Brenda & Ian Ch. 02


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The officers jumped out and ordered Ian to back away from Adrian. Ian let go immediately and took quick steps away toward Brenda. Adrian pushed away from the car and turned to face his son.

"You will regret this," he spat at Ian. Stone faced, Ian made no reply as he took Brenda in his arms.

The officers moved between father and son and one moved Ian and Brenda away while the other began to speak to Adrian. Officer Whitmore listened dutifully as Brenda and Ian related the events of the day and everything that happened within the last few minutes. Adrian tried to paint a much different picture, a picture of an abusive son who manhandled him after he tried to convince him to come home. Officer O'Neill listened patiently while trying to remain sober from the fumes coming off of Adrian.

"So, you never touched him until after he swung at you?" Whitmore asked.

"No, I didn't want to hurt him."

"I see." He turned to Brenda. " Did you see him strike the other gentleman?"

"No, sir," she replied. "Ian did everything he could to stay away from him."

"...ungrateful punk...after everything I've done for him. They're cousins for God's sake!" Ian heard his father in the background.

After a few more minutes of questioning, the officers conferred with each other and compared notes. Adrian glared at Ian and Brenda. Brenda looked away, but Ian looked back passively.

Officer O'Neill came over to Brenda. "May I speak to you for a moment?"


They moved away and went to the entrance of the house. He asked her to tell him about the incident and she again explained what happened. O'Neill listened without interruption, nodding now and then.

After she finished, he asked, "Is it true about you two being cousins?"

Brenda thought momentarily before speaking. "We are cousins, but I am adopted. That's why he's so upset. He doesn't want us together."

"What do you want us to do? Do you want to press charges?"

"I just want him away from here and I don't want him bothering us anymore."

He motioned for Ian to join them. "Do you want to press charges?" he asked when Ian walked up to them.

"No, I just want him to go home," he said quietly.

O'Neill walked over to Adrian. "We're going to take you home and you're not to bother these people anymore. Understand?" He opened the back door to the cruiser.

Adrian was livid. "You mean to tell me that you're not going to do anything to him after he assaulted me?"

O'Neill shown his flashlight on Adrian's face, arms, and hands. "There's not a mark on you, Mr. Nicks, and I believe that you were the aggressor tonight. I also believe that your son showed remarkable restraint by not harming you. So, if you'll take a seat in the back, we'll be on our way."

"I'm perfectly capable of driving myself home," he slurred indignantly.

"No, sir, I believe that we will drive you home."

"You don't know who you're talking to, do you?"

"I'm talking to very lucky person who hasn't been put under arrest yet, so I would advise you to get in the back seat now." O'Neill's eyes narrowed.

"What about my car?" Adrian asked more politely.

"Officer Whitmore will follow us with it, if you'll give him the keys." Dejected, Adrian reached into his pants and gave the keys to them.

As he got into the cruiser, Adrian thought about saying something to Ian, but glared at him instead. Ungrateful little shit, he thought to himself as the door was shut.

Ian sadly looked on as they started up the cars and pulled out of the driveway. He couldn't see his father in the back seat and he was glad. He thought about calling his mother, but decided not to. After all, she wasn't on their side, either. Head down and hands in his pockets, Ian slowly walked back into the house, arm in arm with his cousin, his future wife, his everything.

Friday April 9th

Brenda waited impatiently for Ian at the library. She looked at her watch for the third time since she arrived and it was but minutes since the time before. "Come on Ian," she muttered to herself. They needed to get to the insurance company to set up the final signatures to transfer the death benefits into her account. Soon, she saw him walking quickly towards her, his backpack bouncing back and forth with each stride.

"Hi babe," he greeted her before he kissed her on the cheek. "Sorry I'm late, but the chem test was pretty hard."

"That's okay, but we've got to get going." Brenda grabbed his hand and they began their five minute walk to the parking lot.

