Breeding Time at the Hucow Farm Ch. 05


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I snorted.

'If you want to heft these things around, then you can bottle all the milk you want.'

'Come on Rachel, milk makes up a big portion of our grocery costs. Think of the savings.'

'No,' I said, hugging my breast to me. 'You're not drinking my milk. That's just weird.'

'It's just milk,' he said defensively. He pointed at his bowl. 'Besides, this milk came from some other woman. You drink it too.'

'Sorry, dude. It's a hard no.'

As I set about making myself some toast I thought about it. I was wasting my milk by letting it go down the drain. If nothing more I could sell it and make some side money. But it wasn't about that. Milking was something personal to me. I liked the time alone with my body. To start bottling it up would ruin that.

My toast popped with a clang and I began spreading butter over it. Another product of milk. This butter came from some woman. In fact I had the potential for butter in my breasts. My milk could be turned into that, or cream. Oh, it could even be turned into ice-cream. I giggled as I thought about it. Imagine that, making ice cream from my milk and then eating the ice cream to make more milk to make more ice cream. I would be in danger of evaporating into a singularity if I became that self-generating.

'You going out today?' Alex asked as I came to join him at the table.

'No, I've still got an essay to finish.'

All right. Don't get too burnt out, though.'

I snorted. 'I'm doing a law degree. It's a permanent state of being burnt out.'

He stood up and took his empty bowl to the sink.

'Well we should have another party soon. A chance to unwind again.'

I shrugged. 'Yeah sure, I guess.'

'Sweet, I'll start planning something. Though, right now I'm heading out to hang with George. Catch you later.'

'See ya,' I called as he disappeared back to him room, only to emerge again with his bag and shoes.

As the front door closed behind him, I stripped down again.

Soon I made my way back to my desk and began working on my essay. The sun rose high into the sky as the hours ticked by and once again I found myself losing focus.

The mid-morning sun poured in through my window, warming my skin all over my naked body. It felt so relaxing. I found myself staring out the window, watching the clouds. My mind wandered, exploring thoughts and fantasies. I thought back to the dream I had last night. I dreamt of a mysterious man fucking me, his strong firm hands cupping my huge breasts and squeezing the milk from them. I thought back over every detail from the dream, every sensation.

I blinked, looking back at the computer. I was going to milk soon, but I couldn't wait until then. I was horny now. I felt down between my legs and was met with a familiar wetness already beginning to run down my thigh onto the chair.

'Not this time,' I mumbled to myself, standing up and heading to the bathroom. I returned with my towel and threw it over my chair. I retrieved my dildo from my wardrobe and sat back down.

I opened a new tab. What type of porn did I want to look for? I paused thinking. Something rough, that was for sure.

As I sat thinking, a wicked thought came to mind. Something very dirty. Or was it really dirty for me anymore?

I typed into the search bar: Hucow porn. A list of videos came up, each one making my jaw drop even further.

I clicked the first video with trepidation. It opened with the cameraman talking to a hucow. Her boobs were massive. Far larger than my already large breasts. And her nipples too. They were so fat and long, not so much nipples as chubby appendages hanging from the end of her breast. Her clit stood out atop her pussy lips bigger and redder than mine.

I looked down at my own clit, rubbing my finger around it. My hood still felt stretched around the base of my engorged clit and it was going to have to stretch even further as it grew. I'm not sure if I could take that. Both in terms of intense pleasure and pain.

'Well I'd ask if you were in heat, but I guess that answers it,' the cameraman said as he focused on her pregnant belly. The hucow giggled playfully as he moved around her.

Soon a man entered and my eyes went wide at what I saw. He had the biggest cock I had ever seen. It was so long and thick. Beneath it sat two of the largest balls I had ever seen. The skin of his scrotum looked leathery, merging back into normal skin once it reached his body. They bounced between his legs as he approached her.

'We got a nice bull, just for you,' the cameraman said as she got down on her knees and tried to take his cock in her mouth. It was so big she could only get the tip in. She moved to licking it up and down as she slowly stroked the thick piece of meat with both hands. My hand stroked my own clit as I watch transfixed.

The hucow on screen finally turned around and got on all fours, her large breasts swinging beneath her. The 'bull' moved behind her, lining his large cock up.

