Boy Toys

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Game night leads to gay challenges for straight jocks.
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"So what's it like Ben, you know... living with a gay guy? Has he tried to suck your dick yet?" asked my buddy Dylan, referring to my absent roommate.

Dylan and two of my gym buddies, Mark and Steve, were at my place celebrating end of term. We had all worked hard this semester and were looking forward to unwinding this evening, after just finishing a game of basketball in a nearby park. My roommate Aaron had gone home to his parents for the weekend so we had the two bedroom apartment in the student residence building to ourselves. Our plan was to drink beer, smoke weed, and play poker, in no particular order.

Aaron had moved in mid-semester after my previous roommate had dropped out. He was a decent, handsome guy who happened to be gay, and I was fortunate to find him for a roommate. I didn't realize he was gay when I first met him but he had been upfront about his sexuality in the initial interview. Luckily, I was more interested in finding someone who wasn't a complete psychopath than worried about who they were sleeping with. Aaron was easygoing, fun to be around, and serious enough about school that we got along well. In fact, we were quickly becoming close friends.

"Of course he hasn't you asshole! Just because I have a dick, doesn't mean I'm Aaron's type. Also, he seems to score fine without trying to nail my ass."

"What do you mean, he brings guys back here and fucks them?!" Dylan asked incredulously as he looked around the apartment. What was he expecting to see, used condoms draped on the furniture?

"Jesus Dylan, do you have a problem we need to talk about? You seem awfully interested in my roommate's sex life. Yeah, sometimes he gets lucky and brings a guy home. I honestly don't know or care who is fucking who but I do know he probably scores more than you do. Are you thinking about switching teams? It's cool with me if you are. Aaron has a theory that everyone is a little gay, but most never explore it."

Mark and Steve were watching this exchange in amusement as we played poker around the kitchen table. We had just finished a fat joint on the balcony and we were feeling nicely buzzed on top of the beers.

"Fuck you buddy, you wish. Nah, I just wondered what it was like living with a gay guy. It looks like it hasn't affected you too much... yet."

Ignoring the dig, I replied, "I have no complaints. He's tidy, pays his rent, and even lets me use his Xbox."

Mark, who was a huge gamer on top of being a big jock, turned towards me and said, "Your roommate has a fucking Xbox?! Why the hell are we playing cards?"

I laughed at Mark, "Sure, we can check it out, but we'll have to play it in his room. Let's finish this hand before I whoop your sad wrestler butt in Call of Duty."

We finished our game and headed down the hall to Aaron's room. Aaron comes from money and had his room set up well with decent furniture, a solid desk, and a big screen TV that also worked with his gaming console. Dylan and Steve sat on the edge of his bed while Mark settled into Aaron's desk chair. "He keeps it in this drawer," I said while opening the drawer below his TV. Hmm, other than a couple loose cables, the drawer was empty. I checked the other two drawers in case he had moved it. "Uh, bad news guys. I think he may have taken it with him."

"No!" groaned Mark.

I heard Dylan say, "Let me check these drawers" as he pulled out the top drawer in the night table beside Aaron's bed and leaned over to look inside. Dylan seemed to be taking his time.

"Uh, did you find it Dylan?"

"No, but I found a ton of other shit!" I looked over and Dylan had the top drawer open and was digging through the contents. From where I was standing, the drawer looked like it was crammed full of condoms, lube, cock rings, DVDs, and a host of gay sex toys. I could see the cover of one of the DVDs titled, 'Butt Fucked Fever' with a picture of an athletic white guy lying on his back with his impressive hard-on pointing upwards while some buffed black guy had his thick cock buried halfway up his ass. There was spunk dripping from the white guy's hole and slicked along the black's guy cock. Whoa. Something flew at my face landing in my lap as Dylan asked, "Have you been looking for these Ben?"

I picked up what looked like a yellow and black jockstrap with the word, 'Addicted' written on the waistband. "Very funny." While I was admittedly curious about the contents of Aaron's drawer, I felt uneasy digging through his stuff. "C'mon Dylan, put everything back and close the drawer." At that moment, my phone rang and as I pulled it from my pocket, I saw that it was Aaron calling. Shit! Great timing. "Hey it's Aaron guys, cool it!" I said to the room as I stood up to answer the call, "Aaron, how's it going? How was the drive?"

