Breeding Boy Returns

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A ex-slave returns home to cuckold his former master.
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Bella sat with her husband, Clarance, trying to enjoy the fine spring weather. Unfortunately for her, Clarance had to ruin it with his boorish voice.

"Andrew Johnson deserved to win the election!" he boomed, cake spewing from his mouth.

Bella tried to hold back the disgust on her face. "What was that, dear?"

"Have you not been listening to me, woman?"

Of course, she hadn't. She was not here for him after all. They breakfasted together on the porch only to greet the arrival of the war hero, Thomas.

"I hope you do not plan to speak of politics when Thomas arrives. He would be very cross," she said.

"Who cares what that Negro thinks!"

"We should. He will likely come back armed. There is a Freedmen's Army waiting just inside the Georgia border, waiting to swoop down and punish any offenders to the treaty."

Her husband scoffed. "If only Lee didn't surrender. Curse him and curse General Sherman. The brute."

Her fool of a husband truly believed they could have won the War of Northern Aggression. She knew as soon as it started that the war was a lost cause. The North outnumbered them, had more money, and a decent cause to fight for: the abolition of slavery.

If others, like her husband, had realized the futility of the fight, then maybe they would not be in this situation: waiting nervously for their ex-slave soldier to come back and decide their fates. Would Thomas come for revenge? Her husband had never treated their slaves kindly. Especially not the females.

"Husband, you must not think of these things any longer. It upsets you and it will surely upset our guest," she said, trying to settle him down.

"He is not our guest. When he comes, we will show him his place. People are fighting back."

"You are referring to the rogues and villains."

"Heroes. Fighting for the South, even after the war has ended."

"Do you plan to join them?" she asked, knowing his answer. The coward contributed little to the war in the first place and yet he had the audacity to urge on others.

He spluttered, spilling his glass of wine over his pot-belly. "If only I could dear. But someone must keep the rebellious slaves in line. They think these new contracts they forced—asked us to sign mean something."

"The Freedmen's Bureau would be quite cross if they discovered you are violating it."

"The Bureau is toothless!"

She sighed, giving up. It was not her place to question her husband in such a manner. Even now, she pushed things to the line. How could she help herself? Her husband could get them sent to the hangman. It surprised her that a mob of angry slaves had not attacked them already, with him being one of the worst slaveholders in the state.

Their house slave, Lucy, scurried next to Clarance with a cloth and wiped up his mess. She dabbed at his pot belly and his crotch. Bella saw the lewd fool, glance down the cleavage of their house slave's blouse, filling his eyes with the sight of her heavy bust.

Bella coughed to get her husband's attention away from the girl, but he ignored her and continued to ogle the black beauty.

"Lucy," Bella said.

"Yes Mistress?" Lucy answered, moving away from her lecherous husband.

"I see there is no plate and food for Thomas, please get some."

"Yes Mistress," she replied, glad to be away from Clarance.

As Lucy left, her husband stared at the slave's retreating posterior, smiling like a dog. The man had the nerve to do this right in front of her. As if she did not know what he got on to at night. Yet, she could do little to stop him; a man could do as he wished with the slaves, and his wife. Her dutiful service to Clarance meant little.

It was then they noticed the approach of a tall dark man in a blue cavalry officers' uniform. A Union soldier with medals all along a thick chest. Thomas had arrived.

Thomas stepped up to the porch with confidence, taking his hat off and giving a slight bow, directed to Bella, pointedly ignoring Clarance. "Good day to you Missus," he said with a deep rolling voice, causing Bella to shudder. After another moment he added. "You too, Clarance."

"That's master to you, boy," Clarance tried to growl out, but it sounded like whining.

Bella watched her husband shake, he must have noticed the rifle on Thomas's back and a pistol at his side. Clarance was no fighting man, not like Thomas looked to be.

Bella tried to rescue the situation, not wanting to anger the armed young man. "Welcome home, Thomas. Please, have a seat with us." She gestured to the empty chair. "Lucy is coming with your food. Until then let us speak of your heroics during the war."

"Thank you Missus," Thomas said, never taking his dark eyes off her. His eyes made her uncomfortable, they always did. After taking his seat beside the both of them, he told them of the war.

"The war was horrible, yet needed, to keep the Union together. It lifted my spirits to hear this plantation was not among the traitors, staying loyal to the Union throughout the war."

