer said taking another bite.

"How often do you ... you know ... NEED to cum?" I asked timidly.

"NEED to? I don't know if I ever NEED to but I like too, I don't know, maybe once or twice a week. Three at the most. It depends." she answered. "You?"

"Everyday. Sometimes more than once." I admitted before hiding my shamed face in my glass of wine.


"At first I did it every day because it was fun and it was part of my routine of playing "the good wife." I explained. "Since Jim, its been everyday."

"You should get a vibrator." Jennifer joked taking a sip of wine. "They're less complicated and more dependable."

"Got one. It has seven settings, 4 different 'heads' and I already had to change the batteries twice." I responded. She struggled to keep her wine from going up her nose she was laughing so hard at the last comment. "You know I was ALWAYS loyal to you Jennifer."

"Always, right up to the point that you magically turned into a woman and cheated on me with another guy." she said smiling. Seeing the hurt look on my face she added. "I'm joking Hun. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through right now."

"Its been rough, basically its just been keeping to a schedule that has kept me sane." I said. "You believing me has been a Godsend. And now that we're closer to getting my identity switched I'm glad to have some more clothes." I said finishing my supper. "Here let me get that." I said as I reached for Jennifer's plate.

"No, I'll help. Then after we'll go for a run." she said, as she got up home the table carrying her empty plate and wine glass. "That was really good by the way."

"Thanks." I replied.

After we finished washing, drying and putting the dishes away, Jennifer told me to go change into one of the exercise sets she had bought for me. I liked the feeling of the lycra running pants but squeezing my breasts into the racer-back sports bra was a bit of a chore. Once I finally had "the girls" contained I zipped up the matching hoodie and set out to show off the outfit. I found Jennifer in the living room stretching out wearing one that she had bought for herself.

"You might want to limber up before we go out or you're going to get cramps." she said, bending at the waist, legs crossed at the ankles, her pert little ass pointing right at me. My male mind surfaced briefly noting there was no visible panty line in her skin tight pants.

"Go out? You want me to go out? No, I'm not going out!" I said in a panic. "I can't. Please Jen. NO!"

"We ARE going out. Its about time you stopped hiding in here and get out into the world." she said "And Monday you are going to start coming to my yoga classes with me."

There was no getting out of it. I recognized that tone in her voice, she had dug in her heels. Reluctantly I began stretching, copying most of the moves she was doing.

"Why are you making me do this again." I asked, as we walked out of my apartment.

"A few reasons. You can't stay here all the time. You also need to learn how to interact with other people. AND that tight little body of yours won't stay that way if you don't move." Jennifer listed things off.

We went for a short run, Jennifer allowing me to set the pace at first before she decided I was going too slow and picked it up. By the time we got back to my place I was sweaty, gasping for breath and leaning on the wall because my limp, noodle legs were on fire and would no longer support me.

"Why? Are? You? Trying? To kill? Me?" I gasped. "How long was that? 5 miles? 10 miles?"

"I'm not trying to kill you, silly, and that was barely a mile." she said jogging in place. "And we are going to do that every other day from now on."

"And Yoga?" I asked.

"Will be on the off days. Now why don't you go take a shower and continue with your routine." she said. "When you get out I want you to tell me everything again."

Jennifer took over the shower as I was getting out not even letting the water get turned off. I even offered to 'wash her back' for her which she declined with a kiss saying. "Lets save that kind of fun for later!"

By the time she got out of the shower I was sitting in the living room, legs crossed, wearing my black satin chemise and black patent pumps.

"You are too funny. SEXY as hell, but funny." said taking a seat adjacent to me. "Now start at the beginning and tell me everything. Every detail because I am sure you left some things out the last time."

This time I told her everything, not just what happened to me but what I felt as everything was happening. When I tried to gloss over the sexual parts she would have me go back and tell it again in greater detail. Because of that I tried to highlight the confusion I experienced being a man in a woman's body. Jennifer sat there on the edge of her seat listening to every word. Unlike before, this time when she had questions she asked them and I answered in full detail. It took a few hours and another bottle of wine before I got it all out. When I finished telling the tale she slumped back in her seat letting out a long breath.

"So tell me about this Chris you met at Third Base." she asked. "He seems nice."

"He is, he was so sweet. I can't believe his fiance' left him." I said taking another sip.

"Crazier things have happened." she said looking at me

"Oh hush!" I retorted.

"So did he call the next day?"

"He did." I replied. "The next morning."

"Did you talk to him?" her question was almost frantic.

"I couldn't." I answered. "Everything was still so fresh that I just...I just couldn't."

"What!? Are you serious?" she uncrossed her legs and sat forward in disbelief. "Has he called since or have you called him?"

