Bounty Hunter's Birth


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Onstage a new singer was butchering a song; it was a very tall white man with brown hair and the largest flaccid penis he’d ever seen. Worthington closed his eyes and prayed to baby Jesus for strength.

Marie however was oblivious to all of his thoughts as she concerned herself with adjusting to his deep penetration and pussy stretching girth.

‘This might be it for me tonight.’ Marie thought to herself before dwelling on her shopping list for the following day.

To those who were watching them, they could see the tiny woman with the ash blonde bob hairstyle riding the fully dressed light brown marine in reverse cow-girl. They could hear his reluctant grunts paired with her moans of pleasure.

“Oh yes!” Marie screamed loudly as she came once again.

“Ugh!” Grunted Worthington.

He’d fucked his share of women, more so since arriving in Seoul, but not like this. Most chicks were lazy! They never wanted to be on top! This woman on the other hand revelled in it! He however knew that his time was severely limited at this rate! That petite woman in his lap was going to make him explode!

“Uh....” He said trying to remember her name. “Marie?”

“Yes dear?” She said straddling his legs, with one hand squeezing his knee.

“Time for another position?” He tried to say as a command, but it came out as a whimper.

“How about you lay down and I’ll turned around?” She said as if she had all the time in the world.

“Uh....” He grunted confused and unable to focus. “How about you bend over the bench?”

“That’ll work.” She said as if she were buying a lottery ticket.

When she un-impaled herself Worthington gasped for breath as he fought to gather his wits. He rarely felt this scatter-brained with a chick unless it was his wife.

He stood up, then directed Marie onto the bench near the stage. He could see several eager women leering with hungry eyes hoping for a turn with him. It all fueled his now growing ego as he spat into his finger tips to grease up his penis head.

Marie grunted as he re-entered her vagina. It felt like the first time all over again as his over-sized penis pushed into her. She came hard and wet on his dick, it was instinctive and unstoppable, that was assuming she didn’t want too.

Encouraged by the added lubrication Worthington placed a hand on the wall then the other on Marie’s small hip. He started slow, then increased in speed and tempo. She for her part increased in volume!

Marie wasn’t one to fake an orgasm, either it happened or it didn’t. She refused to make false noises for any man regardless of skill level. With Worthington she had no choice, he forced one explosion after another deep insider her. All she could do to survive was to grip the bench she was on and push her ass out for more.

Worthington styled himself as King of the roost as he fucked away! He knew that the eyes of envious men and desiring women were on him. If his foolish wife were there, they’d work their way through the crowd.

He decided to try something different with Marie, he stuck his thumb in his mouth wetting it greatly. He then placed it on her anus. It wasn’t something that interested him, but it brought huge delight to many chicks, including his wife.

Marie shook her ass violently, he took it as a good sign! She then shot a few well placed kicks at him. He was very convinced he was on the right track.

The pain of the kicks started to register in his mind slowly.

‘Perhaps she didn’t like it?’ He thought to himself as another foot connected with him.

It was however when she spoke up the fog of confusion cleared up.

“Try something else dingle berry!” Marie shrieked.

“Oh... Ok.” Worthing responded as he pulled his thumb away.

The sigh of relief from Marie was audible over the sounds of the party, Worthington for his part was relieved that he wasn’t getting kicked any more!

With all distractions removed, the two new lovers entered the final phase of their encounter. Marie had one orgasm after another as he fucked her harder and faster.

Worthington always prided himself on being unpredictable in the bedroom, he once came on a chicks ass, then walked away. Another time he spooged in a woman’s hair right before she had to see her unsuspecting husband.

He desperately wanted to give Marie the zombie! The thought of her chasing him about the party, was hilarious! However after meeting Gunny Gaston, and seeing him in action he decided it was prudent to stay with creampie.

“Uuuuuhhhhhh!!!!!” He grunted as he came.

“Ooooohhhh!!!!” Cried out Marie loudly as she came one last time with him.

Worthington wasn’t one for overly dramatic orgasms, but when he came and filled Marie’s pussy with sperm, he was certain that it was heard as far away an Pyeongyang!

