Brenda Bragton - Dreamwife

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Horny household hunts happiness.
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Jamie Bragton was no cuck. No sir.

He had himself a fine wife, Brenda Thoreau, faithful as his hunting hound Blue, and they had been married five fine years.

At first Jamie had worried that Brenda's pure handsomeness would cause troubles. Even here in Stoutwood folks noticed her cute bottom, smiling face, and those tits that defined, perfectly, the very notion of allure.

Whenever Brenda was out in the driveway, rinsing off her Camaro, the candy-apple red one—although Chevrolet called it 'Wild Cherry' it was really candy-apple—the one that Jamie had gotten her as a wedding present, in her white halter top and cutoff jeans, folks would stop by just to chat, even when Jamie knew they had already talked earlier that day, at the Sunrise Inn for breakfast.

Yessir, Jamie, that wife of yours sure is a gem, Jon would say, she's bright and cheerful and handsome as all get out, and you are one lucky man, if I say so myself.

Indeed watching Brenda wash the car was a treat, Jamie had to admit. Inevitably she'd get wet from the hose, couldn't be helped, and the nipples on those tits, the ones everyone knew to be perky, but never said so to Jamie, well, those nipples would stand out in the white fabric and the big, dark circles around them would become clear as daybreak, and her shorts would grip her ass just a little tighter with the wetness, well, Jamie got a damn good hard-on every time he saw her washing her machine.

If it was a weekend, he just might have to take her in the bedroom after, maybe even before lunch, or out back on their porch overlooking the fields. And Brenda, bless her heart, she was always willing, she'd take that mighty cock of Jamie into just about whatever place he wanted to put it.

Jamie had worried about her, how handsome she was, but everyone in town knew Jamie, knew he could do some real damage if he needed to, wanted to, so everyone had been real respectful.

Jamie pitied those dumb hicks in town who didn't even have a six inch dick, one that could enter Brenda just about anywhere and do some serious reaming. Jamie swelled with pride, well swelled everywhere, whenever he thought about his dick. It wasn't just six inches, it was exactly six and one eighth inches, and Brenda said it was just about the finest cock she had ever seen, which was a good thing, since Jamie had taken her virginity himself, right after their high school prom and pledged his troth two months later, just before her nineteenth birthday.

She better not have seen any other cocks anyway, Jamie was sure of that.

Only two things kept Brenda from being featured on the cover of some glamour magazine or another.

One was Stoutwood itself, population 2,197, at the base of the foothills where Cripes Creek emptied into the Chickasaw River. Nobody ever went through town on their way anywhere else, it was just another dead-end town in the backwoods. No fashion photographer was ever going to 'discover' Brenda.

The second thing was her hair. It was dirty blonde, and didn't grow that long, even though Brenda would have wanted it that way, only just to her shoulders and stopped. And no matter what Brenda did to it, it always managed to looked untamed and mussed up, especially in heat and humidity, which most of the year Stoutwood possessed in abundance.

Brenda complained about her hair once to Jamie, and he just smiled and told her that it was fine, just looked like Uma Thurman after she'd been in a wrestling match. This earned Jamie a sharp elbow in the ribs, which hurt for a couple days, and he decided not to bring the matter up again ever. But Jamie himself liked her hair well enough, no complaints on that front.

Jamie had been talking with Jon at The Drowner, beers in hand as they leaned on the railing off the back porch of the bar and looked out over the creek one sultry late-autumn Sunday. Jon was not a big guy, mostly just thin arms and legs, all his joints loose and gangly in his jeans and work-shirt, his face rubbery and expressive, an Atlanta Braves baseball hat pulled down over his fuzzy brown hair.

"How you doin' since Marsha ditched you? What, a month ago?" Jamie asked.

Jon's face did a cement mixer of expressions, maybe surprise that Jamie had broached the topic, then sadness, and most likely, disgust. He squinted into the sun.

"I'm okay. I'm glad to be done with that sniveling slit. I ain't no perfect guy, let alone boyfriend, but I thought we had been okay together. She didn't feel that way."

"I'd hate to be out a girl," said Jamie. "I been lucky, and feel for you."

They could hear the last chords from the Allman Brother's song 'Whipping Post' coming from inside the bar. The creek water was slow, languid as it went by the wooden jetty out to their right.

