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So I continued sitting there, quietly considering my options. And then, out of nowhere, I remembered the electrician! A few months earlier we had needed some extra power-points and a local electrician had done the work for us. At the time I'd felt myself react to him - he had strong, craggy looks, not really handsome but definitely sexy, with an especially gorgeous bum - and several times I thought I'd caught him watching me. I decided there and then to, have what I suppose you could call a 'trial run', just to see how well the new Jane could operate and whether or not that was actually what she wanted.

I found I was excited at just the prospect, like a kid planning a party. First, to find some work for him to do, then to arrange a free day for myself, then to call to get him to come and look at the job for a quotation - that would give me a chance to check him out again, make sure he was as sexy as my memory said he was. It had to be a job that would take time, definitely more than a single day's work, I wanted him in the house for long enough for me to have enough time to get him 'in the mood', so to speak.

He was out when I rang of course, one of those blasted answering machines took my name and number and I took that opportunity to remind him of the previous work he had done for us, hoping that would remind him of who I was. He called back around lunch time and it was very obvious from what he said and more importantly from the way he said it that he had remembered me - and I found that just the sound of his voice gave me a nice tingly feeling. We agreed that he should call round during the afternoon to look the work over - and I smiled to myself as I thought how surprised he would be if he knew that he too was going to be 'looked over' too!

As luck would have it he was late and as the children had just arrived home from school when he arrived any thoughts I might have had about testing his reactions to me were out of the question but, as we went from room to room, discussing what I wanted done, I had more than enough time to check my initial reactions to him - and found that that time they were, if anything, even stronger. His bum was even more tempting than I had remembered it, he had dark, curly hair, a lovely, crinkly smile and large, dark brown eyes that almost made me melt when he looked straight into mine. His name, Bill, suited the way I was feeling; basic, no nonsense. More importantly, the chemistry was feeling right and more than once I was tempted to ignore the risks the children posed, but although I tried to make the fact that I found him attractive as obvious as I could, without being too blatant about it, I managed to hold my deeper feelings well in check

When I asked him how long he thought the job would take I was pleased to hear him say that it would certainly take more than a day, perhaps two but then he told me that, if I wanted him do it himself he wouldn't be able to start until the middle of the following week, offering to have one of his men get on with it if I needed it done sooner than that. I think I made my disappointment at the delay obvious but said I was prepared to wait - saying I would rather have him do things himself, so I could be sure they were done properly - and wondered if he had any idea that I wasn't referring to the actual work.

He rang the quotation through later that evening and after a bit of word play, we arranged for him to begin the job the following Wednesday, a day I knew I could clear of the tentative plans I already had and, even more importantly, when I knew nobody else was due to be around the house.

The days seemed to drag by and the week-end was particularly difficult to get through, the only thing that kept me going was doing some shopping for myself, to make me look as good as possible for the debut of the 'new me' - that and my thoughts about what might actually happen, what he might do to me, what I might do to him!

I'm sure Mitchell and the kids thought I had gone a bit crazy, the way I simply bundled them all out of the house on the Wednesday morning. After they'd finally gone I raced through the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen then went upstairs to tidy the bed-room but, having put Mitchell's things away I decided to actually leave the bed unmade, thinking that would make what I hoped would happen there later seem to have been more spontaneous. Then a quick shower, fix my hair and get dressed. I'd bought an outrageous bra and panty set for myself, the material, what little there was of it was flame-red in colour and virtually transparent! Over that I wore a short flared skirt and the blouse I had worn the day Grant had called, 'just for luck' I thought.

I had only just finished getting ready, when the door-bell rang.

Chapter 4


Men just can't hide their reactions as well as a woman can and it was perfectly obvious from that very first moment that Bill liked what he saw when I opened the door. And so did I.

Being summer he was wearing shorts that showed off the well-muscled length of his thighs, and stretched tightly across the delicious cheeks of his bum. A short-sleeved shirt left his strong arms exposed; their dark hairs were finer, straighter than the thick curls on his head and even in those first few seconds I found my thoughts wandering, wondering if his pubic hair would be like that on his head, or his arms; thick and curly or fine and straight? I couldn't wait to find out!

