Brandi, Protector of the Gateway Pt. 12

Story Info
Brandi's world is torn apart, person by person.
7.8k words

Part 12 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/21/2020
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Brandi, the Protector of the Gateway: Season 2

by Pan

"Okay," Brandi replied numbly.

Lily blinked twice at her friend's response. She'd expected at least a bit of resistance - convincing the Protector to do anything that wasn't fighting demons normally took a bit of effort. But as soon as she'd proposed the idea, Brandi had gone along with it.

"Are you sure, Bran?" she asked, and Brandi nodded for a few seconds before realizing what a useless gesture that was over the phone.

Stupid, she told herself, trying desperately to ignore the pang of arousal that coursed through her body at the thought. You're so fucking stupid.

"I'm sure," she eventually said, completely unaware of the sexy gasp she'd just sent through the phone-line. "I'll meet you there in ten."

"Great," Lily replied, before deciding to push her luck. "Don't wear underwear, okay?"

"'Kay," Brandi said in reply, and only after Lily hung up did she question the request.

Still, she'd committed. She might be a worthless slut, but at least she was going to try to be a good friend.


"Hello Mrs. Winter," Duncan said, his face frozen in an awkward attempt at a smile. He had been hoping that the teacher would be out - after the awkward way they'd left things, he could have happily gone a few years before running into her again. "Is Brandi in?"

"She just left," Kristine replied. A part of her wondered if she should be worried about her daughter - she hadn't been home all night, and when she'd finally returned that morning, the moment she'd stepped out of the shower she'd received a phone call and left again.

No, she reminded herself. I shouldn't be worried. I'm a good mother...

Mr. Foster's words had been running through her head for days now, growing in power every time they repeated, every time she reminded herself - to be a good mother, she had to fuck young men.

At least once a day...

She'd thought Saturday would be a challenge, but it wasn't even 10am yet, and an opportunity had literally rung her doorbell.

It was a pity he was so...confused. Still, maybe the tutelage of an older woman was exactly what young Duncan needed...

"Would you like to come in?" she said, her eyes flashing with a predatory gleam.

Duncan began to back up, but before he could reply, she'd grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into the house.

Less than ten minutes later, Kristine was completely naked, submissively kneeling in front of the young man.

"Come on Duncan," she panted, looking up at him, trying not to take his painful grimace personally. "Look at me..."

Duncan did as the older woman ordered. He had to admit, she was objectively stunning. Her full breasts, her otherwise toned figure. Had she been this attractive a few months ago? Hell, had she been this attractive even a few weeks ago?

His brow furrowed as the question struck him. Last time they'd been alone together, he'd been too focussed on Jeff to even notice his teacher's attributes...but now, as much as he would have liked a distraction, she was all he had to look at.

No, he concluded. It almost felt cruel to think the thought, but it was true - he'd spent almost a year lusting after his friend's mother, but even when he'd been deeply in lust with her, he'd been desiring a real person, flaws and all.

The vision on her knees in front of him seemed somehow unreal. Her large breasts were unnaturally perky, her skin flawless - the cellulite that had done nothing to deter his desire when he'd caught a glimpse of it was now gone.

She was perfect.

Too perfect.

"I'm not sure about this," he stammered, and Kristine grinned up at him in reply.

"I understand," she purred.

"You do?"

"Of course," she said, unzipping his pants. Even flaccid, his cock was still monstrous, and she took a moment to really appreciate the size of it before continuing. "You're not sure if you like women. It's a perfectly normal phase for any young man to through..."

"No..." he said, but before he could finish the thought, his teacher - the mother of one of his best friend's - wrapped her lips around his cock, and - sexual predilections aside - he could feel it beginning to harden in her mouth.

Kristine moaned as he slowly thickened, and one hand reached around and began casually toying with his young rosebud of an asshole. The vibrations of her moan combined with the ministrations of her talented hand overrode the counsellor's programming, and - for the first time since his interview with Mr. Foster - Duncan found himself truly enjoying the sexual companionship of a woman.


"This is Brandi," Lily said adoringly, and Greg nodded.

Brandi wanted to shoot Lily a questioning look, but she knew that it would be ignored. Since they'd walked into the store a few minutes ago, Lily had eyes only for the man standing behind the counter, arguing with a customer about their refund policy.