Surely that wouldn't fit, I thought, watching with rapt fascination. It was far too big. With a thrust he pushed into her, meeting with an initial resistance, before sinking into her, inch by thick inch. Her moans telling me it felt as good as I could imagine it feeling.

I grabbed my pink dildo and put my ankles up on the desk as he thrust in and out of her with a powerful force. His large leathery balls slapped against her on each thrust, causing her to moan even more. I brought the dildo down to my own sopping pussy and pushed it inside. It slid straight into my well lubricated sex. It wasn't as thick as the bull's cock, but I could imagine that it was him filling me up, stretching out my little pussy to take all of him.

My other hand found my clit, rubbing it hard as I fucked myself with the dildo. I threw my head back; a moan escaping my lips. The moaning of the hucow brought my attention back to the screen. Her round ass jiggled with every thrust from him. Her whole body shook under the force of him.

Is that what I had in store for me? I was becoming a hucow. Would I get to fuck a bull like him? To feel what she was feeling right now.

I moaned louder still as sparks of pleasure shot up me from my clit. My juices dripped down the dildo, pooling around me hand. That tingling feeling returned to my nipples as I drew closer.

The hucow on screen let out a final moan as the bull speared her to the hilt and held her in close. His cock pulsed again and again and again as he filled her with a non-stop surge of cum.

My eyes rolled back as my own orgasm hit me. I held the dildo in me as I convulsed around it. The muscles in my pussy milking the dildo for everything it had. Milk spilled from my nipples and ran down my stomach onto the towel. I panted, trying to catch my breath as my eyes fluttered open.

The bull on screen pulled out of the hucow, a river of cum following him. I played lazily with my clit as I watched. The camera moved in close as she knelt up, letting the remaining cum drain from her pussy and down her leg.

I pulled my dildo from my pussy. It was coated in sticky juices, as was the towel beneath me.

I looked back at the screen, my mind still comprehending what I saw. The thought that I would one day be that hucow, fucked and filled with so much cum, filled me with no end of excited anticipation.

I brought my hand to my breast and gave it a test squeeze. Milk leaked out between my fingers and dripped onto my lap.

'Screw it,' I muttered to myself. 'It may be early, but I want to milk myself now.'

I stood up and headed to the bathroom, still clutching the wet dildo in my hands.


My hands worked at my breasts, milking them to the delight of every nerve inside them. I sat, rocking on my dildo, my eyes closed in a dreamy trance as I enjoyed every second of it.

I was actually proud of myself. I had managed to finish my essay yesterday, despite the image of that bull fucking that hucow penetrating my mind at every minute. Somehow I had finished it, and now I had all of today to dedicate entirely to those thoughts. I had spent most of the morning after my milking locked inside my room doing just that, only coming out for my midday milking.

My fingers continued to work the supple flesh, drawing the milk from deep inside my breasts. My thighs were covered in milk, as was the bath tub. I had often wondered just how much I could fill the tub up if I put the plug in before beginning. There was so much milk in me.

A noise caused my eyes to snap open as I froze, still holding my breasts in my hands. I turned around to see Alex open the bathroom door. Dammit, in my haze I had forgotten to lock it today.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at me in shock before backing out in a hurry.

'I'm sorry!' he cried as he pulled the door shut behind him.

I just stared at the door, unsure of what to say. I quickly surveyed myself, determining what he had seen. He obviously saw my breasts in hand, droplets of milk still dripping from my nipples, but thankfully he probably wouldn't have seen the dildo. Besides the side of the tub most likely hiding my lower half, I was sitting down firmly on it, the rubber balls pushing into my clit and the rest of it deep inside me.

'That's... that's okay,' I mumbled, though he was long gone.

I wasn't sure if it was because of the lust clouding my mind or how at ease milking made me feel, but I didn't really care if he saw me. I milked myself three times a day. It was just what I did now. It was who I was.

I finished up milking and rinsed myself and the tub down. I dried myself off and went to get dressed. I clipped my regular skirt around my waist. It felt like my hips had grown wider still.

