Brandi, Protector of the Gateway Pt. 07

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Brandi's mother begins to get desperate.
5.9k words

Part 7 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/21/2020
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Anthony Marsters had only come to Antioch High at the beginning of the year. His parents had found a job in Antioch, and even though it meant spending his final year of school in a new town, everyone had agreed it was for the best.

It generally took a year or so for students and new teachers to become accustomed to the unusual goings-on at the school; sometimes more, if they weren't locals. It was rare for anyone to become consciously aware of the strange happenings, but after spending enough time adjacent to the Gateway, one was inevitably going to have their mind tampered with in some way.

Rapidly-expanding busts, new sexual relationships, abrupt changes to the school's dress code - compared to some of the events that residents of Antioch needed to mentally block out, these unusual happenings were nothing.

Anthony, however, had only been in the town for a few months, and had only been at the school for less than two weeks. His mind was already adjusting - he no longer even noticed the strange red flecks of energy that sometimes sparked out of the power points, and the ever-present hum of druidic chanting in some of the hallways had become background noise.

But the Gateway's magic hadn't fully affected him yet, and so Anthony was the only person in the room to consciously register his lab partner's chest tripling in size overnight, or the fact that she had exclusively started wearing clothes that showed off her new bust. Everyone had noticed when one of the girls in his art class had started flashing people, but he was the only one who'd found it unusual.

Between classes the previous day, he'd noticed a couple fucking against a locker. He'd seen people get told off for kissing before, but several teachers passed the copulating couple and didn't say a word.

To everyone else, demonic influence was like the arrow in the Fedex logo - until it was pointed out, they couldn't see what was in front of their eyes.

Anthony's head had been spinning at all the strange happenings, and his last class of the day - history with his favorite teacher, Mrs. Winter - looked like it wasn't going to be any different. Nadine, one of the cheerleaders, had sat next to her boyfriend and then immediately started jerking him off, right in the middle of class.

The other students were clearly aware of it - there had been a few titters and nudges - but no one looked appalled, or even shocked. Even when Mrs. Winter entered a few minutes late, she just rolled her eyes at the sight and began teaching.

"Sex," she started, and Anthony was suddenly aware of a few differences in the normally dignified teacher.

She had started to get desperate.


Mrs Winter's efforts to seduce with subtlety had been unsuccessful. She'd spent the whole day strolling around in front of rows of hot, young, impressionable men - dropping her pencil and bending over to pick it up in front of everyone, playing with a pendant around her neck to draw attention to her large breasts.

Had Mr. Foster spent more time working on the men of the school, or had Mrs. Winter' classes contained either of the Jackson twins, her holes would have been stuffed with thick cock before the end of the first period. But the demon's efforts had been mostly focussed on the females of Antioch High, and so Kristine remained unplowed, a fact that she found more and more distressing as the end of the day grew closer.

I've got to get fucked, she'd reminded herself during a free period, as she sat on the toilet and desperately frigged herself, imagining several of her eighteen-year old students taking her from both sides. For Brandi. I've got to be a good mother...I've got to get fucked - now!

And so when her final class rolled around, she'd decided to throw subtlety out the window and make sure she was doing her motherly duties.

Before the class began, she cut a split up the side of her shirt, undid enough buttons to show off the top of her lacy bra, and spent a few minutes teasing her hair out, even making use of some confiscated make-up to ensure her lips truly popped.

"There you go," she had told herself before walking into her last period for the day. "I'm one sexy...what's the term the kids are using these days? MELF? I'm one hot melf."

As Mrs. Winter began lustfully educating the class on the ways of sex, Anthony found his eyes roaming up and down her body. He wondered how this was going to relate to the wars they'd been studying early earlier in the week.

He'd always had a slight crush on Mrs. Winter, and had thought of her as he stroked his cock the previous night. This seemed so out of character...he couldn't believe how hot it was.

Kristine was well aware of her students' attention. Every boy in the class was goggling at her, causing her to flush. Even Marcus (the recipient of Nadine's ministrations) was unable to take his eyes off the teacher's prominent curves.