We went through the house together, Bill explaining how he intended going about the job and I made sure that when we went upstairs, I went ahead of him, sensing his eyes looking up under my skirt, wondering just how far he could see, and hoping he liked what he saw.

I let him get started but found it hard to concentrate on anything, I fiddled with one unnecessary chore after another, and found that the tingling that I had been feeling since I began to get myself ready for his arrival was still growing steadily. My hands trembled, my breasts felt tight, swollen, my nipples were incredibly sensitive and I felt a hot, flush deep inside the core of my sex, a sensation that as time passed, seemed to be spreading right through the rest of my body.

But, in spite of the tension I was feeling I had to admire the way Bill went about his work, methodically and efficiently and, when I stopped by him briefly from time to time I noticed the dexterity with which his big, strong hands and fingers managed the fiddly wires and tiny screws - and hoped that soon I'd feel them handling me in the same way.

After he had been working for a couple of hours I put some coffee on and went to ask him if he would like to join me for his break. I knew he was somewhere in the space under the stairs, using one of those powerful portable lights to see what he was doing and as I turned the corner found myself blinded for a few seconds by its beam, shining straight up into my eyes.

When they had adjusted to its glare I saw he was staring straight up and that because he was lying on his back with his head immediately below me, he could probably see up under my skirt - and wondered if he could see right up my legs, maybe even catch a glimpse of my exotic panties.

Neither of us moved and each knew what the other was doing - he knew I was displaying myself for him, I knew he was taking full advantage of my display. For several, very long seconds neither said a word, as though we were each waiting for the other to confirm the actual thoughts going on in our minds. I finally broke the tension filled silence.

'I came to offer you some coffee Bill - but from the expression on your face I'm now not so sure that coffee is what you actually want!'

I thought I saw him actually blush, but then he grinned, rolled out from where he had been working and got to his feet, brushing the dust from his shorts.

'Coffee would be fine - but if you mean what I think you mean, that would be even better.'

He stood in front of me, his body almost touching mine, looking down, deep into my eyes, looking for confirmation of what he thought I was offering. He must have found it because then I felt his arms come around me, felt their strength as he pulled me close to him.

I was surprised at how tender his first kiss was and how it contrasted with the masculine strength of the rest of his body as we pressed hard against each other. But very quickly, as I felt the pressure of the rising swell of his cock against my thigh, his kiss also expressed his quickly growing desire.

I slipped my tongue into his mouth, finding his and we continued on and on, hands roaming over each other's body and I felt my quickly growing, deep-seated need for him rising even faster as his hands squeezed and fondled various parts of me and the pressure of his hardness grew longer, stronger against me.

I broke from his arms, breathless. 'Upstairs?' he asked. I just nodded, grabbed his hand and almost pulled him after me. I had only gone up two or three stairs when I felt his other hand up under my skirt, firmly cupping one cheek and tensed at his touch, slowing my steps to prolong the pleasures he aroused in me.

'You have a beautiful arse.' he said as his fingers explored me, one probing the cleft between the cheeks and I heard a catch in his voice as he added. 'I can't wait to see the rest of you.'

'You will, you will!' I replied as I reached the top stair, then led him into the bed-room.

'I'm a bit grubby, would you like me to shower?' he asked.

The expression on his face made him look like a little boy, standing in front of a table loaded with irresistible goodies, knowing he is supposed to wash before he eats. But looking down at the rest of him made it very obvious he was no little boy! The bulge in the front of his shorts was so pronounced I thought it must be starting to get painful and as I stepped forward and began to fumble with his zip, answered. 'Later Bill, later.'

Together we undressed each other, 'stripped', I should say - our movements were so clumsy, feverish - but when I was down to just my skimpy bra and pants and he was to just his underpants I stepped back, to get a proper look at all of him. I liked what I saw, broad, powerful shoulders, a leanly muscled chest, a taut, flat stomach and below that the excitement of his bulging briefs.

