Brad's Nosy Dad


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"You're so lovely," I said, nuzzling into her neck as my hands went back up her arms as if to warm her, and Marianna's breath caught in her throat as I kissed her smooth olive skin.

My hands were shaking a little as I reached down and took the bottom of her blouse, lifting it up slowly as Marianna lifted her arms to allow it to come off. Her bra looked to be one of those styles that enhance the breasts, raising and thrusting forward the flesh, and as I looked down over her shoulders I saw the very modest cleavage created by the harness.

Marianna had the faintest down running along her spine to where the bra clasps were. A couple of hooks came free and then the bra was coming off of her shoulders. Her tits were magnificent and needed no such enhancement. The small cones jutted out proudly from her waif-like torso, and the over-sized areolas were like strawberries on their ends.

Soft and spongy those areolas were as well, and when my fingers massaged them the young girl groaned, leaning back into me and raising her arms, reaching back to grab my head and run her fingers through my thinning scalp.

Maybe she felt my cock, fully aroused and straining to rip through my trousers, as I pressed it against her back. Marianna was writhing against me as I caressed her budding breasts while nibbling on her neck.

I let my thumbs slide over briefly to her underarms, which were hidden from my sight, and while I was a bit let down to find her armpits were shaved, I permitted myself to allow my thumbs to gently stroke the moist and deep hollows, savoring the faint stubble and inhaling the intoxicating scent that was created by the friction.

Now my hands were going to undo her shorts, but now I wanted to see what I was unveiling so I turned Marianna around, enjoying the innocent way her hands came up to try and hide her breasts. Pulling her trembling fingers from the magnificent cones, I smiled and bent down and kissed her breasts.

I could almost take her entire breast bud in my mouth, and the flesh tasted sweet as I suckled on each of them gently before going to my knees. Before me, Marianna's belly button was staring at me, a cute little indentation visible just above the shorts, and below that I could see a couple of fine black hairs that promised much more when the shorts came down.

The button was stubborn, or I was awkward, but eventually I got it loose. The shorts came down, exposing the pale blue panties, but I didn't care about the rather modestly cut panties but what was underneath them. My eyes took in the treasure trail, faint at first but thickening a bit before disappearing under the satin.

Behind the satin I could see the thick bush, the outline of the wide dense triangle visible against the fabric. Her pubic hair was as black as black could be, peeking out from the leg openings of the undies that were overwhelmed by Marianna's breathtaking delta. I pulled the shorts down her skinny legs, breathing in deep to smell what I hadn't smelled in years; the scent of a woman in heat.

Her panties were wet. Whatever I had been doing or whatever she had built up inside of her was raging, and when I peeled off the soggy undies, the pungent scent of her pussy washed over me. Her bush, now fully exposed, was an untrimmed forest, the rich black curls a wild triangle that brought back memories of a day when women were women and not Barbie dolls.

I moved my face into her delta, the hair springy and moist against my face, and Marianna moaned and clutched my head close to her pussy as I licked at the dripping opening, my hands grabbing her tiny butt cheeks and kneading them tightly.

We weren't going to make it into bed. Marianna was pulling at my scalp, her legs bowed and shaking as her reaction to my tonguing her pussy for that brief time brought her to orgasm. I think my hands on her ass were about the only thing keeping her up as she cried out loud enough to get the neighbor's dog going.

My face was soaking wet when I pulled it out from between her legs, looking up to see the flushed face of the teenager looking down at me dazed and winded.

Marianna helped me to my feet, and when I stood up she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me, her lips full and warm and her tongue demanding my own. I held the fragile flower in my arms softly, letting my hands run down her back, her skin soft with an exotic feel to it, like that of a kiwi or a peach.

"Let me," was all she said as Marianna leaned back and unbuttoned my shirts, her tiny fingers making quick work of the row, and then the shirt was coming off of my shoulders.

Marianna was biting her lips as she let her fingers rake through the mat of silver and grey hair on my chest, and how I now wished I went to the gym more often. I was a little soft these days, but Marianna didn't seem to mind, leaning forward and biting my nipples playfully while undoing my belt.

The shy and timid girl that had come into my bedroom was gone for the most part, replaced by a woman who knelt before me and took my trousers down. I heard a sharp intake of breath as her hand ran over the bulge in my boxers, and then the snap came undone and they fell to the floor.

I looked down at Marianna's wide-eyed expression as my cock slowly rose after being exposed, bouncing like it was jacked up until it was pointing straight at her. She looked at it oddly for a moment, mystified at seeing an uncircumcised penis, but not for long.