Clarance straitened, realizing the opportunity to absolve himself of any guilt. "Yes, that's right. Never gave a penny to the traitors. You tell that to the Army. Not a penny!"

"Oh, I will," Thomas said darkly.

Thomas likely knew the truth: her husband was too greedy to donate to the war effort. If the war did not end, the Confederates would have likely come for them as traitors instead of the Union. Their status saved them. Or rather her status did. Bella came from good breeding stock while her husband brought money to the marriage.

"Do you have any war stories for us, Thomas?" Bella said.

"I would not want to shock you Missus," Thomas said to her.

"Oh, please do," she pleaded, before realizing she sounded too eager. Life at the plantation with nobody to talk to but Lucy and the other house slaves bored the mature mistress to no end.

"Well, I took a...different role during the war you see."

"Different you say? How so?" Clarance leaned forward, chins flopping.

"I fought behind enemy lines. Freeing slaves, escorting spies, destroying supplies. If the need arised, I would extract information from the enemy."

Torture. A chill went down her spine ; Clarance's too by the looks of him, his face turned chalk white. They'd both heard rumors of how the black Union soldiers fought.

"How valiant of you, Thomas. You were always a strong young lad," she said, fanning her face, remembering his muscles working as he plowed the fields, and the slave girls.

"The best breeding buck in the state of Georgia," Clarance foolishly said.

They all froze. Even her husband knew he had spoken wrongly. Reminding Thomas of his prior treatment was unwise and to be avoided. Did her husband still think he could cow this strong war hero?

Bella tried to salvage the situation. "Thomas, what have you been doing since the war ended? It has been nearly 3 years and we have not heard from you."

Thomas had his large fists clenched and at her question slowly relaxed them. She could see his muscles bulged even under his blue officers' jacket. She removed her gaze from him before he could notice.

"I do much of what I did during the war. Kill confederates. You've heard of the rebels and the gangs, I presume."

Oh, they had. She and Clarance had been speaking of it just before his arrival.

"We heard a few rumors," her husband lied.

"Well, the Union have tasked my men with suppressing the Klansmen in particular and we have proved successful. We wiped them out of the state entirely. No survivors."

Clarance gulped and Bella used her fan on herself. He'd defeated the entire Klan. Even whites lived in fear of those men.

"That's...quite the feat, boy," Clarance said, still shocked.

"Thomas," Thomas said.


"Thomas. It's my name. Not boy, or son, or slave. Thomas is what you will call me. You are the one who named me after all."

White masters considered it an honor for a slave to bear a name given by them but Bella had learned that it was torture for the slaves. The other slaves believed being named by a master meant the baby was a half-breed. A child of two races. Not truly one of them. She'd often seen him as a boy, by himself as the other children played. Only the girls spent time with him, their sinful intentions obvious. Harlots, all of them.

Clarance had worked himself into a fit, spilling more food and wine. "Now you listen here—"

"Have you heard Northerners are confiscating land with the help of the Union army? Georgia has not yet reentered the Union and is under occupation. It would be a shame if Northerners siezed this plantation. On top of all the other war reparations being paid by Southerners, it would be quite a blow. Do you have somewhere to go if such a fate befalls you." Thomas spoke in a low menacing tone. The threat in his words clear.

Clarance froze, understand how much he could lose by angering Thomas. He glanced down to see Thomas playing with the holster to his pistol.

Clarance, ever the suck up, played it off as if he made no offense. "Oh, Thomas you never did understand my jests. Thomas is a wonderful name. Sometimes I see you as my own and forget how much you have grown," Clarance bellowed in laughter.

Bella held back a groan. The man had insulted Thomas even as he tried to smooth things over. At times she wondered if Thomas came from her husband's loins. Turning her eyes on him briefly, resting on his square jaw and deep dark eyes, she thought better of it. This man had little to do with her fat husband.

Lucy returned with Thomas's food at the perfect time. As she set the table for Thomas, she smiled at him, who returned her greeting. The two had always been close.

Bella frowned, for some reason, this upset her. Thomas was her guest. Bad enough her husband ignored her in favor of Lucy, and any other poor young thing he could get his greasy hands on. Must the former breeding buck ignore her as well?

"Thomas, will you stay here?" she asked, hoping her eagerness did not come through in her voice.

Clarance choked, making another mess for Lucy to clean up. It appeared as if making messes was all her husband was capable of.

