Bowling is Such Fun

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Good luck turns to disaster turns to great luck.
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Edited by techsan. Mistakes are mine.

I was sitting watching TV when the Ohio lottery show came on. They made all those enthusiastic noises. Finally they had the drawing. The numbers came up 4, 18, 21, 6, and 11. My heart was in my mouth. I had the first five at least; that was thousands of dollars for me. Then they said 14. If my legs could work, I would jump for joy. Of course I had to wait to see if I would have to share my prize with another ticket holder.

I wanted to tell my wife Wanda that we had won, but she was out for a while with her girl friends. I looked at my ticket again. Yes, all the numbers were there in the right places.

Wanda came home early from the hen party with her friends. She tells me, "James, I'm home."

Before I can tell her the good news, she adds, "I'm going upstairs with Maurice. Do you want me to get you anything before I'm up there? Maurice is spending the night."

All the joy I had felt when my number came up disappeared totally. I guess I found out how my aunt felt when she walked in on my uncle and his girl friend. My vocal cords were paralyzed. Maybe that was a good thing. I might have told her about the winnings and then I would have had to pay for the fuckee as well.

Wanda and I lived off an accident settlement and her paycheck as a grocery clerk. It wasn't much but I thought that with love anything is good. Wanda obviously felt differently.

I rolled my wheelchair into the kitchen and got me some supper. I surprised myself by being hungry. Wanda had left her purse down on the kitchen table. I pulled out her cell phone and looked up the listing of her numbers. I started writing the numbers down. I didn't know for sure what I was going to do but I knew I wanted to hurt Wanda in some way.

The next morning Wanda and Maurice came downstairs. Wanda said, "Maurice, that cripple in the chair is why I need a man like you."

Maurice said, "Lady, I'm not messing with the wife of a cripple. I'm out of here."

Wanda said, "If you can't give me a goodbye fuck, you will have to walk home. Don't worry; he can't or won't get out of that chair. Isn't that right, little man."

I told her, "If I could get out of this chair right now."

"But you can't. So don't start talking big. I need what you can't supply. Maurice used to be a supplier before he found some middle class morality. Now, Maurice, if you want a ride home, you give old Wanda a table ride. Right here where he can see it."

I will say this for Maurice; his pride made him walk out the door. I said to Wanda, "How could you do this to me?"

Wanda looked at me with some emotion at last. "You weren't a cripple when I married you. We had fun and I enjoyed your body. Now I'm your damn nursemaid and you're no fun at all. It wasn't my fault that truck crushed your legs. I will not take punishment for that. I need some aggressive sex at least once a week. You can't do that now. You weren't all that good before, but I could have settled for that. This shit is driving me into the ground. Get a divorce for all I care, but quit asking me to be some kind of saint. Your nursemaid wants some hot cock as payment for all that nursing and I'm going to get some."

That shut me up. Wanda went off to work and I started to cry. I let myself wail for the next twenty minutes. And then I chose to get over it. That was not a conscious choice; it just happened. I knew that I needed to change my circumstances, so I started the changes necessary.

I found some friends who could run me to the doctor. Wanda was wrong in one aspect. My legs were not crushed. My problem were the lumbar vertebrae in my spinal column, you know the backbone. A couple of them were cracked and pressed on the portion of spinal cord that gave orders to my leg muscles.

My insurance was gone and I would have to pay for the surgery to correct my problem out of my pocket. The truck driver's insurance company went belly up before paying me a tenth of my settlement.

Wanda was bitchier than ever now. Apparently Maurice was true to his word. He refused to see Wanda again. But when Wanda's payday came around, she found a new source of entertainers.

I found out about the entertainers when closing time came at the Fulfillment Club. Wanda came home with two men. I don't know what their real names are but Wanda called them Big and Bigger. She went upstairs and had her way with them, but about two hours later she came back down and woke me up.

Wanda was still a little looped when she told me, "Cripple, you need to pay attention. These nice men are going to demonstrate how you should please your woman."

It was the most disgusting but sexual thing I had ever seen. Big picked up Wanda; put her atop the kitchen table, and gave her a partial table ride. He pulled out before he came and then dragged Wanda off the table; held her up in the air, and shoved his wet cock up her asshole.

Then Bigger got in front off Wanda and shoved his cock up her cunt. Wanda was grunting a lot every time they shove up together. I had seen enough and started rolling myself back to my bedroom.

Wanda screeched at me, "Don't you run away, little man. You're going to watch every Friday night until you beg for release."

"I'm going to bed. Mr. Big and Bigger, I hope you can graduate to a better class of woman."

Wanda didn't have the courage to kill me either, and she wasn't about to give up the ride she was currently having. I went to sleep despite all the grunting. I had happy dreams of Wanda dying in a traffic accident.