Marianna's hand came up and grabbed my erection, fists pumping the fully engorged shaft, and she giggled a bit when she saw the foreskin slide up and down the head of my cock, but then she proved what she had said on-line last night. She had messed around with guys.

Marianna's mouth was magical. Her lips slid up and down my cock while her hands did their thing, pumping the shaft and kneading my balls while I looked down in amazement and the studious way the teenager devoured my cock. Soon her mouth was taking in well over half of my 8", and the way she was getting maniacal about it, she was determined to take it all soon but I was losing control. Reaching down, I pulled Marianna up to her feet.

"Make love to me," Marianna said, and we moved back to the bed.


I was planning on going down on Marianna again, in part because I wanted to taste some more of that sweet pussy and play with her lush forest, and also because I had been on the verge of cumming and wanted time to settle down, but she wanted none of that, as her hands indicated.

Despite the dense bush that guarded her sex, there was no problem finding the opening, which was dripping wet. I didn't know what to expect, having never been with a virgin before, but I was about to find out. Guiding the head of my cock between the wet lips, I pushed forward.

For a second, I thought I must be at the wrong opening. Tight? I felt like I was trying to push into the eye of a needle. Marianna was crying, her precious features twisted into a grotesque caricature as I leaned into her as gently as I could.

I felt guilty, but less than I would have if Marianna's hands weren't on my ass, pulling me forward. Finally, I felt myself gradually moving inside of her vise-like opening, and after a bit more work we managed to get me half in. Maybe Marianna relaxed about then, because she became less tight, and soon Marianna was smiling, imploring me to go faster - harder.

I complied. It wasn't artistic, it was wet and sloppy, and I made sure not to look down for fear of what was the cause of that, but it was great. We were like animals being unleashed after years of waiting, and when Marianna came she got the dog barking again, but I was doing busy cumming myself to notice that much.

"Thank you, Mr. Benson," Marianna said as I suspended myself over her while my cock began to slowly slither out of her.

"Thank you?" I asked. "And Mr. Benson no less?"

"I'm sorry," Marianna said, giggling as she blushed. "It's all new to me. I feel funny calling you James, or is it Jim?"

"Jim is fine," I replied, happy that she knew my name.

I glanced down, relieved to see that the moisture was just our natural juices. I guess that these days, hymens get lost in doctor's offices, gymnastics or in Marianna's case as she told me later, her plastic "boyfriend".

I collapsed on the bed beside my young lover, and after a while Marianna got up and went to the bathroom. Her waiflike body was so adorable, and I felt the pangs of guilt once again. Her first time should have been with somebody she loved, not some lovelorn middle aged guy trying to reclaim his youth.

That feeling went away, coming to grips that Marianna was tired of dealing with what she considered the burden of being a virgin and an ugly duckling, and was going to do it anyway, with my son no less. This was better, at least that was the way I felt. I tried to make it as good as it good be for her, something I can't see Brad doing.

Besides, she was no ugly duckling. This little woman drove me wild, and if guys couldn't see how incredible looking she was in her own special way, they were the ones with the problem.


I didn't know what the rest of the night was going to bring. I thought maybe a pizza or something, but Marianna had other plans.

"That was the best yet!" Marianna squealed after she had coaxed a third orgasm out of me around midnight, riding me like I was a pony until I erupted once again inside of her. "I could do this all night."

"If I was 18 I'd be able to, believe me," I said. "I'm dead."

I tried to act annoyed but she saw right through me of course. We took a shower together, and after I changed the sheets, which were drenched with our sweat as well as a heaping helping of Marianna - who turned out to be quite a "wet" cummer - we cuddled and went to sleep.


It was around 4 in the morning when I woke up and felt warmth and wetness on my dick. Marianna, of course, who said she woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.

"Seemed a shame to let it go to waste," Marianna opined, wiggling my very limp dick around. "Do you mind?"

"As long as you don't take it personally when nothing happens," I said.

"This is so neat," Marianna said, playfully nipping at my foreskin. "All boys should have this."

"They do."

"Oh yeah. That's right," Marianna giggled, looking at me with those big doe eyes twinkling. "Does this hurt? Me nibbling like this?"

"No, as long as you don't do what you did to me before," I said.

"I said I was sorry," Marianna pouted comically.

Marianna had sunk her teeth into my collarbone while in the midst of what at that time was her best orgasm ever, and in doing so had drawn blood as well as raising what would be a nasty looking bruise in the morning.

"I know," I answered, and in fact I would enjoy looking at it until it went away, reminding me of this incredible night.

"Now where was I?" Marianna said just before wrapping her lips around my cock.