"She was high-maintenance, that's for sure," said Jon. "Never could please her. Glad someone else will get to deal with her shit, sooner or later. Although I wouldn't mind if it's a whole lot later."

"Bitch," he spat.

"She was pretty though," mused Jamie.

Jon laughed. "Yep, one fine piece of ass. No tits but one sweet bottom. You know what I miss the most?"

"What's that?"

"The way she licked my balls. Girl had a thing for that. Even before she'd take me in her mouth she'd spend a pile of time just licking my balls, taking each one in, rolling it around in that soft, little wet mouth of hers. Never met anyone like that."

"Damn, wish you hadn't said that, Jon. I got this image in my head right now of her slathering over your jewels. Gonna get hard myself if I think too much about that."

Jon waved his Budweiser bottle towards the water.

"Even sounded wet when she licked me. She'd get her nose right in my sack, that tongue going up and down, sounded just like yer boots squishing around in spring mud. Then she'd take me deep in her throat, and damn if I couldn't hold out five minutes before I shot."

"Stop it man, this boner is killing me." Jamie adjusted his position, trying to let things rearrange themselves.

Jon looked over and laughed.

"Yep, I miss that part. Your girl do that to you? Has to be one of the best things in the world."

"Naw," Jamie shook his head. "She's good at licking, but just my cock. Don't get anywhere too near my butt-hole, can't say I blame her."

They stood for a while, looking out over the water. Jamie was trying not to think about his boner. He'd have to do some serious banging with Brenda later when he got home.

"Hey, you going to the drags this Saturday?" Jamie finally asked. "Haven't seen you there lately. Maybe cheer you up a bit, some diversion never hurts."

Saturday night drag-racing at the Franklin County Speedway was one of Jamie's few obsessions. Bracket racing, all amateur, handicap was handled by the best time you'd ever posted there. Couple guys in town had some fast machines. Tim Brown's '72 Dodge with the hemi he'd been working on, that thing could get down the strip in just over ten seconds.

"Yeah, I'll do that. Nothing else going on."

They had a great time that next Saturday at the racetrack. Brenda came too, she did sometimes, not always. Jamie loved the way she looked in her cutoffs and bikini top, loved the way she attracted attention, the hungry looks coming from the other guys, envy for Jamie when he had his arm around her. Brenda always looked away, playing shy, and Jamie liked how she just held on tighter to him. He was going to have to give her a good ride in the bedroom later that evening when they got home.

Jon came back with them to their place around eleven afterward. Brenda rustled up some burgers and hash-browns for them and they shot the shit, finishing off the last of a case of Dixie.

Watching Brenda clear the dishes, her tits moving around splendid in her little top, her ass-cheeks sticking out of her shorts, Jamie felt his rod stirring.

Jon spotted the incoming erection and figured it was best to be moving on. He knew damn well what was next at the Bragton homestead.

"Thanks Jamie, thanks Brenda. Super food, good friends. Gotta be thankful all around."

He waved and was off down the steps to his Chevy truck in the gravel driveway.

Jamie snuggled up to Brenda while she was rinsing dishes at the sink. She felt his erection pressing up against her ass.

"Hey babe, let's leave the rest. I'll help tomorrow, but let's hit the bed. I'm tired," Jamie said with a stupid smile.

"And horny," Brenda shot back, grinning herself. She reached around and gauged his arousal.

"Sounds good. Feels good," she said with an evil look.

Jamie hit the bathroom first, stoked himself out on the bed. The air in the bedroom was still warm with a lingering late fall heat that probably wouldn't last too much longer, no covers needed, no nothing, just an anxious half-erect penis waiting for his girl.

He watched as Brenda removed what little clothing she had on. Her sandals came off, kicked to the side. Girl must be excited, he thought, normally she was particular about where she put her footwear, at the bottom of their bedroom closet.

Brenda's eyes were on Jamie while she undid her top and her boobs tumbled out. Their heft, mostly at their ends, had never ceased to arouse Jamie, and he remembered the first time he felt them, fishing them out of her bra on one of their early dates. Damn, that had been super. Sidewinder tits that could swing, can't get much better than that.

Brenda's boobs waved side to side when she peeled off her cutoffs and panties. Jamie licked his lips.

She was in bed straight away, lying next to him and stroking his cock. After a few fondles, her mouth went to his prick, teasing the tip, then taking the head into her mouth. Jamie closed his eyes and felt his rod grow in her mouth, wet sliding sounds coming from Brenda. He spread his legs and delightful little tremors sped up and down his body.