"He's called a few times but I didn't answer." I responded. "Its been a few days since the last time so maybe he's given up by now."

Call it fate, call it Divine intervention, or just sheer dumb luck because no sooner did I say the word 'now' that my phone started ringing. Before I could even process what was happening Jennifer was up, running in high heels with me three steps behind. Scooping up my phone in her left hand while holding me back with her right she answered.

"Hello." pause "No this is her friend Jennifer." pause "Yeah she's here. I'll go get her." pause "Well she's been having trouble with her phone for a couple of weeks." pause "No I understand, I would think the same thing. You know whats funny is we were actually JUST talking about you." pause. "Nope, all good things. Well here she is. Bye!" she said. As she handed me the phone she mouthed to me 'GO OUT WITH HIM!!"

"Hello. Chris?" I answered, glaring at Jennifer. Unfazed, she blew me a kiss while refilling her glass.

"Hey! I can't believe I'm actually talking to you." he started "I thought maybe you were mad at me because I had to postpone our date."

"I'm sorry, like Jen said my phone was messing up so I had to take it back to the store. Then, of course, they weren't able to extract any numbers from my contact list. Anyway long story short is that I just got a new phone today, hopefully it works better than the last one." I explained, building on what Jen had started.

"Listen, I know its short notice but I would really like to see you again. Would you like to go out for lunch tomorrow?" He asked.

"I would love to." I said before sticking my tongue out at Jennifer. "Just one condition though."

"Anything!" he said, the excitement of the moment clear in his voice.

"You have to come pick me up." I told him. Jennifer was practically jumping with joy and giving me a thumbs up as I gave him my address and directions to get to my apartment.

"I will see you tomorrow then around noon." Chris said "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I responded and then hung up the phone.

"Happy!?" I asked an obviously elated Jennifer who had retaken her seat. She languished there, swirling the wine in her glass, kicking her crossed leg with a grin on her face like the Cheshire cat.

"Immensely." she said, her smile apparent even in her voice. "Now, what are you going to wear?"

"I have no idea! I'm still trying to process that I have a date tomorrow." I answered.

"I would suggest something casual considering its a Sunday lunch date. Either the sundress you planned on wearing last time or your jean skirt with the black peasant blouse and corset."

"And what do you suggest for shoes?" I asked.

"For the sundress the cork wedge heels, for the jean skirt the silver strappy sandals." she suggested.

"This is so confusing." I said sitting down. "I now have a date with a guy that my girlfriend is pushing me into."

"Well first of all girlfriends often push other girlfriends to go out with someone. Second, and I know this is nothing compared to what you are going through" she started. "This has been very confusing to me as well." I raised my eyebrows. "No seriously! You didn't just lose your identity, I lost my boyfriend. The man that I Loved. The man I anticipated marrying someday and having children with. At the same time though, I found a friend unlike any I have EVER had. I should be mad but I'm not. I want you to find a nice guy and be happy but at the same time I want to be with you. The really crazy part is I still consider myself a straight female, even while making love to you."

"I love you too Jennifer." I said moving to kneel where she was sitting. "I love you with all of my heart." I said, resting a hand on her knee. "And no matter what happens or who we both may find I don't want to lose what we have." I continued, leaning in to kiss her. Setting her glass down Jennifer leaned forward to meet my advance, took my face in her hands and returned the kiss.

Our soft bodies rubbed against each other as we explored each others mouths. Hooking my fingers on the hem of her nightie I drew it up. Jennifer raised her arms above her head and the nightie slipped off, her breasts falling free. Burying my head in those soft, golden globes, I heard her gasp as my tongue found, encircled and sucked her hard nipples. Coming up on my knees so that we were on the same level I took advantage of my leverage and pushed her back in her chair, slipping between her open thighs at the same time. As I was driving her back I felt her fingers fumbling with the hemline of my own nightie. Raising my arms above my head my garment soon fell in a pile next to hers.

"Make love to me Danielle." Jennifer said as she gazed into my eyes.

We made love slowly that night keeping our high heels on as we went down on each other. I also introduced Jennifer to my little purple friend. I enjoyed driving her wild by licking her pussy while using BOB, battery operated boyfriend, on her clit. It was a sexual battle we waged that night as each of us tried to drive the other to orgasm first. Jennifer won, as my orgasm tore through my body. I have no doubt the neighbors knew what was going on as I called out loudly, and repeatedly for Jen to "Eat my pussy" and "OH My GOD! I going to cum!" My thighs tightened, holding her head in place as I squeezed my breasts, pinching my sensitive nipples. Refusing to admit utter defeat I rolled her over and pinned her on her back while I nestled between her spread legs. While she was in that vulnerable position I held BOB to her pussy and pinned it there with my body. Her orgasm was just as powerful as she screamed/moaned her way through the climax. Our nighties already lying in a pile on the floor, we slipped off our shoes. Laying there we kissed and played with each others dripping wet pussies, being careful to stay away from the overly sensitive clitoris, until sleep overtook our exhausted bodies.

