Brandy Ch. 03-04


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He managed a low chuckle. 'Very true Kim. That's one reason why you should never be in too much of a rush to climax, take your time, savour the sensations you are feeling. Uh! Enjoy watching your lover's reactions to what you are doing for him. Urgh! In short, make the most of it - get the most out of and put the most you can into each single encounter. Urrggh!'

His words were punctuated by low grunts as I tightened my grip and began to pump the hard mass more strongly, seeing an increasing flow of pre-cum appear out of the eye in the centre of the dark purple head. Without letting my hand miss a beat I leaned forward and licked them up, tasting its saltiness, then slowly lapped the entire head, swirling my tongue over and around it, as though it were a lollipop, his hips thrusting himself up off the seat of chair in response to the electric thrills that sent shooting through him.

'Shit! It's no good, I can't hold it back Kim!' he said through tightly clenched teeth.

Not that he had to tell me that - I had already felt the signs of his rapidly approaching climax. His balls had ridden higher, shrunk tight up against the base of his cock, the shaft had expanded to such a size that I could only just get my fingers around it and the head had ballooned almost to bursting point.

But even so I misjudged just how powerfully he'd responded to our play-acting - I'd fully intended to let him come deep inside my mouth - but even as I moistened my lips in preparation for that, he erupted, his cock firing a thick jet of hot, sticky semen up over me and, as I continued pumping it was followed by several more, equally powerful bursts, most of which ended up either smeared across my face or up in my hair.

'Damn!' I said under my breath, as I coaxed the last few reluctant spurts from him. Then, as he sank back down into the chair, reverting to character. 'I'm sorry sir, I hadn't meant to do it like that, make you come as quickly as that I mean. As you just said, I was planning on getting even more out of it - and I'd so wanted to see what it felt like in my mouth.'

He smiled weakly, still struggling to regain his breath. 'I'm sorry too Kim but there's no need for you to apologise, it certainly wasn't your fault. That was marvellous. It took me by surprise too, I hadn't realised just how much you'd turned me on. Though I suppose it's not surprising really.' He bent forward and held my face between his hands, seeing the mess he'd made of me, then looking deep into my eyes and in a voice charged with emotion, said. 'You're a phenomenal lady.'

For a moment I thought he was going to say more but he seemed to mentally shake himself and then went on. 'But I think you'd better go and clean yourself up a bit, before that stuff sets in your hair. Would you like me to make you a drink while you're doing that?'

'Why not!' I thought to myself - and so answered. 'Yes, thank you. I can stay a little bit longer.' And headed for the bath-room to wash, very aware that his eyes followed the sway of my buttocks all the way across the room.

As I rinsed his quickly drying semen from my face and then used a wet comb to get it out of my hair I thought about the difference in his reactions to me this time. At our first meeting he had been very much in control, so much so that, unlike most customers he'd actually been able to give me a climax - this time, although he'd started off in a similar way, apparently quite in control of the situation, he'd suddenly, almost unexpectedly exploded. 'Odd.' I thought to myself. 'What brought it on so quickly - what was so different?' As I replayed and compared the two occasions I realised that in the first he'd been handling me, concentrating on me - in the second he'd been the focal point, he hadn't once really had an opportunity to touch me.

Having put my normal clothes back on again I returned to the other room, where I found that while I'd been gone he'd also dressed, packed up the class-room props, returned the room to normal and poured the two drinks that stood waiting on the table. As I sat down he naturally couldn't help noticing that the front portion of my hair was still damp and said. 'I'm sorry about the mess in your hair Brandy, you understand that I didn't plan on things finishing exactly like that.'

'No need to apologise Frank. It took me by surprise too. I'm sorry if it wasn't what you wanted.'

'There's no need for you to apologise - it was, I mean you were terrific, everything I've ever fantasised about - and more!'

'I'm glad. But tell me, of the two, which sister do you like best?'

He thought for a moment before answering. 'To be honest I couldn't really say - the idea of both appeals, as you could tell.' he added with a smile. 'The thought of teaching Kim, the almost-a-virgin, is very exciting - but then so is the idea of the already-quite-experienced Brandy. De-flowering little girls has never been a fantasy of mine, so both characters work well - and I must say that you play them both superbly, just the right touch of shy hesitation, mixed with youthful eagerness to please. Just at this minute I couldn't say which was the more exciting - if you are happy to go along with my little game maybe in time we'll find out together.'