Worthington tried not to rest all his weight on tiny Marie under him, but he really needed a break before some other dude brought over his wife seeking a first orgasm for her.

“What are you laughing at back there?” Asked an exasperated Marie.

“Nothing.” He said trying to meet her eyes as she looked over her shoulder.

“Spill it!” Demanded the petite sweaty woman.

Worthington fought to catch his breath before speaking, sex and laughter always left him wheezing.

“I thought you’d scamper off to get another bowl of Kimchee!” He said laughing.

Marie tried to get upset, but after that attempted robbery, all she could do was laugh at life. She started chuckling with the tall light brown man.

When they stopped chuckling Worthington was the first to speak.

“Could we um... move to the bench?” He asked.

Confused, Marie gave the only logical response. “Sure, I’ll meet you there.”

“No.” He said trying to explain. “We move together, and I stay inside you.”

“Oh!” Exclaimed Marie. “I like that idea very much!”

Marie desperately wanted a second round, but had yet to come up with a plausible excuse to keep him close to her.

The two of them moved haphazardly, much like a beast with four arms, and four legs; however two of the legs barely touched the ground. Washington’s steady hands paired with a mutual desire not to disengage from each other saw them to the nearby bench.

She was ready to pass-out in this man’s lap, she felt so contented and relaxed! Not only had they survived the earlier events, but she also had her kimchee and a lay from a blackman!

Sleep however eluded her, on stage one of the Korean woman sang with their Latino friend on stage. They were butchering Summer Loving. Her English was good, very good, but her singing ability was terrible!

Marie enjoyed the sensation of a half-hard cock leaking sperm inside her. Soon it would either relax and slip out, or... grow hard again to fulfill her next wish!

Time seemed to have become as fluid as a river as they sat there. Marie felt his strong arms about her and his steady breath in her hair. She was certain that he’d passed out since he hadn’t spoken in some time.

Marie didn’t want this moment to end! When Gaston burst into the room with yelling with his giant Cajun smile, she almost wanted to ask him to leave!

“Mon cher!” He barked out. “Mon cher!”

Worthington seemed to jolt awake at this, his frantic body language indicated that he felt as if he were caught with his hand in the cookie jar! Marie held him still as best she could.

“Dem Korean police tried to arrest me!” He said loudly.

Marie rolled her eyes, this happened nearly daily, a white man in Seoul had about as much luck as a blackman in a Jim Crow State.

“Duh...” She said before catching herself.

“Oui!” He said.

“So how did you get back here?” She asked, then added. “Where do I need to hide the bodies this time?”

Worthington squirmed at this. He didn’t want to be the next victim for this overseas Bonnie and Clyde couple! She patted his leg in reassurance. He didn’t get up and run, so she assumed it worked.

Marie sat in another man’s lap as his penis returned to life whilst her husband spoke. If he gave any indication that he had noticed the coffee coloured Marine, he didn’t let on.

Gaston explained how he went willingly with the Korean police and after verifying everyone’s ID, they released him, then arrested the two thugs.

“De best part was when de gave me all de money!” He bellowed out holding a large wad of large denomination Korean bills!

“Say that again my love?” She asked trying to suppress an orgasm, the penis and money in her face were insufficient to stop it.

“Oui!!!” He said to his wife with her eyes squeezed shut. “De paid me a bounty for dem!”

Marie enjoyed the moment, as she bore down on Washington’s cock bringing herself to another petite morte.

“A... bounty?” Said a glazed over Marie.

“Oui!” He yelled for a third time. “Like de wild west! De paid me to do der work!”

Marie caught her breath, then guessed the value of all that cash. “So... maybe we can go to Hawaii?”

“Non!” He barked out. “I was tinking Paetktu Mountain!”

Worthington was not impressed by a Korean town he hadn’t know of, Marie however was much more so unimpressed.

“We aren’t crossing the DMZ so you can go for swim!” She yelled back.

“Fine, dat is ok.” Gaston said with a mischievous smile, Marie held her breath and prayed to Brigham Young to give her strength.