When we awoke the next morning I decided to take a nice hot bath while Jennifer slept in. After a nice long hot soak I propped my self on the edge of the tub and shaved my legs and pussy in anticipation of my date with Chris. After I got done rubbing lotion on my freshly shaved legs I went to check on Jen and was surprised to see her up and dressed.

"C'mon, We still have time make it to Church if you hurry." Jennifer said as she brushed out her hair.

"Church? Wait. What?" I questioned.

"Yes, Church. I've wanted you to come with me for a while now." she continued, as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

"Jen, seriously! I don't even know the last time I went to Church." I replied trying to find an excuse not to go but by the tone in her voice I knew I had already lost.

"Which is EXACTLY why we are going!" she responded

"But what about us and what we've been doing?" I asked

"What we have been doing is no more a sin now than it was before your transformation. Now. Get Ready!" she said with her hands on her hips. "Oh, can I borrow some perfume?"

Since it WAS Church I opted to wear the sundress and cork wedge mules like Jennifer had suggested the night before. I really wanted to wear the jean skirt but it was so short that I didn't feel it was appropriate. The leather bra, g-string, and garter belt were my little secret. I wore the back-seam stockings as a matter of protest.

"Isn't this going to make me late for the date you insisted I go on?" I asked Jennifer.

"Nope, the service gets done at 11 we'll be back here by 11:30 at the latest. Chris should be here around noon. Perfect timing." She answered. "You look lovely. Ready?"

So much for my protest.

The service itself was nice and it was actually a very comforting feeling I had the whole time. I even got some big smiles from the older ladies when they saw my 'Nylons' as they called them. I guess I reminded them of younger days. A couple of them even invited Jennifer and I over for tea. We graciously declined of course letting them know I had a date taking me out for lunch. They both laughed and winked and patted my hands in that way that only older ladies can, before telling me 'Good Luck' along with a handful of other advice regarding courtship. I have to say, I was a BIT overwhelmed.

Jennifer was right about getting back to my apartment around 11:30 and of course Chris was early. We ran into him as he was leaving the building.

"Oh my God!" Jennifer whispered to me through clenched teeth. "If you don't want him, can I have him?"

Throwing a scowling face at Jennifer, I got out of the car. Letting out a squeal I trotted up to Chris and threw myself into his arms in a reaction that was not at all faked. My heart was pounding, my tummy churning, and my pussy quivering. I reveled in the strength of his arms when he caught me, holding me to his chest, and twirled me in a big hug. So often I had heard girls say they felt safe in my arms when I held them the way I was being held, and I never understood. There in Chris's arms, I understood.

"Well Hello!" I felt as much as I heard him say.

"Hello." I said looking up at him. "You weren't leaving were you?"

"No, just going back to the car to wait." he answered.

"Sorry, we got hung up a bit at Church." I said, reluctantly leaving the comfort of his arms.

"Oh." he stated. "Which Church?"

"St. John's." Jennifer answered for me. "Hi, I'm Jennifer." she said extending a hand.

"Hi, I'm Chris." he said shaking her hand. For some reason Jennifer smiled after they shook hands. "You know I actually used to go to St. John's when I was a kid. Haven't been there in years though."

"You should come with us next week." Jennifer told him.

"Maybe I will." he said looking down at me.

"Well, why don't you two kids run along. I have some running of my own to do." Jennifer said walking back to her car. "I'll call you later." she said to me. "It was nice meeting you." she said to Chris as she waved to the both of us. What running around did she need to do I wondered?

"You look lovely." Chris said once it was just the two of us.

"Thanks." I said giving a twirl. "You like?"

"Very much." he said offering me his arm like a gentleman.

Taking his arm he guided me to his car and holding the door, helped me get in. 'Well' I thought to myself 'he already passed the first of the little old ladies criteria' lets see how the rest of the date goes. Chris took me to a nice little Mexican restaurant that had an outside dining area. The service was great and the food incredible. They even had a neat little guacamole cart where they made the guacamole to order right at the table. After that we went for a walk in a park nearby. I was glad that he was keeping the date to public places because it was getting harder and harder to resist the feelings I was having. By the time he dropped me off 3 hours later I was practically biting my tongue to keep from sucking his dick while he was driving me home.