'It's fine by me Frank.'

'You don't find it strange?'

'Not as strange as many of the things I'm asked to do.'

'Perhaps you'd tell me about those sometime.'

'Professional confidence Frank. I don't discuss what goes on, with anyone - that way everyone feels secure.'

'Ah yes, of course. Very sensible of you Brandy. But you can understand my curiosity.'

'And you can understand my reasons for not satisfying it.'

He laughed. 'True. That's another reason why it works so well with you, you're not just very lovely, you're also very intelligent. I'm tempted to say that you're wasted in the work you do, but I imagine it has many advantages that a more ordinary job doesn't have.'

'I think so - it suits me. Let's me be my own boss, I get to meet a lot of people, most of them nice, some of them very nice. Usually there are no complications. And the money's good.' I added with a grin.

'Speaking of that - shall we arrange our next lesson.' he said as he got up and went to get his wallet.

'Which one will you be giving tuition to?'

'Actually, what you just asked me, about which one I preferred, has started me thinking - and, if you don't mind I think I'd like both of them. At an appropriate fee of course. Would that be all right?'

'It's perfectly all right by me Frank. Anything else you'd like to tell me about it?'

'No, I'll give it a little more thought between now and then.' he grinned and then said. 'Probably quite a lot actually! Just bring that quick mind of yours with you please - and both sets of clothes of course. Oh, and please make sure Kim's wearing the same under-wear as she wore this evening, I found that very exciting.'

I made a note of the date we'd agreed on, took the money he gave me, finished my drink and left, feeling good that I seemed to have found another regular client - and one whose fantasies I found both easy to meet and, in a way, quite enjoyable too.

From time to time during the intervening couple of weeks I found myself thinking about Frank and his school-girls, each of which seemed to fulfil a slightly different need. The forwardness that resulted from the elder twin's greater experience excited him in one way - most men enjoy the thought of being on the receiving end of an attractive girl's seduction. The less experienced, almost virginal Kim, appealed to the more dominant aspect of his personality, even if it was she who actually did the work, it was he who was the 'teacher' and, by extension, the ravager.

I decided that at the coming meeting I'd strengthen those aspects of the two characters, if for no other reason than to satisfy my own curiosity.

So, when the time came, having packed Kim's uniform and a few street clothes in my shoulder bag I dressed in Brandy's school uniform, that time swapping the regulation under-wear I had worn the first time in favour of a more sexy bra and bikini set made from lacy, black nylon. To avoid stares and questions from officious hotel staff I covered the uniform with a light top-coat and headed off for our appointment, with an unusually high sense of anticipation.

To ensure there was no initial confusion, as he opened the door to me I said. 'Hello sir - Kim's been held up at school, she said to tell you she'd be along a bit later.'

Frank smiled and I saw that he immediately understood what I'd said when he answered as he closed the door behind us and we moved across the room together. 'That's fine Brandy, I was rather hoping we'd be able to continue the discussion we were having about Relationships first. Ah, I see you've come straight from school yourself this evening.' he added as I slipped off my coat and he saw I was already wearing the uniform.

'Yes sir. I had a gym class.'

'So you're a gymnast too Brandy.'

'Not really sir, it's more like aerobics, one of the teachers is an instructor at a local health club and she takes a couple of sessions at school, for the older girls.'

'For the figure-conscious girls I presume you mean.' he said with a grin.

'Yes sir, the girls who come along are mostly those who have boy-friends, or who are trying to get one.'

He smiled then said. 'Well I think that leads us straight into our continuing discussion about Relationships. So why don't you sit down and we'll start.'

He had set things up in a similar way to the previous time, except the projector was off to one side and instead of having the chair behind the table, it was beside it - presumably so that if I repeated my display of myself, he would have an even better view.

'Actually sir, if you don't mind, before we go any further I'd rather like to re-cap on what we discussed last time and I think I could do that better if I used the white-board.'

