Boy Scout Mothers Ch. 22


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Within minutes the two women started to teach Dave and Tom what looked like some tribal dance steps. “We know you,” a striking tall straight backed woman whispered as she took Richards hand. “I’m Aretha; I’m very pleased that you could come tonight.” “We heard a lot about you at the conference, I think one of our group danced with you one night.”

“Oh shit!” Richard thought as he remembered that dance had ended with him plundering an ample arse on the smoking terrace. “Where is she?” he asked looking around the gathering. “I’m sorry; she couldn’t come down with us. She nodded towards one of the dancers, “her friend Irene, who knows you, is looking forward to your company.”

Richard had never been to a BBQ that reeked of potential sex like this one. There were only six people present.

Other than Tom, Dave there was no other men. “Wait till we tell our mates,” he mused “they will be blown away by what they have missed.”

The two visitors who had Tom and Dave dancing to the throbbing beat of their African music were short, not fat but plump, their substantial chests more pronounced than his average Boy Scout mum. They danced so vigorously that their tits swung wildly under their costume obviously free of confinement.

Aretha the tallest of the group stood with him watching. She had he noted, a small chest but a magnificent arse.

Tom had his arm around Irene one hand fondling her large tit when she confronted Richard. “You probably don’t remember me” she said as she kissed him, her tongue massaging his gums. “But I remember what Anna said about you.” “Anna?” I don’t know any Anna,” he said as her hands gripped his waist.

“Oh yes you do, you knew Anna very well on the smoking balcony at the convention ball,” she said with a high pitched squeal. Tom had lifted her long skirt and was massaging her arse. She had no time to question Richard further as Tom moaned “come with me,” and pulled her away.

Richard looked for Dave. He looked again when he caught his eye. He was undressing May. They were standing under a tree in the shadows but in full view of the BBQ. She was giggling as Dave pushed her top down to her waist and took her breast in his mouth.

Out of the corner of his eye he spied Tom an Irene. As he stood watching, Irene’s hands stopped struggling with Tom’s belt and came up to hold his head tight, moving it so his mouth did not neglect each nipple. “That’s it white boy, that’s it,” she moaned. “I love a man’s mouth on my breasts.”

Aretha was amazed at the way Irene and May were performing. She had rarely seen them at parties other than formal parties associated with their work. At home they were respected specialists here tonight they were acting like sluts. She was disgusted, but at the same time excited by the way they were allowing their partners to strip them and fondle them.

She turned to Richard “they don’t seem to need our company” she whispered. Lets go! Richard led her to the hot plate where he grilled a thin steak and poured her a red wine. As they sat and talked they watched the two couples.

Aretha didn’t know where to look. Her two colleagues were quickly getting drunker. Their actions were less and less inhibited. She kept looking shyly at Richard who seemed to be taking little notice of the sex that was happening right before his eyes.

Aretha was sitting on a two seater outdoor lounge. When Richard poured her next glass of wine he casually sat down beside her.

One after the other Irene then May took their partners off to their rooms leaving Aretha and Richard sitting alone in the cool of the evening.

She shivered, “are you getting cold?” he asked. He found his cardigan and draped it over her shoulders. “It always gets cold here in the evenings,” he said as he left his hand on her shoulder.

“Those other two bastards are inside fucking while I’m out here acting like a schoolboy on his first date,” he thought as he looked to see any reaction to his arm.

Aretha was pleased when the others left, she had agreed to come to keep Irene company. She had known that Irene and May were looking for white lovers but never thought they would be so blatant.

She hadn’t expected to see them parade their sexual desires so obviously. At first she was ashamed of the way they carried on but after a while she could feel her nipples hardening and her pussy getting wet. She was feeling the effects of the wine and the sex that she could see and hear.

When Richard didn’t try anything she was pleased. Then as the evening progressed and the others became more boisterous and adventurous she started to get angry.

Her mind raced, “What about me, am I so old so ugly that he doesn’t want me.” “At least he should try. I won’t let him, but he should try.”

Richard finding no reaction to his arm around her shoulder leant forward to kiss her lightly on the lips. “About time,” she thought as she automatically responded. Her lips opening to welcome his probing tongue.

His kiss was sweet and passionate, taking her breath away. “Oh yes!” she thought, “That’s nice.” When the kisses continued she felt herself relax in his arms, “this is better,” she thought. “A few kisses won’t do any harm.”