“We can leave shortly to put that money in our safe. Tomorrow we can go to the bank, then see a travel agent.” She said in a moment of clarity, even with eight inches of black gold inside her, she did have her moments.

“Non!” Declared the giant Cajun.

Marie was fed up, money or not, she wanted to get fucked first, then to hide the new money away.

“You stay. Mange de kimchee, I go home, put cash away, den chase down more gators for Korean police.” He stated as if he had a plan.

Marie shut her eyes tightly, the good Lord was truly testing her tonight! She also came again.

“Fine!” She yelled out surprised at her own words. “That money better be in the safe and you better be home for breakfast!”

“0600 Mon cher!” Cried the re-invigorated Frenchman.

Marie gasped, not only did Worthington have a way of making her cum without moving, but her husband was too much of an early bird!

“Ten hundred den?” He said negotiating with his spouse.

Gaston kissed his wife’s forehead then spun around quickly to face the small Latino man.

“Specialist Perez!” He barked out.

“Present!” Yelled the small man.

Gaston held up a fistful of wanted posters high in the air, all eyes in the room were on the two men. Marie covered her ears from the noise, then shut her ears as she came again!

“Snatch and grab time!” He roared out like a lion corralling his pride.

“Aye, aye Gunny!” Replied Perez as he pulled out of the ghost white Scottish woman who seemed unimpressed by the theatrics.

Marie was always impressed by how fast these men could dress or undress, but taking out the garbage... took forever. She shook such thoughts from her mind, then joined in the senseless cheering as the two men departed.

The singer picked up where he finished off, still out of tune. Behind her a thoroughly confused Worthington cleared his throat.

“Uh what just happened?” He asked in a worried tone.

Marie had already moved on, her husband was always up to one project or another. She let her non-verbal communication do her talking for her as she gripped his knees and proceeded to raise and lower herself between his legs.

Worthington too had moved on. He wanted nothing more than to stand up to shag Marie in his arms. As he rose, she leapt from his lap, with an expectant look in her eyes.

He moved in close to embrace her, his arms snaking behind her back, their sweaty flesh pushing against one another. Marie liked his light brown skin against her, the contrast was exciting!

“Ah!!” Cried out Marie as Worthington tried to pick her up.

Worthington was dead set on doing a standing fuck with Marie, she however wanted no part of it. Her arms wiggled, her legs jiggled. Worthington lifted and had his penis into her wet pussy in an instant.

Marie came no fewer than three times, first when they embraced, second when he surprised her with the lifting and finally with his penetration! Despite the joy of joys she was experiencing, she wanted to be set back down!

“Put me down you... ugh... big galoot!” She moaned out.

Realizing his error Worthington set her down, babbling apologises all the while. Marie really wanted to smack him on the face, but decided that a man with a penis that fine needed to be trained up instead of being turned out!

Worthington opened his mouth to say more, however Marie pinched at the air to shut him up.

“Do me hard, but do it on earth!” She said as she turned to bend over a bench.

Worthington’s caveman instincts kicked into gear once more when he saw Marie presenting herself to him. In an instant he was behind her with his penis half inside her.

He could see her knuckles going white as she gripped tightly. He in turn squeezed her hips mightily as he picked up his pace.

He could feel his orgasm growing inside him. Each time Marie came, she squeezed his cock, it all added up to a pressure he could bare no longer!

Worthington debated cumming inside of his new friend, but decided against it. He and Marie had a fun night, and he wanted to make it memorable!

Reaching as far as possible to Marie’s right side, he tapped on her shoulder lightly. She was so lost in getting fucked that she hadn’t notice.

Worthington almost had to pinch his penis to keep his cum from bursting forth! He tapped a second time much harder than the first. Marie turned her head ever so slowly.

Pulling out Worthington jumped up onto the bench to Marie’s left, his penis pointed right where her face would be in a moment. He then stroked his meat vigorously.

“Who?” Marie said looking left.

She felt the tap on her shoulder followed by the emptiness of Washington’s penis being removed from her. It was all very unexpected and frustrating.

Marie looked right, she saw nothing and no one, causing her frustration to grow exponentially. She turned her head to the left, and that’s when he happened.