Aaron was calling to see if I wanted to join him and his parents for dinner after they drove him home on Monday. They were booking reservations at a fancy restaurant downtown and asked if I'd be interested. I readily accepted. "Hey Aaron, did you happen to take your Xbox with you?" The guys were talking in the background so I let him know that we had just been looking for it in his room.

He confirmed that he had it with him. Dylan took the opportunity to yell, "It's okay Aaron, we found some other cool shit!" For fuck's sake Dylan. Now I had to explain to Aaron that Dylan had checked his night table looking for the console. Aaron thought this was hilarious and joked that he hoped he hadn't traumatized anyone with the contents of his 'toy box'. He even said to help ourselves to anything in there including the condoms if we have any babes over. He really was easygoing, I had lucked out having him as roommate. I told Aaron I'd see him on Monday and hung up the phone relaying the news to the guys who were obviously disappointed about the Xbox, but glad Aaron wasn't pissed that we had been rooting through his stuff.

Dylan hadn't been idle during the call and had pulled a few more items out of the drawer placing them on the bed. There was what looked like a decent collection of cock rings, some sort of silicone masturbation sleeve attached to a vibrating wand, and a small brown bottle of liquid. He was looking more closely at the silicone sleeve with the high-powered wand device attached to it. "Damn, I wonder what this feels like?"

"Easy cowboy, keep it in your pants. The opening looks too small, for me anyways," Mark bragged. "What's this?" Mark asked as he reached over and picked up the brown bottle. Before anyone could say anything, he had opened the bottle and took a big sniff. "Whoa, what is this shit? I can feel my head rushing," as he sat there with his eyes wide open.

"I think they're poppers," offered Steve. "My old girlfriend borrowed some from her gay brother once and we tried them out. They made us both super horny and we fucked like rabbits, but it doesn't last for long."

"Well, I do feel horny but I was already horny so it's hard to tell," Mark grinned as he gave his big bulge a squeeze.

I was feeling pretty horny myself but shook my head to clear it and said, "Okay guys, we should probably get out of Aaron's room even though he doesn't seem to mind. We'll play his Xbox another night."

We all got up while Dylan put everything back in the drawer but not before he peeked in the second drawer which was also crammed full of toys. Aaron liked his sex toys apparently. The mood of the evening remained jovial with a horny undertone as we wandered back to the kitchen. I noticed Dylan rearranging his junk as he walked in front of me but marked it up to the weed. I heard Mark ask Dylan, "So, are you 'a little bit gay'? You seemed pretty interested in Aaron's stash."

"Fuck you Mark, I'm as straight as they come. How about you? I saw you ogling that butt fuck video. What I want to know is, do you consider yourself a 'catcher' or a 'pitcher'? I'm thinking catcher by some of your preferred wrestling moves."

The ribbing continued as we grabbed another beer and settled back at the table to continue our game. We were spending more time bullshitting than playing when Dylan said, "This is boring, let's play something else." We asked him what he had in mind and he suggested Truth or Dare.

"Seriously? Isn't that a kid's game?" I asked.

"Nah, we played it a couple weeks ago at Pam's cabin and it was a blast, unless you guys are too chickenshit," taunted Dylan.

None of us were about to admit that we were chicken plus we were just high enough that we agreed to go for it. Steve suggested we smoke another joint to 'grease the wheels' and no one protested. After a quick balcony visit, we were baked and giggling as we sat back at the table. "Okay, how do you play?" I asked.

"It's easy," replied Dylan, "We each take a turn asking someone if they want a truth or a dare. If it's a truth, you have to answer honestly, if it's a dare, you need to follow through. We'll play until someone wimps out. That's about it."

We were all pretty athletic and fairly competitive so I thought it unlikely any of us would wimp out, although part of me was worried where this might lead. Regardless, I bravely replied, "Okay, sounds simple. You go first since it's was your idea."

Dylan was happy to start us off and turned to Steve and said, "Truth or dare buddy?" Steve opted for a truth. "Uh, okay. Let me think. Um, where's the weirdest place you've jerked off?" We all laughed at the question.

"Hmm, probably at the library last semester. I was supposed to be studying but I was too horny and couldn't focus. No one was around so I rubbed one out in a study carrell. Best study aid ever," grinned Steve. Of course we all wanted to know which floor of the library this happened so we could avoid sitting in Steve's spunky carrell.