She kissed him back, as he whispered “you’re beautiful.” She couldn’t help herself, “I thought you didn’t like me.” “Oh no, that’s not true,” he moaned. “Your so beautiful, so aristocratic, the way you stand so straight so beautiful, that I didn’t want to ruin things.”

While he was speaking his hand had moved up to cup one of her small breasts. His fingers tweaked the nipple through her top. Aretha felt her pussy juices flow. She gasped as she realised that she was reacting positively to this strangers hands on her tits.

“No that’s enough” she gasped. “Sit over there behave your self,” she whispered as she straightened her top.

“I’ll open another bottle of wine” Richard said as he took her at her word and moved away.

Aretha was disappointed as she watched him go. It was some time since her university days in Cape Town, but it was not that long ago that she couldn’t remember the way the Uni boys kept coming back, never really taking no for an answer.

Richard intrigued her she could see the large bulge in his pants she could feel the moisture in her pussy, He would know by her response to his kisses that he had stirred her interest, yet he gave in so easily.

A few drinks later Richard refilled her glass and stood over her, “let’s dance,” he whispered. “I can’t dance and drink,” she giggled. “Well let’s drink them down first,” Richard suggested as he skolled his glass down.

As they danced slowly on the uneven surface of the tiled patio Aretha was starting to feel the effect of that last glass of red. She stumbled, her body resting hard against Richard. He held her around the waist and let his hands slip down to what he knew was a fine arse.

She looked up at him and giggled as she felt his hand trying to raise her skirt. “What are you up to?” she slurred. “I’m going to kiss you,” he whispered as their lips met and his tongue sought hers.

“Oh my, that’s nice,” she said as she pulled her head back to look at him. “But your hand?” she moaned. “Oh yes my hand it’s playing with your beautiful bum.” he groaned as his mouth again sought hers.

They stood in the shadows swaying together. While they kissed his hand completed its task, her dress was bunched up allowing him to stroke her bottom. Aretha felt completely relaxed her body was responding to his touch, as his kisses melted her resistance.

Richard felt Aretha relax. Quietly he moved his other hand from her waist lifting the front of her dress seeking her pussy.

“No! No! Not there,” she whispered so quietly that he could hardly hear her. “Don’t worry” he assured her, “we won’t do anything you don’t want to do,” as his hand continued its search. He held his breath as his hand on her arse started to strip her panties down. She moaned “oh no!” as his searching hand found the front of the panties, to push them down over her hips.

With both hands occupied he felt her shudder and give a cry. “You said you wouldn’t do anything I didn’t want to do,” she panted as she struggled to stand up straight.

“That’s right love” he replied as his mouth again sought hers. “If you say stop, we’ll stop.” He felt a tear run down her cheek and quickly let her dress drop back to cover her legs.

“Don’t cry, I’ll behave, Come on I’ll walk you to your room,” he said as he turned her towards the apartment. “No I don’t want to go in there.” “I don’t want to be a part of that.” “I’d be ashamed, if I did anything like they’re doing and anyone knew.” “Sex like that in public would destroy my pride in myself.” “No! Not in there,” she said as she pulled away.

Richard was nonplussed he wanted to fuck Aretha. He felt she wanted him. Her tears had made his horn wilt; He hated the thought of hurting anyone. A woman in tears was not a turn on.

They walked around the side of the building to a cement bench. She pulled him down and kissed him. “You are a lovely young man,” she whispered. “Your kind ways are so different to those of the men in my village, and the men at our hospital.” “They would never say it was up to me, they would force the issue until the woman gives in.”

She took him in her arms as they sprawled on the cold hard concrete bench. “Kiss me sweetheart cuddle me in your arms.” Richard needed no urging. He hugged her too him as they kissed. To his surprise, it was her tongue that sought his. It was her hands that roamed over his back and then around between them to his chest.

He could feel his enlarged cock push up between them and heard her gasp as she recognised what it was. He held his breath waiting for further reaction.

She kept on kissing and her hand moved under his shirt and stroked his nipple His hands were quick to take up the challenge. He felt for her bra then around her back to open it. He struggled with the catch. When he couldn’t get it to open Aretha stood up looked him straight in the eye and undid it.