I picked up my shirt and pulled it over my head. I sighed as I fixed my breasts up under the shirt. It was always the worst part of milking. My breasts felt like they were glowing now, a beautiful relaxation spread through every muscle in them like I had just had them massaged for an hour. To stuff them into a tight shirt and subject them to discomfort just felt wrong.

I looked at myself in the mirror. They filled out so much of the shirt and my nipples were outlined in their entirety. I was wearing this shirt for modesty, but it wasn't that modest.

I grabbed the hem and pulled it off again, letting my breasts fall back to a comfortable position. I was so much happier like this. I hated having to shove my breasts into a tight shirt just to get a glass of water from the kitchen. And I hated sneaking around to milk myself. I payed equal rent here, I should be able to walk around shirtless if I wanted.

I grabbed my dildo along with the shirt and stepped out into the hallway. I dumped my stuff in my room and headed out into the kitchen to find Alex.

'Hey Alex,' I said upon seeing him.

'Hey, Rachel, look I'm sorry about before- ah!' He turned around and nearly dropped the glass he was holding. 'What-'

'Would it be okay with you if I stopped wearing a shirt around the house?' I asked. 'My boobs get really uncomfortable if I do.'

'Uh...' he spluttered.

'If you're uncomfortable with it I don't have to...'

'No, no, it's fine. It's weird, but if that works better for you then you can if you want.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah, I mean... with how big you've gotten it's not like they weren't noticeable, or something.'

'Plus you kind of already saw them just before,' I grinned.

'Ah, yeah, about that. I'm really sorry, I should have knocked or something-'

I held up my hand to stop him. 'Don't be. It's just something I do now. I really don't care, so you shouldn't either.'

'Okay,' he said. He still looked uncomfortable. 'Just make sure to lock the door in future. I don't want to walk in on you again.'

'I will,' I said.


I couldn't have been happier after that. No more hiding. No more discomfort. I still kept a skirt on for the sake of modesty down there, though. I didn't care if Alex saw my boobs, but that was a bit too much.

I fell into a routine over the week. Get up, go milk myself, put on my skirt, have breakfast, talk with Alex if he hadn't already left for uni, then I'd head to my room, close the door and strip back down to nothing before listening to my lecture recordings and studying. Maybe some masturbation interspersed in there. In fact, I had been using my dildo so much lately I had given up placing it back in my wardrobe and instead just left it on my nightstand. Alex never came into my room anyway, and it was far more accessible there.

I had given up measuring my breasts daily. I had been curious before to see how big they were getting, but now after seeing the hucow in that porno and knowing that I could eventually be that big, it felt less exciting to document it. All I knew was that I wasn't as big as her yet, but I was getting there.

Soon it was Friday. I was almost at the end of my three week development period. I was looking forward to finally finish growing so I could buy some clothes and not outgrow them instantly. I still did need some clothes for uni, even if I wanted to just spend every day at home.

Alex had brought that to my attention on Thursday.

'Are you planning on going back to uni soon?' he had asked me as I watched him make a stir fry for the both of us.

'Um, I don't know.'

'You have to go back some time. Don't you have an attendance grade?'

'Hmm.' He was right. I could skip a few classes, but after that it did affect my grade.

And so I had promised myself that I would go to uni today. While I found myself loving the lifestyle I had built up this past week, I was still determined to finish my degree. I had wanted to become a lawyer since high school, and I wouldn't let anything get in the way of that.

I finished up my morning milking and headed back to my room to find something to wear. There was so little left that I would fit into. After some searching I finally pulled a loose flowing dress from the back and held it up to me. It looked like it would fit.

I threw it over my head and pulled the fabric down over my large breasts. It was light enough that it didn't bother my nipples too much, but after almost a week with nothing covering them the slightest touch felt irritating.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My hips and ass were outlined even under the loose fit of the dress. That accompanied by the outline of my large breasts made me look like some kind of Greek goddess of fertility. I just needed some laurels in my hair and it would match.

As I watched my womanly reflection my hands slowly moved to my flat belly beneath my breasts. Fertility goddess. Hmm.

I had been having very vivid dreams these last few nights. Dreams of the bull from the porno. Dreams of him holding me down and fucking me like he did that hucow. Dreams of him filling me with so much cum it spilt over and ran down my legs. Dreams of being impregnated by him. How his strong hands would caress my pregnant belly as he kissed me deeply.