Brenda looked at Ian as they walked and she was relieved to see him smiling. The past few weeks had been rough on him. His mother had called the day after the incident in the driveway and berated him for disrespecting his father, all the while not listening to any explanation that Ian offered. Depressed for days, he kept to himself and plunged into his studies when classes began after the break. Brenda did everything she could to cheer him, and although he was grateful for her concern, he remained quiet and melancholy. Only in the past few days did Brenda sense that his mood was swinging in a positive direction.

She proudly looked at her engagement ring as it sparkled in the afternoon sun. They had picked up the set a few days prior and she squealed with delight when he slipped it on her finger. They tried on the wedding bands and they fit fine too. They celebrated with a steak dinner, baked potatoes, and wine at home.

Although they wanted to tear each other's clothes off after dinner, they both had studying to do and by the time that they were ready for bed, they were both content to fall asleep holding each other.

Their time schedules were fairly compatible because Tuesday and Thursday were the only days that they needed to arrive at school separately. She knew that it would not always be the case and even though there were two cars available, Ian was not comfortable driving her car or her father's Cadillac. She wanted to buy him a car for himself, nothing expensive, but something dependable for the next few years. They had discussed it periodically and Ian accepted her offer, on certain conditions. They agreed not to spend more than $10,000 and that the car in question would be a mutual agreement. Ian had his heart set on another BMW or a Volkswagen, while Brenda preferred Hondas and Toyotas, but neither anticipated any problems about coming to an agreement.

The ride to the insurance company was pleasant with Ian telling her about his test. Brenda had no interest whatsoever in Chemistry, or any science for that matter, but she listened without interruption while she drove. She especially enjoyed how animated Ian was that day compared to how he had been. When he finished, he asked about her day. It had been normal, she told him, no quizzes or tests, just hours of note taking. She didn't bore him with any details because he was just as interested in accounting and finance as she was with the sciences.

The meeting was swift and to the point. Once her signatures were on the paperwork, it was faxed to their main office in Boston where the transfer of funds were to originate. When the fax was completed, they informed Brenda that the funds would be in her account by the end of the business day.

Sitting in the car outside of the building, Ian waited patiently for Brenda to start the car. "You know," she said out of nowhere, "there's not an hour that goes by without me thinking of them. No matter where I am or what I'm doing, there's always something that triggers a memory. I owe them so much. I'd give up all the money in the world to have them back."

"I know you would," Ian said.

"I don't know," she said sadly, "it's just that sometimes I feel guilty about the money and stuff coming to me because they died. Then I think about whether they would have ever told me about the adoption. Where would we be then?"

"Well, you certainly didn't wish for it. You never planned on them dying so you could receive their assets."

"That's true."

"And I think they would have told you eventually. When? I don't know. Would we have gotten together otherwise? I don't know that, either. Things happen for a reason, Bren. No matter how unfortunate their deaths were, some definite good has come out of it."

"I miss them so much," she said, trying to fight back tears.

"Of course you do."

Unable to hold back her tears any longer, Brenda leaned over and cried softly on Ian's shoulder as he held her close and comforted her.

Friday April 23

Brenda poured over the facts and figures in front of her. She was sitting in the study examining the portfolio that had been presented to her when Roger and the brokerage firm turned everything over to her the previous day. The stocks were the last piece of her parent's estate to be signed over to her and she now legally owned everything.

She dropped her pen on the desk and leaned back into the soft leather chair. It had been six weeks since her parent's deaths, but it was still an open wound in her soul. Brenda thought of them often and although she didn't cry as much, she still missed them terribly. She was the owner of a huge amount of assets now and she understood the responsibility involved. In no way, shape, or form did she want to let them down. Soon, she would be married and it saddened her that they wouldn't be there to see it. Perhaps they would see it from another realm, she thought sadly.

Brenda looked around the study and sighed. She wondered if she could ever be in a room, alone in her thoughts, and not want to cry. Every room in the house had her parents imprint on it and every room held a thousand memories. The only time she could feel truly happy was when she was with Ian and since school had started, their time together had dwindled, as she knew it would.

Brenda smiled as she thought about their honeymoon that they planned to spend in the Florida Keys. She was so looking forward to it, the sun and the sand and just the two of them, married and together. Smiling, she put the portfolio away and headed up the stairs.

