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At least no one at her new place of employment seemed to recognize her as Sexkiller MILF. If they did, they were polite enough to keep it to themselves.

Being a 43-year-old single woman with a newborn and a part-time job also left little time in her day for a social life. She tried to keep up with Ellie and Robbie, and slowly she rebuilt her relationship with her parents, who decided they would not punish their third grandchild for the sins of his mother.

Dr. Charlotte Puhakka was surprised to see that Dan Mattern was calling her. She hadn't spoken to the man in more than six months, the day his sessions with her as a patient had ended. He had indicated an interest in seeing her on a personal basis, but had not followed up. She assumed he had found a different partner.

"Hello, Dan. I thought maybe you lost my number," she said breezily, giving him the opening.

"No... I was just giving us both some time to get past the doctor/patient thing... and also to show you that this isn't some kind of rebound thing," Dan said.

Charlotte smiled to herself. It was not uncommon for patients of both sexes to get attached to their therapists, particularly male patients, but Dan appeared to be different. Charlotte was very pleased, because after listening to him during therapy, she considered Dan to be someone she would have like to have gotten to know better. It also didn't hurt that she found him to be handsome and sexually appealing.

Dan was pleasantly surprised when he picked up Charlotte for their date the next Friday. She had always been dressed professionally when he had seen her before, but for the date she was dressed way more casually... and much more sexy, with a mid-thigh jean skirt, tight white crop top that showed a couple of inches of toned stomach and three-inch heeled sandals. He failed miserably at playing it cool as he blatantly eyed the woman up and down when she met him at the door.

"I take it I'm dressed okay then," she said breezily as she walked past him toward his car.

"Umm... yeah," Dan replied as he moved to catch up to her to open and hold the car door.

"Ooh. Old school. Manners. I like that," she purred.

"Then you can thank my mother when you meet her someday," he said.

Charlotte smiled to herself. She had been out on enough dates to appreciate the little touches that most men no longer did, like opening doors.

The restaurant was a top-notch barbecue place that featured offerings from a local distillery as well. Charlotte felt a little silly when the waitress offered her a large bib, but decided to accept it when she looked around and noticed many of the patrons wearing the accessory, and having barbecue sauce on them. Dan accepted his gratefully.

After finding out that Charlotte did imbibe in alcoholic beverages, Dan ordered both of them a sampler selection of whiskey as well as a glass of ice water. After cautioning his date to sip her whiskey, Dan explained what type of whiskey each shot glass contained, and some of the tasting notes of each beverage. She admitted she was impressed with his knowledge of the spirits, as well as how well each of the samples paired with the barbecue.

"You're a liquor snob, then," she said brightly so he knew she was kidding. "You're like a liquor sommelier."

"Guilty as charged," he responded. "Penny... was more of a wine person. I am a distilled spirits kind of guy."

He hesitated and winced when he mentioned his former wife, especially to his former therapist.

"Don't do that. Don't worry about mentioning her," Charlotte said calmly. "She was a big part of your life for 20 years. It's natural for her to be in your memories. Don't try to hold those memories back, or feel guilty when they do come out. That will fade as time goes on... and you make new memories with new people."

"Damn, I didn't think we'd be on the clock tonight," he joked.

"We're not," she said as she slapped his arm playfully.

When the meal was done, Charlotte noted that she had several blobs of barbecue sauce on her bib.

"That really saved this blouse," she said as she removed the bib. "It would have been embarrassing to have walked around the rest of the evening with barbecue sauce on my top."

"I would have volunteered to lick the blouse clean for you. Remember, my mother taught me manners," Dan chuckled.

"Ah, Mr. Chivalry," Charlotte said as Dan waggled his eyebrows.

Dan had told Charlotte that they would go to a club with music after dinner. After the barbecue restaurant, she assumed the club would be country western, so she was surprised when they pulled up to a club known for jazz.

"Jazz? Huh. I would have bet country. I figured we were going to be line dancing the night away," she said.

Dan chuckled again and shook his head.

"No country, no hip-hop, no gospel. Screaming guitars are always good. Blues good. Jazz good. I'm a man with definite tastes," he said.

"Do I fit into your 'definite tastes?'" Charlotte asked, making air quotes as she spoke.

"Most certainly," he answered.

Dan got a chaste kiss at the end of the evening. He was surprised when he got home and both of his children were waiting for him in the apartment's kitchen.

"Good date, Dad?" Ellie asked with a big grin.

"Did you keep your hands to yourself and act like a gentleman?" Bobby asked with a matching grin.