Thomas returned his gaze to her. "If I am welcome."

Clarance regained his composure. "We would love to have you but don't you have other duties."

"I can fulfill them from here. Plus, I could protect you from the raiders."


"It's why my men and I are here. Labor has become difficult to acquire with the war maiming and killing so many young men. Also, the ending of slavery has left former masters in a bind, not knowing how to negotiate with their former slaves. Raiders have filled the void, stealing men and women for the mines and the factories."

Clarance paused. He wished for Thomas to leave but also feared assault by ruffians. "It would be nice to catch up, you have so many friends here," Clarance said, tone changing.

Thomas smiled, reading the man's thoughts.

If only Bella knew her own thoughts, why did she fret whenever Thomas's attention drifted away from her. Why did his eyes make her feel the way it did?

A cry from Clarance interrupted her musings.

"You damn black wench, look what you did!" Clarance pointed to his crotch, wet with wine.

"I'm sorry Massa, you—"

"Me? Are you trying to blame me with for this?" Clarance pointed again at his pants.

Bella knew the game Clarance played, he'd done it before for other reasons. He wanted an excuse to punish Lucy to get back at Thomas. While slaves were free, many had to enter contracts allowing for their punishment. Making the free in name only.

Clarance got up from his seat, belly flopping. He grabbed Lucy's wrist and started dragging her away to be whipped.

"Stop," Thomas said; his tone carried such authority that everyone followed his command. "The law states that in the presence of an officer any punishment is to be doled out by them. It is not the place of Southerners to take the law into their own hands anymore. The war settled that issue."

"But—but," Clarance stuttered, trying to object, but in his heart, he knew his ploy failed. He let go of Lucy's wrist.

"Lucy, I will administer your discipline. You understand."

"Yes sir," she said, eyes to the floor, but Bella caught a smile on her lips.

"How do I know you will do it?"

Thomas turned his dark gaze to her. "Miss, would you follow me to prove Lucy has gotten fair discipline?"

Bella stood, fan in hand, hesitating. She hated witnessing the whipping. She certainly did not wish to see Thomas forced to deliver one. But she had her duty to consider and her house slaves' safety was in jeopardy. Thomas was a big muscled man. He could hurt her badly. "I agree to supervise the discipline," Bella said.

"Good, then let us go to the shed. You," he pointed to Clarance, "Stay in the house."

A cloud of impotent rage came over Clarance's features. Then he turned on his heel and stomped off to the house like a whipped dog.

"Come with me," Thomas said, speaking to both Bella and Lucy.

And off they went to the shed.


In the shed, Bella shook, regretting her acceptance of this duty. Thomas has brought his own whip with him. It looked softer than the ones normally used but it would still sting. Lucy placed herself across a table, her behind pointed toward them and lifted her dress, revealing thick smooth uncovered buttocks.

Thomas smiled. "It is good that you are not fighting this."

"I was a bad girl today sir. My bum needs to be taught a lesson," Lucy said, smile never leaving her face.

Thomas put his hands on the house slaves behind, running his hands over it. Lucy shuddered at his touch but not in fear. Thomas gave her behind a light slap, watching as her butt jiggled. He repeated his slap to see her butt move again. The sight pleased him.

He turned to Bella, who watched the scene in shock. "Miss, come closer. I want you to witness my good work."

She did as told.

Then he began to lay into Lucy's behind with his hands. Spanking her again and again. Each smack of the girl's ass caused a cry to erupt from her mouth. The sounds of her spanking echoing throughout the shed.

Lucy offered no resistance, taking her punishment meekly, even jutting her behind out to make it easier for Thomas.

Thomas paused, hand still raised, ready to bring his large hand against Lucy's dark brown butt. "Miss Bella."

"What?" she said, engrossed in the scene.

"Is this to your liking?"

She spluttered. "No—I mean yes. Carry on." Her faced turned red. She'd made a small fool of herself.

"Yes, please," Lucy said.

Having the agreement of both ladies, he returned to the task of turning Lucy's but a dark red. A wet trail dripped down Lucy's thighs as the spanking continued. The black slut enjoyed this! Bella wanted to protest until her own loins stirred; heat coursing inside her, when for a moment, only a moment, she imagined herself in place of Lucy. Bent over the table with a powerful black man behind her, ready to dole out a spanking to her ass. Large hands coming down on her white behind with enough force to make her flesh quiver.