Monday June 7

The days and weeks had gone by slowly, much too slowly for both of them. Ian and Brenda had settled into a fairly normal routine by then, giving each other their space while making sure that they made time for each other as well. Towards the end of May, their studying increased to the point where they saw little of each other, even on the weekends. They missed each other terribly, but were reassured that it was temporary and that they had their marriage and honeymoon to look forward to. Their exams went well with both maintaining their high grade point averages.

After their exams were completed, they celebrated at their favorite Chinese restaurant and came home to a bottle of champagne. Because they both rarely drank, they were soon inebriated and fumbling with each other's clothing. They made giggling, clumsy love to each other before falling asleep.

Ian's mother called occasionally and they were slowly becoming friends again. Ian still didn't feel comfortable enough to tell her about their impending marriage. His father had yet to apologize and Ian was still not welcome in their home, so Ian felt he had no choice but to remain quiet about it. Whenever Janet talked about Adrian, Ian would cut her off and insist upon an apology from him. It hadn't happened yet, and Ian wasn't holding his breath.

A brilliant sun nearly blinded Brenda as she looked toward her bedroom window that morning. She smiled at Ian as he slept peacefully next to her. She loved him more than anything in the world, more than life itself. He was her lover, her friend, her everything and she never forgot how lucky she was to have him in her life. They had chosen the next day to officially begin their life together as husband and wife. The appointment had been made, blood tests taken, marriage license bought, and Marie and Russell had agreed to be their witnesses.

It was but a few minutes after nine, but Brenda needed to get up and get a few things done before her graduation that evening. Ian had already agreed to do a couple loads of laundry for her so that she could go to the dry cleaners and other stores to pick up some odds and ends that they needed for the next few days.

They had gone to the grocery store the previous evening and had their usual playful tug of war as to what food to buy. Ian had been unusually ornery, much to Brenda's delight, except for when he managed to unsnap her bra in the middle of the frozen food section. Mortified at first, Brenda got even by reaching under her tee shirt and pulling out the strapless bra and putting it in her purse. Because of the chilliness, her nipples became visible immediately. Ian was in a constant state of arousal and was tortured by Brenda who, when no one was around, played with them until they became even more pronounced. When they got home and the food was put away, Ian had Brenda's shorts and panties off in a flash and basically screwed her brains out on the kitchen counter.

Brenda was starting to get horny thinking about it, but she didn't have the time to do anything about it. Reluctantly, she got up and took a quick shower, carefully avoiding the temptation to play with herself. She definitely wanted some action down there, but she wanted Ian's special talents to send her into orbit.

When she finished and dried off, she went back to the bedroom to find Ian sitting at the edge of the bed. Brenda groaned inside as she saw his semi-erection dangling between his legs as he stretched and yawned. God, she wanted it bad, but she didn't have the time!

"Morning, Ian," she said as her clean, naked body whisked by him. She pulled out a clean bra and panties and began to dress.

"It's too bad you have to get dressed and cover up that great body of yours."

Brenda giggled, "Didn't you get enough last night?"

"Enough of you? Never! You ought to know that by now."

Brenda laughed again, "Well, you're just going to have to wait until tonight. I've got too much to do right now." She flashed a wicked smile at him and raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"Alright, I guess I can wait," he said, very disappointed. With that, he got up carefully and walked to the bathroom for his shower. His raging hormones notwithstanding, he truthfully loved Brenda for her inner beauty, the person he fell in love with before they became lovers. He loved everything about her and discovered something new almost every day. He knew that he was the luckiest person on Earth at that time to be about to marry the woman of his dreams and to live a fantasy life each and every day.

After his shower, he headed back to the bedroom where Brenda was just about ready to leave. She had let her hair grow out and it was almost past her shoulders. Ian thought she looked much prettier with the longer hair and he hoped that she wouldn't cut it for a while, complimenting her at every opportunity. Ian was having a hard time keeping his eyes off of her as she moved about the room. His eyes traveled up and down her body several times before he started to get dressed.