With Dylan's turn over, Mark was up so he turned to me and asked, "Truth or dare Ben?" Not wanting to look like a wimp, I said dare. "Okay, I dare you to go out on the balcony, strip down to your underwear, and stay out there for five minutes," he said with a big grin on his face.

Shit, we were on the fourth floor and while it was dusk, two other apartments faced ours and I might have an audience. "Jesus Mark, that's the dare you lead with?" as I rolled my eyes. Grateful for the beers and tokes, I stood up regardless and walked over to the sliding glass door and stepped out onto the balcony as the guys cheered. It wasn't that dark yet and with the warm evening and end of term, lots of people were on their balconies partying. As I started to strip, I could see a group of guys and girls on a nearby balcony when one of the girls suddenly pointed at me and yelled, "Yeah baby, take it all off!" The others on her balcony, and several other balconies, turned towards me and started hooting and whistling as I finished stripping and stood there like an idiot in my briefs. I put on a brave face giving them a spin and a bit of a dance as I raised my beer in salute which led to more cheering. I swim and workout regularly so at least I was in decent shape but Mark was going to pay for this. After what felt like hours, I heard Mark finally call time as I ran back inside. All the guys were killing themselves laughing as I started to put my pants back on.

"Uh uh Ben," I heard Mark say, "Once something is off, it stays off." Fuck, were we going to make up rules as we played? Regardless, I begrudgingly left my clothes where they were and walked back to the table in my briefs.

It was Steve's turn who asked Dylan if he wanted a truth or dare. Dylan went for a truth. "Okay Dylan, since it seems to be top of mind for you, what's the gayest thing you've done... so far?" Dylan started to reply after thinking about it for a few seconds.

"Probably going to a gay bar," he answered. We immediately asked him to explain. "I was downtown with a buddy last summer and we were looking for a place to get a beer. We walked by a bar called, 'Jackhammer', that had loud music coming from the door and decided to check it out. I noticed it was about half full as we made our way to the bar to order beers. It wasn't long after we sat down to drink that I noticed there were only guys in the place and we were in a gay bar. A bunch of them were even giving us the once over. Since we'd already ordered, we just tried to avoid eye contact until we finished our beers."

Steve looked at Dylan shaking his head, "Hey Dylan, newsflash, if a bar is called, 'Jackhammer', it's probably gay."

"I know, it was stupid, we should have known. A couple guys did come over to talk to the 'fresh meat' and offered to buy us beer but we kind of freaked out and got our asses out of there, no pun intended," Dylan added. Was he blushing?

It was finally my turn so I asked Mark if he wanted a truth or dare, and he defiantly opted for a dare. Yes, payback time. "Okay stud, I dare you to strip down to your briefs and take the elevator to the lobby and back." Mark was on the wrestling team so he was jacked and rightfully proud of his muscular body but I still wondered if he'd go for it.

He looked at me with a big shit-eating grin and said, "Gee Ben, I'd love to but unfortunately it's laundry day and I'm going commando tonight and there's no way I'm doing it naked."

I was considering this new wrinkle when suddenly, I had an idea... "No problem Mark, hold on," as I got up from the table and headed down the hall returning a minute later. "Here you go," as I tossed Aaron's skimpy black and yellow jockstrap towards him. Mark looked suitably shocked as the rest of the guys roared in laughter.

Mark held up the jockstrap and said, "I don't even know if I can fit into this but I'll give it a try, be right back," as he headed for the bathroom. We heard some cursing and grumbling before Mark yelled, "Okay, here I come but I'll warn you, it's a tight fit." We turned to see Mark walk back into the kitchen wearing nothing but Aaron's jockstrap. He wasn't kidding about struggling to put it on, it looked two sizes too small and the sheer material of the pouch barely contained his ample bulge. In fact, I could clearly see the head of his cock and his balls straining against the thin fabric of the pouch. Mark was big all over and the jockstrap left nothing to the imagination.

"That's hilarious, let's see the back," urged Dylan. Mark gamely turned around so we could see his big, white, wrestler ass exposed between the leg straps. Any girl would cream her jeans if they saw Mark in this, he was captain of the wrestling team for fuck's sake. I couldn't wait to see him run to the lobby and back.

