Box Lunch Ch. 01

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She's still in training.
5.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/01/2022
Created 10/16/2008
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When she got the box at work, by messenger, she couldn't help the smile that played at her lips. It appeared to be just a normal delivery by courier, much like any other that she would get three or four times a week. Normally these boxes would contain checks or some essential paper to the business that she managed the office for, and to the other office personnel, that's what it looked to contain. It was only her practiced eye that saw the difference. It occurred to her that he was counting on that.

First of all, the company only used one courier and this one wasn't it. Secondly, anyone could sign and leave it on her desk, but for this package, she had to sign personally. They came and pulled her out of a meeting for it. It had an invoice on the front that proclaimed

"Contains instructions for delivery and claims. Open First."

She tried to appear nonchalant carrying the package to her desk, even as she felt her knees shake and a trickle of wet moving down her thigh. Setting the package just at the side of the center of her desk was the hardest thing she had done all week. The urge to run into her office, close and lock the door and tear it open was so compelling, she still can't believe she actually made it look like just another set of papers from the main office. She wanted to at least arrange it on her desk, just so. Square it up to the blotter and work it around like a meal she's been waiting on.

She had no idea what was in it, but just that it was from "him" was enough to make her want to rip the cardboard apart with her back to the door and her chest heaving. She was able to close and lock the door without suspicion, but now she was impatient over this meeting. Already thinking it had gone on too long before she had opened the door. She worked hard to compose herself. It takes longer than ten minutes to decide a multi million dollar budget.

She walked in and sat back down in her spot, acutely aware that her panties had somehow become soaked in just those few short minutes since she last sat in this chair. It was funny that she could only think "I hope I don't leave an obvious spot". She had an urge to giggle.

She might not have any idea what was in that box, but getting something like that from him meant she was going to cum harder than she'd ever cum before – and that was true every time – and it was going to be something that would make her shaky and smiley for days if not weeks. Her officemates spent a bit of time trying to figure her relationship out, but this just wasn't available for their consumption.

They wondered, she knew. Maybe even thought she was getting beat. There were just too many bruises and too many abrasions. The times her wrists had the rope burns and she couldn't stay seated all day. The times with bruises she hadn't realized she had until she got to work in the wrong clothes. She knew better now than to wear anything showing cleavage after one of these sessions. There was still talk about her cat scratching her up so bad.

She could feel the moisture starting to pool under her ass. "These panties are a complete waste", she thought, just as she noticed everyone looking at her. Obviously she'd been asked a question and had no clue what it was or how to respond. He always did this to her. Got her all worked up so she couldn't pay attention if her job depended on it. She looked down and shuffled her paperwork, but it was no use. She was going to have to tell everyone she wasn't paying attention.

"I'm not sure I have that," she said to stall. It worked! At least this time.

Her counterpart at main suddenly remembered she hadn't sent it. The paper got passed over and she was able to work her way through the problem before her mind strayed back to the desk and her package.

She hadn't even known what a quirt was before the last package yielded one up into her hands. She knows he sends them to her work to give her that little bit of extra anxiety and discomfort. Makes her have to be furtive and reminds her of the distance between the vanilla world and her path of submission. The distance that grew with every package.

She managed to join the conversation just a moment before it turned to her part and this time she actually heard what they needed from her and could respond. That was close. Try as she might, she already knew she wouldn't be able to stop her mind and she had stopped trying to a long time ago now. He was in total control of whether she would be able to have attention left for her job or not. She was barely hanging on right now and at any time he might call or send her something else that'll make her lose it completely.

She was getting the feeling of being in a wading pool and sitting on the top step. It was moist all the time, but every now and then a wave would push up between her knees, splash against her pussy and gush out to mingle with the fluids collected under her bottom.