A slightly puzzled look crossed his face but he agreed and took the chair he had expected me to be sitting on.

'We had started discussing the things that make relationships complex and although we got diverted when the subject of sex came up, there are of course many more things than just that to consider.' I turned to the white-board and began to make a list as I spoke. 'So we can separate it from the activity I'll use the word 'Gender', then there's 'Age', 'Position in Family', social position or 'Hierarchy', 'Wealth', 'Work' and 'Political' relationships, oh and I mustn't forget two others, 'Emotion', love, hate, etc. affect a relationship of course and last but by no means least, 'Sex' itself. That's just a few of them - and often there are in fact many combinations and permutations affecting a relationship.' I said as I turned back to face him.

As I unexpectedly did that I caught his eyes flickering upwards, they hadn't been looking up at what I'd been writing on the board - but lowered, looking at either my legs or my bottom. He sat with his legs uncrossed, bent slightly forwards in the chair and with his hands in his lap - a position in which he could unobtrusively hold his cock, I thought to myself, with an inner smile.

'That's very good Brandy, I see you have been giving a good deal of thought to the subject.' he said, then smiled as I responded by saying.

'Yes I have sir - I found your lesson extremely stimulating.'

'I'm glad to hear you say so, I felt sure that was the case, as I'm happy to admit it was for me too.'

'And thinking about that - and then about it in relationship to all these other things I've listed on the board - I came to a few conclusions.'

'And what were they Brandy?'

'I think that in any given relationship, no matter what else affects it, you will find one things dominates and maybe in turn affects all the others.'

'That's an interesting thought, explain further please.'

'Yes sir.' I turned back to the board and wrote. 'Mother - Daughter', underlined it and then, beneath the heading added; 'Age - Authority', 'Family - Dominance', 'Gender - Competition'. Those are just the more obvious ones - and together like that they all appear fairly negative, you'd expect such a relationship to be very one-sided. But, if you add 'Love' to the list it completely changes the formula, doesn't it sir.'

I turned again but saw that that time his eyes had been following what I had been writing.

'That's very observant Brandy, a valuable insight. Anything else?'

'Yes sir. I then thought about you and me sir - that's actually when I came up with the idea of the dominant aspect, then I applied it to others - and found it still worked.'

'Please explain that Brandy.'

I turned away again and wrote - 'Teacher - Pupil' as a heading and beneath it; 'Age - Authority', 'Social - Dominant/Authority', 'Gender - Dominant'. As I was writing the words on the board with one hand I was using the other to unobtrusively undo the buttons down the front of my uniform, when I had finished I looked back over my shoulder at him and said. 'All of which imply the almost total submissiveness of the pupil, don't they sir?'

'Yes, that's true Brandy.'

'However, if I add 'Sex' to the list - ' I wrote the word quickly and as I turned to face him, held the uniform open, displaying myself, letting him see the provocative under-things I was wearing. ' - that again changes the entire formula. Doesn't it sir?' I asked in my sweet little school-girl voice.

He stared, his eyes swept up over my body, drinking in the sight of me and I saw one of his hands clutching himself - I'd been right about what he'd been doing while my back was turned. 'Doesn't it sir?' I asked a second time.

He cleared his throat before answering. 'Yes Brandy, you make the point very well, very persuasively.

And I must say, from what I can see, I don't think you have to worry about attending too many gym classes, you seem to be in extremely fine shape already.'

'Thank you sir.' I answered with a shy little giggle. 'But I've been concentrating on special exercises during the last few lessons, to strengthen particular muscles.'

'Which muscles?'

'My thighs and tummy.' I answered as I shrugged the uniform off my shoulders and then slid my hands up over my legs and abdomen.

'They both look fine to me Brandy.' he said as his eyes followed the slow movements of my fingers.

'But I wanted them stronger sir, so I could be sure I'd be able to please you in a certain way.'


'I think it's easier if I show you, don't you sir?' I answered as I hooked my fingers in the waist-band of the panties, eased them slowly down over my hips and let them slip down around my ankles.

'Yes, perhaps you're right.' he answered as he got up and then hurriedly began to strip. 'I think it's time for the practical part of the lesson.' he added with a tight grin.