Brenda pushed all of her dresser drawers shut and went over to Ian and kissed him. "Be back soon," she said.

"Okay," he replied, "do you need anything else done besides the laundry?"

"No," she replied, "I can't think of anything else." As she turned to leave, Ian reached out and pinched her butt lightly as she walked past him.

"Hey!" she squealed, slapping his hand away, "Save it for tonight." Grinning, Ian watched her as she bounded down the steps to the door.

The dry cleaners was only a few minutes away and the clothing was ready for her upon her arrival. After that, she went to a department store and bought a few pairs of hose, one black and one brown. While she was there, she debated as to whether or not to buy something sexy for their wedding night. She really wasn't into lingerie and she had never felt the need for it. Eventually, she decided against it, knowing full well that Ian would probably have it off of her in seconds anyway. Instead, she bought some silk lounging pajamas. Although she had slept in the nude almost every night since they had become a couple, she loved the feel of silk against her skin.

Brenda was very nervous that evening as she waited in line with her graduating class. Clad in her white cap and gown, she fidgeted with her tassel trying to get it in the perfect position. After a few minutes of fussing, she gave up. She looked around to try and see some of her friends, but they were either too far away or in the other line. The procession was in alphabetical order, as she was near the front. Brenda looked at her watch and it was after seven-thirty. Within minutes, the music began and the two lines slowly descended the stairs into the arena.

Ian looked back from his aisle seat and spotted Brenda as she emerged at the opening. She caught sight of him and smiled. As she passed, Ian held out his hand to her and she squeezed it briefly before letting go. Tears were starting to form as she thought about her parents, Ryan, and her love for Ian, whose small gestures continually endeared him to her. Although she had suffered many losses over the past three years, she realized how truly lucky she was.

The ceremony and speeches seemed long and drawn out, but before she knew it, it was time for the graduates to receive their diplomas. Row by row, they stood in front of their chairs and solemnly filed out and approached the podium. As each graduate received their diploma from the University president, a photographer took their picture.

Brenda mounted the steps leading to the president. She then heard the speaker say, "Brenda Barringer, Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude. The president gave her the diploma and shook her hand as the photographer took their picture. She slowly walked back to her seat and tried to stay composed.

The rest of the graduates received their diplomas as Brenda looked on. It seemed to take forever before the final student, Anita Zwick, received the last diploma. After a few closing comments, they were escorted out of the inner arena.

A while later, Ian, Marie, and Russell emerged through the sea of blue and white gowns. Her aunt and uncle hugged her warmly as they moved to a corner where there was less of a crowd. Ian picked her up, swung her around, and kissed her before setting her down again.

"I'm so proud of you," he beamed, looking into her eyes.

"I'll be able to say the same thing to you in a year," she replied as she brushed tears from her eyes.

"I love you, babe."

"I love you, too."

"What time tomorrow?" Russell asked.

"We'll pick you up at eleven," Brenda answered, "and we'll take you to lunch afterward."

"I think we should take you to lunch," Russell said, "after all, you're the ones getting married."

"No, no," Brenda shook her head, "you both have been so kind to us since mom and dad died. Please, let us do this."

"Of course," Marie said, "we'd be honored." She glanced at Russell with a look that said not to argue.

Russell brought out a camera and for the next few minutes, pictures were taken of Ian and Brenda, and of Brenda and her aunt and uncle. Once they were finished, they went their separate ways as the graduate and her love went home.

Tuesday June 8

Too tired to make love before they slept, Brenda and Ian wasted no time when their alarm woke them at seven. For the next hour, they couldn't keep their hands or mouths off of each other, loving every inch of each other with the same lust and fervor that overcame them when they gave themselves to each other the first time.

Brenda cried out for joy both times that she climaxed, the first time from Ian's mouth and tongue, and the next when she rode him like a woman possessed. Sweating and spent, Brenda slipped off of Ian and laid beside him breathing heavily. Ian enjoyed watching her glistening chest rise and fall as she slowly came down from her sexual high. He took her in his arms and they hugged and cuddled for a few minutes before they headed to the bathroom for a long, sensual shower.