The thought of the quirt was making her quiver. She'd had to smuggle it out in her purse after taking peeks at it all day. It looked so evil and yet so innocent, she could barely put it down. She kept taking it up and holding it in her hands whenever she had a moment through that day. The leather was smooth and yet the braiding was almost rough. It had certainly looked rough! The strands would hang down like some miniature medieval whip every time she would pick it up and then would lay splayed out when she would set it down onto her desk. There was a loop to hold it to the wrist with a bead on the end of that.

When she had first picked it up, she immediately thought she would be whipped with the bead and had almost cried with the thought that she wouldn't be able to do it. As she looked at it over and over during the day, however, she realized that it was just the straps that she would be spanked with (she knew that much for sure, that it was for her flesh). That didn't help a lot with the trepidation she felt, but at least it wouldn't be something that would scar her.

The whippings still frightened her. Not the actual smack of leather, that could soak her panties even more than they were now just knowing it was coming, but the way she craved it. The way her body responded even as or even if her mind resisted. The first time he'd spanked her, she knew she wanted it but it had still left her uncertain about herself. He'd really paddled her, too. Left her red, hot and sore. Sitting on her ass all the next week had made her wet and dreamy. Her first whipping was absolute heaven.

She was sucking him, stroking his long cock with her mouth, bathing it with her saliva when the lashes struck her full across one buttock. It was a stinging, slapping feeling and made her shove his rod into her throat, she'd jumped so hard. As more and more lashes struck, she was positively gobbling at his dong and he was loving it!

A few weeks later he'd sent her the quirt.

He's shattered all her boundaries. She tried to maintain them every step of the way, but he would push a little here and there until she found herself so far out beyond where she believed herself that she had to finally succumb. And he knew when this moment was. He told her that night "you'll do what you're told now."

It was a bit at a time. She can't fault him. He'd told her from the beginning how he would make her a "good little sub". How he was patient and moulding, but that she would get there in the end. She would be that submissive that she denied vehemently. The quirt was almost the last straw. She fretted and debated. She worried and countless times made up her mind never.

One of the times she had decided that she wouldn't do it, almost as though he'd read her mind, he called. In a gentle, friendly voice, he'd described how it would feel to her and how he would use it. How it would cut into her tender flesh and leave streaks of red that he could trace with his fingers as he fucked her, no pounded her from behind. That had made her panic. In the end, it was her dripping pussy that set her in the driver's seat on her way to him with the quirt in her purse. And they say men think with their dicks.

Those first lashes from those braided leather straps had bit into her flesh, just like he had told her, and she had jumped with fright, but it was already too late as she strained against the bindings with each jolt. He whipped her ass as she begged for more and the thin strips stung her breasts as he drove his piece so forcefully into her pussy from behind that he could have whipped her with razors and she wouldn't have noticed. Her sore little ass being spanked by his groin as he rammed that beautiful cock into her sodden pussy stayed in her thoughts for weeks afterwards. Left her reeling.

She would often find herself, just as now, daydreaming about the whippings, the fuckings, the tortures he subjected her to on an ongoing basis. It was a struggle to maintain connection to all these plain people with their flavorless lives. She would float off into that world that he'd taken her to where she had no idea of pleasure or pain or time. Only the next sensation. The next incredible, consuming orgasm. The next feeling of utter lostness he'll give her.

She had no doubt that that package contained a mind numbing adventure. Another bigger drug to feed her addiction for him. She stretched her legs a little, just to check whether the muscles were still sore. It had been three days, but she was often sore for five or more. This time, there was a little tinge of memory stiffness, but nothing more. A mischievous grin forced its way past her stoic face and she quickly tried to hide it. She had never been so much out of control as he has made her. She forced her mind back to pay attention to the stupid pitiful fucking meeting and again it was just in time to say her part.

When the meeting finally ended, she couldn't get out of there fast enough. They were making plans for lunch and were including her and all she could say was "just let me know, I've got to go get this package taken care of." Her hands shook as she unlocked her door and she dropped the keys trying to lock it back from the inside. She took some steadying breaths with her back against the door and could feel the wetness flowing past her pussy lips, dripping along her thighs and past her knees.