“Ooooohhhhh Yyyyeeeaaahhh!!!!!” Exclaimed Worthington loudly as he came on Marie’s face.

“Aaaahhhh!!!” Exclaimed Marie as the dick pointed at her erupted in her face!

Like a shotgun firing, Worthington’s semen shot forth in every direction. Some splashed on her forehead, some bathed her now shut eyelids, Marie even tasted some before she shut her mouth. It tasted so good that she was even further enraged that she couldn’t spread it on her kimchee!

“Worthington!” She yelled when the spray of African-American DNA ceased shooting at her. “I wanted that on my Kimchee.”

She heard him laugh, then swung an arm in that direction! It was time to teach this pup the rules!

Her hands missed him; he laughed again from the floor. She launched a foot out, causing it to connect with another bench.

“Ow!” She said.

Marie couldn’t see Worthington as he fell over laughing, then rolling out of the way to escape. Marie tried to pursue him without luck! With both eyes painted shut, she was having no luck.

“Get over here!” She commanded.

“No way!” He teased. “You’re a zombie now!”

“A what?” Marie said bumping into a couple going at it.

“Zombie!” He replied. “You’re staggering around blind with a thirst for...”

“Not your brains!” Marie said more frustrated than before. “You don’t have any!”

Marie could hear his teases and taunts, she was upset, mad, and frustrated! At the same time however she couldn’t stop laughing! This was some good silly fun after the rough start of the evening.

“Come and get me!” He teased tweaking her sticky nose.

When she could stand it no more! Marie wiped her eyes, licked them clean then wiped again. She could see well enough, but the sting of jizz in her eyes was rather unpleasant.

Through her sticky eyelids, Marie could see that most of the patrons were occupied with their own personal adventures to watch her stumble about all cream-faced. It only took a couple seconds to locate Worthington, like her, he had tripped over a couple and was gripping his stomach as he howled laughing.

Marie moved swiftly towards the unsuspecting black man. She flipped him over, wrenched his arm behind his back before he could respond.

“Aaaahhhh!!!!” Cried out the man under her.

Marie sat on his arm as she straddled his body. In a matter of moments she had completely immobilized her new sexual partner.

“Uncle! Uncle!” Cried out Worthington drawing a dozen looks.

“Not yet!” Bellowed Marie.


Marie had just landed the first of many ass slaps to her new lover.


“This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!” Marie said over the sound of her hand making contact with flesh.


“Mon cher.” Said a voice shaking Marie awake in her bed.

“Wha...” She mumbled. “Come back later... with coffee.”

Marie put her head under her pillow in hopes he’d go away.

“Dix heures Mon cher, let us for a petit-déjeuner.” He said tapping her pillow with something.

“I said go away!” She snapped from under her pillow, then said. “Put that money in the safe too!”

“Dis is new money mon cher.” He said with a giant Gallic smile that would make Charles Du Gaul blush.

“Huh?” Marie said peeking out with two very red eyes.

“Oui!” He declared in a booming voice.

Marie snatch up the fistful of Korean bills and started counting them.

“I can order bra’s from stateside with this!” She exclaimed waving the cash about.

“You know Mon cher...” Gaston stated with a serious look on his face. “We cannot return to dat club.”

Marie nodded solemnly, she almost lost the man she loved above all others.

“I understand,” she said. “I don’t want to risk either of us getting hurt.”

“Non.” The muscular Cajun stated.

“You’re not worried about guns being pointed at you?” She asked confusedly as her husband shook his head.

“Well what then?” She asked.

“Voodoo.” Was his reply.

Marie threw herself back on her pillow, this conversation was making no sense at all! Her head ached, and her eyes were on fire! She knew she had pink-eye!

“What are you talking about?” She said rubbing her temples.

“Dat Worthington.” He said. “He used his Haitian Voodoo magic to make a zombie last night.”

Marie swung her pillow at her husband, she had a second man now to educate!

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MetalEdgeNewsMetalEdgeNewsover 4 years ago
Wild ride

Exciting story with witticism. Looking forward to more wild rides with James

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