"Give me a break here, guys. This is the first date I've had in... more than 20 years. God, I'm out of practice," Dan said.

Both kids grinned at each other, then at their father.

"I'm not going to help you, Dad. You're on your own here," Ellie giggled. "But we do approve of your date. We both think Dr. Puhakka's great."

"Don't screw this up, Dad," Bobby said seriously.

Dan and Charlotte were finishing their fourth date in two months, drinking coffee with shots of Bailey's Irish Cream in Charlotte's living room when she got a serious look on her face.

"Dan, don't you want to date another woman or two, if for no other reason than comparison sake. I think you might be too fixated on me, and might miss out on someone you might really like," Charlotte said.

"What if I found someone I really like?" he replied. "And I am definitely fixated on you."

Charlotte blushed and smiled. She took the coffee out of Dan's hand, pulled him to his feet and kissed him passionately. He kissed her back just as passionately. She led him upstairs to her bedroom.

When they got to her bedroom, Charlotte kissed Dan hard while backing him up to the bed and finally pushing him down. As she started to remove his clothes, he reached up and ran his hands down the front of her blouse, eliciting a long moan. He removed her clothes as quickly as she had done his. He then pulled her body to him, causing them both to topple onto the bed.

Dan had a moment of hesitation as he realized he hadn't made love to a woman in more than a year. That was quickly forgotten as Charlotte ran her tongue into his mouth on a searing kiss. He responded back heartily and slid down her body to her erect pink nipples, licking and sucking with great enthusiasm. He slowly slid two, then three fingers into her dripping pussy before moving them up and rubbing her throbbing clitoris.

Charlotte's brain went into overload as her vision blinked on and off, explosions started in her ears and her pussy rippled like someone put a hot electric line inside of her. When she came back to earth, she realized someone... no, she was screaming. She stopped once she remembered how.

Hearing the woman shrieking sent Dan into overdrive with his tongue, lips and fingers. God, he had missed this more than he knew. He didn't know when the screaming stopped, but he was suddenly aware of the silence in the room as the woman's body stopped writhing. He heard her breathing, but when he peered up her eyes were closed. He couldn't tell if she was passed out or resting.

"Char... You okay, babe?" he whispered.

Getting no answer, he tried again. He waited a few seconds before he heard her stir.

"Wh-what was that?" she asked shakily.

"You okay?"

"Pretty sure. That was amazing! Can we do that some more?"

"Oh yeah!" he enthused as he went back to tonguing her pussy.

The writhing and yelling restarted and continued for another 10 minutes, during which the woman had three more big orgasms, although she didn't pass out again.

"Stop. Stop. Stop. Too sensitive," she rasped. "Take me now... please."

"Since you asked politely," he snickered.

Dan climbed up the bed, kissed the woman hard, lined up his dick with her opening and slowly, lovingly pushed inside. She was wet and incredibly hot. For a brief moment, he tried to remember when Penny was this hot for him. He hesitated for a second as he realized what he was thinking, cleared his mind and went back to concentrating on Charlotte. He vowed to himself that he wouldn't make that mistake again.

Charlotte wrapped her legs around Dan's thighs as the pair found a rhythm and enjoyed each other's bodies. He felt the woman climax twice more before he felt his own inevitable finish rising up in his groin.

Dan shifted the pair to their sides but they stay entwined long after Dan finished. They kissed, giggled and talked softly for several minutes.

"Remember when I asked if you didn't want to date other women? Forget that. You're mine. Dibs," Charlotte said.

Dan's children joined the pair for their next outing, a day playing putt-putt golf and racing go-karts before dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Ellie, Bobby and Charlotte hit it off instantly. Dan spent a lot of time grinning while listening to the conversation.

The 10-year difference in age between Dan and Charlotte wasn't even talked about as the pair made wedding plans a year later, until the discussion got around to children. Dan related that he thought he was too old for another family, but Charlotte wanted at least two children from her husband. They compromised... on two children. Happy wife, happy life, Dan thought to himself.

Dan and Charlotte were sitting in the waiting room of their pediatrician with their 1-year-old daughter, waiting for the child's first annual exam, when a familiar face walked out of the office followed by a young boy.

"Oh... Dan. Hey," uttered a surprised Penny. She looked over at Charlotte and the baby.

"Hi, Penny. Been a long time. Is that your little guy?"

The last time Dan and Penny were in the same room together was four years before at the signing of their divorce decree. He noticed that she was still a good-looking woman despite some new lines on her face and about 20 extra pounds.