She knew she didn't have much time and hurried over to tear the package open. Her hands wouldn't work right and the cardboard ended up being shredded since it wouldn't tear on the seams. "Fucking thing," she thought as she tore at it desperately. Three months ago, had she seen this scene in a movie, she would have scoffed. She would never have believed that it was vaguely realistic. Yet here she was. Frustrated. Desperate. Needy. Dripping and aching.

Her pussy was sending ache throbs ripping through her body. They would start at her groin and thrum through her stomach, jolting her nipples and chest and trying to push a moan out through her throat. It was making her hands tremor out of control and she dropped the package out onto the floor.

An egg shaped object rolled under her desk. Panties and half bra fluttered in a heap. Two large marbles tied together, two silk ties and some sports wrap. She didn't have much time to look at the objects before she heard someone outside the door. She grabbed at everything and stuffed it in her purse as the knob turned. She was leaping out from the desk with the tap and opened the door, hoping she didn't look as breathless and flustered as she felt.

"We're leaving in ten minutes, going to Roscoe's. Are you about ready?", then "are you okay?" She realized she must be as flushed as she felt. The burning was all over her chest and neck, and now she felt it stinging her cheeks.

"I'm okay, just trying to get everything done I need before we head out. Let me put things away and run to the bathroom real quick."

"I'll meet you at the car." Her boss looked at her funny and glanced around the room before walking off. Too late, she realized the chunks she'd torn out of the box were strewn around the floor and on the desk. She grabbed at them and threw them into the trash can, liberating the "invoice" from the mess first. She stuffed it in her purse and took off for the ladies room.

She was beet red. The mirror told her why her boss had given that funny look. The redness spread in a lightening wave right down between her breasts. She knew before unfolding it that the instruction page wasn't going to make that situation any better. She was going to be flushed the rest of the day.

"You have a two o'clock meeting. Insert the balls before going. There are tiny ones inside the outer shells and if you squirm, the inner ones will roll and give continuous sensation. Sudden movements will shake them and constant movement will keep them active. You will probably want gentle, easy motions or you will become over sensitized."

She pulled them out and looked at them. They had a funny texture to them and as she shook one, she could feel the bounce and activity. A synergy. It made her shiver. A full body, down the spine and back shiver.

"You can take the balls out after the two o'clock, if you want. We will be meeting at four. You will leave early. We will have an early supper. You will put on the underwear and re-insert the balls if you took them out earlier. You will carry the nipple rings, ties, wrap and egg in your purse. I will be checking that you have done everything I asked."

She dug through her purse. She didn't remember seeing nipple rings. She was getting frantic when she decided to go back to look around her desk.

Her breathing was heavy and tense. She was practically gasping. She took some steadying breaths and smoothed her clothes to run back to her office and look for the rings.

One was just on the center of her desk. A black rubber ring, small and innocent appearing, but she knew better. That little creature made her nipple stand out so hard she had a wave of wetness run down her legs just thinking of it. Another shiver wracked her. She was so worked up over this she considered that she might cum just seeing him and her ankles wobbled.

She couldn't find the other ring. She had to go meet her boss at the car. Her panties were soaked so thoroughly that she felt like she could wring them out and water her plants. She pulled them off, stuffed them in a drawer and pulled the others on, realizing too late that they were crotchless. "Oh well," she thought and left the room.

The elevator showed her reflection in the chrome. She was flushed over her entire upper body, her breath was ragged and her chest was heaving. Another shiver wracked her as she knew she would have to search with a fine tooth comb – and quickly - when she got back. She briefly wondered about this two o'clock and how he knew.

Lunch was FOREVER. She never realized what dithering slathering blibbering fools she worked with. She needed to get back and find that nipple ring. She needed to get the balls in by two. She needed to relax and try to get some sanity before meeting him at four. Her mind kept shooting off to her next orgasm and how it would feel. The last one completely took her. She'd never felt anything like it. She was still trying to decide if those had been spears of agony or if the pleasure could really be that intense.