Funny how a guy a half century old can enjoy the greatest oral sex ever from an 18 year old virgin, but it was so. Marianna was not only an incredible cock-sucker but was actually able to deep-throat me, an experience that I had never enjoyed before.

Apparently, while guys never were willing to go out on dates on be seen with around others, they were willing to hang out with her and "mess around". The messing around involved Marianna using her hands and mouth. Only about a half dozen guys, she said, but the experiences certainly honed her skills.

I actually started to feel my cock begin to show a little interest, so I got Marianna to move around. Climbing on top of me, she straddled my head, allowing me to bury my face in her lush jungle. Her pussy was so sweet, and the feel of her thick pubic hair on my cheeks was so erotic, that I could have lapped at her until my tongue fell off.

Eventually, Marianna had what she called a mini, misting my face with her delicious nectar, and just before I was going to have Marianna give up, because I could only manage semi-hardness, I felt a familiar tingle and came myself, spitting a little cum into her waiting mouth.

"Yummy!" Marianna said after she climbed off of me and showed me the dollop of semen on her tongue.

"Now swallow and go to sleep," I said sweetly.

"Will there be more for breakfast?" she asked with a wicked grin.


There was more for breakfast, to my surprise, and even more surprisingly there was more of me and Marianna Parelli. She made many more stops over the next few months, always e-mailing me to see how I was and if Brad was home or not. When I would say that I was alone and would suggest she was welcome to come over, she always did.

There was no future in it, and I made sure that Marianna realized that. She seemed to, even though she said that she would love to find somebody as nice as me her own age. I assured her that she would, especially staring in the fall when she went to college.

Sure enough, one evening she e-mailed me and asked if she could stop by. There was something strange about the way the message was worded that led me to believe that something was up, and when she arrived I could see on her face that she had something to say.

"You're going to break up with me, aren't you?" I said with a grin.

"I'm sorry," Marianna said, her eyes getting moist even though we had always kidded about us not really "going steady".

"Hey. I'm happy for you," I said, and actually felt moved when she hugged and kissed me when her tears started to come. "Honestly."

"I know," Marianna sniffed, smiling a little.

"Somebody at school?" I asked and Marianna nodded.

"Not just somebody that wants to mess around with you?" I asked pointedly and she nodded. "Somebody that likes you for you? Just the way you are?"

Marianna nodded and burst into tears again, jumping back into my arms. Must be a woman thing, I suppose, but then again I was a bit misty myself at seeing her so happy.

"I hope everything works out for you and the lucky guy," I said, and it was honest.

There was no future in us. Being around her father everyday at work was very awkward, even though he had no clue as to what was going on. Besides, Marianna deserved better than an old broken down guy like me.

"I will never forget you," she said just before leaving. "You made me believe in me."

"That was easy," I assured her. "And you know I'll never forget you."

I still have that photo archived away, and I suspect I'll look at it from time to time as long as I live. The picture of that shy girl with her nightie raised. The girl who thought she was an ugly ducking but found out that there was somebody out there who thought differently.


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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Excellent story! Far too many shaved stories along with on this site. The next week its nothing but peeling skin from razor burn, chaffed skin full of pimples and just plain sickening nasty to look at. Pus oozing pimples and sandpaper stubble along with the ingrown hairs. WTF is wrong with ladies who think men and lesbians like mounds to look like this. This author knows how to tell a mature woman story, that includes a sexy hairy bush. An easy five rating for me because I am not into groin pimples and never will be! Guys tell her to put her clothes back on because you are taking her home until she grows some mature adult hair on it and looses the pimples and pus! Oh yea, BTW, re-shaved only means blood from the clipped pimple heads mixed with the oozing pus. Sickening as well. Ladies grow up, grow them out, and stop the 18-year-old at the beach stuff!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Bush (the adult woman) look has never gone out of style.

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4uover 1 year ago

This was a refreshing change from all the bald pussies on here. Love the bush and hairy pits would have been a bonus. Enjoyed how this was crafted, also a cautionary tale of how once on the net it never goes away.

JaxxonZJaxxonZover 1 year ago

I noted the following lines, separated by commas: the downy hairs on her horearms, and unbuttoned my shirts, but I was doing busy cumming myself, willing to go out on dates on be seen with around others, especially staring in the fall when she went to college. Do you not have anyone to proofread your stories for spelling and other errors? I can read through the errors but having them corrected would make it a much better read for people that actually know how to read, pay attention and understand what the words mean. It would make a lot more sense without having to re-read something several times. I gave the story 4 stars, would have been 5 with the errors fixed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
your story is hot love it makes me want to chew on that love bucket,

give us one more chapter of Marianna keep it going Ten bears 43

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