For the first time that day, she was confident that she was going to be able to do what was best for her daughter: take one of the studs from her class into her office, and get fucked hard against her desk.

"Wars, empires, conquerors - ultimately, it all comes down to two things: men wanting pussy, and women wanting to give it to them. Nadine - what were we learning about last week?"

"Napoleon, miss," Nadine replied with a blush, her hand continuing to work on the cock of her boyfriend.

"Napoleon. Exactly."

As she taught, Mrs. Winter was mentally making a list of possibilities. Nadine's boyfriend was off the list - he was fit, muscular, handsome, and would almost certainly be able to get hard again once Nadine was done - but she wanted someone really worked up, someone who would be able to pound her until it got dark.

"Now, who can tell me why Napoleon put so much effort into conquering Europe?"

Anthony hesitantly put his hand up.

"Tony! Yes?"

Being called Tony was one of Anthony's pet peeves, but he didn't much feel like correcting Mrs. Winter at that moment.

"Because he was short?"

Tapping a pen against her lips, Mrs. Winter shook her head and tutted sadly.

"A common theory, but no - Napoleon was average height for his day. Rumors of his small stature were spread by his enemies in an attempt to discredit him."

Another boy in the class put his hand up.


"He was obsessed with leaving his mark on the world?"

Mrs. Winter smiled, her hand casually running down her side, drawing the entire class's attention to her ass. She suddenly realized that her ass wasn't given nearly enough notice. Men were always so obsessed with boobs and legs but Kristine knew that her ass was one of her hottest features, and hoped that she'd be able to find a student to give it the appreciation it deserved.

Marcus was unable to stop himself from groaning loudly as he watched Mrs. Winter gave her ass a small-but-firm spank.

"Sorry David, not quite right. The answer should be obvious..."

She paused, and David responded slowly, as if in a trance.



Blowing David a kiss, Mrs. Winter leaned back on her desk, arching her back and showing off her breasts.

"Power is sexy. Nadine..."

Startled, Nadine looked guiltily at her teacher.

"Yes miss?"

"Do you think Marcus is attractive?"

"Of course I do," Nadine replied. A part of her was worried that the question might a trap. The rest of her desperately wanted to continue pleasuring her boyfriend; Mr. Foster's words were ringing in her ears - Any time you can give your man pleasure, it's your duty to do so. Anyone who tries to stop you is simply sad - if possible, cheer them up by sharing your sexual skills...

Only one of her teachers had objected to Nadine pleasuring her boyfriend in class - Mr. Richards, a first-year. She'd only barely managed to calm him down - she'd fallen to her knees in front of him, and started blowing him, sexually transmitting Mr. Foster's advice in the process.

Mrs. Winter was her first female teacher for the day, and Nadine wasn't sure if seducing her would be quite as easy...but if it came down to it, she was willing to try.

Fortunately, Mrs. Winter didn't seem to care what was happening under the table. She was clearly aware of it, but hadn't so much as thrown them a disappointing look. Nadine wondered if she could get away with doing more than just jerking Marcus off...

"Now, class, why do you think that is?"

There was a brief murmur of discussion. Mrs. Winter slowly crossed and uncrossed her legs, bringing everyone's attention back to the front of the room.

"Yes, Alexander?"

"Because he's hot?"

There was laughter at the scrawny boy's admission, and Mrs. Winter mentally noted that Alexander wasn't quite what she was looking for; not confident, not manly enough.

Also, probably gay.

"Try again. Marcia?"

"Because he's got a nice cock?"

Marcia's answer was also met by laughter, but she didn't seem to care - she just continued to stare at it blissfully, Mr. Foster's words reminding her how hypnotic she found a man's member, how she'd do anything to get to see one...taste one...feel one entering her.


Anthony raised his hand. He didn't know what was going on - the classroom was more closely resembling a wet dream than a place of learning - but he was happy to go along with it and see what happened.


"Because his Dad's the principal?"


Mrs. Winter beamed at Anthony's response, not even realizing one of her hands was casually toying with her nipple through her shirt. She wished she hadn't worn such a dowdy bra - it was black and lacy, but didn't do nearly enough to show off her breasts. She'd have to go shopping for some new lingerie over the weekend.