It was twenty to two when they got back from the longest lunch she'd ever had. She hadn't been able to do more than push her food around the plate. Her boss said "remember, my office, two o'clock" at the elevators. She didn't trust herself to speak, just nodded vigorously.

She couldn't find the little ring of rubber. She was crawling under her desk, shoving things out of the way. The receptionist asked if she could help and she snapped "no" so fast, she had to quickly tell her "it's okay, just an earring, I'll find it."

At five to two, she closed her door, pressed her fingers to her dripping pussy and slipped the balls inside one by one. Her digits were drenched with that little bit, all the way to the hand. Drips splattered the carpet and caught on the smooth skin of her calves. She rushed out to the meetings and paused only long enough to catch her breath and feel her racing pulse before knocking.

"Come in." It was him. Her boss had said come in, but He was there. She went so weak, it took everything she had to turn, close the door and work her way toward the only empty chair in the room. Her movements were jerky and dissociated from her mind's whirling, but she managed to collapse to the cushion. A gush of warmth greeted her change of posture.

"Are you okay?" He asked in that gentle voice that to her meant torment. It was the voice that told her "don't cum. If you do it will be your last for several days." And "you will need to beg me for what you want." And "if you want the reward for being good, you will need to do what I consider good." A sweet, modulated, reasonable timbre that she now associated with ache, need, desire, frustration, desperation and, eventually, when she's good enough, utter unadulterated bliss.

The gushing became a flood that held no promise of letting up. The balls were keeping a rocking kind of motion that was making her thigh muscles shimmer and the only point of direction she had was his voice. This is what he had done to her from the beginning. He would calmly describe the process as he stimulated her. It was a simple conditioning at first, "don't cum yet, hold it, I want you to cum when I do". It increased in intensity until, after four months now, she could be reduced to a whimpering, pleading mass with the pressing of his words against her ears. She felt a drip on her ankle from off the edge of the chair.

"So what do you think?" It was her boss. She knew it would be something about software. That's what He did. He sold security software. She nodded, trying to speak, but no words came out. She closed her mouth, afraid she might croak. "You know, you don't look well. Are you okay?" She wished everyone would stop asking her that. Everyone but Him.

She nodded and managed to get out "I'm alright. Just tired, I guess. I think we could try it." She'd been offering to pitch His software to the boss for some time.

"Well there you go." Her boss waved an arm. "Got you in touch with the one you need." She'll show you the servers and go through specifics with you. They got up and shook hands, leaving her sitting until she had to move.

She led him to the server room first. As they stepped over the threshold, he closed the door behind them and grabbed her ass. The balls leaped and another flood poured forth with her gasp. He spoke to her softly.

"I love the thought of your stiff nipples. I want to roll my tongue over them and suck at them. I want to pinch them with my cock shoving up between your tits, fucking them. I can't wait to grab at them, nibble, bite and suck them.

I think I'm going to tie you to the bed so you can't move and slide my cock from the tip to the base and back over those nipples. One at a time. Slowly fucking across them while I squeeze your breasts in my hands and make them pop out even more.

I'm going to set my cock just out of your reach so you have to stretch your neck up and over to just lick at it. Once in a while I'll run it over your pussy lips so you can lick the dripping juices from it. With your neck stretched out, I'll whip your tits until they're hot and swollen.

Then I'll fuck you - hard. My hands soothing your aching breasts. My cock ramming in and out of you, making you cum and beg for more. That's what you have to look forward to." He took her around the waist and she half swooned. One hand held her while the other bunched her dress and pressed its way in the side of her panties, shoving a finger up inside her and making her cry out through clenched lips. "Just checking. You are a good girl for me, but I have to make certain or you might backslide." She whimpered as he removed the hand.