"I don't know how we could make it any clearer," he'd growled, pointing at a sign. Eventually the woman had agreed that perhaps it wasn't reasonable to expect money back for a used vibrator and left, and Greg's attention had turned to the two school-girls standing in the middle of the porno section.

"Hi," Brandi said, and Greg's mouth split open in a lascivious grin. He'd thought Lily was hot, but this new piece of meat was something else. Strong, firm legs, luscious tits, and that look of slutty naivety that came from only the truly dumb.

The store-owner didn't know which God he'd won the favor of, but he knew he'd do whatever it took to keep the gifts coming.

"Kneel," he ordered, and Brandi's eyebrows shot up almost as fast as Lily fell to her knees. It took her a few seconds for the blonde girl to realize that the order had been for the both of them.

She didn't want to fall to her knees in front of some random guy. Did she? The idea caused a pulse of arousal, and for the second time that morning, she was unaware of the erotic whimper that left her lips.

It was clear that Lily had come under some kind of hex. Perhaps this Greg character was the cause? She didn't sense any magical influence coming from him - he certainly wasn't a demon. But...-

"Brandi," Lily hissed, looking up at her with a worried face. "You're embarrassing me!"

Without hesitation, Brandi dropped to her knees. Her duty was to protect her friend, she knew that - and protecting her from embarrassment counted towards that goal. Right?


"Good girl," Greg rumbled, and again Brandi let out a tiny, involuntary moan of excitement. "Now, let's see what you can do while you're down there."

As the stranger's cock came into view, both the girls were unable to tear their eyes away from it. Brandi shut her eyes, removing her top and letting her instincts take over - it wasn't long before, for the third time in twenty-four hours, she found herself trembling with orgasm as her face and tits were blasted by the cum of someone whose name she didn't even know.

Lily trembled with pleasure as she began to lick her lover's cum off the chest of her once-chaste best friend. Her desire for experimentation was being more than met - she had no idea what had gotten into her best friend, but she certainly wasn't going to object.


"Please..." Mrs. Winter begged, and Duncan barely managed to bite back a sharp retort.

He was trying. He was trying. But after his first orgasm, Kristine had stopped playing with his ass so he could fuck her from behind, and now he was struggling to maintain an erection.

"Please..." she repeated, and with a great amount of effort, Duncan managed to stay hard long enough to make her eyes roll back into her head with pleasure. "Yesss..."

As her pussy clenched around his hardness, he came to a disturbing realization.

Something had changed his friend's mother; something had caused her to become the epitome of womanhood.

And he still struggled to stay hard.

No wonder she'd asked him if he was gay.

For the first time, Duncan seriously asked himself the same question.


As her friend's tongue repeatedly flicked her clit, Brandi was mentally spiraling.

You're worthless, she told herself, a tremor running through her body as she did. She wasn't sure if it was caused by the self-deprecating monologue that was fast becoming a constant in her life, Lily's talented tongue-work, or some combination of the two, but another squeak burst forth from her lips.

Greg grinned down at her, and she could see that his cock was slowly hardening.

Not because of you, she thought morosely, and this time she had to shut her eyes for a few seconds while the arousal built. Not because of your stupid, slutty body. No, he's only turned on because of Lily.

You're stupid. Ugly.


She trembled again as Lily inserted a third finger into her dripping hole.

When Brandi reopened her eyes, Greg was stiff as a board. As her mouth fell open in shock, he didn't hesitate to take it as an invitation, and soon Brandi's concentration was split evenly between the redhead's tongue on her love-button, her own tongue on the store-owner's erection, and the self-hating thoughts running through her head.

"We're closed!" Greg screamed, momentarily breaking Brandi's concentration. She heard the door close behind them.

Oh, god. Someone walked in to see my disgusting body without any clothes on.

I bet they feel sick.

She surprised even herself with the total lack of self-worth in that last thought, and then again as the acceptance of how unattractive she was made her cum, her vaginal muscles squeezing Lily's hand repeatedly as the room began to swim.


"I've got to go," Duncan gasped. It had taken almost ninety minutes, but Mrs. Winter had finally managed to squeeze another orgasm out of him. It hadn't been easy - his mind had been racing, asking question after question, failing to come up with a single useful answer.