We walked with him to the apartment door as he psyched himself up. After a brief countdown, we opened the door and howled as Mark ran down the hall with his big glutes exposed and his muscular legs pumping. He quickly reached the elevator and pressed the button while jumping in one spot, urging it to hurry. I heard a door opening down the hall beyond the elevator and the sound of girl's voices as four of my neighbours left their unit and headed towards the elevator. Oh my god! We watched as they finally noticed Mark standing by the elevator practically naked with his ass hanging out and his hefty dick barely contained. He didn't know which way to turn. They laughed and whistled as they walked towards him while the elevator chimed its arrival. We roared as all five of them boarded the elevator, which sounded like it already had a few people on it. This was priceless. After what felt like several minutes, we heard the elevator arriving back as the doors opened and Mark started to exit accompanied by cheers and cackles from within the car. I could hear one older woman yell, "We're on the 9th floor honey. Come up for a drink and we'll show you a good time." Someone actually had a grip around one of the leg straps on his jock as he struggled to keep it in place and free himself so he could get off the elevator. Holy shit, this was hilarious.

Finally able to disentangle himself without a serious wardrobe malfunction, Mark sprinted down the hall and directly into the apartment yelling, "Close the door!" as we all collapsed in laughter. Apparently, he had taken the elevator back up with a group of visiting mothers who had pinched and groped him for four floors obviously enjoying the private show with a young stud. He said he had felt like a male stripper at Ladies Night with a busload of cougars circling the stage. He wasn't even sure if they were going to let him get off the elevator. Dylan was right, this was a great game.

I saw Mark heading down the hall to change and I said, "Uh uh Mark, once something is off, it stays off, remember?" Mark wasn't pleased to be stuck wearing the skimpy jockstrap but realized he had no choice given it was his rule as he sulked back to the table and settled his naked ass onto the chair, while I sat beside him still in my briefs.

It was Dylan's turn next so he asked Steve who opted for a dare this time, "Let's see... I think I've got an idea but give me a minute," as Dylan headed down the hall to visit Aaron's toy box presumably. A few minutes later he came back with what looked like a black plastic ring and a bottle of blue pills. What the hell? Dylan announced, "I have a team dare as well as a dare for Steve. First up, I dare everyone to take one of these, holding up the pill vial. "It's Viagra and I've always wanted to try it. Are you guys game?" Dylan opened the pill container and shook out several blue pills onto the table.

Mark grabbed a couple pills and held them up considering, "Why not, what harm could it do? I'm already horny," he reasoned as he popped the pills into his mouth while Dylan did the same. Steve and I looked at each other, shrugged, and grabbed two pills each, washing them down with a swig of beer. I hoped I wasn't going to regret this. The combination of beer and weed was making us reckless, and now we had added ED meds to the equation. What could possibly go wrong?

"You guys rock! Okay Steve, you're up. I dare you to wear this for ten minutes," holding up the plastic ring.

"Sure, no problem, but, what is it?"

"It's a cock ring buddy. You put your dick and balls through the middle hole and it holds everything nice and tight. Oh, I forgot. You also need to strip down to your shorts before you put it on."

"It seems like a weird dare but okay," taking the ring from Dylan and stripping down to his boxers before turning his lean body away from us to reach into his shorts and maneuver his junk through the center of the ring. "Aaron must really have a small dick, this thing barely fits me." We rolled our eyes as Steve sat back at the table wearing only his shorts with the cock ring on underneath. Suddenly, he jumped in his chair. "What the hell was that?"

Dylan grinned at him holding up what looked like a remote control. "Oh gee, I guess I forgot to mention that it's a vibrating cock ring dude and this is the remote for it!"

"No way, you didn't tell me that part! Unfair," Steve complained but not before lurching in his seat as Dylan adjusted and raised the intensity of the vibrations.

"It's just part of the dare man, sit back and enjoy. I have a few settings to try out," as he played with the remote. Steve jumped again and groaned, "Fuck, what are you doing?" Despite himself, Steve looked like he was starting to enjoy the sensations. For his part, Dylan kept adjusting the controls while Steve twitched and jerked in front of us. I was sitting beside him and could hear the ring vibrating loudly as well as see that Steve was starting to get a hardon through his shorts. After a few minutes, Dylan turned towards Mark to show him how to operate the remote and now it was Mark's turn to control the device. Dylan offered helpfully, "Try the super-surge setting, he seems to really like that one." As soon as Mark clicked the setting, Steve jerked and started to moan as the device loudly pulsed beside me. It looked like Steve was fully hard now and I could see the start of a wet spot on his shorts near the tip of his cock.