I had never dreamt of being pregnant before. Maybe it was just the image of the pregnant hucow mixing with my own imagination, but the idea still felt somehow right to me. When I sat in the tub milking myself, I always felt so womanly in that moment. I could only imagine how much more content I would feel doing that with a pregnant belly. A life growing in me while my breasts produced so much life giving nourishment.

My hands fell away from my belly. What was I thinking? I had always been so careful with my birth control. The thought of messing up and falling pregnant was the worst thing I could think to happen to me. And now I was dreaming of this?

I shook my head, trying to clear the thought from my mind and grabbed my bag. Without another look in the mirror I stepped out of my room and headed for the door.


I woke up on Saturday from yet another wonderful dream. I dreamt of lying in a sun dappled field, a bull making love to me, my belly already so swollen from him impregnating me previously.

In my half asleep state my hand caressed over my belly only to find it flat. I sighed, feeling empty, but the images of the dream lingered. I could feel my heartbeat throb within my clit as it demanded attention.

I sat up and grabbed my dildo, ready to head to the bathroom to milk myself. Yet as I was about to stand I noticed my legs. My inner thighs were slick with juices. There was even a damp patch in bed where I had been lying. I looked down between my legs. My lips were red and swollen, glistening in the morning light. That was odd. Was this another change? I was at three weeks. That should be the end of it. Had I just had a lot of wet dreams or something? Either way I felt the need that my swollen pussy was telling me.

I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, locking the door behind me and doing my morning routine. Yet as I milked myself I only seemed to get hornier. I came again and again on the dildo, but it just kept building. My clit felt like it was on fire. I needed more.

My breasts ran dry but I stayed where I was. Rocking on the dildo, trying to satisfy an itch that wouldn't go away.

Finally, after countless orgasms I stopped myself. Whatever it was, it wasn't going away through masturbating, and I was starving.

I rinsed myself and the tub down before drying myself off. I could feel the immense heat radiating from my pussy as I dried over it. I clipped my skirt around my waist and headed out into the kitchen.

'Morning,' Alex greeted me.

'Morning,' I replied.

I wasn't sure what I wanted. I was hungry, but my body didn't want food right now. It wanted sex. I ended up settling on some toast. I could at least force myself to eat that.

As I retrieved the butter from the fridge I felt a wet droplet run down my inner thigh. I quickly rubbed it off with my other leg, hoping that Alex hadn't seen it. Or smelt it. God, I must smell like sex with how hot my pussy was.

The heat radiating from it was undeniable. I could feel it on my inner thighs. It was like there was an oven inside me.

'Are you hanging out with George today?' I asked. Hoping that I would have the house to myself again.

'Ah, no,' he said. 'I've got an essay due Monday.'

'Uh huh,' I said, grabbing my toast as it popped and cursing internally. Dammit! I would have to try and keep quiet all day. Watching hucow porn on mute and trying to stop the dildo from making squelching sounds inside my sopping pussy.

Once my toast was buttered I picked up the plate and hesitated, almost shivering from the urges inside me. My nipples were rock hard and sticking straight out. I couldn't sit with Alex like this.

'I'm going to... go listen to my lecture capture,' I said, excusing myself.

'Okay then,' he said, as I disappeared down the hallway to my room.

I shut the door and locked it behind me. I placed the plate on my desk and fell down onto the bed, not even bothering to remove my skirt. My fingers were inside me in an instant, working furiously. With my other hand I bunched my skirt up to my stomach and started rubbing my clit.

I bit my lip to hold back a moan. I couldn't make a sound.

Two fingers soon wasn't enough. I inserted a third with ease and continued. But that wasn't enough either. I pushed a fourth in and my pussy opened up to accept it, the slick inner walls providing no resistance. So that was how the hucow took all of that bull's cock. Her pussy was able to stretch so much without any effort. My pussy was able to do the same. I was a hucow just like her now. That meant that I could take a bull in me. My pussy would stretch to accommodate his thick rod. I could almost imagine every thick inch of that pushing inside me, my pussy stretching around it, crying in ecstasy.

I let out a whimper before biting down hard on my lip