"Are you sure?" she pouted, sinking to her knees again.

One week ago, Duncan would have killed to see her like that. His friend's mother, naked, his cum dripping out of her ass, begging him to fuck her again.

Now, it left him cold.

For a moment, an image of Jeff in the same position flashed through his head. There was no way he'd be able to resist - hell, it didn't even need to be Jeff. Michael, Stewart, even that geek from his science class.

If it had been a guy in the same position, he wouldn't even have considered leaving. He would have stayed and fucked until they were both sore.

And that was what finally made him realize: he was gay.

He was gay.

A grin slowly spread across his lips. He couldn't understand where some of his strange thoughts were coming from - I want women, and they want me - but he'd stumbled across a fundamental truth, and felt much better for it.

"I'm gay," he said quietly, and when Kristine's eyes widened at the words he repeated it louder, prouder. "I'm gay!"

Despite her urge to get fucked again, despite her desire to be a good mother, Kristine couldn't help but smile at his words.

"You sure are," she said, pulling him towards her for a hug, enjoying his muscular form in her arms. "You sure are, hon."


When Brandi came to, the first thing she saw was Greg, balls-deep in her friend Lily. The second thing she saw was Lily, enthusiastically snorting a white powder from the dirty floor of the sex-store.

"Hey Brandi," she buzzed, her pupils dilated and her grin wider than the blonde girl was accustomed to seeing. "This is the shit. Do you want some?"

"N-no," Brandi stammered, and stood up. She hurriedly redressed, acutely aware of Greg's cum making her black tank-top stick to her skin. "I have to go."

"Brandi..." Lily slurred, but the Protector was already halfway to the door.

"I have to go!"


Brandi ran. She didn't even know where she was running to. All she knew was that something was wrong. Something had changed.

Lily was different, that much was certain. Ever since she'd taken Brandi to that college party, something had been wrong. But...that had been Wednesday night. Three days ago.

Even through her addled brain, Brandi could tell that didn't make sense. Why had no one done anything? Lily had been running around - clearly hexed - for three days now.

Why hadn't she done anything?

She'd been so self-obsessed lately. The stuff with Michael, patrol...Duncan.

And then, Brandi realized. It hit her, all at once.

Of course she hadn't done anything.

She was a bad Protector.

No, worse than that. She was a bad friend.

Slowing down, Brandi became aware of something else odd: her chest hurt. Her duties as the Protector regularly had her running much further, for much longer - she'd never had any issues with her chest hurting before.

Looking down at her sticky cleavage, Brandi frowned. The question from last night arose its head once more: had her boobs grown? No, that didn't make sense. Maybe it was just that she'd stopped wearing a bra.

Why had she stopped wearing a bra?

Before she could follow that train of thought any further, Brandi noticed that she was standing outside a bar. She was a bad Protector and a worse friend. Her mouth was dry, her chest hurt, and in that moment she could think of nothing that she wanted to do more than to escape the pathetic life that she'd built herself, and avoid thinking about the pathetic situation she'd gotten herself into.

The fact that this was the bar where she'd been picked up by the man in the cowboy hat wasn't even a factor.

At least, that was what she told herself.


"Kristine? Are you sure?"

"That's right," Duncan said. He'd never actually been inside Niles' house before - in his mind, the middle-aged librarian only really existed inside the school library, or (rarely) on-site at a battle, or a summoning, or a mass dispellment.

Technically he wasn't currently inside the librarian's house - to his surprise, Niles had met him at the doorway...and then not invited him in.

And so Duncan had laid out his suspicions on the Mentor's stoop, where anyone could hear.

Not that anyone was likely to be eavesdropping...but still, Duncan knew that there was something odd about the Mentor's behavior.

"But what makes you think she's been altered?"

Duncan hesitated. He knew about Mrs. Winter's past with Brandi's Mentor - the whole gang did. The six of them spent enough time together that there were very few secrets between them...although Duncan was pretty sure that no one had yet worked out that he was gay.

Hell, he told himself. I only just figured it out myself.

Something about that struck him as odd, but as he opened his mouth to ask Niles' opinion, the older man repeated the question.