Penny noticed that Dan's hair was now speckled with gray, but he still looked to be about the same weight and didn't appear to have aged a day. Maybe it had something to do with the smile on his face, which appeared to be natural and not forced. She wondered if the pretty blonde woman holding the baby was the reason for that smile and in general for his youthful visage.

"This is my son, Will. He's five now," Penny said.

"And this is Genevieve, our daughter," Dan said. "Penny, this is my wife, Charlotte. Char, this is my ex-wife, Penny."

The two women were looking each other over. Penny was still trying to get over the fact that Dan had another child when she concluded that Charlotte was probably 10 years younger than she and Dan. Charlotte stood and offered her hand. Penny hesitated before taking the offered hand.

"Very nice to finally meet you. The kids speak very highly of you," Penny said.

Charlotte just nodded. Dan knew his wife was a gracious woman, but she wouldn't lie by telling his ex-wife the same thing... because it wasn't true. At least in her presence, the only thing Ellie and Bobby ever said about Penny was about her health. Dan had told his children that while he had no problem with them still loving their mother, he didn't want to talk about her ever again. Both children understood and respected his request.

"She looks just like Bobby as a baby," Penny said as she looked down at the baby. "Bobby seems to be a very protective big brother."

"He's turned into quite the young man," Dan said. "Ellie's quite the young woman."

"They seem to be, for the little bit I see of them these days," she said.

She noticed Dan's look and quickly added, "I'm not blaming them for not visiting more often. I know they're busy. I'd still like to see them more. I am their mother."

Charlotte dropped her eyes, hoping the other woman wouldn't notice. She wasn't about to tell Penny that both Ellie and Bobby had been calling her 'Mom' for the last two years.

Dan felt like he needed to say something... anything to break the awkwardness.

"I hope this is just a check-up. I hope everything is good with you and... your son," he said.

Penny caught the hesitation when it came to her son's name. Surely Ellie and Bobby had to say something about Will from time to time, and surely Dan just forgot, she hoped to herself.

Dan caught her eyes cloud over and felt guilty. Honesty being the best policy...

"The kids and I don't talk about you at all," Dan admitted. "You are their mother and I'm glad they have you in their lives at whatever level they want, but the deal is we don't talk about you at home... next to never. You broke my heart, and I felt I needed a clean break from you. The kids totally get it. I don't know anything about your life since we split."

"Wow," Penny half-whispered. "We had 18 good years together. You can just shut me out of your life like our marriage never happened... like an annulment. That's cold."

"You did what you did. Now I do what I need to do to live my life. I've moved on. I live in the present, not the past," Dan said. "So like I said, I hope everything is good for you."

Penny staggered back a step as if Dan had punched her when he answered. It was one thing to be hated; it was something completely different to be marginalized.

"Yeah, sort of, mostly," she finally answered. "I work part-time at a library. Will attends kindergarten. Occasionally I go out on a date. Not too many men want to seriously date a 40-something with a little kid.

"I know... my fault."

"I didn't mean for you to go there," Dan said, wincing visibly.

"Well, I guess that's my cue to go," Penny said. "It was nice to meet you, Charlotte. Take good care of him. He's a good man. I forgot that once... and look where that got me."

Penny took her son's hand and left the waiting room. Dan smiled self-consciously at his wife.

"I know. You don't have to say anything. Her fucking up led her to this moment. Not my problem. I won't lose a minute's sleep over her," Dan said.

"You know I'm not your therapist 24-7," Charlotte answered. "Sometimes I'm just your wife; the mother of your baby. Now give me a kiss and stop analyzing me. Just love me."

"I can do that," he said.

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ttjbjr54ttjbjr546 days ago

Great story and well written. Kudos for you.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

The best revenge is a life well-lived. Penny's fuckbuddy died, and she wins a ball and chain for 18 years. Dan ends up with a winner.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Laughed myself to a standstill that Larry could have the sheer effrontery to berate Penny for being a cheat! Comedy gold!


In the UK most jobs have a requirement that in the case of an employee resigning from the position they work a pre agreed period of notice and in the case of an employee being terminated the employer is obliged to allow the same period of notice before the employee actually leaves. I don't know if this practice exists in the US but if it does it would explain how Penny was served at work a week after being fired.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Guess the slut wanted to keep her lover's baby. Why is the slut receiving alimony

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Penny sure reminds me of another slut named Traci. Anyway , good story, Hooked. Five stars ⭐️ for this one.

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