It was obvious that he too was enjoying what he was seeing; his eyes roamed slowly over every inch of me, pausing at my breasts - I could feel the tight erectness of my nipples and knew he could clearly see them through the thin material - then dropped lower, to where the dark shadow of my fleece would also be visible to him.

I admit that after a cursory inspection of all of him, my eyes were riveted on the mass that bulged so excitingly, I could clearly see the shape of his cock and, at its tip, a dark patch of dampness staining the cotton, making me even more excited, knowing that his body was already reacting so powerfully to me.

There wasn't a sound, as though each of us was holding our breath, waiting for some sign or signal before moving to the next step, which would lead inexorably to the bed just behind me. I reached up and unfastened my bra, then watched him and saw him nod appreciatively, his eyes meeting mine briefly and that lovely, crinkly smile appearing.

Encouraged, I began to ease my panties down over my hips. They were so brief and transparent that I didn't honestly think there would be any dramatic reaction from him when I took them off - perhaps it was the fact that I was now standing in front of him totally naked, offering myself to him unrestrainedly.

Whatever the thoughts in his head, the effect on him was nice for me!

Even though constrained by his pants I clearly saw his cock jerk violently and noticed that the dark stain grew both larger and darker as his body reacted to his increased excitement. At the same time I heard him make a low gasp as the breath he had been holding escaped from his lungs. When I saw that he was about to move towards me I stopped him with my voice.

'First, I want to see you too Bill!'

He mentally shook himself, his eyes still staring unblinkingly at me. Then it was my turn to gape as he literally unhooked his briefs from the rod-like thing inside them and stripped them off. He stood there, his cock rearing almost vertically, quivering with its tension, its head a glossy, swollen bulb, purple and sticky from those earlier drops of pre-cum. It was so proud, so angry looking!

In spite of the sudden need that gripped the heart of me I found myself making a quick comparison of Bill's cock with those of both Grant and Mitchell. It was shorter but much thicker than Grant's and somehow looked much more 'primitive' was the word that flashed into my mind, than Mitchell's. At the same time I noticed with satisfaction that the pubic hair surrounding it was like that on his head, thickly curling.

Then he moved, our eyes finally met and locked and I saw in his exactly the same need as I knew he could see in mine.

His arms simply enveloped me, his cock jammed up between us, felt hot against my skin and, as we both responded to the fires within ourselves, our lips bruised each other's. He moved me backwards, to the bed and as I lay, bending and spreading my legs for him, I saw his eyes probing deep into my inviting sex, then he was over me.

I reached up and for the first time, touched the amazing hardness of him, thrilling at the feel of its strength and power. But, needing it inside me, I guided it home, moaning as it filled me, more fully than I could ever remember. Reaching around him I gripped the hard curve of his bum cheeks, my nails biting into his flesh as I urged him to push it still deeper into me.

He moved slowly at first, long, strong strokes that opened me up completely, stretching me wide with the mass of his thickness. My hips lifting to meet him, welcoming the hot hardness and, each time it began to slowly withdraw, my body trying, unsuccessfully to grip it, becoming aware of the increasing slipperiness of his shaft as my own wetness coated it each time he drove it back down into me.

I heard Bill groaning with pleasure each time he plunged into me and gradually, as his urgency increased, his strokes began to become faster, even deeper. Lifting my head I looked down the length of my body and watched as his thick column pounded ever faster in and out of me, the mere sight of it increasing further the rapidly rising pressure of the climax I felt building deep inside myself.

Then suddenly, that pressure became unbearable and a wave of pleasure swept through my entire body, lifting me high with its force and I heard myself wailing at its intensity as I gave myself up to the orgasm and as Bill's continued hammering into me just went on and on.