"You'd have to have been in quite an intimate situation in order to see enough to be sure."

Duncan felt the blood rushing to his cheek - his dark skin-tone meant that it was hard to tell when he was blushing, but Niles was inspecting him closely.

"What are you hiding?" he asked insistently, and Duncan admitted everything. In full view of any Antioch citizen who happened to be passing by, Duncan told the librarian about his hidden feelings for Jeff, the note...and what he'd found when he'd visited Jeff's house the previous day.

He was diplomatic enough to leave out the parts of the story that involved sleeping with Brandi or Nicolette, but seeing Kristine naked was vital, and so it was with great shame that the young football player described sleeping with Brandi's mother.

When his tale was done, he glanced up at the Mentor and his blood ran cold. There was a look in Niles' eyes unlike anything the black teen had ever encountered before.

No, that wasn't quite true. Halfway through the previous year, Nicolette had been captured by a Reptilian Sun-God...or a Reptilian Overlord who had convinced a local cult that he was God of the Sun, at least. As Brandi had slain the Sun-God wannabe, Duncan had rushed in to try to save Nicolette, and run face-first into one of the High Priestesses.

She had that same look in her eyes; a look of utter hatred, of pure fury. Duncan had blanched at the sight of it, but he'd quickly realized that she hadn't even seen him - her attention had been solely focused on Brandi, who had committed what she clearly considered the ultimate crime - killing her God.

She hadn't even noticed the collision, but that look had never left his mind - he'd just been thankful that it wasn't directed at him, but at Brandi: the person whom he was sure, more than anyone, could take whatever wrath came her way.

Now, for the first (and - he hoped - the last) time, Duncan knew what it was to be the recipient of such a glare.

"Come inside," Niles whispered, his voice trembling with rage, and the idea of disobeying never even crossed Duncan's mind.


Nicolette stood outside Michael's house, her foot twisting nervously as she reached up to knock.

Her hand moved back to her side. Then back up to the knocker, then back to her side.

"This is stupid," she muttered. After they'd fucked last, that didn't give it enough weight.

After the most amazing sex that she'd ever encountered, a hot dicking so good that she was 100% sure she was knocked up with the spawn of her gorgeous demon lover, Nicolette and Michael had awkwardly parted ways. They'd finished their patrol and waited at the rendezvous point for Brandi.

And that was when Nicolette had realized - her plan for revenge had simply been to sleep with Michael and gloat about it...but wouldn't revenge be so much sweeter if instead of just hearing about her rival's affair with her boyfriend, she stumbled upon them in the act?

With that in mind, Nicolette had run a finger up Michael's chest and into his mouth, and the demon had quickly gotten the point.

"Come with me," he said brusquely, and his firm tone and commanding presence had made Nicolette swoon that she'd immediately forgotten that she wanted to be caught, and followed him behind a crypt.

Unlike the first time, Michael ripped her clothes off (she hadn't realized the extent of the damage to her shirt until she got home and found her biceps winking at her through the tear), pushed her to the ground, and entered her so quickly it made her breathless.

The encounter lasted no more than five minutes, but with such heat and intensity that it made the previous session feel like a relaxing sea-cruise. Michael pounded into her, twisting her body to his will, pinching and tugging on her sensitive nipples until the fireworks spread throughout her entire body and made her scream with pleasure.

After he erupted inside her, she felt...she felt fucked, in the best possible way.

"Wow," she said, grinning up at the demon who'd made her feel better than she could ever remember feeling.

He'd just grinned back, and then he'd gone.

Nicolette had waited around for Brandi for another half-hour, but when it became clear that the Protector wasn't coming back, she'd walked home, knees trembling.

Maybe Brandi came back and heard my screams, she told herself, but it was hard to focus on thoughts of revenge (what had she been mad about, anyway?) when memories of fast, brutal, passionate love-making filled her mind.

And so as soon as she'd awoken the next morning, she'd known what she had to do. She had to visit Michael.

She had to get fucked again. Her head was swimming with the intensity of it, the raw power of his demon dick.

Would he want to? He'd been holding back the previous night - not when it came to least, she couldn't imagine that what she'd experienced being described by anyone as "holding back"). But there'd been a strange hesitancy, and Nicolette didn't understand why.