When I woke up Big and Bigger had obvious hangovers, but Wanda was fresh as a daisy. Of course I was sure that she had to wear diapers to keep her shit from falling on the floor.

I didn't get any more grief from Wanda until the next Friday night. She told me, "I'm bringing my friends back tonight. This time I want you to watch everything."

Wanda drove them to our house about 12:30 AM. This time I was ready.

Big and Bigger came in the living room. I had backed myself into an alcove where nobody could get behind me. Somehow the kitchen table had been moved into the living room. I watched as the three of them were getting their clothes off. When all three were naked. I showed them my first surprise of the evening.

I said, "This is a Colt 45. I bet I could shoot all three of you before you get to the door. Hey, why the sad faces. I still want you to have a great time, but you haven't used your imagination. Here, the battery in this camcorder is charged. Load the videotape in it and hit record. Yeah place the camcorder up on the shelf where it can see you on the table."

Big finally loaded the camcorder and placed it on the shelf. The camcorder had a cable running to the television. I could see the table clearly where Big placed the camcorder.

I told them, "Now I want you to do what you were doing last week. You know that double penetration that made Wanda so happy."

I waved the Colt at them. They both picked up Wanda and lowered her on their cocks. Wanda did not seem to be as happy with them tonight as last time. Wonder why?

I watched them play around for a few minutes. They didn't seem as active this time.

I suggested, "I think you need to help Wanda here. She isn't as excited this time around. Now Mr. Big, do you see the bowling pin on the floor?"

He answered, "Yes."

"I want you to pick that bowling pin up and stick it into Wanda's twat. That will make her all excited." Big and Bigger seemed to find that a good idea.

Wanda however seemed to disagree. Wanda said, "Jimmy, you can't mean this."

"Wanda, you have been complaining all week that nobody has given you a truly big cock. Well, now I'm giving you the chance of feeling really full, and, hey, this is smaller than a baby's head. I bet you will have such an orgasm that you will complain when they pull it out of you." I threw a folded up twenty on the floor. I asked, "Would anybody bet against me?"

Wanda would have tried to run away but Bigger got in her ass and lifted Wanda's feet off the ground. Big held on to the small end and shoved the base, which I had thoughtfully greased, into Wanda.

This time there were no bored grunts. Wanda let her emotions free in her voice. I got a little bored with Wanda's singing so I asked Bigger, "I bet Wanda wants your cock in her mouth. You give her a good throat fucking and she will never forget you."

Bigger hesitated until I noisily cocked the Colt. He set her down on the table. He had to be careful of setting her on the pin. Wanda collapsed and Bigger shoved his cock all the way down her throat. I told Big, "I wish you could fuck her ass with your cock while you vibrate that pin there in her cunt."

They both made their moves and Wanda appeared to enjoy what was going on. I watched this act for the next fifteen minutes. Every time Big and Bigger seemed to tire, I recocked my pistol. Bigger got angry with Wanda when she tried biting his cock. He pulled out and slapped her around. Wanda used this opportunity to scream. Maybe she was excited at last.

After all Wanda's screaming, somebody finally called the police. The police came to our door. Normally they would knock and get our attention, but for some reason Wanda and friends had left the door wide open. The police walked in on Big, Bigger, Wanda and me.

I guess I got careless because Big and Bigger jumped me just as the police were coming in the door. As the police came in the front door, Big and Bigger were beating on me, and Wanda was telling them to, "Kill that dirty cripple."

The police arrested Big, Bigger and Wanda. They kept saying that they were innocent, That I had made them do it with my gun. But the police didn't find a gun.

The police did find the camcorder with the videotape inside. But the camcorder and tape only had their fingerprints. The tape was the previous Friday's exercise.

I would not post bail for Wanda, and she threatened to have me killed. Well, that combination bought her an early start on her prison term.

I took this opportunity to get a divorce from Wanda. Normal procedure would take several months but courtesy of Wanda and friends, I got an immediate divorce on the grounds of adultery. I promised to come back to town for the trial.

I planned to move upstate to Painesville. Before I could get moved, Bigger tried to rob a state liquor store. He really fucked up by trying to shoot it out with the State Highway Patrol.

Big took that as his cue to play let's make a deal. He pled guilty to the assault and battery without a weapons specification. That bought him two years minimum but in a gentleman's prison. He had to cooperate with the prosecution to testify against Wanda.

With that sort of help, Wanda broke and accepted a five-year minimum sentence for attempted kidnapping. I moved out of town anyway.

Wanda's viewpoint

I'm Wanda Stemko. I used to be married to Jimmy Harris. He is a dumb cripple. Oh you've heard of me. Yeah, I'm doing time. So what. At least I'm not nursing that damn cripple.