I screamed and clung desperately to him and when I was sure that my body could take no more, felt his cock swelling to an even greater size, threatening to split me, then his guttural cry as he drove it still harder, deeper into my depths. And then it finally exploded - and, I watched his face contorting with the force of it, felt his body convulsing at the obvious power of a climax that, as he continued to ride me, had to be pumping me full of his thick, sticky semen.

When he was finally done he collapsed on to me and I thrilled at the crushing weight of him, feeling the combined beating of our still racing hearts, hearing the rasping gasps of our breathing.

Then when he at last rolled to one side I curled myself up and moved down to where his now limp cock shone stickily with the mixture of fluids that coated it. Taking it between my lips I licked the stuff from it, feeling it twitch as I sucked the last drops, imagining the thrills I could give him if it were hard again.

Bill tousled my hair and sighed deeply as I repeated the same process with his balls that now hung loosely below, the coarse, curly hair tickling my nose, the musky smell of us filling my nostrils. When I was satisfied he was clean - and I had been unable to rouse him again, I lay close beside him, kissing him, running my hands over his muscled but now relaxing body.

'You were wonderful Bill, so very strong! Now, rest a while, I'll have a quick shower then make some fresh coffee while you have yours.'

He mumbled something in reply and, after another quick kiss I headed for the bath-room.

We had coffee and toast together, in the bed-room, sitting on the bed, touching, kissing each other between eating and drinking. I had for some reason slipped on a light robe but Bill was still, unashamedly naked and having him there, like that was in itself a real turn-on for me. As I munched the crunchy toast, watching him watching me I visualised his cock, as I had seen it earlier, proudly, angrily erect - imagined it now standing, rearing insolently from between his sprawled thighs.

Bill's eyes were fixed on me too and though I couldn't know what was in his mind I saw them, watchful for the occasional glimpse of my breasts, as I reached forward for a slice of toast or of my thighs, when I moved to a more comfortable position.

We talked of course and he told me how much he had been attracted to me when he came to do the previous work and how pleased he was to get another chance to see me - never imagining what that call would lead to. He went on to say that at first he thought I was 'teasing' him, as apparently many women did, getting some kind of cheap thrill out of it, never having any intention of letting it go anywhere, that they were the first to cry 'rape' if a man made any kind of move. Assuring me that any man who did work around houses where there were married women at home alone, would confirm what he was saying - whether the women were sixteen or sixty!

He said it had been like some kind of dream, the way everything had happened, so quickly. Then he wanted to know everything about me - but I was careful - saying just that I had been attracted to him on his previous visit and automatically thought of him when this, new work had needed to be done - but couldn't honestly explain what had come over me, just a kind of powerful urge that in some way seemed to, take over - and left it at that.

After we had eaten and Bill had showered he went back to work, leaving me with nothing particular to do and an ache that I knew I was going to have to get him to satisfy before the end of the day. I put the skirt and blouse back on but left off the underwear, when the opportunity arose I wanted to be dressed to take advantage of it straight away!

Bill worked hard and though I tried several times to distract him by flouncing past, hoping he would notice and be stirred by my availability, he seemed to be either blind or immune. Though that part of me wanted nothing more than for him to lay down his tools - and lay me with his tool instead, another part of me appreciated the professionalism that he showed in getting done the work he was being paid for.

Lunch time went by and as he still hadn't stopped I decided to make some sandwiches for us. I had the radio on so didn't hear him come into the kitchen. Just felt his arms coming around me, his hand enclosing one of my breasts, then his mouth against the side of my neck and his body pressing hard up against my arse.

'Good enough to eat!' he said in a husky voice.

'I presume you are talking about the sandwiches - you don't seem to be interested in me any more!'

'You mean because I didn't leap up and rape the 'flasher'?'

'You actually noticed?' I asked, in mock surprise.

'It would have been difficult to miss wouldn't it, and to be honest, once or twice I came very, very close!'

'What stopped you?' I asked with a grin

'Your husband actually. I thought you might have problems if he came home tonight and couldn't see very much that had been done. As it is I've worked bloody hard and already done virtually a normal, full day's work.'