It was dark and her clothes obscured his vision. His hands and fingers massaged her small firm breasts. Her black face shone in the refected light, her deep full red lips and her white teeth stood out like beacons.

They kissed and fondled each other for what seemed a lifetime to Richard. Then her top came free allowing him to drop his head and take a whole small hard tit in his mouth.

Aretha had been crooning and singing quietly as Richard `s mouth made love to her breasts. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this but it was so lovely. The two girls were inside no one would know.

She couldn’t believe how kind and gentle he was, “oh my god” she thought as his tongue stopped dancing around her nipple. His body slid down hers until he was on his knees, “what’s he going to do now.”

She stood looking down watching as he lifted her dress. She felt her legs move apart to allow him free access to her now sopping wet mound. He’s going to kiss me she thought. “No!” she whispered, “no, not that, I don’t want that.” Richard heard her moan and say no, but he could feel her body reacting, her legs were opening welcoming him.

He kissed his way up her legs. His nose sensed the heat of her arousal. Her legs moved apart to allow him free access to her now sopping wet mound. He pushed in, his mouth devouring as much of the red lips of her cunt as possible.

Aretha melted as his tongue licked her clit and his finger played with her bum. “Yes, yes, kiss me” she moaned “oh my god that’s beautiful that’s wonderful.” Oral sex at home was her sucking her husband. He never ever put his mouth between her legs. Richard’s tongue was lifting her with every stroke. Her body was reacting; she shuddered as a number of little orgasms hit her. Richard tasted her juice as her body bucked.

“Let’s go back to that bench” he moaned leading her to lay her back along the cold hard concrete. “No lets go inside, it will be more comfortable on the bed.”

Aretha pulled him to her holding his head inches from her weeping cunt. Her opposition was gone she wanted him but still she was careful. “Not in their love” she whispered, “I don’t want to remember you like that.” “Love me here where only you and I will know. It will be our secret.”

Their love was wild and yet gentle. Her jet black body intrigued him. He kissed it and stroked it as she rode him. He was overwhelmed.

Aretha could not get enough of his tongue .No one had ever used her cunt muscles on his tongue but Richard swore during the night that her cunt had taken hold of his tongue and worked it against her clit.

Some time during the night they slipped off the bench on to the cold hard floor, but were so wrapped in each other that they did not notice. Early in the morning Richard lifted her in his arms and carried her over to the lounge.

He went and found her clothes and brought them back to dress her. Before he did he had her stand so he could admire her figure. “Your body has a shine, a glow that I have never seen before,” he told her as she moved under his gaze.

As he watched he thought, “it must be her colour,” for her black body glistened with sweat giving off a sexual glow. “You have the darkest black skin I have ever seen,” he moaned as he swooped to kiss her all over.

“Your beautiful he crooned your fucking marvellous making love to you was exciting, but if we are to keep it to ourself we must stop.” “Let me dress you.” As he dressed her he stopped after each item of clothing to study her and tell her which part of her beautiful her black body he was going to kiss next.

She was blushing at his constant words of admiration. “Oh Richard you are a real sweetheart I will never forget this night you make me feel so proud that you wanted me, thank you thank you.”

When the BBQ broke up, Richards’s mates were over the moon. “What a night I’m bloody glad you invited us” Dave said as they piled in the car.

Richard grinned, “Remember you really didn’t want to come. “Remember what you said about old black ladies.”

“Rub it in all you like,” Tom laughed. I’ll admit I was wrong, shit mate I’ll never forget those two wild black bitches.” Then looking at Richard he said “but what about you?” “Irene told me that Aretha wouldn’t put out?” Richard didn’t reply.

Shit mate I’m sorry” Tom repeated as they drove home. “During the night Dave and I swapped and we had them both, while you’ve missed out.” “Don’t worry that’s the luck of the draw,” Richard said with a sly smile, as he thought “if only you knew.”

Irene and May surfaced late. “What did you and Richard do,” they asked as they sipped coffee. “Oh we just talked and drank after you dragged those boys into your beds.” “We went for a walk, and then we cleaned up and drank far too much wine while we talked and waited.”

“Well I had a whitey last night,” Irene grinned, “in fact we both had two Whitey`s.” “I don’t know why you didn’t take a chance and fuck young Richard.” “No one will ever know. One you miss is one you never get,” she said. “If only you knew,” Aretha thought.

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