After a few minutes, he spread his legs a little more.

"Hey sweetie, how about licking them balls? You never done that, and I sure would like you to."

Brenda looked up surprised and made a face.

She shook her head. "No, let me do something better. Good for both of us."

She got up on all fours, and reversed herself on top of him, placing her cunt, that glorious furry cunt of hers, now damp and well-split, onto Jamie's mouth, while she lowered herself down on him and took his prick in her mouth.

Jamie was fine with this, and his own tongue went to work on that cunt of all cunts, those lips of love, that deep smell of female lust, her fur tickling his nose, while his own cock got a damn good workout.

But things were going too fast, and after a few overheated minutes of tongue work from both of them, Jamie eased her off, and put her down on her own back. He licked her notch a few minutes until her hips were restless against the mattress and then plunged his cock in deep.

It was a good fuck, not too long, and Jamie came hard, six good strong shots of sperm going into his sweetie. He loved that feeling when his ass was contracting, that built-up pressure behind his hose, and the big release, the flood. And then the sweet stillness, while he rested with Brenda's arms around his back, feeling her soft chest, now pretty sweaty, underneath him.

He finally rolled off to the right, Brenda's eyes on him.

"How you gonna do me, Jamie? I don't want you going to sleep on me yet."

This was the trouble. All other things being equal, Jamie would prefer just to drift off into that sleep lurking just around the corner, that sleep, the best sleep, that resulted from a thoroughly drained pair of balls.

But here was Brenda, trying to assert herself, and he couldn't blame her.

But he was either going to have to lick her or finger her off, there wasn't gonna be another hard-on this evening, he reckoned. And he'd really rather not be putting his nose into his own spunk tonight, although Brenda liked that, and he had done it before.

So Jamie just lay there, letting his hand rummage around Brenda's notch. It was plenty wet, between his own leavings and likely her own excitement.

Coarse, curly hairs on his palm, as he rooted up inside her with a finger, side lips slippery. She was making those noises, the one's Jamie liked to hear so much, and she started nibbling on his ear.

Damn, maybe with a little effort he could get her off, and they'd all get to sleep fast.

He rubbed and fiddled, and her hips got more frantic, pushing back into him. He got a decent rhythm going, nipping on one erect nipple with his teeth, and Brenda got there, pushing frantic into his hand and breathing hard.

Relieved, Jamie let her ride out the business, keeping his hand in as long as he could, suckling on her left boob until she curled up next to him, her breath slowed.

"Let me lick your finger," she murmured, and Jamie held up his well-buttered hand for her to suckle for a moment.

"Mmm, good. Me and you mixed. You have a taste too, my big stud."

Jamie didn't want to, didn't mind her own smell, but could have done without his own, but he made a show of a lick.

They slept good.

The next morning, over eggs and toast, Brenda eyed him careful.

"You mind if we talk?" she asked.

Jamie hated this kind of opening, talking always meant troubles, of one sort or another.

"What's up, sweets?" He tried to keep an even voice.

Brenda looked into her coffee cup, then up at Jamie's eyes, level.

"Would have been nice to have come twice last night. I know you were beat, but sure would have liked another myself. You know most times I am good for more than one."

This was a discussion they had had before. It always seemed so unfair to Jamie. That unlike guys, these women, or at least this woman, could have pleasure in bunches, not just once but over and over.

The talk didn't go much different than the others before it. Brenda let him know that she wanted more, didn't demand it exactly, but said she felt like Jamie could do a little more for her than he was.

"I do pay a lot of attention to your cock, you know."

Jamie couldn't argue with this.

"I pay a lot of attention to you too, babe. You got a body that's a walking, skin-smooth felony, and I criminalize it every chance I get."

Brenda laughed, which was a good sign.

"Right enough. But I'd like a little more attention later in the evening? For longer? Think you can help in that department, Jamie?"

Jamie promised, but this was not the first time this little issue had come up.

The next Monday morning Jamie got an early phone call in bed.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Jamie, Jon. Sorry to bug you with a favor, man. My truck won't start, it's been having some trouble the last couple mornings, what with the cooler air and everything. Any chance you can give me a jump so I can get to work today?"

"Roger. I'll be right over."

After hanging up, Jamie turned to Brenda, still hugging the bed.