'Let's use the bed this time - sir, it seems a pity to waste it.' I said as I moved across and stripped back the covers while he finished undressing. When I turned back again I saw that I had been right, his cock was already more than half-way to being fully erect. 'Mmm, that's impressive, sir.' Grinning up at him as I added. 'He doesn't seem to need any gym classes, he looks quite fit enough already.

You lie down sir, just leave everything to me. Let's see how well the exercises have worked for me.' I said as he joined me beside the bed.

He lay there, his eyes drifting up and down my body, his cock twitching as it filled and lengthened in reaction to the sight of me, jerking even more strongly when I took off my bra and freed my breasts for him. I got up on to the bed, kneeled beside him and began by gently stroking his cock with just my finger-tips, feeling it quivering at my touch and hearing a small sigh of pleasure escaping from his lips. Then, slowly increasing the pressure of my touch I gently squeezed it a few times before unpeeling it, moving the loose folds of skin down towards the base and then stroking the soft smoothness of the head. Its pulse quickly strengthened and as I watched it growing both thicker and longer I heard the sound of his breathing getting louder, more irregular, broken by gasps of pleasure each time my hand triggered some particularly strong sensation and by varying the type, strength and speed of my caresses I soon had a full-blown, throbbing erection in my hand.

Looking down at it, so long, thick and hard gave me an undeniable sense of anticipation as to how it would feel once I had it up inside my pussy and as it was clear that he was more than ready for me I wasted no more time, I straddled his legs and after a quick feel up between my thighs to check that I was, as I had thought, already sufficiently moist, I spread my pussy open with one hand, took hold of his shaft with the other and, guiding the head between my outer pussy-lips, sank slowly down on to it.

At first the rest of his body lay quite still but he moaned softly and I felt his cock surge as I gradually engulfed him, feeling it forcing me wide open as it tunnelled its way high up inside me.

I squatted there for a while just letting him enjoy the sensations caused by the slick warmth of my cunt tightening around his cock, looking down and seeing his face and body tense as those thrills coursed through him. His eyes bulged as he stared up at me and I would have loved to known exactly what, if anything, he was thinking at that moment - but even though I was sitting quite still I could feel his cock jerking powerfully inside me and felt sure that whatever it was it was both erotic and exciting.

As I felt his cock surging to an even greater size I cautiously lifted myself, my pussy tingling as I felt the hard length of him slowly slipping out of me, pausing momentarily when I finally felt the bulge of his cock-head against the inner layers of my pussy-lips. Then, contracting their muscles, I gripped it and began to slowly move up and down, making quite small movements, letting my pussy graze over the sharp rim and part way up over the head - being careful not to let it slip too far out - down again until just the head was inside me, pause, then up again, pause - up and down, up and down, over and over again.

As he lay there, enjoying the tantalisingly exciting sensations I was creating for him, his eyes following the way my breasts bounced and swayed, his hands skimming lightly over the curve of my hips and up and down my back - I could see the unmistakable signs of the mounting pressure inside him reflected in the increasing tightness of his smile, the growing tension of his muscles - and feel it as his cock-head grew still larger.

Of course the rhythmic friction of its growing mass rubbing against the most sensitive part of my pussy produced thrilling effects for me too and even though I continued at that steady rhythm I had to control the urge to simply slam myself down on his cock.

But as minutes passed, the effect of what I was doing had an even stronger impact on him, his groans became louder and more frequent, his face grimaced and I felt his hips starting to heave himself upwards, trying desperately to shove his cock deeper into me and as by then his cock-head felt as though it had ballooned to near bursting point, I decided not to torment him any longer - and began to drive strongly up and down the full, throbbing length of him.

Again, as it had the previous time, when Kim ended up getting her face unexpectedly sprayed with semen, the suddenness of the onset of his climax took me, as I think it did Frank too, completely by surprise. One minute I was powering myself up and down the hard, vibrating length of him - the next it was fountaining inside me, pumping the thick jets high, reaching the very deepest recesses of my body.

I rode him until I knew he was fully spent then, holding his still firm cock inside me, leaned forward and let him kiss and suck my breasts and their stiffly swollen nipples.