"So why is that attractive?"

"The prestige?" Anthony guessed.

"Close," Mrs. Winter replied, still smiling. "The power - now, who can tell me why Napoleon conquered Europe?"

Every hand in the room went up, including (to Marcus's dismay) both of Nadine's. It took her a few seconds to realize what she'd done, and in apology she slipped down to her knees, wrapping her lips around her boyfriend, casually fellating him while keeping both of her hands raised.



Marcus was having trouble focussing. He'd been right on the verge of orgasm before Nadine had abruptly left him hanging, and his rhythm had been thrown when she'd switched to oral stimulation.


"That's right," Mrs. Winter beamed, slightly annoyed he wasn't available. She'd love to be held up by his muscular arms, fucked into the wall as she wrapped her long legs around his chiseled torso...

Ah well, she told herself. Plenty more fish in the sea.

"Now," she said. "Pull out your textbooks - we're going to revisit the great conquerors."

For the next forty minutes, Mrs. Winter shared new and erotic details about famous figures of history and how sex had driven their every action: how Napoleon invaded Spain just to keep his wife wet, how Alexander's empire was founded to ensure he got more pussy, and how every woman in history had flocked to the men with the biggest armies, the strongest ambition, and - most importantly - the greatest power.

The class was distracted briefly when Nadine's lust overtook her and she began riding her boyfriend, Marcia uncontrollably licking his cock every time it was visible, but Mrs. Winter' attempts to regain their attention by unbuttoning the rest of her shirt proved very effective.

The lesson only paused briefly when the three simultaneously came a few minutes later.

As she came up with a simple formula to estimate the cock size of important generals, Kristine began to mentally shorten her list of potential male suitors. She was looking for a very particular physique, but even eliminating the fat and weedy kids, there were still a sizable number of candidates, so she raised her standards.

Any time a student hesitated to answer when called on or got a simple question wrong, they were crossed off her list - she felt good, knowing that she was channeling her lust into becoming a better teacher. If she fucked the best student in the class, she knew it would be a great incentive for the rest of them to try harder.

By the end of the class, the list was down to two - Anthony Marsters and David Greenwalt - and Mrs. Winter was down to nothing more than her bra, panties, and stockings. The only person wearing less than her was Kimmy, an Asian student in the back row who had also spent the class slowly undressing. For the second half of the period, she'd sat naked and spread-eagled, playing with her exposed pussy as she watched Mrs. Winter walk back and forth in front of the blackboard.

Kristine dismissed the class as the bell rang, smiling as she noticed them pair off before even leaving the room. Marcus had his arms around both Nadine and Marcia, and a flock of boys surrounded Kimmy as she left her clothes under her desk.

After the show she'd just given them, Mrs. Winter knew she'd released a class of horny eighteen-year olds into the world. "Be safe!" she called after them, fully aware that they'd be too horny to heed her warning.

Anthony and David, however, stayed behind.

"Now, boys," she said with a smile. "I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you to stay back..."

David had been in her classes for a few years now, but for some reason she'd never really noticed him before - or at least, not as much as she was noticing him today. On some level, she must have observed his growth since they'd first met, but for some reason the true potential of his large arms, his strong back and his muscular legs had never occurred to her...

And Tony. When he'd joined the class the previous week, she'd noticed how easily distracted he was - while the other students put their head down and worked through it, he'd jumped at the loud roar from the school's basement. He'd also been the only one to question why they were being sent home early one day, and what the mysterious fog was which had filled the rest of the buildings.

More relevantly, he was a stocky lad, with the body of a weight-lifter.

Yes, Kristine thought to herself. It's going to be a tough decision...


As Kristine was weighing up her options, her daughter and friends were all busy as well. Brandi and Lily were waiting for Michael, Duncan was checking out boys in the locker room, Michael was fucking two busty best friends, and Nicolette was patching things up with an old friend.

After her morning tryst with Lily had been interrupted, Nicolette had spent the rest of the day insatiably horny, Mr. Foster's instructions swimming through her head.

Cast your net's God's will.