"You mind walking Blue this morning, babe? I gotta go help out Jon."

Brenda nodded before turning back into bed. "Sure. Be sure to grab a couple of the biscuits I made last night on your way out so you have something for breakfast. Good luck."

The late autumn air had definitely cooled the last couple days. Dew was on the grass of the houses on the winding road to Jon's place, sparkling in the early morning light.

Jon had the hood open in his driveway when Jamie pulled up.

It took them just five minutes to get it jumped, Jamie sure and precise with his cables.

Jon was thankful and apologetic. "Sorry JB, I got you out of bed too soon today."

"No trouble, man. I bet you need a new battery, maybe more. Your alternator drive belt's in one piece and tight enough, so that's not the trouble. I'll stop by on the way home from work and size up the scene. You should be okay today when it warms up a bit, there'll be less draw on the starter. Can you get a jump from someone at work to get you home if you need to?"

Jon nodded.

"Use as little accessories as you can—no radio, AC, lights. Let me get your truck's VIN and I'll stop by later after work to take a closer look at things."

They shook hands and Jamie was off to work at the Benson Chevrolet dealer in Franklinville.

When he stopped by that evening he and Jon took a look at the truck.

"Brought a new battery along for you. I'll stress test your old one at the shop tomorrow, but I bet it's toast."

Jamie swapped out the battery in short order and the truck started up easily.

"Let's doublecheck your system and make sure this isn't your only issue."

Jamie pulled out his electrical meters and read out the diagnostic code.

"You ain't charging, Jon. Why your battery went dead on you."

"Alright. Good to know."

"No worries, bud. I figured as much, brought an alternator with me. Matched it to your VIN, it should do the job."

"Battery's the heart of the electrical beast, alternator's the pacemaker, you gotta have it."

With Jon's help it took Jamie maybe half an hour to install the new parts. He checked the diagnostic plug, which read okay, but also pulled out his voltmeter and took a reading.

"Start her up Jon, and turn on everything electrical—wipers, high beams, everything."

Jamie squinted at his meter.

"Yep, you're good to go. Long as system voltage, when the engine's running, is half a volt higher than the battery at rest, you're alright. No more troubles."

"Thanks man," Jon clapped him on the back. "Saved me good today. How much do I owe you?"

Jamie laughed. "Labor's free for friends, my wholesale cost from the dealer for the parts come to a hundred and forty."

"Can I pay you on Friday?"

"Anytime Jon, no prob."

They shook and Jamie was off.

Jamie relayed the day's events at dinner with Brenda, and they continued talking in bed.

"Babe, I want to ask you something."

"Brenda's eyes arched. Oh?"

"I want ya to lick my balls."

"You've said that before." She twirled a stray piece of her hair. "Not all that interested."

"I know, but it would be nice. Nice to have you do it. For me."

"Lemme think about it, Jamie."

"Jon says its amazing. Just about the nicest thing in the world."

She looked at him oddly. "You guys spend your time together talking about ball lickin'?"

"No, no, just came up the other day. But we don't need to talk any more. You said you'd think about it, that's fine. But there are more immediate matters." Jamie waved his cock, now grown serious hard.

Brenda laughed. "Of course."

She reached over and fondled him. "A cock in the hand is worth two balls in the bush," and as if for emphasis, she cradled his jewels in their vast thicket of hair.

It was a quick night for both of them, both aroused, both energetic. Jamie got Brenda off twice by licking and fingering, before he ever entered with his tool, so he felt good about that.

On Wednesday Katie Moss got a call from Brenda around nine, just after a light rain the night before. The air was clear and clean, and her back deck was sweet in the morning sunlight.

"Katie, Hi, it's Brenda. You doing anything at the moment?"

"Nope, just putting off dealing with the kitchen til later. It's a nice morning today and after Dave leaves for work, I'm always glad to have a quiet moment."

"Mind if I stop over? Got a couple things I want to ask about?"

"Sure, come on over. Still got half a tank of coffee left. Can't wait to hear what's up."

Katie lived a few miles away, up on a small hill in a nice house that her husband Dave had built. It was a sweet place, deck out the back, quiet and secluded. Brenda didn't exactly envy Katie, a few years older and wiser, but Katie was one of those honest souls in town, a former high school teacher retired early, who gave good advice and could keep quiet if that was important. More than once she had been a good friend. Brenda guessed not just to herself alone.