Oh, you wonder how I got here. Hey, so do I. I think it started when I got careless and brought one of my lovers home with me. Anyway, I got pissed at Jimmy and tried to make him jealous. Jimmy did this proud cripple act and my ex-lover, Maurice something or other, walked out on me. I was extra pissed. Maurice was a gentle lover, no rough stuff. That was okay, until Jimmy talked Maurice into leaving. Damn it, my slit needed some hard cock.

Anyway, two Fridays later, I found some hard horndogs at the Fulfillment Club. They came back with me, and gave me a ride I would never forget. Of course part of the memories were the teeth marks on my tits and the blood leaking out of my asshole. But that got Jimmy's attention. I had him going there.

Next Friday I had them over again. It started good, but Jimmy had a gun from somewhere. And made us do all sorts of degrading stuff.

He made them put a bowling pin in me. Yeah, right up my twat. My love hole took more than a month to shrink back to normal. My clit hurt even if somebody was licking it. Anything more than licking put me in a torture chamber.

When the cops rescued us, some how Jimmy got rid of his gun. I know he fired it but the tests of Jimmy's hands came up negative according to my lawyer.

Everything and everybody was against me so I pled guilty. If I hadn't I was looking at fifty years to life according to my lawyer. Well, at least Jimmy is out of my life.

According to Big.

I'm Alexander Jefferson. Everybody calls me Big. I have ten inches and a pile-driving ass. I got stuck with a husband and wife game and I damn near got killed doing so.

The guy was unable to walk so his wife called him a cripple. It seemed cruel, but pussy is never that easy to find. All pussy comes with some baggage. So my buddy, Alphonse Adams, and I went home with her and double pumped her in front of her husband. Hell, people play all sorts of games. Then we got greedy and came back for seconds.

Shit, that guy may be a cripple, but a colt 45 pistol gives him aces over my deuces. It was funny when I shoved that bowling pin up his old lady's love hole. Ain't anybody ever going to fill that again.

Then the cops showed up and somehow we were guilty. Alphonse tried getting a nest egg to get out of town. He fucked up for the last time.

I gave in and did my best perp walk. The little cripple was obviously off limits but his old lady needed to learn something. Plus the prosecutor cut time off for me saying what he wanted said. I'll be out in eleven more months providing I behave myself. I know one thing. I ain't never messing with no cripple ever again. Those fuckers are too mean.

Jimmy's new life.

It's amazing what you can do with money. The surgeons in the Cleveland Clinic relieved the pressure on my spinal cord. The operation stretched my spine so that the doctors could get access to the damaged vertebrae. It was somewhat experimental at that time, but I hear that this operation is being done more frequently now. My real good fortune was that those bone chips did not cut the spinal cord. I can't describe the joy you can get when your toes hurt for the first time in years.

The first day, it hurt like a cut dipped in Clorox, but my legs had movement again. The physical therapy hurt also, but that was a long term hurt and I knew then that I was getting better. Some of the therapists noticed that I was getting hard-ons whenever the therapists were female.

A woman visitor that I knew from grade school gave my first real sex by riding me cowgirl style. Afterward she told me, "My husband and I have always thought well of you. Think of this as a gift from us. But your next gift must be from someone else.

It took me three months to learn to walk again. Another six months to have some minimum level of physical fitness. But I worked as hard as I could. I wanted to be walking when I cashed in my winning lottery ticket. And you have to cash them in before a year goes by.

Oh you want to know where the gun went. Piano wire pulled the gun up into the hole in the ceiling. My friends were at the other end of the wire. No, I did not think Big and Bigger were going to jump me just as the police came in the front door. That was dumb luck on my side for once.

Yeah, I had taped the previous Friday's escapades. The rest just sort of happened. Except for the bowling pin. The police drew their own conclusions. They did not even make me sign a statement. Go figure.

Most of the trouble that happened to Wanda and friends was their fault. The police told me that all they were planning to do was tell them to keep the noise down. If they had not been beating me, or if they could have just shut up, no charges would have been filed. Hell, if Wanda had just filed for divorce, of course, but she would had to pay for her own apartment.

My lottery winnings were fifty million over a twenty-six year period. I had boxed my bets so I had additional winning tickets. I took care of all my old friends, and some of my new friends.

Oh, my name has been legally changed. I have a new wife. She is a true friend and she had been so for most of my life. If I had listened to my upper head instead of my lower head, I would have been with her all along.

And no, I won't tell you where to find me. My life and money are mine not yours.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

That was one hell of a fantasy, without the sex. If you wanted to dwell on a story then you should have put it under a different catagory.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Great story! Now that's a man...

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