She looked away in shame.

Thomas noticed. "The mistress is not pleased with my punishment of you, Lucy."

Before Bella could say anything, Thomas pulled Lucy up from the table and ripped Lucy's dress, exposing large dark breasts. Lucy made no attempt to cover herself. Instead, posing her body to highlight her curves. She stood in what little remained of her clothing, looking like an exotic dark queen.

"Did I do wrong?" she said hotly.

"It was my mistake. This is supposed to be a whipping," he said. He brought his whip down upon the girl's breasts.

Bella then watched as Thomas's strikes caused Lucy's breasts to sway from side to side. Light bruises appeared all along her front but Lucy only moaned at each strike, aroused by her treatment.

"Never disobey your master!" Thomas said.

"I will never disobey my master!" Lucy agreed.

Bella knew she spoke of Thomas. This punishment was a farce. Duty demanded she stop it but she could not bring herself to intervene. She rubbed her thighs against each other, trying to hold herself together. A southern woman refrained from acting on her lusts. But she could not help it. Her thighs became wet, and she absently rubbed her breasts. Her will failed her.

"Thomas," she said. He looked toward her and so did Lucy. "Her ass. Hit her ass. Whip the bitch good."

Lucy turned around and bent over, resuming her position from the start but without laying on the table so her breasts hung in the air swinging.

Thomas did as Bella requested further reddening the house slave's ass.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Bella moaned. Lucy did the same, encouraging Thomas to beat her bottom.

Bella stuck her hands up her dress, rubbing the outer lips of her pussy vigorously. Thomas pretended not to notice.

Then Lucy let out a final cry before slumping over. Thomas caught her before she fell to the floor.

"Did I do good, Miss Bella?" he asked with a grin.

Bella quickly removed her hands from her breast and from under her dress. "Y-yes Thomas, very good. This will satisfy Clarance."

Nodding, Thomas carried Lucy out of the shed in his powerful arms, cradling her, whispering to her as Lucy encircled his neck in her arms.

Bella was left alone in the shed, her fluids dripping onto the ground.


Bella lay in bed, unable to sleep. And not only due to her husband's loud snoring. She'd stayed awake for most of the night thinking on the morning's punishment of Lucy. The house slave enjoyed her punishment. Lucy had moaned and shook her black behind at Thomas like a wanton animal. How improper! To tempt Thomas in such a fashion. She would give the girl a talking to later. Her house slave had suffered the whip before by her husband, and on several occasions, herself. The girl sobbed after Clarance had his way with her, in more ways than one. When Bella had to teach Lucy a lesson, the reaction was...similar to that of today. Bella never could bring herself to hurt the girl and held back. For some reason, the sessions left them both hot and panting.

If Bella was being honest with herself, she knew Lucy's lustful reaction to her punishment wasn't the problem. Her own feelings at watching the scene were. She's acted the harlot and pawed at her own body, drenching her palms in the fluid of her lust.

She squeaked. Realizing her hand had drifted down her nightie to her entrance. Her hand lightly running up and down her lower lips when thinking of Lucy...of Thomas.

A drink. She needed a drink.

Taking herself out of bed she went barefoot into the hall. Leaving her snoring husband behind. As she reached the stairs, she heard a scream coming from Thomas's rooms. Stepping softly to the door of his rooms, she peeked through the crack and gasped at what she saw.

Thomas, huge, rippling with muscles and sweat, held Lucy by the ass as he rammed into her. Lucy was on hands and knees on the soft bed, head flung back, hair a mess, screaming. Her dark nipples erect on her swinging breasts, and her bare ass bore the marks of her earlier whipping.

Bella almost burst in to stop the assault until Lucy cried out again. "Thomas, oh Thomas. Breed me! Put a baby in me!"

"Gods I missed you girl," he said in return. Slowing his thrusts to pull her to him by the hair and kiss her with passion.

Pulling herself from the kiss, Lucy said, "I bet you had plenty of girls during the war."

"None like you." Thomas kissed her again, renewing his powerful thrusts.

His huge hands cupped her breasts, as he pounded into the girl. His hips slapping into her behind far more forcefully than when he delivered his whipping and spanking.

Bella, looked from side to side, seeing no one else approaching, let her hand drift again to her pussy. Then her other hand to her breast. Again, she could not resist pleasuring herself when Thomas was near.