He'd taught her so well...he'd shown Nicolette was her true purpose was. She shivered at the thought. God had chosen her to be the bearer of his soldiers. She had to get pregnant - she had to fuck as many men as she could. It was her purpose on the planet.

And it got her so hot.

Remembering what she'd been taught, Nicolette had masturbated twice that morning. She'd considered finding Lily just to get off again, but eventually talked herself out of it.

It's not right, she thought, even as a thrill ran up her spine at just how not-right it was.

Just like Brandi's mother, Nicolette had spent the day evaluating potential candidates. And, just like Mrs. Winter, Nicolette was overwhelmed by choice - there were just so many hot boys at the school, and she wanted her first time to be special.

Her first time after Duncan, she corrected herself. She loved Duncan, and for some reason that meant he didn't really count.

Finally, she had decided to start with her ex-boyfriend, the quarterback of the football team. She arrived at the field just as practice was wrapping up, delightedly watching all of the strong, virile men running up and down the field. She was so lost in her fantasy of fucking all of them one by one and not knowing who the father of her baby was that she barely even noticed Duncan waving at her before disappearing into the shower with the rest of the team.

She waited outside, greeting her ex-boyfriend with a smile as he exited.

"Stewart!" Nicolette said warmly, ignoring his confused look and wrapping her arms around him. His hair was wet, and though he'd washed most of the sweat off, he still smelled of man. "How have you been?"

"Nicolette." he replied coolly, and the cheerleader pursed her lips.

"You're not still mad are you?"

He had good reason to be mad. Nicolette had broken up with him the day after Valentine's Day - the day after he'd spent more than a month's allowance on her present - a gorgeous white gold ring...which she'd kept.

What's more, she'd told him that it 'wasn't him', it was just that she 'wasn't interested in dating a football player'. Six months later, of course, she'd announced that she and Duncan were seeing each other.

Duncan! She knew that it must have been like rubbing salt into a wound. One day he'd been a nobody, a nerd only notable for being one of the school's few black students...the next, he was a football player dating one of the hottest girls in the school.

Stewart had never retaliated - he'd known it would be bad for the team - but Nicolette knew that he'd always resented Duncan and hadn't forgiven Nicolette for her betrayal.

As Jeff hurriedly brushed past the two, Nicolette turned on the charm. She reached out her hand and flirtatiously brushed it along the quarterback's cheek. As she did, he couldn't help but notice her arms were surprisingly muscular.

"Have you been working out?" he asked, confused, but she just smiled and tried to giggle.

"No, silly," she said. "Can we talk?"

With a roll of his eyes, Stewart agreed to hear whatever it was she'd tracked him down to say. Grabbing her by the arm, he marched her away from the locker room door that Duncan would be exiting from in just a few moments.

A thrill ran up Nicolette's spine at Stewart's forceful manner, although the further from the school they went, the more doubt entered her mind. What was she doing? Did she really want to reconcile with her ex? She loved Duncan...

But the counsellor's voice continued to echo around her head, and when Stewart led her to one of the groundskeeper's sheds on the perimeter of the school, she smiled.

She was doing God's work.

Without a word, Nicolette dropped to her knees and began to unbuckle Stewart's pants. He gawped at her, flustered.


She hated being called Nicky (as he well knew) but she was so eager to please that she didn't even correct him.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"All the time we were dating," she replied, looking up at him with her big brown eyes, perfectly framed by always-immaculate hair. "I knew what you wanted...I just didn't want to give it to you. I think I owe you..."

Stewart knew he shouldn't be objecting - he was about to get head from the school's biggest (and hottest) prude. But his sense of loyalty overpowered his lust, and he spoke up again.

"But...what about Duncan?"

What about Duncan? Nicolette paused in tough. Didn't she love her boyfriend? Of course she did...

She just loved God more.

With a smile, she didn't even bother responding to Stewart, instead wrapping her lips around his cock and beginning to fellate him with an enthusiasm Stewart had never encountered before. As she did, some of her new ideologies began to flow into him as well.

God gave Nicolette this body, he realized. And it's our duty to make sure she uses it - that she brings more children into the world.